19.23% Harry Potter: Drakor / Chapter 3: Chapter 2

章 3: Chapter 2

As Harry arrived at the Bones Family Estate alongside Amelia Bones, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. The sprawling grounds and imposing manor provided a stark contrast to the cramped confines of Privet Drive, signaling a new chapter in his life.

Amelia led Harry through the grand entrance hall, her presence exuding warmth and reassurance. "Welcome to your new home, Harry," she said with a smile, her voice filled with genuine kindness. "You'll find safety and sanctuary here, away from those who would do you harm."

Harry nodded gratefully, his eyes taking in the grandeur of his surroundings. The Bones Family Estate was a far cry from the oppressive atmosphere of the Dursley's home, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of hope stirring within him.

As Harry wandered through the estate, marveling at the beauty of his new surroundings, he suddenly found himself face to face with a redheaded girl around his age. Her eyes widened in surprise as she took in Harry's presence, her expression shifting from curiosity to alarm.

"Who are you?" she demanded, her voice tinged with apprehension. "What are you doing here?"

Harry blinked in confusion, taken aback by the girl's sudden hostility. "I'm Harry," he replied, trying to keep his tone calm. "Amelia Bones brought me here. I'm... I'm supposed to be staying here."

The girl's eyes narrowed skeptically, her gaze flicking between Harry and the surrounding estate. "I don't believe you," she said firmly, her voice leaving no room for argument. "You're trespassing, and I won't hesitate to call for help if you don't leave immediately."

Harry's heart sank at her words, realizing that she didn't recognize him or know about his arrangement with Amelia. "Please," he pleaded, holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I'm not here to cause trouble. Amelia brought me here to stay. You can ask her if you don't believe me."

The girl hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her eyes as she considered Harry's words. After a moment of tense silence, she nodded reluctantly. "Fine," she said, her voice softer now but still wary. "But don't try anything funny. I'll be keeping an eye on you."

Amelia Bones appeared, her presence commanding attention as she approached Harry and the redheaded girl. "Susan, what's going on here?" she asked, her tone authoritative but not unkind.

Susan turned to face her aunt, her expression still guarded. "Auntie Amelia, I found this boy wandering around the estate," she explained, gesturing toward Harry. "He says you brought him here, but I didn't recognize him and thought he might be an intruder."

Amelia's gaze softened as she looked at Harry, understanding dawning in her eyes. "Harry is not an intruder, Susan," she clarified gently. "He's a guest here, under my care. I should have informed you earlier, but things have been rather hectic."

Susan's expression softened as she absorbed her aunt's words, her initial apprehension giving way to understanding. "I'm sorry, Auntie Amelia," she said apologetically, her voice tinged with sincerity. Turning to Harry, she extended her hand in a gesture of friendship. "I'm Susan," she introduced herself with a warm smile. "Welcome to the estate. I'm glad we cleared up the misunderstanding."

Harry reciprocated her smile, his own relief evident. "Thank you, Susan," he replied, his voice steady as he shook her hand firmly. "I'm Harry Potter."

Harry blinked in confusion at Susan's reaction, her words unfamiliar to him. "The Boy-Who-Lived?" he repeated, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "What does that mean?"

Susan's surprise turned to concern as she realized Harry's lack of knowledge. "You don't know?" she asked, her voice filled with disbelief. "It's just... you're famous in the wizarding world. You survived the Dark Lord's attack when you were just a baby. You're the reason he disappeared."

Harry's confusion deepened at Susan's explanation, the weight of her words sinking in. "I... I had no idea," he admitted quietly, feeling a mixture of shock and unease. "I was raised by muggles. They never told me anything about... any of this."

Susan's expression softened with sympathy as she realized Harry's situation. "I'm sorry, Harry," she said gently, her voice filled with compassion. "It must be a lot to take in. But don't worry, you'll learn everything you need to know about the wizarding world soon enough."

Harry nodded, feeling a sense of overwhelm at the revelation of his own fame and the mysteries surrounding his past. "Thank you, Susan," he said gratefully, appreciating her understanding. "I guess I have a lot to learn."

