11.11% One piece:Nine tails! / Chapter 2: Chapter 2:Loguetown,Plans and Timeskip!

章 2: Chapter 2:Loguetown,Plans and Timeskip!

{I will post chapters of the two fanfics a day apart,so if I have posted a chapter for

One piece:Nine tails,then the next day I will post the chapter for Naruto:eye system.So stay tuned~}

Yami could be seen waking up after he fell on top of the old building in lougetown.He looked around before the events that happened passed through his head.He pinched himself again to see if this was real,and he felt pain."T-this is real". Feeling the pain he knew he was really in the one piece world.He looked around to see where he was until his gaze fell on a big treasure chest alongside a big backpack beside him.He recalled that SKM said that he will get his devil fruit when he arrived here.He quickly opened it as he knew he had to grow strong to survive in this world so this devil fruit is a must for him.

He saw an orange apple with swirl designs and nine tail like branches at the stem.He took it and inspected it with excitement as this was his first time seeing a real devil fruit.Then slowly he brought it towards his mouth and took a bite,which he began to regret as it tasted like,he didn't even know how to describe it,but one thing was clear that it was the worst thing he has ever ate in his life.He gagged but forced himself to swallow it.Then the fruit in his hand disappeared in flames along with the chest.What remained was the big bag.

He opened it and saw some paper bundles, which he identified as berry.He also saw some basic necessity supplies as well as 2 maps with grandline and new world written on them.He also saw a book labelled sword styles of anime,and finally a letter.He first opened the letter and red it.

"Hi pal,it's me, sarusakkuKM17,hope you arrived safely.The bag I have given you is your starter kit,with important supplies like map,some food,and I have given you 1 million berry as starting money for you,don't waste it!Anyways I wrote this letter to inform you of something else,the timeline you are in is 1 year before luffy starts his journey.And to tell you that I did some more editing to your cheats."When Yami red this part,he was shocked and felt fear as he thought that SKM nerfed his skills some more.

He quickly red further,"Don't worry,i didn't nerf you,The first wish is changed and made so that,you have the 3 hakis,and the potential to make all 3 of them reach the pinnacle of haki,which is the limit in the one piece world.The second wish is that you have got the anime sword styles,like the breathing styles of demon slayer,some skills from bleach,SAO,etc and you can make them powerful with your haki.The third wish is the same, except that you can only awaken 1 devil fruit along with the kyubi fruit,the logia fruits will not have elementalizaton and will instead let you use their elements as jutsu without handsigns, that's it.To compensate for changing your wishes again I will give you the ability to store the abilities of the devil fruit users you kill into fruits.Also, sometimes I will send you some mission with rewards if I feel like it"

When he finished reading it,he sighed as that was ok with him,even,it was somehow better than before.He quickly collected himself and watched as the letter also disappeared.He took the backpack and went near the edge of the roof and overlooked the town,to see if he knew where he was.He looked around and found a familiar execution platform.He was in loguetown!He was excited as this place was perfect,when he had seen some content's of the anime sword styles book,there was a note stating that his body was compatible to wield 2 swords.So he had decided to get two swords of,at minimum a grade sword.

But who would have thought he would be in loguetown,where a grade blade Sandai Kitetsu and a skillful grade blade Yubashiri resided at an old man's shop! Perfect for him!He calmed himself down as he first needed to get the power of his devil fruit under his control and practice his haki a little,as this town had smoker,the logia devil fruit user of smoke,of the marines, leading the marine base here.

He soon started to walk down the building and look around before heading to a random direction, inspecting everything about the town,as this was still very exciting for him,to see the pirate king's town!He passed by some marines while inquiring about an abandoned place for staying and practicing his tricks for a road side magic show(for the practice of his devil fruit).He thought, because the people here were sure no pirate will mess here because of Smoker,they didn't have any suspicion of him and gave him an address of an abandoned warehouse because it used to belong to a group of thugs before smoker arrived and captured them.

When he got the direction for it, he thanked the person and walked to that direction,while passing by a mirror of a clothes shop and seeing his new face for the first time.He had black hair with midnight blue highlights, sapphire blue eyes with golden stardust,white skin,lean body,with little muscles, height around zoro's before time skip.He didn't know how,but he knew he was 20 years old, probably because of SKM.

