43.18% Jujutsu Kaisen: The Rebirth / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Giving up Control

章 18: Chapter 18: Giving up Control

Itadori, panting from the pain, held the katana with his remaining hand, his amputated arm hanging uselessly at his side. The special-grade curse, tall and muscular, watched with a cruel smile, enjoying the young sorcerers' desperation.

Megumi, beside him, was ready for anything, his stance resolute.

The curse stepped forward, its laughter echoing through the dark corridors of the incomplete domain. Suddenly, a familiar and sinister voice was heard from Itadori's cheek. A mouth appeared on his skin, revealing Sukuna's sharp teeth. "Well, well, looks like you're in a tight spot, kid."

"Sukuna..." Itadori murmured, feeling the presence of the King of Curses within him.

Sukuna's laugh was deep and resonant. "Tell you what, Itadori. I'll help you kill this curse, but on one condition."

Itadori, his face filled with pain and desperation, knew that any deal with Sukuna would be dangerous. "What's the condition?"

"It's simple. After we kill this curse, you'll kill your friend Megumi and, of course, the girl. I'll enjoy it a bit more," Sukuna said with a voice full of malice. "Otherwise, I'll let you die here and now."

Itadori looked at Megumi, his mind wrestling with the decision. "Is there another option? Can I make a deal with Kaede instead?"

Sukuna chuckled, his laugh filled with malice. "Kaede is a bit busy with Kagekiri right now. I don't think he has time to make deals with you."

"Kagekiri... who is Kagekiri?" Itadori asked, confused.

Sukuna sneered. "That's none of your concern, boy. Now, make a decision. My patience is running thin."

The special-grade curse took advantage of the distraction and attacked swiftly, lunging at the two sorcerers. Itadori barely managed to block with the katana, but the force of the impact threw him to the ground, gasping in pain.

Megumi sent his black wolf to repel the curse, his expression determined. "Itadori, hang on! Don't agree to anything he says."

Sukuna's voice grew more insistent. "Give up, Itadori. Let me take over and end this. You just have to agree to my terms."

Itadori closed his eyes, struggling against the temptation and the pain. He knew that Sukuna's help was his only hope, but the price was too high. Opening his eyes, he looked at Megumi, his new friend.

"No... I can't do it," Itadori said with a trembling but resolute voice. "I won't sacrifice my friends, no matter the cost."

Sukuna let out a cruel laugh. "I knew you'd say that, boy. Then prepare to die."

The special-grade curse launched another ferocious attack, and this time, Itadori knew his resistance was at its limit. With a cry of defiance, he raised the katana with his remaining hand, determined to fight to the end, no matter the consequences.

Megumi, seeing his friend's determination, took a defensive stance beside him. "We have to think fast."

The special-grade curse lunged at Itadori, who could barely hold the katana with his remaining hand. The pain from his amputated arm weakened him, but his determination kept him standing. Megumi was beside him, summoning his black wolf to attack the curse and buy them some time.

"Fushiguro!" Itadori shouted, panting. "Rescue Kugisaki and get out of here! When you're safe, I'll let Sukuna take over."

Megumi looked at him in disbelief, his face full of concern. "I can't leave you here with this special-grade curse! It's suicide!"

Itadori gritted his teeth, holding the katana with all his strength. "Look at it, Fushiguro! It's just toying with us! We don't have another choice. Trust me! Count on me to hold on."

The curse laughed, enjoying the chaos. Megumi, still hesitant, clicked his tongue in frustration. "Damn it, Itadori... Alright! But you'd better survive."

Megumi ordered his black wolf. "Find Kugisaki! Quickly!" The black wolf darted off, sniffing the air in search of Nobara.

Itadori, feeling the tension in the air, knew that every second counted. "Give me a signal when you're out, Fushiguro!"

Megumi nodded, casting one last glance at his friend before running in the opposite direction, following his black wolf. The curse, watching the retreat, let out a sinister laugh and focused on Itadori.

"Do you really think you can hold out until they escape?" Sukuna taunted from Itadori's cheek.

"I have no other choice!" Itadori shouted, adopting a defensive stance.

The curse attacked with fury, striking Itadori repeatedly. Each blow was a reminder of the power difference between them. Itadori could barely block the attacks with the katana, and his body was beginning to succumb to the pain and exhaustion.

The curse hurled him against a wall, and Itadori felt his vision blur. But he couldn't give up. He had to buy time.

"Come on, Fushiguro..." Itadori muttered, struggling to his feet. The curse approached, its laughter echoing in the air.

Desperate, Itadori saw the curse lift its arm for the final blow. He barely managed to block with the katana, but the impact shattered the wall and sent him flying into another room. The katana fell from his grasp, and with nothing left to defend himself, Itadori began to succumb to fear.

The curse approached him, laughing, and launched a blast of cursed energy at him. In a desperate act, Itadori raised his arms, only to watch them slowly disintegrate.

If only I hadn't found that finger... if only I hadn't eaten it... none of this... I hate this. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die... NO! Don't think, don't think, DON'T THINK!


But he couldn't resist any longer and was sent flying again.

"I'm... so weak?"

The curse stared at him with its almost permanent smile.

"I'm so arrogant... I thought I was strong... I thought I was strong enough to decide how I would die... seems... seems I was wrong," he said, looking at his wounds.

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE, I REALLY DON'T... but I'll die anyway."

A sorcerer cannot die with regrets. Curses are born from the negative emotions of humans... if that's the case... hate, fear, and regret. I'll take them all and concentrate them into my fist!

Standing up, Itadori ran towards the curse with his fist raised. Just as he was about to strike its grinning face, black sparks surrounded his fist, sending his opponent flying.

"Oh? Interesting... but you're still weak," Sukuna remarked.

The impact made the curse retreat, but it didn't have the devastating effect Itadori had hoped for. Instead, it only seemed to enrage it further. The curse roared and struck Itadori with even greater force, slamming him against the wall.

Itadori, weakened and on the verge of unconsciousness, saw the curse approach, its laughter echoing through the dark corridors, and it raised its arm for the final blow.

Just then, Itadori heard a howl in the distance. It was Megumi's black wolf, signaling that they had found Kugisaki and were out of danger.

With his last bit of strength, Itadori shouted, "Now, Sukuna!" and relinquished control.

Sukuna's smile widened. "Finally..."

Itadori felt the control of his body shift, and Sukuna's presence became dominant. The special-grade curse, sensing the change, backed away slightly, recognizing Sukuna's powerful aura.

"Well, it's time to have some fun," Sukuna said with a sadistic laugh, taking full control of Itadori's body.

The battle was about to take a dramatic turn with Sukuna in command.


Hey there! Just wanted to check in and see if you're enjoying the story. If you are, let me know! And if you really love it, leaving a review would help me out a lot. Thanks for reading!


I want a donut

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


