76.92% Harry Potter: MageX / Chapter 17: Chapter 16

章 17: Chapter 16

Sirius and Harry made their way through the bustling streets of Diagon Alley towards the imposing marble building of Gringotts. The goblin guards at the entrance eyed them suspiciously but did not impede their progress. Inside, the cavernous hall echoed with the sound of clinking coins and murmured transactions.

"We'll need to speak with one of the senior goblins," Sirius said, leading Harry to an available counter. "This isn't exactly standard business."

A goblin with sharp features and a meticulous demeanor approached them. "How may Gringotts assist you today?" he asked in a clipped tone.

Sirius leaned in slightly. "We have some unique materials we'd like to discuss selling. Acromantula silk and venom, as well as Basilisk venom and hide."

The goblin raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Follow me," he said, motioning them towards a private office. "This sounds like a matter for our appraisal department." 

They followed the goblin down a series of twisting corridors until they reached a large wooden door. Inside, the room was filled with various magical artifacts and ledgers. The goblin took a seat behind a massive desk and gestured for them to sit.

"Please, tell me more about these materials," the goblin said, steepling his fingers.

Sirius leaned back slightly, giving Harry a nod. Harry began, "We've recently acquired a significant amount of Acromantula silk and venom, as well as Basilisk venom and hide. These materials are extremely rare and valuable. We want to know how much we can get for them and the best way to handle the sale."

The goblin's eyes gleamed with interest. "Acromantula silk and venom are indeed rare and sought after, especially by potion masters and alchemists. Basilisk materials, however, are almost priceless. Few creatures can produce venom as potent, and the hide is known for its near-impenetrable quality."

Sirius interjected, "We want to ensure that we get a fair price for these items. We also need discretion. This isn't something we want widely known."

The goblin nodded. "Understandable. Gringotts values both security and discretion. We can appraise your materials and offer you a valuation. If acceptable, we can also facilitate the sale to interested parties, ensuring the best possible price."

Harry handed over a sample of each material, carefully extracted and preserved last night by him and Sirius. The goblin inspected them with a practiced eye, making notes and muttering to himself as he examined the quality and quantity.

"This will take some time," the goblin said finally. "We will conduct a thorough appraisal and contact you with our findings. In the meantime, is there anything else Gringotts can assist you with?"

Sirius shook his head. "Just ensure the safety of the materials until the appraisal is complete."

The goblin assured them of Gringotts' unparalleled security and led them back to the main hall. As they exited, Sirius turned to Harry. "Let's grab something to eat and head to the Leaky Cauldron. Moony will be waiting."

Harry nodded, feeling a sense of relief and excitement for the reunion. They made their way out of Gringotts, navigating the crowded alleyways once more, their minds already shifting to the next part of their day.

Sirius and Harry made their way through the bustling streets of Diagon Alley, the morning sun casting a warm glow on the vibrant storefronts. As they walked, Harry couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nerves. The weight of their recent actions and the potential ramifications were still fresh in his mind, but the prospect of meeting Remus Lupin, or Moony, as Sirius affectionately called him, was a bright spot in his day.

As they arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, its familiar exterior greeted them warmly. The bustling tavern was alive with chatter and laughter, witches and wizards enjoying their meals and drinks amidst the cozy atmosphere.

In a corner of the tavern, tucked away in a private booth, Harry spotted a familiar figure. Despite the weariness evident in his features, a warm smile spread across his face as he saw Harry and his companions approaching.

Navigating through the lively crowd, Harry and Sirius made their way to the private booth where the figure awaited them. As they drew closer, the figure's smile grew even brighter, a silent reassurance of the warmth and camaraderie that awaited them within the confines of their secluded corner.

"Moony!" Sirius called out, striding over to embrace his old friend. "It's been too long."

Remus Lupin stood and returned the hug, his eyes crinkling with genuine happiness. "Padfoot, it's good to see you," he said, then turned to Harry. "And Harry, look at you! You've grown so much since I last saw you."

Harry managed a smile, though there was a hint of bitterness in his voice as he replied, "Yeah, last time you saw me, I was just a baby. Lots has changed since then."

