48.14% The Seidr / Chapter 11: Chapter 10

章 11: Chapter 10

As Nick Fury strode into Alexander Pierce's office, the tension was so thick you could practically cut it with a knife—or, given the circumstances, maybe a well-aimed arrow from Clint's bow. Harry, Clint, and Natasha, cloaked under the Disillusionment Charm, flitted through the room like shadows. They could practically feel the charged air crackling around them.

Pierce, sitting behind his desk with all the poise of a chess master who'd just cornered his opponent, regarded Fury with a gaze that could freeze lava. "Nick," he said, voice as icy as the Arctic. "What's the occasion?"

Fury didn't blink. He met Pierce's cold stare with one of his own, the kind that said he wasn't here to play games. "I'm here to shut down your little operation, Alexander," Fury said, every word dripping with the kind of disdain usually reserved for bad coffee or overly enthusiastic telemarketers. "I've got the scoop on what you've been up to, and I'm not letting you get away with it."

Pierce's cool demeanor cracked, and for a split second, you could see a flash of genuine irritation. "And what, exactly, do you think you can do to stop me?" he shot back, voice dripping with condescension.

Just as Fury was about to retort, Harry, Clint, and Natasha decided it was time for a dramatic reveal. They stepped out from their invisibility like superheroes stepping into the limelight, ready to take the stage for the climactic showdown. The atmosphere was electric, and it seemed like the room was holding its breath, waiting for the fireworks.

But before things could devolve into a full-blown action scene, Fury raised a hand. "Let's not go down that road, Alexander," he said, surprisingly calm and almost gentle. "You still have a chance to do the right thing."

Pierce's gaze flickered from Fury to the others, a brief hint of uncertainty breaking through his steely facade. For a moment, it looked like he might actually reconsider, but then his expression hardened again. 

"I'm afraid it's too late for that, Nick," Pierce said, his voice firm and final. "I have a mission, and I plan to see it through to the end."

And just like that, the room was set for an epic showdown, with the fate of more than just a few people hanging in the balance. As Harry and his team prepared for the inevitable clash, the stakes had never been higher.

As the Winter Soldier emerged from the shadows with a clang that sounded like the world's worst drum solo, the air turned electric with tension. It wasn't just another Tuesday at the office—this was a full-on action movie. Harry, Clint, and Natasha braced themselves. They'd faced tough enemies before, but this guy was a different level of trouble. 

Harry didn't need a wand, not with the Deathly Hallows fused into his soul like an ancient power-up. Instead, he conjured barriers with a flick of his fingers, sending magical blasts that collided with the Winter Soldier's brutal assaults. It was like watching a symphony of chaos—Harry's magic was the crescendo, the Winter Soldier was the pounding drums, and Clint and Natasha were the string section, providing the lethal harmony.

Clint's arrows flew with such accuracy that they might as well have been guided missiles. Natasha, meanwhile, danced through the air, her moves as fluid as they were lethal, turning every strike into a graceful pirouette of destruction. They were a well-oiled machine of mayhem, each one a perfect counterpoint to the Winter Soldier's ferocity.

Despite their best efforts, the Winter Soldier was a hurricane of punches and kicks, his metal arm a blur of motion that blocked and retaliated with mechanical precision. It was like trying to stop a freight train with a feather duster. Every clash of steel and burst of magic reverberated through the room, a high-stakes game of dodgeball with much higher stakes.

Then, as if things weren't chaotic enough, a massive explosion rocked the room. Debris flew everywhere, making it look like a scene straight out of a disaster film. Fury and Pierce were tossed aside like ragdolls, adding to the pandemonium.

Harry, Clint, and Natasha took their chance. As the dust began to settle, they regrouped with the speed and efficiency of professionals. The Winter Soldier, momentarily disoriented, scanned the wreckage with a look that said, "Seriously? Can't I get five minutes of peace?"

Natasha and Clint used the opportunity to keep the Winter Soldier busy with a flurry of attacks that seemed to come from every angle. Natasha's strikes were precise, and Clint's arrows flew with deadly accuracy, keeping the soldier off balance. 

