10% Sauron in game of thrones / Chapter 2: greatest necromancer of middle earth.

章 2: greatest necromancer of middle earth.

Let's see what you can do Sauron said with a malicious grin.

Sauron was ready to resurrect this fallen creature.

Laying his hand on the nose of the dragon Sauron was ready to reform certain structural bonds of the dragon, and change him into a shadow dragon reminiscent of the fellbeast the nazgul rode on.

But stronger and able to spew a breath of shadow and death.

So Sauron waited trying to feel the cells in the beast but "....." "Why does nothing happen?"

Looking down at his hands Sauron was puzzled something like this never happened before.

He was always capable of ejecting his energy into other objects or creatures.

Looking down at his hands Sauron was frustrated but not surprised.

He had already felt that he had changed from before he came to this strange world.

It was just unknown to what extent.

"Well this place is as good as any to feel the changes that happen in my body."

Sauron sat down next to the corpse, looking over his right shoulder he saw the man with his head lowered.

The man had shiny silver hair and was a large specimen if you would follow the sizes of mankind.

He should have stood at 6,ft4 or 1,9 when alive.

"Interesting" Sauron said feeling a weak magic in the man's body.

In middle earth the only mortal races capable of magic were elves, dragons and creatures Sauron had made like werewolves.

The only magic line from mankind was that of Isildur.

Capable of extended lives but nothing special.

But this man here has almost as much magic as elven sorcerers.

"If i can find his line they would be useful pawns to use."

"Well I will look into that later let's first focus on myself."

Turning into himself he tried understanding his body.

Feeling his energy flowing trough his body he started to understand why he couldn't project it outside.

It was flowing and melting with his body making him stronger while prohibiting him from influencing his surroundings.

His strength was more than five times that of a man his stature.

Imagine a man of 2,8 meters but five times as strong than as he would have been as a man of the same height.

Sir Gregor Clegane would be 8 ft and be a unstoppable force on the battlefield, now envision a pale man of 9ft2 with a strength far greater than possible for his frame.

He would be a god on the battlefield.

The pure strength and brutality it would bring on a battlefield was unquestionably enormous.

While Sauron was frustrated that he couldn't bing the mighty beast back form the dead for now, he knew this change he was undergoing was for the better.

While Sauron was mighty no doubt, he was always a deceiver and planner not a warrior.

Of course he could even stand his ground against a balrog, but he would be hard-pressed to win it.

He had been one of the most powerful maiar even close to the weaker Valar.

But now with his physical strength growing and melting with his magical might he started to get excited.

New possibilities were forming, but he would have to wait until his body was used to his magical power.

Until then he decided to understand the circumstances around the corpse next to him.

Turning his head he was ready to search the body for anything to show what kind of world he was in.

Sauron thought this man used to be a knight on a quest to slay the dragon living in this cave.

But what he found strange was that there were no sighs of battle here.

Bending down Sauron saw a fresh wound still flowing with blood.

Right on the man's stomach.

"Strange it's like this place purposefully keeps his body animated."

"Luring more natural magic to this place."

"Same for the dragon this place uses it to lure magic towards this cave, keeping them in animated suspension."

"They should long be dead especially the man with their limited lifespan."

"Dragons have near infinite lifespan at least the dragons I know this one seems different."

"Less noble if I should describe it."

"But still this place keeps their body's living and bleeding."

Sauron looked down searching for interesting item's.

"Well what do we have here?"

Sauron saw a small leather satchel hidden behind the corpse.

A long sword lay beside the man but Sauron ignored it for now.

Moving his hand down he lifts the corpse by the hair careful not to destroy his new experimental subject.

Moving it to the side he reached down for the satchel.

"Hmm closed and preserved by magic how interesting."

Reaching down for the pin, he squeezed the lock until it broke, sending a curse to the one breaking it.

It hit Sauron who was not surprised at this.

He had long expected a curse to be placed on the satchel.

"How fun, a life draining curse let's see it takes more than 300 years of lifespan from mortal races."

"I must say they are brutal whomever sent this knight."

A mortal curse of course didn't do anything against a immortal spirit, so Sauron moved on with his inquiring of knowledge.

