At the thought of all the nervousness she had to manage just to step foot in the capital much less the palace, being teased set Leonor off and she was ready to spar the King. Normally he was the hotheaded one but it seemed he rubbed off on her in the short month they had to train with one another.
Momentarily, Desmond was amused at Leonor's quick temper but he saw that she was serious and he had to glance at Stephano with a pleading look, begging him to stand down.
He didn't step forward, wanting to see if she would truly do something to the King. However, with the throne room teeming with guards, he knew it wasn't the right decision.
The duke turned to his wife and gently uttered her name, hoping that it was enough to snap her out of her irritation.
That was the trouble with their familiarity with one another. At times their relationship became like that of siblings rather than King and subject the way it was supposed to be.