
A Harsh Warning

Satan's heart raced and he suddenly broke out in cold sweat as he faced the less-than-welcoming expressions of Goten and Krillin.

After all, he had shamelessly stolen their rightful glory eight years ago, and despite his thick skin, he couldn't shake off the worry and fear that now gripped him.

Deep down, he knew better than anyone the true power of the individuals standing before him, despite his public claims that their feats were mere illusions, a bunch of tricks. He understood that their abilities far surpassed any deception he could conjure.

Just as Satan was at a loss on how to approach Goten and Krillin, his gaze fell upon the severed head of Cell. Instantly, his expression shifted from hesitation to pure ecstasy.

With Cell defeated, he didn't have to face that monstrous entity in battle.

That was definitely great news for him! As for them, he could retreat and spin up another story.

"Cell... is dead?!"

"Is that really Cell?!" he looked at the decapitated head on the ground and exclaimed with great excitement.

Then, he immediately waved to the reporters and photographers not far away.

"Everyone, come here! Cell is dead!"

After the words fell, several photographers and hosts hurried over.

"What... what's going on?" the crowd buzzed with confusion. "Mr. Satan hasn't made a move yet, how did Cell get eliminated? Who did it?"

"Could it be these two guys in front of us?" they wondered aloud.

Both the host and the cameraman were dumbfounded.

As the TV feed broadcasted the scene, viewers around the world shared their astonishment.


As everyone watched with astonishment, Satan's booming laughter filled the air.

"It goes without saying," Satan declared, his confidence unwavering. "Of course, it's all because of me. This guy must have known that I was coming to deal with him, so he was scared out of his wits, and chose to kill himself."

The audience bought it – hook, line and sinker. Jubilation erupted, and chants of "Satan! Satan!" echoed across the planet.

"This bastard is really despicable!" Krillin's voice dripped with disdain as he watched Satan's antics unfold. The man was shamelessly stealing credit once again, and Krillin had reached his limit.

"He wants to take all the credit for it! Goten, you can't allow him to act like this anymore - I've already disliked this guy." Krillin's frustration was palpable.

Eight years ago, this guy shamelessly stole all the glory that belonged to Goku and Gohan. Their sacrifices had paved the way for the peace, and yet Satan basked in the limelight which belonged to them.

While Goku and Gohan might overlook such behavior, Krillin couldn't ignore the injustice. The hard-won peace had come at a great personal cost, and seeing someone like Satan claim credit was infuriating.

Goten, with a determined expression, stepped toward Satan. As Goten approached Satan, the latter began to sweat profusely, instinctively retreating in fear. Despite the resemblance between Goten and Goku, the look in the boy's eyes was starkly different.

This time, he seemed to have kicked the steel plate.

Stopping in front of Satan, Goten's expression turned icy, his voice cutting through the air like a blade. "Mr. Satan, I don't care about your past antics, because it has nothing to do with me… But what you did today disgusts me." he declared.

"Even if I don't personally care about such matters," Goten continued, "if you think that you can steal the hard work earned though my sacrifice, you're sorely mistaken."

Satan's sweat-drenched face paled further. He couldn't help but feel as though he was surrounded by an aura of death, he felt that any moment, he might be completely killed by the kid in front of him.

That cold stare from Goten was really terrifying.

Then Goten turned to the camera, addressing the world. "And you idiots," he said, "take a good look, do you really think that such a coward is capable of defeating Cell?"

"Think about it with your pea-brains. The destructive power from eight years ago and the current battle – do you honestly believe it's all tricks and illusions?" Goten's words cut through the air, challenging the crowd's perception.

The scene unfolded dramatically. Goten, with an indifferent expression, approached Cell's severed head. In one swift motion, he raised his foot and crushed the head into bits and pieces.

This scene disturbed the onlookers, both present at the scene, and those watching via TV.

Satan, once the center of attention, now trembled in fear.

Goten's icy gaze bore into him, "If you continue your despicable behavior," Goten warned, "this will be your ending!"

Ignoring Satan's panic, Goten turned away and leaped into the air, disappearing in an instant. Krillin followed suit.

After the two disappeared, Satan finally felt relieved and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Facing Goten's terrifying gaze, he felt as if he had walked through the gate of hell just now.

It seems that the he can't keep pretending to be a savior from now on!


By this time, Goten and Krillin had returned to the Capsule Corp.

Krillin couldn't contain his excitement.

"Goten, the way you handled that was so satisfying!" he exclaimed. "Seeing that Satan guy looking like he shat his pants – it felt good."

"You were very cool and badass back then…"

Krillin didn't have the pure selfless kindness that Goku and Gohan had.

He felt very angry and helpless after knowing that the credit for peace that his friends earned by sacrificing their lives was taken away by Satan.

"That guy has been shameless for eight years, pretending to be a savior. But now he can't keep up the act." At this time, Bulma also came out of the laboratory and joined the conversation.

"I've always been annoyed by his cheeky interviews on TV," she said. "Promoting those 'heroic deeds' of defeating Cell and selling commemorative videos about it. It's about time someone put him in his place."

She also saw what Goten said to Satan through live TV just now, and she had to admit, she felt pleased…

"Ha ha!" Goten just laughed awkwardly. In fact, he didn't find Satan that annoying. After all, he was just an ordinary person, and he wasn't qualified for him to take him too seriously.

But his behavior was indeed a bit despicable, so it was necessary to give some warning!

Goten didn't want to continue discussion about Satan, so he attempted to change the subject.

"Hey, Krillin-san," he said, "I can't sense your ki at all. Did you turn yourself into an Android?" He was genuinely curious about this matter.

Because after he came out of the hyperbolic time chamber, he couldn't sense Krillin's presence at all.

There were only few possibilities for this.

Either Krillin died! But that was clearly impossible, as he was sitting right in front of him.

The other possibility was that Krillin had become a God or an Android.

But obviously being a God was impossible, that only left the possibility of him transforming into an android…

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So, that's why he left the head of Cell. So that the author could nut hard when he stepped on it and threaten Hercules. I will just keep referring to him as Mr. Satan or Satan. Forget Hercules. He's irrelevant in this story.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