Remus's smile faltered slightly as he caught the hint of bitterness in Harry's tone. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you, Harry," he said softly. "But I'm here now, and I'll do everything I can to help."

Sirius placed a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder. "We're all here for you now, Harry. You're not alone anymore."

Harry's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and pain. "That's bullshit," he said bluntly. "Sirius couldn't have been there because he was in Azkaban. But you, Remus? You could have been there for me. Instead, I grew up with the Dursleys, treated like dirt. Where were you when I needed you the most?"

Remus looked stricken, the weight of Harry's words hitting him hard. "You're right, Harry. There's no excuse for what happened. I can't change the past, but I want to be here for you now, if you'll let me."

Harry's expression softened slightly, though his eyes still held a hint of bitterness. "I appreciate that, Remus. Just...don't expect it to be easy. I've been through a lot."

Sirius, sensing the tension, clapped Remus on the back. "We'll work through it, Moony. Together, like old times."

Remus nodded, gratitude and determination in his gaze. "Absolutely. We'll make up for lost time. And it will be easier since I'll be the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year."

Harry's eyes widened in surprise. "You're teaching at Hogwarts? That's brilliant!"

Sirius grinned. "Looks like you'll have a pretty decent year ahead, eh, Harry?"

Remus smiled warmly. "I hope so. I look forward to seeing you in class, Harry. It'll give us more time to catch up and maybe even...learn a thing or two."

Harry nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "I'm looking forward to it."

Sirius's voice wavered as he addressed Harry. "Harry, I noticed you were pretty angry with Remus. Why aren't you angry at Dumbledore too? He's the one who left you with the Dursleys, after all."

Harry's gaze hardened, a flicker of maturity shining through his eyes. "Sirius, I'm not that naive boy anymore," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. "I've had time to think, to see things for what they really are. Dumbledore may have had his reasons, but that doesn't excuse what he did. And Remus...he had a choice, a choice he made without considering how it would affect me. But right now, I need Dumbledore, and I need to play nice until I can figure out how to get out from under his thumb."

Sirius's expression softened as he listened to Harry's words, a mixture of understanding and concern in his eyes. "I hear you, Harry," he said, his voice gentle. "It's not easy, navigating these murky waters. Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what." He reached out a comforting hand, offering silent support to his godson in this challenging moment.

Harry nodded, grateful for Sirius's understanding. "Thanks, Sirius," he replied, his voice sincere. "I appreciate it." With a small smile, he clasped Sirius's hand briefly before turning his attention back to Remus. "So, Moony, how's life been treating you?" he asked, eager to steer the conversation toward lighter topics.

Remus chuckled, a hint of warmth in his eyes. "Oh, you know, the usual ups and downs. But overall, I can't complain." He glanced around the Leaky Cauldron, taking in the familiar surroundings. "It's good to be back here, though. Feels like coming home."

Harry glanced at Remus, a sympathetic look in his eyes. "I remember Sirius mentioning your... condition," he said softly, choosing his words carefully.

Remus's expression shifted slightly, a flicker of discomfort crossing his features. "Yes, it's true," he admitted reluctantly, his gaze dropping to the table.

Sirius placed a reassuring hand on Remus's shoulder, offering silent support. "But you're more than just that, Moony," he interjected, his voice firm. "You're one of the bravest and kindest wizards I know."

Remus managed a small smile, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Sirius," he murmured, touched by the gesture.

Harry cleared his throat, deciding to open up a bit to make Remus feel more comfortable. "I know what it's like to deal with something... different," he began, his voice steady. "I have this mutation, you see, that gives me abilities beyond what a normal wizard has." He paused, searching Remus's eyes for understanding.

Remus's expression softened, a glimmer of empathy in his gaze. "I understand," he replied, his tone gentle. "We all have our own battles to fight."

Sirius nodded in agreement, a proud smile tugging at his lips. "That's right, Harry," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "And you've faced yours with courage and resilience."

