83.95% The 6 Eyes In The Cultivation World / Chapter 68: Yun Che Return 2

章 68: Yun Che Return 2

"Just how strong do you think he had become?" Qin Wentian asked while looking around Yun Che's new ship. This was the primordial Profound Ark. The Primordial Profound Ark itself is a rare and unparalleled dimensional treasure that has its own spatial laws. While other arks can travel at certain speeds, the Primordial Profound Ark can instantly teleport anywhere within the 99 heavens. The ark's exterior can become any size, from shrinking down to the size of a person's palm to an enormous ark thousands of meters long.

The interior of the Ark formed its world and that internal world was much bigger than the ark's outer appearance. The ark's exterior can shrink or expand but no matter how the exterior changes, the interior world is not affected in the least.

This was a treasure created by the evil god, it was set to travel, searching for the Sky Poison Pearl, and Yun Che made his way to it upon ascending to the immortal realm.

"He is the strongest." Yun Che said with a sigh. He had seen the battle between me and the powerful existences and how I so easily killed a Supreme God. He has even seen my battle with Helian Xun, and he had sensed the changes Limitless went through. He was sure I was the strongest... and remember, that Law was done with me not having the spiritual sense to sense just what a law was. So, when I have a spiritual sense, that law would of course grow more powerful. 

"Sigh... i'm thinking of shattering my cultivation and starting cultivation all over again." Qin Wentian said softly, stunning Yun Che who looked at him in confusion.

"Well... I found out my cultivation art is from another heaven. A far stronger and greater heavens than this one. I found out these heavens limit the potential of my cultivation art, it would be far greater under a stronger heaven." Qin Wentian said softly,

"I see..." Yun Che frowned, of a late he had felt like someone was targeting him... no, it was as far back as when he first saw Gu Changga, ever since this feeling had been growing stronger and stronger, and at this moment, he felt like someone extremely important to him was about to be taken away. He already felt this feeling back then when Gu Changga appeared, and now he felt like if he lost this other piece, his future would hit a bottleneck... but he didn't know what, and it was killing him. Now he was hearing something about another heaven beyond the 99 heavens?

"You have been off as late, is everything okay?" Qin Wentian asked to which Yun Che sighed while slowly nodding his head. Qin Wentian didn't dig further, he tried opening up to Yun Che there about something as personal as his cultivation art, yet even that didn't get him to tell him what was wrong, so he didn't push.

Although the ship could teleport anywhere, it couldn't freely do that. It costs energy to do such things, so Yun Che wasn't going to burn through so many of his spirit stones like that.

"There is an auction being held by Limitless." Qin Wentian's mother said while walking over to them, catching both Yun Che and Qin Wentian off guard by the information. How did she know the information?

"They spread the information through the Dao, so only those who had comprehended a Dao could sense the changes in the heavens. The invites are for only the best of the best, so it looks like we can't go." She said to which Qin Wentian nodded slightly in understanding,

Oh, about the destruction of his clan. The main person behind it was jealous of his mother. Some girl had fallen in love with Qin Wentian's father, and ever since had done everything in her power to try and win Qin Wentian's Father's heart, but she failed, and soon his father met his mother and they fell in love. This caused her to go mad, and ever since she tried to erase his mother or his father, it didn't help that she was a genius and belonged to a powerful background, so her crazy acts had a huge impact on his family.

Qin Wentian birth drove her mad, but luckily everyone was indeed scared of the genius who was just born. So they joined her in destroying this clan, but they had instead found the clan coming back seeking revenge.

The clans that took part in that event were slaughtered, with the Immortal Sovereigns all captured and chained up.... Qin Wentian couldn't allow these guys to have a simple and easy death, not after what they did to his clan.

But as you can see, the destruction of many powers had zero impact on the immortal realm. This was just because of how huge the immortal realm was, this all happened in one region, and even in that region, the waves caused would not be too large. Clans and organizations are born and destroyed every day, nothing lasts forever.

It took a few weeks, but they soon arrived at Limitless. Upon arrival, their ship was greeted by Xia Qingyue, normally Yun Che would be happy to see his wife, but he had a bad feeling today, and that was even more so the look Xia Qingyue gave him.

"Qin Wentian..." Xia Qingyue wanted to send Qin Wentian and his family elsewhere to give her and Yun Che personal time, but the heavens shook, as someone ascended from the lower realm. 

It was a middle-aged woman, with long black hair. Xia Qingyue frowned at this woman...why did this woman give off the air of someone who wanted to kill someone? But most importantly... how was she able to ascend here? She also made Xia Qingyue feel like she had met this woman before, but she didn't know where.

The woman's eyes landed on Limitless, and with a flash, she shot toward it. Xia Qingyue's eyes widened seeing someone so weak pass by Infinity, it just let her through. She shot into the palace, and straight up towards the highest floor.

"How much was the profit?" I asked lazily while reading a book that wasn't for kids, to think the immortal realm had amazing books. These books made the ones in the lower realm look as if they were for babies. 

"This is Xia Qingyue's job, not mine," Jasmine said in annoyance while looking at the paper. She sighed softly, before going over the profit from the Auction, and there was a lot. The pills brought in a lot, a total of 75 Supreme Godly Grade Stones, the cars, weapons, and other goods brought a profit of 190 Supreme Godly Grade Stones.

"Not bad, let's get ready to branch out to the complete heavens. I also want to take over the market over there." I said with a smile, making Jasmine's eye twitch. She wanted to explain how they were not powerful enough for that, but she froze when the door opened, and a woman entered.