With Susan's support, Harry felt a glimmer of hope that he could navigate this new world and uncover the truth about his own identity, no matter how daunting the journey ahead might be.

Alone in his room at the Bones Family Estate, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over him. The spacious surroundings, the soft comfort of the bed, and the absence of the cramped confines of the cupboard under the stairs all filled him with a profound sense of gratitude.

As Harry sat on the edge of the bed, his mind still reeling from the contrast between his new room and the cupboard under the stairs, he suddenly felt a familiar presence stirring within him. Opening his eyes, he watched in awe as Drakor materialized once again, his form taking the shape of a Draconic head extending out of Harry's clothes.

"Harry," Drakor's voice resonated within him, a comforting presence in the stillness of the room. "I never left. I am a part of you now, bound to you in ways beyond mere physical form."

"Yes, Harry," Drakor affirmed gently, his voice echoing within Harry's mind. "I have always been with you, a silent guardian in the depths of your soul."

Harry's heart swelled with gratitude at the realization of Drakor's unwavering presence. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.

Drakor's gaze softened, a hint of amusement twinkling in his eyes. "There is something else we need to discuss, Harry," he continued, his tone turning more serious. "My diet, if you will."

Harry furrowed his brow in confusion, unsure of what Drakor meant. "Your diet?" he echoed, his curiosity piqued.

Drakor nodded, his Draconic features shifting as he spoke. "As a Symbiote, I require sustenance to maintain our bond and empower you," he explained patiently. "But traditional food is not sufficient for me. I need... something more. I need a steady supply of Phenethylamine."

Harry listened intently as Drakor explained his dietary needs, his confusion growing with each word. "Phenethylamine?" he repeated, struggling to comprehend. "What... what is that?"

Drakor's Draconic features softened with understanding. "Phenethylamine is a chemical compound found naturally in the human brain," he explained patiently. "It plays a crucial role as a neurotransmitter, regulating mood, emotions, and cognition."

Harry's brow furrowed as he tried to wrap his head around the concept. "So... you need this chemical to... to survive?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Drakor nodded solemnly. "Yes, Harry," he confirmed. "Without a steady supply of phenethylamine, our bond may weaken, and my ability to empower you may diminish."

Harry's mind raced as he considered the implications of Drakor's words. "But... how do we get it?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Drakor's gaze softened with understanding as he sensed Harry's apprehension. "There are alternatives," he began gently, his voice echoing within Harry's mind. "One possibility is to consume human brains."

Harry's eyes widened in shock at Drakor's suggestion, a surge of horror coursing through him. "Human... brains?" he echoed, his voice barely above a whisper. "But... that's... that's cannibalism!"

Drakor nodded solemnly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Harry," he replied, his tone grave. "It is not a decision to be taken lightly. But in some cases, it may be necessary for our survival."

Harry felt a wave of nausea wash over him as he contemplated the idea of consuming human flesh. The thought of taking another person's life, even for Drakor's sustenance, filled him with revulsion and dread.

"But there must be another way," he insisted, his voice filled with determination. "We can't... we can't resort to something so... so monstrous."

Drakor's gaze softened with understanding as he regarded Harry. "You're right, Harry," he replied gently, his voice echoing within Harry's mind. "We don't need to resort to such drastic measures."

Harry felt a sense of relief wash over him at Drakor's words. "Is there another way?" he asked, his hope rising.

Drakor's Draconic features shifted into a semblance of a smile. "Yes, indeed," he revealed. "Chocolate is an excellent source of phenethylamine. Consuming it will provide me with the sustenance I need, without causing harm to others."

Harry's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected solution. "Chocolate?" he echoed, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

Drakor nodded, his eyes gleaming with reassurance. "Yes, Harry," he confirmed. "It's a simple solution, but an effective one. And it ensures that we can maintain our bond without compromising our morals."

A sense of relief flooded through Harry as he realized the simplicity of the solution. "That's... that's brilliant," he said, a smile spreading across his face. "I can definitely handle chocolate."

"However," Drakor stated, "it will take massive amounts of chocolate for me to get the amount of phenethylamine I require for sustenance."