Harry took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking. "My mutation is... complex," he began, his voice steady despite the weight of his words. "Essentially, I possess a trifecta of abilities. Firstly, I can manipulate magical energy, a fundamental skill shared by all wizards. Secondly, I possess the rare capability to absorb the powers of magical creatures and artifacts, integrating their abilities into my own. And thirdly, my body naturally adjusts to these new abilities, ensuring there are no adverse effects or drawbacks."

Remus listened intently, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "That's quite remarkable, Harry," he said, his tone thoughtful. "But such abilities must come with their own set of challenges and responsibilities."

Harry nodded solemnly. "Yes, they do. It's a constant learning process, understanding how to wield these powers responsibly and ethically. But I'm determined to use them for good, to protect those who can't protect themselves."

Harry continued, his voice gaining a hint of excitement. "Initially, I could only harness three of these abilities simultaneously, with two being fixed. But recently, there's been a sort of... boost, and now I can wield five abilities simultaneously. It's been quite the revelation, and I'm still learning to fully harness this newfound potential."

Sirius and Remus listened intently, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. Remus spoke first, his voice tinged with caution. "That's... quite a lot to take in, Harry. Are you sure you can handle it all?"

Harry nodded, resolve shining in his eyes. "I believe I can, Remus. With the support of my friends and mentors, I'll learn to master these abilities and use them responsibly."

Sirius placed a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder. "We'll be here to help you every step of the way, Harry. You're not alone in this."

As they weaved through the crowded streets of Diagon Alley, Ororo led the group with an air of regal confidence. "Let's start with Flourish and Blotts for the textbooks," she suggested, her voice carrying above the bustling chatter of the crowd.

As they approached Flourish and Blotts, the group's attention was drawn to a peculiar sight: a cage outside the shop containing books that seemed to be alive, squirming and snapping at each other with toothy mouths. 

Jean's eyes widened in alarm as she caught sight of the cage of writhing, snapping books. "Oh no, not those again," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with a mix of fear and frustration.

Susan's grip tightened on her wand as she recalled the chaotic encounter with the Monster Book on Monsters. "I remember those," she muttered, her expression grim. "They nearly took my hand off."

Ororo's eyes widened in recognition as she recalled the frenzied struggle with the Monster Book on Monsters. "Ah yes, those books certainly have a mind of their own," she remarked, her tone wry. "I remember helping Harry with one of those. Quite the challenge, I must say."

Molly sighed, her brow furrowed with concern. "Well, it looks like we have no choice. It's in the curriculum, after all. We'll need to get eight copies."

Tonks shook her head, correcting her gently. "Actually, Harry already has one, so we only need seven."

The attendant, a young witch with frazzled hair and wide eyes, approached the group cautiously. "Excuse me," she interjected, her voice tinged with concern. "I couldn't help but overhear. Are you saying that you need multiple copies of the Monster Book on Monsters?"

Ororo nods, confirming their need for seven copies.

The attendant's brows furrowed in sympathy. "I'm sorry, but those books can be quite... challenging," she admitted, casting a wary glance at the cage of writhing tomes. "But fear not, I'll do my best to ensure you receive the least feisty ones."

The attendant straightened her shoulders, a determined glint in her eyes. "Very well," she said resolutely. "Let's tame these unruly books, shall we?" With a confident stride, she led the group into the bookstore, ready to face the chaotic challenge head-on.

Meanwhile, back at the Leaky Cauldron, Sirius's eyebrows raised in contemplation as the idea took shape in his mind. "You know, Harry," he began slowly, "I wonder if you could... well, absorb Remus' 'furry little problem,' so to speak. Technically, Remus counts as a magical creature, doesn't he?"

Sirius' suggestion hung in the air, prompting a thoughtful pause. Harry considered the proposition carefully, while Remus's uncertainty was tangible.

Sirius, always one to explore possibilities, leaned forward with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Think about it, Remus. If Harry could take on your condition, it might not only ease your burden but also give him insight into how to handle it, maybe even find a solution."

Remus, his expression weary but cautious, hesitated before responding. "I appreciate the thought, Sirius, but I'm not sure it's wise," he said solemnly. "What I have... it's not something I'd wish on anyone, especially not Harry. I wouldn't want to saddle him with this curse."

