The mentality of Leonor against the Buriens felt very real as she snuck to the stable to find tools that would help her with her sister's locked door.
Even though she once possessed the name "Burien" she never felt part of the family. It didn't help that her father alienated her and acted as if she wasn't his problem in the first place.
With her heart racing, Leonor rushed to her sister's room with a metal tool hidden in her sleeve as she went. The maids looked at her suspiciously but she paid them no mind. She wasn't there to establish a reputation with them. They already found her fussy if they were new and had preconceived notions about her if they had been maids for Burien Manor for a long time.
After a few glances down the hall and rushing to the top of the large staircase that would take her down to the main level, she was sure her sister would be away and the maids wouldn't bother so she went ahead and began working on the lock.