Meanwhile, Harry dove into the Winter Soldier's mind like a diver into a pool, except the pool was filled with barriers and mental traps. He didn't bother with subtlety; he went straight for the code. With the Deathly Hallows in his soul, Harry recited the code in Russian like he was reading out a particularly tough spell from a magic cookbook.

"Тоска, Ржавый, Семнадцать, Рассвет, Печь, Доброкачественный, Возвращение домой, Один, Грузовой вагон," Harry chanted, each word infused with a magical punch that made the Winter Soldier's movements slow and clumsy, like he was trying to wade through molasses.

With the soldier dazed by the mental assault, Natasha and Clint moved in. They wrapped him up tighter than a holiday turkey, making sure he was secured and couldn't cause any more trouble.

As the room quieted down, Harry took a deep breath and surveyed the scene. The Winter Soldier was subdued, but the fight against HYDRA and their mastermind, Alexander Pierce, was far from over. The real challenge was just beginning.

As Pierce, now looking like a disgraced actor in a bad spy thriller, was escorted out by Fury's agents, he cast one last, long look at Harry. It was a mix of disbelief and the sort of curiosity you get when you find out someone just solved a Rubik's Cube while blindfolded.

"How did you learn the code?" Pierce demanded, his voice tinged with the kind of urgency you'd expect from someone who'd just realized they were missing the last season of their favorite show.

Harry, cool as a cucumber despite the chaos, met his gaze with an expression that said, "You're not the first to be baffled by my talents, and you won't be the last." "Let's just say I have a knack for uncovering secrets," he replied, his tone dripping with the kind of mystery that made Pierce's eyes narrow in suspicion.

Pierce's face was a study in frustration and unease. He might have been trying to hold onto his cool, but Harry's cryptic response had clearly struck a nerve. It was like trying to keep up appearances while someone was casually revealing your deepest, darkest secrets on live TV.

While Pierce was busy fuming and trying to piece together his shattered illusions, Harry couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction. It was always fun to watch someone's confidence crumble like a poorly made soufflé.

As Pierce was led away, his thoughts were likely racing through a labyrinth of paranoia and doubt. Harry knew the truth was getting closer, and the game was far from over. For now, though, all they could do was wait for the next act in this high-stakes drama. Harry was ready for whatever came next—because when you're in the business of saving the world, every day is a new episode in a very unpredictable series.


As the Winter Soldier was being hustled away by SHIELD agents under Maria Hill's eagle-eyed watch, Harry took the chance to corner Nick Fury. The atmosphere crackled with a sense of urgency, like they were two characters in a spy novel who'd just discovered the final twist of the plot.

Harry leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Nick, you might want to sit down for this. I've got some news that's going to make your hair stand on end."

Fury, ever the picture of calm, raised an eyebrow. "I'm all ears, kid. Hit me with it."

And hit him Harry did, dropping revelation after revelation like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat. Each one seemed more incredible than the last, leaving Fury's stoic façade cracking like old plaster. Harry watched with a smirk as Fury's face transitioned from cool detachment to outright disbelief. It was like watching a poker player get dealt a royal flush—surprised, confused, and completely blown away.

"You're telling me…" Fury began, his voice trailing off as he tried to wrap his head around the truth bomb Harry had just detonated. His expression was a mix of shock, suspicion, and the kind of realization that makes you question everything you thought you knew.

Harry gave a solemn nod, letting the gravity of the situation sink in. "Yep, and it's a doozy. We've got some serious decisions to make. Like, life-or-death decisions."

Fury absorbed the news with the precision of a man who'd just learned his whole world was upside down. His mind was undoubtedly racing through the implications, trying to piece together a plan that could handle the mess they'd just been handed.

One thing was clear: the world was now a lot more complicated than Fury's black-and-white view of it, and it was high time to take some serious action. With Harry's revelations hanging heavy in the air, they both knew that the next steps were crucial in facing the storm brewing on the horizon.

Steve Rogers stormed into the Triskellion, SHIELD's labyrinthine headquarters, with a look of determined curiosity plastered on his face. Nick Fury's urgent summons had him moving faster than a kid chasing an ice cream truck, and now he was striding through the bustling corridors, trying to shake the nagging feeling that something huge was about to drop.

