Sir Percy left Artie's side with a wave after saying his peace, and Artie joined the others near the swords. Artie barely got near them before Sir Kay was turning and helping her put Excalibur on her hips. The touch was practised, and thorough and Artie held her tongue as Lady Morgan stared at her, and then at Sir Kay. Sir Geraint joined them shortly after, and Lady Morgan cleared her throat.
"Well, shall we be on our way?" She suggested, and Sir Geraint nodded before taking the lead. He opened the doors for everyone, and Lady Morgan held her tongue, but Artie could tell she had a lot she wanted to say. Artie had a feeling none of it would be kind.
The walk back to her chambers was quiet since the four of them weren't the chattiest of the Round Table. Artie was glad to find that it at least wasn't an awkward silence, and when they eventually got back to her rooms, the guards there greeted them with a smile.
Thank you for reading!