At one point, a moment like that would have been a dream for Quinn. For as long as he knew Stephano, he always wanted the man's undivided attention knowing he would never be able to have it.
Why couldn't he have pursued him so fiercely when he wanted it and not when he was feeling hopeless and accepting a life where he had to move forward as his own man?
There was silence for a while and he felt Stephano lean into him. No longer was the monarch simply trapping him, but he had leaned into him enough that his chin was on the other man's shoulder.
Quinn blamed it entirely on his sobriety or lack thereof. Otherwise, he wouldn't want to be close to him like that.
"You ought to sleep this off, Your Majesty," Quinn uttered and he slipped his hands between the two of them so he could place them on the King's shoulders. "We can talk when you're in the right state of mind."
Stephano entirely ignored the mage's words and his expression became anguished.