In the heart of bustling Deadbay City, a crowd had gathered around the grand stage, where Princess Alora Rogwyn stood, flanked by her Knight Grand Crosses, Lionell and Mercy.
"I apologize for the Kingdom's delay in responding to the disaster that has befallen this city," Princess Alora began. "Yet I am grateful for your efforts in defending it. Let us be proud of our success together."
Applause and cheers erupted from the crowd in response to her words.
Then, her tone grew resolute. "The Kingdom will not sit idly by! First, we will aid in the restoration of this city. And second, we are taking a firm stance against those who attacked us. We will go to their lands and demand they pay for the destruction they have caused."
The crowd's cheers grew louder, swept up in her words.
With the Moonlight Fae now officially on the Kingdom’s hit list, things are heating up fast.
Do you think Broken should handle them with diplomacy… or are we about to see a full-on showdown?
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