Harry's smile faltered as the weight of Drakor's words sank in. "Massive amounts of chocolate?" he echoed, his voice tinged with concern. "But... I don't have that kind of money."

Drakor's expression softened with understanding as he sensed Harry's apprehension. "Do not worry, Harry," he reassured him. "We will find a way. You should consider telling Bones and Moody about us, so they can help us."

Harry's concern deepened at the realization of the daunting task ahead. "I don't know, Drakor," he said, his voice filled with uncertainty. "Telling Moody and Bones about... us... it feels risky."

Drakor's gaze softened with understanding as he sensed Harry's hesitation. "I understand your concern, Harry," he replied gently. "But I believe they genuinely care about your well-being. They may be able to help us find a solution."

Harry mulled over Drakor's words, torn between his desire for secrecy and his need for assistance. "I don't know if I can trust them," he admitted reluctantly.

Drakor nodded in understanding. "Trust takes time, Harry," he reassured him. "But I believe Moody and Bones have shown themselves to be trustworthy allies. They may be able to offer us the support we need."

Harry took a deep breath, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. But as he looked into Drakor's reassuring gaze, he knew what he had to do. "Okay," he said finally, his voice filled with determination. "Let's tell them."

Moody arrived at the Bones Family Estate, his expression grave as he stepped inside. Amelia Bones greeted him with a nod, her demeanor serious as she led him to a private sitting room where they could speak in confidence.

"Alastor," she began, her voice low and steady. "What did Dumbledore have to say?"

Moody's eye darted around the room, his gaze sharp as he settled into a chair opposite Amelia. "He tried to spin his usual web of half-truths and excuses," he replied gruffly. "But I wasn't having any of it."

Amelia nodded, her expression solemn. "What did you learn?"

Moody's jaw tightened with frustration. "The truth, finally," he growled. "About Harry's upbringing, about Sirius Black, about everything Dumbledore's been hiding."

Amelia's brow furrowed with concern as Moody's frustration boiled over. "Tell me, Alastor," she urged, her voice steady. "What about Sirius Black?"

Moody's eye flickered with a mix of emotions as he recounted the revelations from his meeting with Dumbledore. "Sirius Black," he began, his voice heavy with gravity. "He never received a trial. Dumbledore kept him locked away in Azkaban without so much as a second thought."

Amelia's eyes widened with shock at the news. "But why?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief. "If Sirius was innocent, then he deserved a chance to prove it."

Moody's jaw tightened as he recounted Dumbledore's excuses. "Dumbledore claimed it was for Harry's safety," he explained bitterly. "But I don't buy it. There's more to this than meets the eye."

Amelia's expression darkened with anger at the injustice. "We need to do something," she declared, her voice firm. "Sirius deserves justice, and Harry deserves to know the truth."

Moody's eye gleamed with determination as he nodded in agreement. "We'll find a way to make it right," he vowed, his voice steely with resolve.

Moody leaned forward, his expression serious. "Dumbledore will be transferring Harry's guardianship over to you tomorrow," he explained, his voice low and urgent. "It's the right thing to do, and it's long overdue."

Amelia's breath caught in her throat at the news. "But why me?" she asked, her mind racing with questions.

Moody's gaze softened with understanding. "Because you care about Harry," he replied simply. "And he deserves someone who will protect him, no matter what."

As the weight of Moody's words sank in, Amelia felt a surge of emotion welling up within her. "I won't let him down," she vowed, her voice filled with determination.

Moody nodded in agreement, his resolve unwavering. "I know you won't," he said, his voice filled with confidence. "Together, we'll ensure that Harry gets the care and protection he deserves."

As Moody and Amelia exchanged determined nods, their conversation was suddenly interrupted by a voice from the doorway. Harry stood there, his expression a mixture of hope and uncertainty.

"Will I be living with you and Susan now?" Harry asked, his voice tentative yet hopeful.

Moody and Amelia exchanged a glance before Moody turned his attention back to Harry. "That's the plan, Harry," he replied, his voice firm yet reassuring. "You'll be under the care and protection of the Bones family from now on."

Amelia stepped forward, her expression warm and welcoming. "We'll make sure you have everything you need, Harry," she said, her voice gentle. "You'll be safe here."

