8.65% A Mutant Collector Quest / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Toni Stark

章 3: Chapter 3: Toni Stark

After several hours, you were back in New York.

Passing through a gated community, you arrived at a huge bungalow, the gate opening automatically for your Black Tesla.

Parking your car in the garage, you approached the main door. Before you could even press the doorbell, it swung open automatically.

With a wry smile, you entered the house, proceeding directly to where you knew she would be. Passing by various paintings and intricate pieces of furniture, you climbed the staircase to the second floor.

Entering the open door on the left, you laid eyes on her.

The young woman with dark hair looked stunning as she sat on the bed, a book in her hand.

She was Dakota Johnson from "Fifty Shades of Grey", but here she was Cassandra Webb, or the future Madame Web.

"Don't just stand there, come sit by my side," she said, patting the space beside her without turning towards you. In her hands, you noticed her tracing the pages, likely reading the book through braille script.

"You knew I was coming?" you inquired as you took a seat beside her.

"Even without my powers, I can tell that you were going to come today," she replied easily.

"Cass," you began hesitantly.

"No, call me Madame," she said with a mischievous smile, "or better yet, call me Dakota," she added with a hint of amusement.

Instinctively, your hand went to the side of your neck, feeling the round object beneath your skin, you sighed in relief.

"Don't worry, I didn't read your mind. Your precious psionic shield is still functioning properly," she reassured you, waving her hand dismissively.

"I should have been more prepared that day," you mumbled to yourself, filled with self-blame.

"Shush. I've told you many times already, it was five years ago, and you didn't know me or my powers back then. If I hadn't read your mind, with your shy nature, you wouldn't have even built up the courage to talk to me," she said with a small laugh.

You cringed a bit, remembering your younger self. "But you never told me what and how much of my mind you read that day," you asked with an edge.

"And I never will. A girl has to keep some of her secrets close to her chest," she replied playfully, placing a hand over her heart.

Remembering why you came here, you looked at her seriously. "Cass, please."

"Yes, yes, I know what you came here for," she sighed, setting her book aside. "You only come to me when you need me, leaving your blind and paralysed friend aside while you keep having fun out there." She looked at you through her red glasses, shaking her head pitifully.

"That's not true. It's just... I'm so busy with everything," you said, instantly feeling regret at not visiting her more often.

"Alright, I'm not blaming you. And you know my powers; I have ways to keep myself entertained," she reassured you, placing her hand on yours.

She was so adept at behaving normally that it sometimes made you forget she was blind.

"So, what did you see in the future? Everything will work out, right? Susan will be fine, right?" you asked her, a bit scared, taking her hands in your own.

Cassandra Webb, or Madame Web, had four main powers that you knew of: TelepathyAstral projectionClairvoyance, and Precognition.

She was born with them, but her powers had started off very weak, and she couldn't control much of them.

Even five years ago when you met her, she was an amateur at best with her powers. But with your help, she had improved quite a bit, and her Precognition was one of the two major factors in the success of your Watson Group.

"I've told you so many times that the future is not linear; it's a prism with endless possibilities, and I can only see glimpses of them," she sighed in exasperation.

"Still, what did you see in most of them?" you continued asking.

"Sigh... your Invisible little girlfriend will be fine. She'll come back safely, more powerful than ever," she spoke reassuringly.

You let go of your breath, feeling a bit better. You had been stressing about this a lot more than you realized.

"Come here, lie down for a bit," she spoke softly, gently pushing your head downwards. You allowed her to do so, adjusting yourself so that your head rested on her lap. She started massaging your forehead softly, and you felt at peace.

Cassandra was just 25 years old, but she liked to pretend she was much older than you.

Even this lap pillow idea was started by her, saying she wanted to feel your face with her hands since she couldn't see you.

But you suspected she was able to see everything around her through Astral projection, despite her denial of possessing such a power when asked.

"I saw you accompanying your girlfriend on this mission in one of the futures," she said, caressing your hair.

"I would never take that risk. What if I ended up like Ben? all made of rock. There are other, easier ways to gain power," you mumbled, thinking of the batch of spiders in the Oscorp lab and the super soldier serum in the Watson Lab—both of which would be ready soon enough.

"You'll get your powers, sooner than you think," she said softly.

