28.57% The Rejected Soul / Chapter 1: Chapter One: A rough wake up.

章 1: Chapter One: A rough wake up.

So the one shot ended up being more. I mean the one-shot was just a few ideas I had, like I have most of the story planned out in my head, I just need to get there.

This chapter is the same as the prototype, if you read it you'll see its kinda of a copy and paste with minor changes. I do recommend still reading this chapter though. 


"Mael," she murmurs, her voice playful yet tinged with a hint of urgency. Mael lies nestled against the soft curves of a beautifully pale woman with soft raven hair. "Time to wake up, sleepyhead."

The warm, soft embrace of the woman's body envelops Mael as he nuzzles against her, a content sigh escaping his lips. Time seems to have slipped away, and at this moment, he is lost in the simple pleasure of her company. Mael responds with a questioning hum, reluctant to leave the comfort of her embrace. But her words persist, growing more insistent.

"Come on, you need to get up," she insists, a slight edge creeping into her tone. "Come on you stubborn lug" 

"You're about to be a chew toy" Suddenly, the woman's hand connects with Mael's cheek in a sharp, stinging slap, snapping him from his drowsy state. A shiver crawled up his spine, like knives stabbing into it.


His pale red eyes fly open, and the dream seems to vanish, replaced by a startling reality. 

Instinctually, he coiled his fist back. Throwing his hand, his knuckles colliding with a bony snout with a sickening crunch. The creature is hurtled through the air, crashing through two trees, their trunks splintering and collapsing under the impact. It landed in a small crater, and Mael stared at it uninterested. The victim, or rather creature was a black-furred beast: A Grimm. 

A Beowolf to be more specific. A Black furred beast, with a bone-white mask that had red details carved into it.

Mael's hand shifted, shielding his eyes as a bright blue lens shined in his face. It was a navy blue orb's lens that blasted his eyes with the light annoying him. "Morning, sunshine," The orb quips, his raspy synthetic voice holding a timbre hum as he makes his sarcastic remarks. "Didn't mean to interrupt your beauty sleep, but we kinda got company."

His eyes rolled, as he swatted the orb away sending to spiraling. "Shut that light off, will ya, Cayde?" His gaze held no interest, even when two more creatures prowled out into the clearing. 

Eager to eat, the first Grimm lets out an ear-splitting roar and charges forward, its massive jaws gaping wide. Mael following its action darts forward, slipping under the monster's lunge and grabbing at its hind legs. In a fluid motion, with a powerful heave, swings the Grimm around, slamming it into the second Beowolf that had been charging in from the side.

The two Beowolves crash to the ground in a tangled heap, dazed but not dead. They snarl and thrash, trying to disentangle themselves and get back on their feet. "Cayde"

Clearing the distance in the blink of an eye, Cayde appears next to Mael, his eyes glowing. Slowly, a Bokken – a wooden practice katana – materializes in the center of his eye. "Gotchu!" 

Gripping the hilt, he yanked it out. His movements were amateurish, as he swung upwards with the weapon, cutting a deep gash in the ground along with both of the beasts. Their bodies fell into two halves, rugged cuts from brute strength rather than skill. 

The wooden sword makes a loud cracking sound as it connects with the Grimm's bodies, and Mael watches impassively as the Bokken shatters into splinters. "Hmph, fragile," Mael mutters, tossing the broken hilt aside. "You know, Katanas are too delicate for my liking" 

"You know, it's kinda your fault." Cayde pointed out, as he scanned the remains of the Bokken. "Your style of brutish fighting isn't suited for a Katana" 

"Hmm," He hummed in agreement, scratching his cheek sheepishly, like a child caught in a cook jar. Cayde was right, Mael mainly used brute strength, save for the combat training simulation Cayde forces him to fight. Weapon uses were recently added to his regiment. 

"Well, what other weapon could do well for my style then?" Of course, Mael's first choice of mastery was a Katana, a weebs wet dream. I mean who wouldn't want to copy all those cool moves you see in anime?! Sadly, Mael wasn't suited for a katana, as much as he thought. That doesn't mean he won't learn, he'd rather master the easy ones first. 

Cayde pauses for a moment, contemplating. "Well, what about a great sword? Or maybe an axe or a mace. U'know something sturdy?" Mael considers this, his gaze drifting back to the shattered remnants of the Bokken.

"Hmm, maybe," he concedes vaguely. "Anyways. We doing more weapon training?" 

Cayde lets out a soft chuckle. "Training? Oh, no, my friend. Today's the big day - the start of the canon. No time for training now."

Mael's eyes widen, a spark of excitement igniting within him. "Finally! I was starting to get bored waiting around."

"Bored?" Cayde's one eye flashes, as the metallic covers shivered and raised slightly, letting steam out. "Has my training been, boring, to you?" Cayde's whole existence was the train Mael, so it was no surprise he took it personally. 