But Sirius persisted, gently nudging the conversation forward. Harry, sensing Remus's reluctance, chimed in reassuringly. "Remember, my body adapts to what I absorb. If I were to take on your 'furry little problem,' I'd also gain control over it. And Remus, you're not cursed. You're a talented wizard."

Remus's tired features softened, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "You've always been persuasive, Padfoot," he admitted, a small smile forming. "Alright Harry, if you're willing to shoulder this... challenge, then I trust you."

Harry returned the smile, determination shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Remus. I'll do my best." 

Holding onto Remus' hand, Harry concentrated on the task he was about to do.

As Harry began absorbing Remus's werewolf curse, a peculiar sensation enveloped him. It was as though he could feel the curse itself, swirling with a dark energy. In his mind palace, where memories and experiences converged, he sensed the curse entwined with Remus's essence.

The feeling was both eerie and enlightening. Harry grasped the struggle Remus endured, the constant battle within. Yet, amidst the darkness, he also sensed resilience and strength, a testament to Remus's courage.

As the curse flowed into him, Harry steeled himself, determined to understand and control it. With each passing moment, he gleaned insight into Remus's challenges.

As Harry delved deeper into his understanding of the curse and its connection to Remus, his confidence swelled. With each passing moment, he gained clarity on the curse's nature and its impact on Remus.

Summoning his courage, Harry unleashed the power bestowed upon him by the Phoenix Force. With a focused mind and unwavering determination, he channeled raw psychic energy to create psionic constructs, manifestations of his willpower.

Launching himself at the curse, which had taken the form of a menacing wolf, Harry's intention was clear: to confront and defeat the curse to free Remus from its grip. As he engaged in the battle, his psionic constructs materialized around him, forming protective barriers and empowering his attacks.

However, the curse fought back with ferocity, its claws slashing at Harry with relentless force. Undeterred by the pain and danger, Harry pressed on, his resolve unwavering.

With each exchange, Harry analyzed the curse's movements, seeking its weaknesses. He knew the battle would be arduous, but his determination remained steadfast.

As the struggle persisted, Harry drew strength from his connection to the Phoenix Force and his determination to save Remus. With every strike and dodge, his psionic constructs shifted and adapted, aiding him in his quest to overcome the curse.

With unwavering commitment, Harry pressed forward, fueled by the belief that his efforts would not only free Remus but also pave the way for a brighter future for both of them.

As the intense battle unfolded within Harry's mind palace, Sirius kept a watchful eye on Harry and Remus, his concern evident in his furrowed brow. With practiced ease, he positioned himself discreetly nearby, ensuring that no one in the Leaky Cauldron would witness the extraordinary events unfolding.

As Harry and Remus grappled with the curse, Sirius remained vigilant, ready to intervene if necessary. His heart raced with each twist and turn of the battle, his only solace being the knowledge that Harry was not alone in his struggle.

With a keen eye and a steadfast resolve, Sirius maintained his silent vigil, his unwavering support a beacon of strength for Harry and Remus in their time of need. In the midst of chaos, he remained a steadfast guardian, watching over them with unwavering loyalty and determination.

In the ethereal realm of Harry's mind palace, the battle against the werewolf curse raged on with an intensity that matched the storm brewing outside the Leaky Cauldron. Within the vast expanse of Harry's consciousness, the struggle took on a surreal quality, as if reality itself had been twisted and contorted to accommodate the clash of wills.

The curse, manifesting as a formidable wolf, snarled and snapped at Harry, its feral instincts driving it to protect its hold over Remus. Harry, fueled by a determination born from a deep sense of loyalty and empathy, met the curse's onslaught with unwavering resolve.

With each exchange, Harry's mind crackled with raw energy, the remnants of his recent absorption of the curse infusing him with newfound power. He drew upon this power to create psionic constructs, shaping the very fabric of his mind into shields and weapons to combat the curse's relentless attacks.

The constructs danced and shifted around him, a testament to Harry's growing mastery over his abilities. Blades of energy sliced through the air, meeting the curse's claws in a flurry of sparks and force fields materialized to deflect its ferocious strikes.

