

'I tried to make this disguise as handsome as possible without being unbearably handsome, but I think I still look less good-looking than I do normally...'

'It's a good thing, I guess, because I want the witch to like my natural looks better.'

Rollo checked himself in the mirror again before leaving his room.

He had improved his looks.

In his normal appearance.

He couldn't explain it, blaming it on his Essence and the first passive skills he'd acquired.

Rollo wasn't bad-looking in the story, but he wasn't as attractive as Ragnar or the new him.

Rollo was now more attractive than his brother, drawing more attention from both men and women in Kattegat.

Surely, some beautifying magic had occurred to him on the way as he ran.

He left the inn wearing the same disguise from this morning, face and body, which was not as impressive as his true self.

It was still very desirable, and some women swooned as they passed him on the street.

They couldn't help but glance back twice.

One of such women, possibly the owner or seller of a condiment stall, stared at him for too long.

Immediately, some young men who were heckling and flirting with some irritated women in the area couldn't help but approach.

After one of them, the group leader, appeared to exchange words with the vendor woman of that stall, which she did not seem to appreciate or eagerly anticipate, he strolled up to Rollo, who was walking leisurely.

Minding his business.

He was about to speak with Rollo, wearing a hostile and disdainful sneer and preparing something most likely nefarious.

But then someone jumped, leaped out of nowhere, and landed between them.

It was another woman.

This time, it appeared to be a strong one.

A shield maiden.

"Haven't you had enough of harassing poor women who have no liking for you, Iorund? You're also going to harass the good men they're interested in?"

She had a wooden sword in her hand.

The man's enthusiasm faded, and he stumbled, scowling and saying, 

"Ingrid... What do you want?? Can't you just leave me alone to my business for a minute?"

The men who were accompanying him began to whisper and laugh.

Rollo came to a stop and listened.

Those two people in conflict appeared to be related. They were orphaned brothers and sisters, with the woman being the older one.

"What kind of business can a no-good lazy kid like you have, huh? You're back, loitering around town with other street scum like yourself."

"I told you, Iorund, that my hand isn't strong or profitable enough to support you indefinitely. Instead of pestering women and conspiring to do such ridiculous things all day, you should get some work."

"Like all men your age do."

"The dungeon is the least of your concerns at this rhythm... I've given you enough warnings for you to finally try and shy away from the gallows."

"It could get even worse much quicker than that... Just know that I won't be the one to pray over your grave if you end up offending someone you can't afford to."

The nagging was vicious, and it was shaming the young man, who did not want to be embarrassed in front of his friends like this.

His face flushed, he waved his cape, and hurriedly left, like a coward, saying, 

"When do I need your money or advice? Mind your own affairs, Ingrid; get a life instead of obsessing so much about mine!"

She mocked him and yelled as he ran away, making sure he heard, 

"You may not need my advice, but you do need my money; make sure to come get it when you have no more place to stay where you are these days!"

People of all ages, passing by, became curious, making the young man feel even more embarrassed and compelled to flee.

Even his gang of thugs laughed at his misery.

They appeared to fear this woman named Ingrid and gave the sense to be accustomed to being called names by her.


Rollo never expected to witness such an unusual and amusing scene between a brother and his sister while leaving the inn.

He silently looked at the back of Ingrid, which had a shield on it.

She turned to face him and asked, 

"Are you all right? Sorry for my brother, he was about to cause you some trouble just because you look more dashing than most…"

She was not shy about praising a man.

Or shy at all, it seemed.

Rollo experienced a difficult-to-explain sense of familiarity with the voice after hearing her speak to her brother.

However, after seeing her face, he recognized her.

He said to her, 

"No harm done. I didn't notice until you stepped in…"

Pretending to look her over from bottom to top, he inquired, 

"Are you a shield maiden?"

She was one of the shield maidens he had seen in the story; she was one of Aslaug's female servants, the one with the black hair who talked the most.


**Author's Note:

Short chapter this time, but triple happiness today.

The character is real and not mine, but the name is made up as she only had a few short appearances I think.**

daoistgingerale daoistgingerale

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


