
章 20: Spider girl

That's it Chole has less mana reserves.

I have realized now, Assuming these creatures were drawn to mana, maybe I could use that to my advantage., I was a conjurer. Could I create a lure, a spread of concentrated mana, that would draw the parasites away from my vital organs?

These tiny little creatures are intelligent and smartness is the only thing that is required

Taking a deep breath, I focused my remaining strength, ignoring the pain in my body. I reached deep within myself, drawing upon the reserves of mana that still flowed through my veins.

"[Mana Bait]!" I gasped, It coated dark magic that generates huge mana for a while and sucks mana from the creatures near it by 100m which is far from here. 

If my guess is correct, then the spiders will attracted by the scent, and run towards their death. If not I have another alternative plan.

A shimmering orb of pure mana materialized before me, pulsating with dark energy. I threw the mana bait far away. The spiders, sensing the potent source of power, immediately reacted. They stopped biting my flesh,

A wave of dizziness washed over me as the spiders retreated, leaving behind a trail of searing pain. I glanced down at my arms and legs, my eyes widening in horror. Dozens of tiny bite marks covered my skin, each one oozing a viscous, purple fluid. I hadn't even realized how many of the creatures had latched onto me... They even penetrated through my [shadow veil]. 

I see she used her spell on the whole terrain, so my evasion didn't work. I have upgraded [shadow veil] so that I can automatically evade single attack and it breaks afterward. 

I can create it again, but again it requires mana. As the last of the spiders scurried towards the glowing orb, the mana exploded and the little spiders were destroyed and I gathered their mana. 

The spider is strong, it made me use dark magic, is it a boy or girl?

She tried to use the mist attack again to gather as she tried to spread the mist, the same attack she used. Suddenly I got a mischievous idea

I again repeated the same process and threw [Mana bait], and it got twitched and glowed

 The hulking spider-form began to shrink and contort. Its multiple eyes dimmed, its legs folded in on themselves, and its chitinous shell peeled away..

The creature was no longer a monster, she is a woman with breathtaking beauty. She was dressed in a flowing kimono of deep emerald green, adorned with delicate floral patterns.

Her long, black hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, her lips painted rosy red and quite seductive and her skin was as pale and flawless as moonlight on water

 "....." Even in my weakened state, I couldn't deny how beautiful she is. She was dangerous, and terrifying but, she seems capable and my mind is telling me she will a good mother of my children.

She crossed her arms over her chest, the movement causing the fabric of her kimono to shift and reveal her smooth skin a bit.. It was hot.

 "You fought bravely," she whispered in low voice, with a sweet arousing tone "But your strength is no match for mine."

 "Your tricks won't work on me a second time," she warned, her voice surprisingly melodic despite her malicious aura spreading more

She vanished in a blur, reappearing behind me in a heartbeat. Her speed was fast , her movements a graceful coated with deadly intent. I barely had time to react as her clawed hand lashed out

I use [shadow veil] to evade. The ground where I had stood moments before erupted in a sizzling hiss as her poison corroded the stone.

"You're fast," I replied, "You are not the only who is overpowered.."

"Seraphina!" I yelled, my voice echoing in the cavern. "Traps!"

My brilliant servant, Seraphina, responded instantly, her eyes flashing with arcane light. Runes glowed on the floor beneath Kimora's feet, triggering a series of conjured traps. Stone spikes erupted from the ground

With a graceful leap, she evaded the spikes as expected, her kimono swirling around her like a shield against the flames; only for her to realize chains binding her

Chains formed from using dark magic, their links forged from pure conjured magic. They whipped through the air, wrapping around Kimora's limbs, binding her to the ground.

I want to capture her

You dare bind me?" she growled, her voice dripping with venom. "I am not so easily contained."

 I infused the chains with even more conjured energy, tightening their grip. The harder she struggled, the tighter the chains became. A cold, pulsating energy flowed through them, draining her mana with every desperate move she made.

She was quite a desperate and stubborn woman, and I like that side of her.

. Her movements gradually slowed, her grunts turning into pained gasps as she realized the futility of her efforts.