When Steve finally reached Fury's office, he knocked sharply before entering, his presence demanding instant attention. "You called, Fury?" he asked, his voice steady but laced with an undercurrent of urgency.

Fury gave him a nod that was as serious as a heart attack. "Got something you need to see," he said, gesturing for Steve to follow. "And trust me, it's not your average Tuesday briefing."

Steve followed Fury with a sense of growing anticipation, his mind racing with the possibilities of what could be so urgent. Fury led him to a secure cell, where an unconscious man with a metal arm lay restrained and guarded like a high-security package.

Steve's eyes widened, and he stumbled forward, his heart skipping a beat. There, slumped and restrained, was Bucky Barnes, the best friend he'd thought he'd lost forever. For a moment, Steve was back in the trenches of World War II, fighting side by side with the guy who had once been his everything.

"Bucky…" Steve whispered, barely able to contain the wave of emotion crashing over him. His hand reached out, but he stopped just short of touching the cell. Memories of better days, of laughter and shared battles, swamped him, leaving him both hopeful and heartbroken.

Fury watched silently, his expression as unreadable as a sealed envelope. He knew the weight of what Steve was seeing, and he was bracing for the inevitable storm.

Steve's brows furrowed as he took in the sight, his confusion clear. "How is this even possible?" he asked, his voice cracking with disbelief.

Fury sighed, looking at the unconscious man with a look that could melt steel. "Long story short, Steve. During a mission to capture Alexander Pierce, we stumbled onto some very ugly truths."

Steve's heart sank as Fury detailed the grim reality of Bucky's transformation into the Winter Soldier—HYDRA's brainwashed weapon of destruction. The realization hit Steve like a ton of bricks, his childhood friend alive but imprisoned within his own shattered psyche.

"And Harry," Fury added, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "he managed to break through the Winter Soldier's programming. He saw the real man beneath the mask."

Steve's mind whirred, trying to process the enormity of it all. His friend was trapped, lost in a storm of brainwashing and pain. "We've got to help him," Steve said, his voice fierce and determined.

Fury nodded, his face etched with resolve. "We will, Steve," he promised. "We'll do everything in our power to bring Bucky back."

Steve Rogers and Nick Fury strolled into the office like they were on a mission from some very high-stakes movie, and the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Clint, Natasha, and Harry were waiting, their faces a mixture of determination and nerves. Steve's eyes locked onto Harry with an expression that could only be described as "eternally grateful."

"Harry," Steve said, his voice sincere enough to make a sentimental greeting card look like a Hall of Fame speech. He clasped Harry's shoulder in a grip that was all the thanks one could muster without breaking into a Broadway number. "Thank you for everything you've done to save Bucky."

Harry met Steve's gaze with a look that said he wasn't just here for the action. "It was the right thing to do," he replied, as if it was no big deal. "Bucky deserves a shot at getting his life back."

Fury, ever the master of interrupting tender moments with the weight of reality, cut in. "We're not out of the woods yet," he said, with the sort of gravity that suggested he'd been lugging around a very serious briefcase of problems. "Now that we've got the Winter Soldier neutralized, we've got a fighting chance against HYDRA."

Harry cleared his throat, grabbing everyone's attention like a magician about to reveal his trick. "The things HYDRA did to Bucky," he began, his voice heavy with the kind of gravity usually reserved for cosmic events, "and the things they made him do—they've basically shattered his psyche." He paused, his eyes showing a mixture of sorrow and fierce determination. "But Bucky's still in there, buried deep. It's going to take time and patience to bring him back to who he was."

Steve's jaw clenched, and his eyes turned stormy as he absorbed the reality of his friend's suffering. "We'll do whatever it takes to help him," he vowed, voice as steady as a metronome despite the hurricane of emotions brewing inside him.

Natasha and Clint nodded in agreement, their expressions echoing Steve's fierce resolve. "We're in this together," Natasha declared, sounding like she was ready to rally the troops and march into the breach. "We won't rest until Bucky is free from HYDRA's clutches."

Fury watched this emotional pep talk with a face that was as unreadable as a rock, clearly processing the monumental task ahead. "We'll need every resource at our disposal," he said, his voice a low rumble of determination. "But if anyone can pull through this, it's us."

