66.66% A Powerful Legacy / Chapter 12: Clean Up

章 12: Clean Up

"Come on, let's go," Sebastian said, helping William up.

Both their bodies hurt, but the hurt they felt was nothing compared to the screams of the townsfolk. Men, women, and children, their cries poured out into the streets.

Houses were razed to the ground, and people were turned into piles of flesh as uncontrolled fire spread to neighboring houses.

William looked at the chaos around him with a pained expression. 'So much death, and for what…' William thought. It was never good when innocent people died. 

His mind was a mess, and he contemplated why the trolls would attack. His eyes lit up as he remembered the troll's collar: 'Ranrok! What does he want?'

"Lord! Was there another troll?" The voice of the policewoman from earlier knocked William out of his introspection.

"Yes, ma'am, but we took care of it," Sebastian said.

"That's amazing! Makings of an auror, the both of you…" She paused momentarily before continuing, "If you two aren't injured, I would request your assistance cleaning up the rubble."

William breathed deeply. His head was pounding from the encounter with the troll, but he pushed forward. "Sure…" William looked into the police woman's eyes, "But you'll owe me one."

After weighing the pros and cons, the officer responded. "Fine, just help as much as possible."

"Let's go to the tavern after this and get some butterbeer. Lord knows I need some," Sebastian said in a tired tone.

For the next fifteen minutes, the two worked tirelessly. They constantly used the repairing charm, repairing the buildings and streets. 

Some people died that day, but it wasn't as bad as William thought. Only six people died, which was an accomplishment in William's eyes, especially considering that Ranrok was likely involved.

After cleaning the streets, William and Sebastian started walking to the tavern. "I think I jinxed you in saying, 'I hope your school year will be less eventful.' It's the complete opposite of safe, first the wand, then the trolls…" Sebastian sighed, "I just need some good booze to wash the stress away."

"Where are we going exactly?" William questioned, looking at the barren streets ahead. Well, it was all but barren, only one man walked the streets. He wore a purple and black suit and a matching top hat.

"The Three Broomsticks. It'll probably be packed full of people; they'll want to forget today's tragedy." As Sebastian talked, the suspicious man marking William's sight went down a flight of stairs.

"Who was that?" William said with a light tone.

Sebastian looked towards the man disappearing down a flight of stairs, "Oh, that's Victor Rookwood, the 'alleged' criminal and gang leader."

William narrowed his eyes and sped up his walking. Sebastian followed as they hid behind a house, looking down the stairs.

William had a gut feeling when he looked at Rookwood, and he was glad he followed it because there stood Ranrok, berating Victor.

"You said you could get to the child when they came to Hogsmeade! That all you needed was distraction! I gave you a distraction!" Ranrok's wrinkly Goblin face contorted in anger.

Victor observed Ranrok incredulously, "I just watched a student take down your distraction." He paused, squinting his eyes towards Ranrok. "Who is this child? What're you not telling me?"

"All you need to know is that if you cannot get to the child, then you have no value to me," Ranrok said, looking just behind Rookwood and at the pair of students.

"Come on!" Sebastian whispered, pulling William by his cloak away from the encounter. 

"Did they see us?" William said, looking back as they ran.

"I think so…" he paused as they slowed to a walk. 

"What was that Goblin doing with Victor Rookwood?" Sebastian questioned with a tone filled with disgust.

"Ranrok's working with Rookwood…" William said, his voice trailing off. 

"The Goblin from the Daily Prophet? I knew he seemed familiar…" Sebastian said, eyeing the street behind them. Just as Victor's signature purple and black top hat came into view, Sebastian pulled William's sleeve and said, "Let's head inside."


The warm atmosphere the building gave was undercut by the cold silence that engulfed the tavern. Men and women alike sat in silence, drinking. Their sorrowful expressions only got better as they drank.

"Anyway, it's always a treat to see you, Lodgok. I shall let you know if I hear anything," a young woman said while bent over, shaking a goblin's hand. Her attire was that of a bartender, and her hair was tied into a ponytail. Despite her laborious attire, a beautiful smile adorned her face, along with her cute dimples. Despite the rough times the people of the town suffered, her voice was soothing and healing to them.

"Thank you, Sirona," the Goblin said as he shook her hand. His eyes were slightly less beady than others, and his hair formed a delicate swoop. He, by human standards, was probably the most handsome of Goblins. The Goblin, apparently named Lodgok, turned and walked to the establishment's door.

William and Sebastian entered the tavern quickly, their movements fast and fluid. The doors shut behind them as they walked towards two open seats at the bar. The two Slytherins glanced at the exiting Lodgok as they sat down.

Sirona, the bartender, had already moved back to her station, "What would you like?" Her smile gleamed as she asked the pair; it was almost hypnotic. It was like she was giving her happiness to others through her pearly whites.

"Sirona, could we get two butterbeers," Sebastian said, laying his money on the table.

"Yes, you can, but it'll be free. People need to drown their sorrows out, and I say they can do it for free." She said as she grabbed the cups from the counter behind her.

"Very noble of you." William gave a slight nod of the head as she put the drinks on the bar.

"Ah, nothing compared to facing a troll. I'm sure if you brave boys could slay it, you could slay anything," Sirona said, winking at the two young men.

The two young men drank to the eventful day they faced, but before finishing their first glass, Victor Rookwood pushed the doors to the tavern open, making his presence known. "Was that Lodgok? Sirona, when did you keep such lesser company?"

Beside Victor stood another man, presumably an associate.

Sirona walked out from behind the bar with a sigh. Her kind smile was gone, and her cute face hardened. "The only lesser company I keep are you two, and today, I have to ask you both to leave."

"Worry not, sweat, Sirona; I'm just here for that young man over there." He said, pointing to William, who was just sipping his butterbeer while watching the scene.

"Well, I'll have to deny your request. You can…" she paused as a cute, pouty expression emerged on her face, "get out, if you want."

As the man beside Victor started to reach for his wand, everyone else in the Tavern pulled out their wands. 

Sirona's eyes lit up, and her face showed happiness. "Na, uh, uh," she waved her finger in the air like a child. "Not the best move, I would think."

Victor narrowed his eyes before turning them to William, "I look forward to our next meeting, preferably in a more secluded setting," he said, tipping his hat and walking out the door with a small smile across his lips.

William turned back to the bar, drinking his butterbeer. 'Hmm, this is quite good. Not as much alcohol content I would like, but it's still quite good,' William thought.

Sirona walked back behind the bar and looked at William. "I don't know how you've made enemies like Rookwood and Harlow, but you better pray to whatever God you believe in to save your hide. They're dangerous men, even more so than the troll you faced today."

"Yeah, yeah. That's a problem for tomorrow's me to figure out. Tonight, I drink."

"Well, tomorrow's you will tell me what's going on. Trolls, Ranrok, Rookwood. It's just too much for me to brush off."

A loud sigh escaped William's lips, "Fine, but it'll be on Sunday. I'm flying with Imelda tomorrow, and you're seeing your sister."

After that, the two drank to their hearts' content, ate some dinner, and had a few laughs. Then they headed home to Hogwarts, to the Slytherin common room.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