"What kind of powers will I get, and how will I get them?" You asked the same question you had asked numerous times.

"I've told you, I don't know why, but your future is infinitely messier than everyone else's, especially when it comes to the powers you'll get. It's different every time I see the future," she said with a wry smile.

"But you know how I'll get them, right? You could tell me that," you pressed on.

"You'll know soon, and you'll definitely enjoy it," she said, tapping your forehead playfully. "Pervert," she mumbled under her breath.

"You should go now, or else your kitty will get mad," she said with a bitter expression.

As you were about to ask what she meant, your watch vibrated, displaying Felicia's name.

You looked up at her apologetically.

"Go, don't keep the Birthday girl waiting," she spoke softly, bending down to plant a kiss on your forehead.

You stood up, giving her a kiss on the cheek, and headed towards the door.

"Cass … we are very close. You won't have to suffer like this much longer," you say, looking back at her.

She was not only born with these powers but was also born Blind and with a rare neural disease, Myasthenia gravis, causing her to lose control of most of her limbs.

"It's fine, Luke. You don't have to hurry. These mechanical leg supports and the medicines you've been providing have made my life a lot better," she gives you a sweet smile.

"No, really. You know I have some of the best minds in biology and medicine in my labs. The treatment is already in the testing phase, and soon you'll be fully cured. I'll keep my promise," you speak with conviction.

"I know," her smile widens a bit. "Now go, or else you'll be late," she tells you with a smirk.

"Bye and take care," you shake your head and head out, not asking what you'll be late for as she loves to play all mysterious, giving you cryptic answers.

"D.A.I.S.Y., close the doors behind Luke, will you?" she speaks aloud as you leave her room.

"Yes, Madame," a sweet voice sounds in her room.

Unknown to you, as the door closes, Cassandra faces ahead, looking into the air. Slowly, her cheeks start getting red, and her face is full of happiness. What she is watching with her powers only she knows.

Reaching the penthouse of your Watson Tower, you're glad you took Cassandra's advice and hurried home, as there was a Nude Cat show waiting for you.


"I am Christine Everhart from Vanity Fair magazine, and we are in front of Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, where the Epegee Awards are being hosted tonight. We've just received word that Antonia Stark is here in the building."

"We will see if we can get a word from the daughter of the legendary Howard Stark and CEO of Stark Industries."

"Look, there she is."

"Miss Stark, Miss Stark! I am Christine Everhart from Vanity Fair magazine, and I'd like to ask you a couple of questions," Christine shouts aloud from afar, as there is a line of bodyguards surrounding the celebrity.

"Well, you are cute. Sure, why not?" Toni checks her out and approaches with a smile.

"So, Toni, can I call you that?" Christine asks while presenting the mic to her.

"You can call me whatever you want, darling," Toni answers, already quite drunk.

"People have been calling you the 'Merchant of Death.' What do you think about that?" Christine starts with a sharp question.

"My father had a philosophy that peace can only be achieved by someone who has the bigger stick, so I plan to sell the biggest sticks," Toni says, giving a small laugh.

"How can you sleep soundly at night, knowing all the destruction happening because of your weapons?" Christine looks at Toni accusatorially.

"We have also helped millions by researching new medicines. All that is from military funding, baby," Toni lets go of her smile and answers seriously.

"Toni," before Christine could retort, another voice interjects them.

"Oh, Pepper, how have you been?" Toni spreads her hands, welcoming the blonde woman walking towards them with bodyguards of her own.

"We have to talk, Toni," Pepper said to Toni strictly.

Ignoring her, Toni turns towards Christine. "You know Pepper, don't you? She used to be my assistant, then went and abandoned me for a cute boy and became the CEO of a company. Well, she's not the CEO anymore, isn't she? Did that boy kick you out of the company?" Toni looks back at her with a smirk.

"Miss Potts, I am Christine Everhart from Vanity Fair Magazine. How do you feel after being demoted from your CEO position of the Watson Group?" Not letting such a chance go by, Christine starts asking questions.

"I was not demoted by anyone. When he turned 18, I gave the position back to Luke on my own, which he deserved. And for your information, Toni, I am now the COO of the Watson Group," Pepper clarifies clearly to Christine, and then says the last line to Toni with a bite.

"Miss Potts, what abo—" Christine goes for another question.