Inside the satchel he found an old dairy, a piece of inky black metal and a sealed letter depicting a dragon and a hammer.

Laying aside the seal and metal, Sauron took the dairy intend on reading it.


The year is 1567 of the valyrian calander

To whomever finds this, my name is Erodon of house Gahan.

Since you survived the curse placed on my satchel.

Or your companion died for it.

It means you are worthy for this task.

Our family is one of the dragon Lords of valyria.

I have a pressing message to sent back to my family.

If you would deliver said message, your trouble would be rewarded above your wildest dreams.

This I can swear upon my house and honour.

My emblem is present on the letter.

Take it to the closest Valyrian colony and message should be sent to my house.

Also please do not remove me or my dragon from this sanctuary.

It would give him eyes where they do not belong.

All the best Erodon Gahan.


"Hmm strange it looks like he didn't come to slay the dragon but they are capable of taming them."

It also seems these dragon Lords are exceedingly arrogant.

Who would ask to deliver a message for you after you cursed them or one of their companions died.

Well it doesn't matter for me.

A giant creepy smile started forming on Sauron's face.

"If I can learn this magic I would be able to bound these creatures of destruction to me."

"No longer will they follow Morgoth's will but mine."

" But first I should wait until my body is used to my old energy."

"I might be capable of shapeshifting again after all my magic is integrated with this body."

Sauron sat down again not really interested in the scroll containing the information for the man's family.

He could get that out of them easily once he meets them.

And if he wants to learn their magic he should at least act like he is trustworthy.

Then he focuses on the blade in his hand unseating it.

A long steel blade emerges from his scabbard.

"I can feel magic in this blade both dragonic and blood."

"I would like to learn their smithing too while far inferior to my skill it is still an impressive technique."

"And it should possibly be able to fill in some shortcomings for me."

"I have never worked sacrifices into my works and neither dragon flames."

"This time I will not be content once I create my one ring, I will keep on improving it and I will make sure it can't be destroyed this time."

Sauron held the sharp side of the sword to his palm and tried cutting his flesh.

A deep cut was made into his fleshly palm.

Black blood flowed out dark but not despairing so.

It was far from abbysal black more a night sky black.

Sauron raised his eyebrow.

"It is indeed a great sword if it is capable of cutting a maiar."

" The wound was squirming and slowly closing but far from the normal speed Sauron is used to "

" This is ingenious the dragonic magic destroys the flesh while the blood magic curses the cut wound and delays recovery."

" I will use this in my ring, and when I will recreate my weapon."

Having finished exploring the cave, Sauron waits until he is fully in sync with his magic.

After that he is going to move to the greatest cluster of magic and life force in the surroundings.

4 days go by while Sauron focused on himself and what he wants to achieve in this new world.

He looked at the new metal found by the strange knight too.

It was hard warm and evil most likely a volcanic metal from the bellows of the earth.

Feeling it Sauron got a weird sensation.

"So my brethren are present on this world too?."

"Well I should not be surprised."

The evil coming from this metal was far from mortal grasp.

It was acient and dark.

"Well it matters not, I will not make the same mistakes and I will come out on top this time."

"They will either bow down or die."

Another 2 days passed until Sauron feels something weird.

All his power is now integrated both in his body and adjusted to this world.

And the moment he felt it, he knew something was wrong.

"Why is that there?!!"

Inside of his body he felt a time and space fracture.

It swirls around itself where Sauron's hart was placed.

It was like it existed outside of this dimension for it did not interfere with the flesh.

Sauron was both shocked, afraid, and intrigued.

"What is this abomination?"

"Do I have any control over it?"

Sauron tried feeling the whirlwind inside of himself.

And when he did feel it, it appeared right in front of him.

A big blue gate appeared before him.

"What is this!!" Sauron was bewildered.

Slowly moving towards the blue space gate, he tried feeling it but his hand went right trough the gate.

"Sigh, why do all these weird things keep on happening."

"Well let's see what is on the other side "

jonas_karel jonas_karel

I couldn't really find the names of the different dragon lord houses so I am just rolling with it

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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