Finally, with a defeated sigh, Kimora ceased her struggle. Her head bowed, her once fiery eyes dulled with exhaustion. She was now calm, replacing the rage that had consumed her.

"It seems I have underestimated you," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper.

I cautiously approached my hand still raised, ready to reinforce the chains if needed. "Who are you?" I asked, my voice low and steady. "And why do you prey on travelers?"

"Master, you shouldn't be near that monster " Seraphina warned me. 

"I will be fine Seraphina, Trust me and heal Chole and Charlie," I said pointing to them who had fainted.

Thank god they haven't died. I am not ready for their deaths

I just want to know, and learn about the world more.

She lifted her head, her eyes meeting mine with a newfound clarity. Her predatory glint is gone, replaced by a expresion something similar to resignation. "My name is Kimora," she said softly. "And I kill to survive."

She is quite cute while she is talking in a soft and serious manner. I really liked the way , when she was struggling to break free from the chains she was binded earlier. 

I liked tying her up and having her struggle, what's wrong with me. Why do I feel so good and happy? What's this thing?

 "Survival?" I continued. "You don't seem like the type who needs to resort to such drastic measures."

She was strong, at most she could've easily scared the travelers away and I want to hear more.

A bitter smile twisted her lips. "You are really persisting," she said. "I have lived a life of isolation, shunned and feared for my powers. Killing is the only way I know how to exist in this world."

"If I spare one, tomorrow they bring another to hunt me, I can't have people finding my existence. " She explained

"You are contradicting yourself " I commented

"You blamed being isolated but the moment a person comes near you....you kill them " I answered with a neutral tone.

. "You misunderstand," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "It's not that I want to kill. It's that I have no other choice."

Her voice cracked as she spoke. "When I was just a child," she continued, her words heavy with sorrow, "my mother was killed by a group of hunters. They feared her powers, saw her as a monster. I watched them tear her apart...and I swore I would never let anyone else do that to me."

"My mother was like you said...Did nothing...But she was.....I refuse to let do the same " She replied furious.

Her voice hardened as she spoke, but the pain in her eyes was still there. "I learned to use my abilities to protect myself, to strike first before anyone else could harm me. After my first kill, I got adjusted to it, But with every life I took, a part of me went away. I became the very monster they feared." She said with absolute terror
She was quite right, and she realized it, the more you become violent, the more you distance from others and the more you lose yourself in the end. 
Being myself is a privilege I can afford. Hope I can continue to be like this.
A heavy silence descended upon us, broken only by the soft drip of water echoing in the cavern. I felt a pang of pity for this woman, trapped in a cycle of violence and isolation.
She seemed closer to me, at least when I was in my past life.
I took a step closer, my gaze softening. . "I didn't mean to hurt you. I wanted to know about you"
Kimora looked up at me, her eyes wide with surprise. It was like that no one had ever spoken to her with such kindness before. Oh! thank god I haven't said it loud
I gently reached out, my hand hovering over her shoulder. "Let me help you," I offered, my voice barely above a whisper. "Let me show you that there's a different way to live."
. "I don't need your pity," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Nor do I need your help."
I gently squeezed her shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "I'm not offering pity, Kimora," I said. "I'm offering understanding. I know what it's like to be different, to feel alone in a world that doesn't understand you."
Her eyes widened slightly, she answered curiously with hope. "You...understand?" she asked hesitantly.

I placed my hand on her shoulder, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath the delicate fabric of her kimono. A shiver ran through her body, but she didn't pull away.

"Perhaps not completely," I admitted. "But I know what it's like to feel lost, to crave acceptance. And I know several ways for you to live your life."

Her lips parted slightly, as if she wanted to speak but couldn't find the words. I could see the conflict in her eyes "You defeated me," she finally said, her voice barely a whisper.

"By tradition, I am yours to command."

This time, I was surprised by her bold declaration out of nowhere, completely unexpected out of nowhere

DaoistXslFRK DaoistXslFRK

Here is your girl in the harem guys

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