He shook those thoughts away and resumed walking.After some time he arrived at an abandoned building.He went inside it and saw that it had some barrels to sit on,a big table, some other things,but most of all everything was covered in dust.He sighed and pulled out a cloth from his bag and used it to clean the big table and one of the barrels before sitting there and placing his bag on the table.

He then took some fruits he had in his bag and ate them while thinking about the training plan.First his body,he had to increase his Durability,stamina,strength,speed.For his devil fruit,he had to master it to use at least the one tail mode,before thinking about stealing the sword and running towards East blue,for his main plan.For haki he had to first practice the observation and armament,and for conqueror haki,he will train it in another island as the conqueror haki can alert smoker,I mean it can alert anyone if you see some people near the abandoned warehouse unconscious.

After eating, Yami got up and pushed all the barrels and the table at the corner of the room,before walking at the center of the room.He then tried to focus and use his devil fruit.After some time he started to feel some energy deep inside him ,the amount of energy he felt was huge but he could only command a little of that energy.Soon Yami's hair started to spike,while his nails grew and his eyes turned red with slits.he looked at himself in the mirror on the wall,and he had to say,he really, REALLY,wanted to show off in front of his friends!This was like a dream come true!

He tried to walk,but found himself right in front of the wall,face first!He stepped back while rubbing his face while muttering,"I didn't feel any pain,but damn,I have to adjust to this speed."Like this,some time passed and it took Yami 1 hour trying to get his movements in control,which he managed somewhat,but then the energy got cut off and he fell, again,face first."Damn it,I can only use this much power,for only 1 hour before I am exhausted! It took Naruto 3 years before he managed to master it to use all the power of the Nine tails,for half a day before he turned 16!"He needed to really up his stamina,as well as other things to reach that level faster!


----------------~Training Timeskip~-----------------

It has been 7 months,since he arrived here, training all day,while making plan's to survive and conquer this world.

After training he has mastered the 1 tail state,can use observation haki properly and can maintain armament haki on his hands and legs for 5 minutes.He had also trained his body by exercising Zoro style.He had trained his swordsmanship by using wooden swords that he brought from the arms shop,while checking the place out.In swordsmanship he had learned some styles like{you will know later}.

Now Yami could be seen standing infront of the arms shop, wearing a cloth around his mouth and a hood on his head,while preparing himself as he was about to rob it and become a pirate and, finally,leave this town and go to East blue and start his plan.He walked inside the shop,while the shopkeeper,he forgot his name, greeted him."welcome customer,it has been some time since someone has come here.What are you looking for sir;sword,guns,ammo?"He asked,to which Yami smiled while looking around to make sure he was alone.

Before the shopkeeper could even scream,Yami had appeared near him and punched him in the face, knocking him out!He quickly walked to the door and changed the sign to closed.He then went near a barrel and took Sandai Kitetsu.Then he jumped above the counter and walked inside the door,behind the counter, where he found a room that looked like a normal house, except some swords and guns hanging here and there,and a glass box with his second sword Yubashiri .He also took it, along with some guns and ammos.He placed everything in his bag.And placed the swords on his back,Deadpool style.

He then walked back towards the counter and opened the drawers and took all the money,100,000 berry,from the shop.He was gonna be a pirate,so looting was inevitable.Then he walked out of the shop and looked around before making a steady retreat towards the docks.He discarded the clothes he wore and appeared on the docks.He asked around some merchant ships and found one going to pearl village,which is luckily some distance away from Foosha Village.

He had decided that for his devil fruits,he will kill and take enel's rumble fruit for long range attacks ,aoe,and huge firepower attacks,blueno's door fruit for its quick escape, traps,door dimension for inventory,etc and finally find law to see if he joins his crew,if not then kill him and take his fruit and give it to someone he can trust in the future,as to fully utilise it he needs good medical skills,which he lacks.These were his first 3 of the 4 fruits he had decided and he will make sure to get all 4 of them,the ope fruit for his crew,As for his 4th fruit, achieving it is his first objective,sadly,which he had steeled his heart to do,kill and take luffy's Nika fruit for his body strength and awaken it.As well as take the strawhat crew as his own.He gave a sad sigh and boarded the merchant ship.After which...

(Find out next time on One piece:Nine tails)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


