After seeing Desmond off despite how late it was, she returned to her room and warmed up in a bath.
The hug they shared made her feel like he had confessed a lot to her without having to utter a word. Their hearts were communicating for the first time and it seemed they were on the same page.
He silently gave her permission so that she could fall into him and he would catch her.
Since the maids left Leonor to sit in the bath for a while, she sank lower until the warm water was up to her chin.
The hug wouldn't stop playing over and over again in her thoughts.
That wasn't the touch of someone who wanted to be her friend. He broke his promise of never touching her because he hated seeing her cry.
One simple touch he initiated was enough to feel they were beyond the bounds of friendship. At the thoughts she was having, she knew she would feel warm regardless of whether she was in a bath or not.
I'm excited to see the outcome of this one