Mael waves a dismissive hand. "Pfft, that was just six months of fighting Grimm and running the same old simulations. Hardly thrilling."

A tick mark appeared formed on his metallic head, as his eyes turned a shade of threatening red. "Oh, is that so?" Cayde nodded to himself annoyed, but a mischievous glint crept into his eye. "Well, then, I suppose I'll just have to make sure the next training session is anything but boring."

Mael's arms folded, with a smug look. "Bring it. Don't think you'll catch me off guard like that Aikido stunt you pulled a while back."

Cayde, in his orb form, floats next to Mael, a smug tone coloring his disembodied voice. "Still can't believe you let me toss you around like a rag doll. And here I thought you were supposed to be some kind of martial arts prodigy."

Mael rolls his eyes, waving the orb off. "Yeah, yeah." He glances around, brow furrowing. "So, uh, which way to the city? I was hoping to pick up some new clothes before we meet up with the main cast." He quickly changed the subject sheepishly. 

His pale red eyes glanced down at himself, he wore a tattered, sleeveless kimono, with scuffed bandages covering his forearms, lower legs, and feet. What made it worse was that his black hair was a messy mop that laid on his head, it covered a bit of his making him look like a generic hentai protagonist. The only things that really set him apart were his height and muscles. [Image]

He stood at an imposing height of 6 foot 6 inches, with a toned body. Emphasis on his biceps, thighs, and back. He stuck out like a sore thumb, he didn't even have shoes.

Cayde's orb bobs in the air, a hint of amusement emanating from it. "Lucky for you, I know the way. But first-"

The orb shakes, it's 'skin' opening up and changing. Extending its form into that of a bird, a crow, more specifically. Feathers fluffed out from the metal bird's skin, changing shades to a matte black color. "Can't let people I'm some futuristic magical ord that guides reincarnators like you. Now can we?" 

Mael nodded, it would make unnecessary trouble for him. Ozpin, Ironwood, and many others would probably want to take a look at Cayde. Hiding as a qrow? Might not be the best way but more than likely no one would question it. Hopefully. 

Mael didn't mind sticking out, easier for trouble to find him. What he did mind thought, was looking homeless. After all who doesn't want to look fly while beating the shit out of criminals? Presentation matters people! 

The feathered Cayde takes off into the air like a mini-missile, flying and fast. The homeless man's eyes twitched as he mumbled under his breath. "Slow down will ya?!" 

Cayde ignored, paying him no heed, steadily gaining altitude. Gritting his teeth, Mael resisted the temptation to chuck a rock at the bird. He shivered remembering the last time he tried to mess with Cayde, it ended in that "Aikido Stunt" that the robotic trainer pulled. 

So Mael begrudgingly, sprinted after the bird, and he was fast. He kept up with the bird with relative ease, even using his enhanced agility to jump from tree to tree, like Spider-man. Mael moves with the grace of a seasoned parkour artist, his hands and feet finding purchase on the trees and obstacles in his path.

"Slow down, ya overgrown pigeon!!" Mael shouts, but Cayde continues to soar, weaving between the branches without a care. Despite the twists and turns, the obstacles, and the distance, Mael keeps the crow in his sights, matching Cayde's aerial maneuvers with his own impressive display of agility and skill.

"Not bad, kid," Cayde's voice echoes, a hint of grudging respect in his tone. "But let's see how long you can keep this up." His form picked up in speed, even faster than before. Mael's eye twitched as he also picked up in speed, even going higher in the trees. 

~ Interlude

Cayde is an advanced AI system that guides and mentors Mael during his journey of reincarnation. The AI possesses a range of functions to support and assist Mael.

One of Cayde's core abilities is his capacity for transformation. He can shift his form to embody the persona of any martial arts master, real or fictional, allowing him to impart various fighting techniques and styles to Mael during their training sessions. However, Cayde is only able to use this during training. 

In addition, Cayde has the remarkable capability to analyze and quantify a person's physical attributes, providing Mael with detailed assessments of their strengths, weaknesses, and overall potential. This data helps Mael better understand the capabilities of anyone, even his own. 


Name: Mael Quinn

Semblance: None

Aura Level: 0

Strength: B

Agility: C

Endurance: A

Intelligence: B

Potential: S

End example 

Cayde's most versatile function is his inventory system. The AI can store a vast array of inanimate objects, essentially acting as an infinite backpack for Mael. This ensures he always has access to the resources and equipment he may need without being burdened by the weight or number of items. 

Through these diverse abilities, Cayde aims to serve as a guide, mentor, and support system for Mael as he navigates his reincarnation.

~ End


Minor changes compared to the prototype, which was technically three-ish chapters rolled into one. Such as this chapter gave a bit more in-depth as to what Cayde is. 

Now, onto something a bit more important: Love interest (~ ̄³ ̄)~

Harem (4 or 5): 

Poly (2 maybe 3) 


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


