
Taking a Subordinate

Jon nodded and asked in heavy tone, "Do you want to live?"


Slyvia nodded her head fervently in response to Jon's question.


Jon lifted his foot from the shoulder of the robber and he groaned in pain. Jon, then picked up one of the fallen swords from the dead robber and threw it towards Slyvia. The sword was embedded in the ground near Slyvia.


"If you can kill him, you live. Your fate is in your hands now," declared Jon.

The girl was taken aback at the declaration and a confused expression appeared on her face.

Meanwhile the alive robber also heard this and despite his broken hand which was also his sword hand pushed himself to stand up.

Slyvia looked hesitant but seeing the robber getting up and Jon creating distance with her she resolved herself and picked up the sword.


As an ordinary villager she had never had any kind of contact with weapons. She had no proper posture, no correct method of handling the sword but she had no other choice.


After picking up the sword, Slyvia felt an adrenaline rush in her body and she ran towards the robber. Closing in the distance she swinged her sword with all the power she could muster but robber was prepared.

He was quick to step backwards and the sword narrowly missed his face. In the next moment he crouched and picked up his sword from his left non broken arm.


Slyvia was terrified seeing the robber picking up his sword and she took a glance towards Jon as if pleading for help. But

Jon made no movement.


The momentary loss in concentration was enough for the robber and he dashed forward and slashed his sword towards Slyvia.

Slyvia was startled and quickly tried to move away from the incoming blade. Though she narrowly avoided the blade it made a small nick on her arm.

Slyvia took a deep breath and calmed her nerves. She made a mental note that the robber was no better than her as his sword hand was now useless.

Something clicked in her min and she ran towards the other fallen sword and picked it up in her empty hand.

Jon raised his eyebrows at this.


Slyvia faced the robber and pressed forward slashing both her swords. She neither had any technique nor any proper form. Even for an ordinary trained soldier she would never have been an opponent. But her opponent was not a trained soldier.

He was a small time robber who mostly relied on intimidation to loot the small folks. Added to this was his broken hand.


In a very quick time, the robber was overwhelmed by the relentless attacks from Slyvia and finally a nick on his neck got him and he fell down.


As soon as the robber fell, Slyvia also fell on her knees with support on both the swords and was panting and breathing deeply for air.


Soon the adrenaline rush calmed down and realisation struck her that how much of a dangerous thing she was doing.


Jon walked forward, "You are good."

Slyvia did not speak anything in reply, after all he had put her life in danger.


Jon asked, "Want to work for me?"


Slyvia remained silent for few moments and replied, "What work?"


Jon chuckled, "You see, I am going to build an empire and need some loyal subordinates to help me."


Slyvia looked at Jon like he was an idiot. Although she did not believe in his words her mind started working.

She could not possible return back to her village as either she would be blamed for the deaths of her three villagers or someone else will try to sell her again.

She thought that from the way Jon was dressed and with the skill he had in sword at such a young age, he must be a rich noble.

And if he really wanted to do something with her, he could have done it easily and also, she had once almost lost her modesty and life. Ultimately, she concluded that this was a gamble she could take.


She questioned, "Why me?"

"You are good," replied Jon.

"But nowhere close to you," she countered.

"I am talking about the resolve, will power and maybe about presence of brain. The sword skills are something that could be trained," replied Jon.

"Were you testing me now?" She asked.

Jon nodded.

"And if I had died?" She questioned again.

"I would not have let you die. I could have killed him in a moment but then you would not have the chance to become my subordinate," replied Jon.


Slyvia nodded.

"What do we do, now?" Asked Slyvia.

"We rest," answered Jon. "Check their pockets," he added.


Slyvia searched the bodies of the dead robbers and while do seeing their decapacitated necks she felt nauseous but she held on.


From the robbers she found out 3 gold dragons and few silver moons.

Jon was a bit surprised and happy on witnessing the 3 gold dragons. He had no money when he had run away from Winterfell and would have needed some underhand method to complete his journey.

But now this was going to be sufficient for him.


As an afterthought Slyvia also checked the bodies of the three dead villagers to find nothing more than some copper pennies.


After this Jon tied his horse with the carriage. He was planning to generate some income from selling the horses and the carriage.

He then took control of the three horses of the robbers and instructed them to follow behind his carriage.

He also stored the three swords in the carriage.


The sun had already set and darkness had taken over. Jon did not plan to travel much as his horse already very tired but he could not possibly rest near dead bodies.


He therefore journeyed for another mile and set up his open resting area in the woods.

[Got my P@treon. Support me if you like my story. 5 Advanced Chapters and my other fanfiction available.


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[Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