As the battle wore on, Harry found himself tapping into reserves of strength and resilience he never knew he possessed. The lines between reality and illusion blurred as he pushed himself to the limit, his every thought and action driven by a singular purpose: to free Remus from the curse's grip.

Meanwhile, within the depths of his mind, Remus watched the battle unfold with a mixture of awe and trepidation. Though he was unable to actively participate, he lent his support to Harry, his presence a source of comfort and encouragement in the midst of chaos.

Outside the confines of Harry's mind, Sirius maintained his vigilant watch, his eyes darting back and forth between Harry and Remus. He felt a sense of helplessness wash over him as he observed the battle raging within Harry's consciousness, wishing he could do more to aid his godson in his time of need.

Yet, despite the uncertainty and danger that loomed over them, there was a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil. Harry's unwavering determination and the strength of his bond with Remus served as beacons of light in the darkness, guiding them through the storm.

As the battle reached its crescendo, Harry's resolve remained unbroken. With a final surge of determination, he unleashed a torrent of energy, overwhelming the curse and shattering its hold over Remus once and for all.

With a triumphant roar, the curse dissipated into the recesses of Harry's mind, leaving behind a sense of peace and tranquility in its wake. Remus's weary but relieved smile mirrored Harry's own, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had carried them through the darkest of times.

As the storm outside the Leaky Cauldron began to subside, a sense of calm descended upon the tavern. The patrons, unaware of the battle that had raged within their midst, continued their conversations as if nothing had happened.

But for Harry, Remus, and Sirius, the events of that fateful day would forever be etched into their memories. It was a testament to the power of friendship, courage, and the unwavering determination to stand against even the greatest of adversaries.

In the cold, damp confines of his cell in Azkaban, Peter Pettigrew shivered not just from the chill but from the ghosts of his past that haunted him relentlessly. The days since his imprisonment had blended into a ceaseless torment, each moment a stark reminder of the betrayal that had sealed his fate. It had been less than a month since his capture, and the weight of his actions pressed heavily upon his mind.

Peter's thoughts drifted back to 1981, a time that seemed both distant and painfully close. Hogwarts had been a sanctuary, a place where he had found friendship and acceptance among James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin. They had been inseparable, the Marauders, weaving a tapestry of camaraderie and adventure. James had been the leader, always confident and brave, qualities that Peter had admired but never quite possessed himself.

But admiration had its darker side. Peter had always felt a sense of inferiority among his friends, a nagging insecurity that whispered he was the weakest link. While James and Sirius were bold and charismatic, and Remus was quietly intelligent and kind, Peter often felt like a tagalong, basking in their reflected glory. That insecurity had made him vulnerable, a chink in the armor that Voldemort had been all too eager to exploit.

The Dark Lord's rise had been swift and terrifying. Voldemort's reach extended everywhere, his influence growing like a dark shadow over the wizarding world. Peter, like many others, had felt the fear. But unlike his friends, who chose to stand and fight, Peter had crumbled under the pressure. The thought of being hunted, tortured, or killed was unbearable. Voldemort's offer of protection, power, and, most importantly, survival, had been too tempting to refuse.

Peter's thoughts turned to the night he had made the fateful decision. He had met with Voldemort's followers, his heart pounding with a mixture of dread and anticipation. The promises of safety, the assurances that he would not suffer as others would, had clouded his judgment. Fear had driven him to betray James and Lily, people who had trusted him implicitly, people who had considered him a friend.

The memory of that night was seared into his mind. The image of Voldemort, his red eyes gleaming with malice, was as clear as if it had happened yesterday. Peter had given up the Potters' location without a moment's hesitation, driven by a desperate need to save himself. He had told himself it was the only way, that he had no choice, but deep down, he knew the truth. He had chosen the path of cowardice, sacrificing his friends for his own safety.

James's face appeared in his mind's eye, the grin that had once been a constant now a haunting reminder of what he had lost. Peter remembered the last time he had seen James and Lily alive, their trust in him unwavering, their friendship offered without reservation. They had placed their lives in his hands, believing in his loyalty, and he had repaid them with betrayal.