She wasted no time and walked up to me, and landed a hard slap across my face, leaving me stunned and stupified. Before I could do anything, she just turned around and walked away, leaving me questioning what the hell just happened. I sat there for some time before I suddenly jumped out of my seat and shot out of the room, where I stopped her.

"You regained your memory?" I asked to which to stopped and glared at me. Who was this you may ask? Well, it was the old immortal from the lower realm, she had reincarnated. After finding out that she had reincarnated, I had secretly pulled her karma towards greatness. Even if she wasn't the woman I remembered, I still loved her,

"No, what does it look like?" She said angrily, upon regaining her memory, she instantly sensed my action with her fate, leading to her realizing I knew she was alive.

"Don't have to get smart," I said softly, to which she snorted and turned to leave, not wanting to speak with me.

"I didn't come to get you because..." She didn't let me finish as she finished it for me.

"Because the new me wasn't your type, and you didn't want to destroy the memory you held of me... in other words, a coward. I know you Wu Xian, I just didn't expect you not to change after all that time that has passed. At the end of the day, you're the same brat I met all those years ago. In power, you have grown, but in mind, you remain the same, just a bit more arrogant." She said before leaving, leaving me stunned... Did I not grow humble?

I stood there for some time before my cultivation returned, allowing me to see the past and future. I looked down into the cultivation world, wanting to see what she went through to make her so angry.

In her new reincarnation, she was given the name, Qin Kexin. She was born into a small clan, in a small background, but that small clan was one of the strongest powers there. From birth, she had an arranged marriage to someone... but there was one huge flaw about this.

Her parents were marrying her off to a man who would play woman to the death. There was also the fact she was born with mental problems as if her soul was badly damaged, it left her being a fool for a good amount of her childhood until one day she was hit hard in the head by one of her siblings, causing her memories from her past life to awaken.

Although with this, she was no longer a fool, she was still extremely slow to react to the world around her. With a damaged soul, she was left unable to use the power of laws or anything like that, so she went on to burn through the power of her soul, in return for giving her a normal soul without none of her current drawbacks.

Her soul was still powerful even in its damaged state, she used to be an immortal sovereign alchemist, which meant she had to cultivate a powerful soul. But sacrificing her soul power for a normal human soul, was something she had no choice but to do... plus, although she couldn't use the laws, she could sense it.

She could sense the power of the laws, and among them was the law of Limitless. Before doing anything, she comprehended the law, knowing this should alert me, and after she turned her soul back to normal... but I never came. Sure her fortune turned for the better, but she went through hell.

After coming out as an alchemist, and a super skilled one, many tried to kidnap her and turn her into a slave. The enemies of her clan were the main ones behind it all, and in a matter of months, she found her clan destroyed. The few people in the clan who had always treated her with love tortured before her eyes to teach her to obey them. Some were even kept alive, forcing her not to dare step out of line or risk their death.

But she was an alchemist, having an alchemist hate you to the bone and still have them make pills for you... well, it isn't the smartest of things. So, she aimed to poison them all, all while having to be fast enough to avoid the risk of anyone being unable to ignore touching her body. She pretty much lived in fear, all while wondering if I ignored her, or had other things to deal with.

But it was then she remembered who I am... knowing me, she realized that I wouldn't come, believing she wasn't the woman I fell in love with, and the fact she was different made me unwilling to come and destroy the last memory of the woman I loved... so what if she had remembered her past life. She was still not her... and this enraged her.

The first man she ever loved, be it in this life or the last, couldn't even turn to look at her to see that she was the same person as in the past. The same person she had helped so many times, and even worsening her injuries for... and he couldn't bother to help?

She knew damn well, if I never came into her life, she would have never died, and Qin Wentian would have long ago healed her. That was a faith she had in her nephew... and her thoughts were right. As a favored son of heaven, Qin Wentian would have saved his clan, and even she would have been healed up bit by bit.

In a way, my appearance in her life only brought her unneeded troubles and risks... and in the end, death. On top of everything, after her death, I never bothered to truly look at her, and simply improved her fate, as if that was enough to do anything.

I was a coward... and I guess I didn't know what it meant to be arrogant, or prideful. At the time, I thought what I was doing was for the best, after all, I didn't want to destroy the memory of the first woman I had ever loved. Be it in this life or the last, she was my first love.

So, watching as the first woman I ever love go from hoping I would come saving her, to slowly hating anything that reminded her of me... it hurt. Watching as she finally poisoned all her enemies and rushed to save those dear to her, just to find that they were killed long ago, she had broke down seeing the bones of her little brother and mother of this life, just to be hit with the realization of how she lost another family... it hurt.

In this life, she had wanted to be like her big brother from her past life and spoil her little brother. He was the sweetest little thing, yet he too was tortured to death. She couldn't help but blame herself, if she had never shown off her talent just to escape that marriage, would this have happened?

She went on to join Limitless, wanting to find my traces and find out if her nephew was alright...

I stood there for some time, watching her journey until she ascended... She worked so hard, for the single goal of slapping me. She didn't care if she would be killed or whatever, but she wouldn't be able to live if she didn't hit me.

"I don't want to hear your apologies." She said hatefully just as I opened my mouth to apologize. I went quiet, not knowing what to say. I wasn't so blind that I couldn't see that... well, I brought more trouble into her life than good. In a way, I was the worst thing to ever enter her life... a huge blow to pride.

Hell, one could even say I used her and threw her to the side... I never felt like this before, leaving me not knowing what I should do right now. I just watched her leave, and after a moment, I took a step and disappeared...

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C68
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