Harry's eyes widened with relief and gratitude at the news. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "Thank you both."

As Harry's eyes shimmered with relief and gratitude, he took a deep breath before speaking, his voice tinged with emotion. "There's something I need to tell you both," he began, his tone earnest.

Moody and Amelia exchanged a glance, their expressions filled with concern as they waited for Harry to continue.

"I'm not entirely... human," Harry admitted, his words hanging in the air. "I have a symbiotic entity living within me."

Moody's eye widened with surprise, while Amelia furrowed her brow in confusion. "What do you mean, Harry?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

Harry took a deep breath, steeling himself before he continued. "Drakor came from the meteor that crash-landed in Privet Drive today," he explained, his voice steady despite the weight of his words. "When I touched it, Drakor bonded with me, and we've been together ever since."

Moody's eye widened with surprise, his gaze flickering with understanding. "A symbiotic entity," he murmured, his voice filled with awe. "That explains the energy surge we detected."

Amelia's brow furrowed in concern as she processed Harry's words. "Is Drakor... dangerous?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Harry shook his head adamantly. "No, not at all," he replied earnestly. "Drakor has been nothing but supportive and protective. He saved me from the Dursleys and has helped me in ways I can't even explain."

As Harry spoke, Drakor's presence became tangible, extending out from Harry's shirt in the form of a gooey black dragon head. Moody's eye widened in surprise, while Amelia watched in fascination as Drakor addressed them.

"Greetings, Madam Bones, Alastor Moody," Drakor's voice resonated, echoing in the room. "I am Drakor, the symbiote bonded with Harry. I assure you, I mean him no harm."

Moody's gaze flickered between Harry and Drakor, his expression thoughtful. "An unusual ally," he remarked, his tone cautious.

Amelia studied Drakor with keen interest, her curiosity piqued. "What are your intentions, Drakor?" she asked, her voice steady.

Drakor's draconic features softened with sincerity as he addressed them. "My sole purpose is to protect Harry," he replied, his voice echoing with determination. "I will do whatever it takes to ensure his safety and well-being."

Moody's eye narrowed slightly as he scrutinized Drakor. "We'll be keeping a close eye on you," he warned, his tone firm.

Drakor nodded in understanding. "As you should," he acknowledged. "But know this: I am here to aid Harry, not to cause harm."

Harry took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before he spoke. "The reason we're revealing this to you is because of Drakor's diet," he explained, his voice steady. "He requires a steady supply of phenethylamine to sustain our bond and empower me."

Moody's eye narrowed as he processed Harry's words. "And how do you plan to obtain this phenethylamine?" he asked, his tone cautious.

Harry glanced at Drakor, who nodded in agreement before he continued. "One alternative is... consuming human brains," Harry admitted, his words hanging in the air.

Amelia's eyes widened in shock at the revelation, while Moody's expression darkened with concern. "That's... quite extreme," Amelia remarked, her voice filled with disbelief.

Drakor's draconic features softened as he addressed them. "There is another option," he interjected, his voice resonating with calmness. "Chocolate is an excellent source of phenethylamine."

Moody's brow furrowed in thought as he considered Drakor's words. "Chocolate?" he echoed, his tone skeptical.

Harry nodded in confirmation. "It's a safer alternative," he agreed, his voice tinged with relief. "But it will require massive amounts to sustain Drakor."

Moody's eye twitched with a hint of amusement as he processed Harry's words. "Ah, yes," he remarked dryly, his tone laced with sarcasm. "The classic choice between human brains and chocolate. Decisions, decisions."

Harry couldn't help but crack a small smile at Moody's remark, the tension in the room easing slightly in the face of the older Auror's wry humor.

Amelia rolled her eyes playfully at Moody's comment before turning to Harry with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Harry," she said, her voice warm. "We'll make sure Drakor has an ample supply of chocolate."

With Moody's sarcasm lightening the mood and a plan in place to meet Drakor's dietary needs, Harry felt a sense of relief wash over him. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he knew that with Moody and Amelia's support, he and Drakor would face them together, one chocolate bar at a time.


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