"No further questions. And Toni, I am waiting for you." Fed up with the questions already, Pepper shuts down the reporter, and telling Toni what she wanted, she goes inside Toni's car.

"Ooh, spicy. Sorry, sweetheart, will you wait here for a moment? I'll be back in a quick second," Toni gives Christine an apologetic wink.

"Toni, is it true that Lucas was your protege at one point? Are you behind his success in finance and academics?" Christine fires off a question before Toni can leave.

"Lucas is a brilliant boy. I may have just pointed him in the right direction," Toni speaks with a smirk.

"But why aren't you two seen together in public ever?" Seeing her leaving, Christine shouts out the question.

"I just don't like greedy boys," Toni replies with a wave.

Getting inside the car, Toni can hear Pepper and her driver, Happy, talking about today's rocket launch where Luke was seen.

"So, get to the point," Toni closes the door and speaks, staring out of the window.

"Luke asked—" Pepper starts.

"If this is about Afghanistan, then forget it. I told him on the phone that I will not be canceling it. It is a major deal for Stark Industries, and I need to be present there for the demonstration," Toni shuts her down before she can continue.

"Luke knew you wouldn't budge," Pepper sighs, then takes out a small box from her bag. "This is for you, from him," Pepper places the box in Toni's lap.

"What is it?" Toni asks, not touching the box.

"Just open it," Pepper speaks, exasperated.

Toni opens the box and finds a red and gold bracelet inside. She takes it in her hand.

"The colours are a bit too bright, and I would have preferred if he had gifted me a watch instead of a piece of jewellery," Toni says, weighing the bracelet in her hand.

"It's not just a piece of jewellery, Toni. It's a Personal Force Field Generator," Pepper tells her seriously.

"Is he showing off in front of me? Where did he steal this technology from, huh?" Toni's face changes instantly, and she throws the bracelet back in the box.

"Toni, it's for your protection," Pepper voices out pleadingly.

"I don't need it, take it away," Toni closes the box and tries to hand it back to Pepper.

"He said that if you ever cared about him, then you will wear this all the time, especially when you are in Afghanistan," Pepper refuses to take it and speaks loudly.

Toni's hand stops mid-air. She clutches the box with both her hands, her face getting cloudy.

"Toni, he is very worried about you," Pepper places her hand on her shoulder. "You know he loves you," she says softly to Toni.

Toni shows no emotion on her face but opens the box again.

"Is it made from Vibranium?" Toni asks as she studies the bracelet carefully this time.

"Yes, not fully, but there are trace amounts of it inside," Pepper smiles a bit and explains.

"Hmm, then it makes sense of how he made it work, but still, red and gold is still too bright for me," Toni muses to herself but still felt red and gold a bit too showy.

"There is a stealth mode so that it will become transparent," Pepper shows her own bracelet to Toni, making it go from visible to invisible with a swipe of her hand.

"Alright, I will keep it, okay," Toni relents, keeping the bracelet back in the box.

"Wear it right now, he repeatedly stressed to make sure you are wearing it in front of me," Pepper's voice turns strict.

"Fine, fine," Toni sighs and takes the bracelet in her hand.

"See, I am wearing it," Toni wears it on her right arm and shows it off to her.

Pepper smiles and then proceeds to show Toni how to register her biometrics so it cannot be removed by anyone else.

"He also said he was sorry," Pepper said softly.

"There is no way he said that," Toni huffs, not believing her for a second.

"No, he didn't, but he does miss you a lot," Pepper replies emotionally.

"Well, I don't," Toni says with a pout.

"How is he?" Looking out of the window, Toni asks quietly.

"I … I don't know, he is unusually stressed these days," Pepper replies unsurely.

"Must be because his little girlfriend is going on a space trip with four guys," Toni replies with a smirk.

"No, it was that, but he was also very worried about you going on your trip," Pepper says hesitantly.

"Well, tell him not to worry that much, I will be fine. There are military escorts too there, it's just another day for me," Toni smiles reassuringly.

"I hope so," Pepper murmurs silently.

Avi2112 Avi2112

I know that the movie wasn't good but I liked Madame Webb :p


If you havent read the Aux chaps then it might come as a surprise to you that Tony Stark is Toni Stark here!


I wonder if her trip to Afghanishtan will go peacefully :P


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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