In the silence of his cell, Peter could almost hear James's voice, laughing, planning another of their pranks, full of life and energy. And then there was Lily, kind and compassionate, her smile lighting up even the darkest days. Peter had betrayed not just his friends, but people who had shown him unconditional love and acceptance. The guilt was a constant gnawing presence, a relentless reminder of his fall from grace.

The years that had followed the Potters' deaths had been a blur of fear and hiding. Peter had spent more than a decade as a rat, both literally and metaphorically, scurrying through the underbelly of the wizarding world. It was a fitting punishment, a reflection of his true nature, and he had accepted it as his penance. But the return to human form had brought back the full weight of his guilt and shame.

As Peter sat in his cell, the Dementors' presence a constant reminder of his inner torment, he wondered if he would ever find peace. The memories of his betrayal, the faces of James and Lily, haunted him every waking moment. He knew that he deserved this torment, that he had brought it upon himself through his cowardice and treachery.

But it wasn't just the betrayal of James and Lily that weighed on him. The most cunning and cowardly act he had committed followed closely after their deaths. Peter's thoughts shifted to Sirius Black, another of his closest friends. In the aftermath of his treachery, Peter had known he needed to cover his tracks and ensure his survival. The perfect scapegoat had been right in front of him.

He remembered the day vividly. Confronted by Sirius in a crowded street, Peter had acted with desperate precision. With a single, well-practiced spell, he had caused an explosion that killed twelve innocent Muggles. In the chaos, he had severed his own finger and transformed into his Animagus form, a rat, leaving behind only the finger to frame Sirius for the crime.

The memory of Sirius's face, twisted with shock and betrayal as the Aurors arrived, was another haunting image that Peter couldn't shake. Sirius had been dragged to Azkaban, screaming his innocence, while Peter scurried away into the sewers, his new life as a rat beginning in earnest.

The plan had worked perfectly. The wizarding world believed Sirius was the traitor, the murderer. He had been sentenced to Azkaban without trial, his reputation shattered, his life stolen. Meanwhile, Peter had lived in relative safety, hiding in plain sight as the Weasleys' pet. It was a cruel irony that he had found sanctuary in the home of a loving family, even as he harbored such dark secrets.

As the days in Azkaban dragged on, Peter's guilt only deepened. He had not just betrayed his friends; he had destroyed lives, all to save his own skin. The faces of James, Lily, and Sirius haunted him constantly. The weight of his cowardice and deceit bore down on him, an inescapable torment that matched the physical and mental anguish inflicted by the Dementors.

In the end, Peter Pettigrew was left with nothing but the echoes of his past and the weight of his choices. The betrayal of James and Lily, the framing of Sirius, and the years spent hiding in fear had all led to this moment. The cold stone walls of his cell, the ceaseless chill, and the oppressive darkness were fitting companions for a man who had sacrificed everything for his own survival, only to be consumed by the very guilt he sought to escape.

At that moment, a flicker of movement caught his eye. A figure materialized in the dim light of his cell, seemingly appearing out of thin air. The man was tall, with a pale complexion and strikingly red eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness. He was dressed impeccably, a sharp contrast to the grim surroundings of Azkaban.

Peter's heart raced with a mix of fear and curiosity. There was something eerily familiar about this stranger. The red eyes, the aura of danger and power—he looked like the Dark Lord, but Peter knew he wasn't. Voldemort had a distinct presence that this man, for all his menace, did not share.

The man smiled, a cold, calculating smile that sent shivers down Peter's spine. "Peter Pettigrew," he said in a voice that was smooth and oddly comforting, "I have an offer for you."

Peter's mouth went dry. "Who are you?" he managed to croak out, his voice barely above a whisper.

The stranger's smile widened. "You can call me Mr. Sinister," he replied. "And I believe I have something you might be interested in." He paused, letting his words sink in. "Would you like to be free?"

Peter's mind reeled. The promise of freedom was tantalizing, almost too good to be true. But as he looked into Mr. Sinister's eyes, he saw something there—an opportunity, perhaps, but also a danger he could not yet fathom.

As the darkness of Azkaban pressed in around him, Peter Pettigrew faced a new choice, one that could change his fate once again. The question hung in the air, a promise of freedom that seemed almost within reach. But at what cost?


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