
Encounter on the Road

Jon Snow's nudged his horse and it galloped away in the night, away from Winterfell towards the direction of white harbour.


White harbour was 340 miles away from Winterfell and considering he could travel around 30 miles in a day, he would take around 10-12 days to reach white harbour.


In the past 6 years, Jon Snow had built upon his plans on how to proceed towards his conquest.

His fighting skills was unparalleled. He was physically stronger than any human and was his strength was still growing.

He had developed a great mastery in skinchanging in the past 6 years. He could control any animal visible in his sight. Once controlled he would leave a permanent mark on their subconsciousness.

Although the animals and birds he controlled were not excellent enough to behave like a human they were excellent instrument in spying. He could see and hear anything in any place.


Jon continued his journey for 7 days and it would take around 4 more days to reach White harbour. For the past 7 days he travelled during the day and took break during night.

He spent his nights in the forest as he neither had any money to stay in an inn nor he wanted to take the risk to be discovered. He was sure that Lord Stark would be trying very hard to find him.

Though staying in woods during night and that too alone could have been very dangerous for any person but nor for Jon. He controlled the animals in the area from the smallest of squirrel to any big animal he could find to form a protective circle around him. Thereafter he could sleep peacefully.


It was almost getting dark and though Jon was perfectly fit he could feel the fatigue creeping in his horse after a continuous journey.

He was about to nudge the horse towards the woods when he heard a muffled groan.

Jon raised his eyebrows and changed his direction and the horse trotted forward carefully towards the sound.


After walking forward 50 metres, Jon reached the source of the sound to find three bulky men trying to drag a girl around 15 16 years of age.

The girl was struggling violently with all her might. Her clothes were clearly very old and due to the struggle, it had been torn at various places.

At side of the road were lying three dead bodies, which included 2 middle aged women and 1 middle aged man.


Few distance away from the bodies was a carriage tied to a single horse.


The three robbers took into account of Jon a moment later and stopped dragging the girl.

The one in the middle who was probably their leader grinned, "Kid, you are quite unlucky to run into us. I will give you one option. Leave everything you have with yourself behind including your sword and horse."


"And run away from here if you could survive much on this road," he added with a smirk.


Jon snow ignored the man and looked towards the girl. She had pitch black hair and deep black eyes. Her face had a terrified expression but Jon could still the hope and will in her eyes to do something about her situation.


Seeing the boy ignoring them the other man shouted, "Did you not heard what we said boy? Leave behind everything."


Jon did not speak and jumped down from his horse with an expressionless face.

Thinking that he was doing this to do as they told they grinned because according to them the only escape Jon had was to run away on his horse. Considering that they were on their foot at this time and they would probably not chase after him leaving the girl behind Jon had a fair chance of being successful.



Jon walked and arrived at one hand distance away from the leader and pulled out the sword from its sheath tied in his waist.

Witnessing the shining steel which denoted its high quality a glint flickered in the leader's eye. As mere robbers to get steel of such quality used by noble house were impossible for them.


The robber stretched his hand to take the sword but before he could understand Jon swung his sword and the robber's head was cleanly sliced from his neck.

Blood spluttered from neck and his body fell in a thump on the ground.


The other two robbers were shocked beyond belief. It took them some time to come out of their stupor.

The next moment one of the robbers pulled out his sword and jumped forward while trying to stab the sword in Jon's chest.

Jon side stepped and the sword passed near his face. He then caught the wrist of the robber's hand and in another quick motion Jon again cleanly sliced the head of the robber.


The remaining robber was frightened and he knew that he would never be able to kill the boy in front of him.

But knowing the boy will definitely not allow him to escape he also lunged forward with his sword.


Jon again simply dodged the lunge and raised his leg and kicked the robber sending him away tumbling on the ground.


Jon slowly walked forward towards the fallen robber. He then raised his leg and stomped it on the shoulder of the arm holding the sword of the robber breaking his bone.


The robber felt tremendous pain and he screamed at the top of his lungs.


Jon turned towards the girl and she took two steps back in fright.


"What is your name?" Asked Jon.

"Sl…. Slyvia," stammered the girl.


He looked towards the corpses of the 2 women and 1 man, "Family?"


The girl shook her head, "I am an orphan. They are my villagers. They told me that they had found a job in a noble's house at White harbour and I can come and work with them. On their much persuasion, I agreed to come with them."


She continued, "On reaching here, I discovered everything was a trap. They tried to sell me these robbers but the robbers were not prepared to give any money and killed them instead."


Jon nodded and asked in heavy tone, "Do you want to live?"





[Got my P@treon. Support me if you like my story. 5 Advanced Chapters and my other fanfiction available.


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[Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