Harry dropped another bombshell that could have been the plot twist in a thriller novel. "The death of Tony's parents…" he began, his tone suddenly as serious as an unscheduled algebra test, "wasn't just some tragic accident. It was a HYDRA-authorized assassination, pulled off by the Winter Soldier himself."

The room fell into a stunned silence, as if someone had just announced the universe's worst-kept secret. Gasps and murmurs erupted like popcorn popping in a microwave, each reaction a mix of shock, fury, and disbelief.

Fury's jaw set with a clench that suggested he was trying not to crack a marble countertop. "We always knew HYDRA had its tentacles in every corner," he said, his voice gravelly and thick with suppressed anger. "But this… this is beyond what we thought they could stoop to."

Steve's hands balled into fists so tight it looked like he was trying to crush an invisible stress ball. His eyes were locked on a spot somewhere in the distance, and you could almost see the gears in his head turning, plotting ways to mete out justice.

Natasha's face remained a blank slate, but her eyes betrayed a steely resolve. Maybe it was a glimmer of determination, or maybe she was mentally compiling a list of ways to make HYDRA regret ever crossing her path. Either way, she was ready for action.

Clint, meanwhile, looked like someone had just told him that his favorite pizza place had closed down for good. "We'll make them pay," he said, his voice solid and firm, like a concrete slab of vengeance. "For Tony's parents, for Bucky, for every life they've destroyed."

Fury cut through the rising tension like a hot knife through butter. "Tony can't know about this," he said, his tone brooking no argument. "Not yet. He's got enough on his plate. We can't dump this on him now."

Steve's face was a mask of stern determination as he met Fury's gaze. "With all due respect, Director," he said, his voice steady and unwavering, "Tony deserves to know the truth. It's not just about him—it's about making sure HYDRA pays for what they've done. Keeping him in the dark might drive a wedge between us if he finds out we've been keeping secrets."

Fury's expression didn't change much, but his eyes flickered with a brief moment of contemplation. "We can't risk the team falling apart," he said, his voice edged with a note of caution. "Not when we're up against our toughest enemy yet."

Steve held his ground, his gaze as unyielding as a mountain. "Tony deserves to know," he said, his voice resolute. "And we owe it to him to tell him the truth."

As Fury and Steve locked eyes, the rest of the Avengers watched, their own thoughts swirling in the aftermath of Harry's revelation. It was clear that decisions were being made, and the road ahead was going to be anything but smooth.

Harry's voice sliced through the tension like a lightsaber through a training droid. "Steve's right," he declared, channeling all the intensity of a superhero in a pivotal moment. "Tony deserves to know the truth about what happened to his parents. Keeping him in the dark just lets HYDRA's lies fester like a really bad fungus."

Turning to Fury, Harry's eyes locked on him with the force of a laser beam. "We can't keep hiding the truth. Tony has a right to know the whole story, to get some closure and understand how deep HYDRA's claws dug into his family's tragedy."

Fury stared at him for a moment, his face as inscrutable as the Sphinx, before giving a slow, reluctant nod. "Alright," he grumbled, like someone who had just been convinced to eat broccoli. "But this stays between us. We handle this with care—Tony's been through enough."

The air in the room seemed to clear, as if Harry's words had magically lifted the weight of uncertainty. The Avengers exchanged glances, a shared sense of determination taking hold. Harry's resolve was like a beacon, bright and unwavering, as he silently pledged to keep fighting the good fight.

The oppressive gloom that had hung over them lifted a bit, replaced by a sliver of hope. Each Avenger now stood a little taller, their spirits buoyed by the knowledge that they were on the brink of a game-changing revelation. The truth was their weapon, and they were ready to use it.

For Harry, revealing the truth to Tony was more than just setting the record straight—it was a full-scale assault on the darkness that sought to control them. With every ounce of his being, he was prepared to take on HYDRA and expose their rotten core. He glanced around at his fellow Avengers, feeling a surge of camaraderie. Together, they would face whatever came next, united by their shared mission. With that kind of resolve guiding them, victory seemed not just possible, but inevitable.


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