66.66% Star Wars: The New Game / Chapter 6: The Dragon of Tatooine

章 6: The Dragon of Tatooine

It immediately became evident to Luke that while the Krayt dragon was half of Obi-Wan's level this was no easy battle. 

The Krayt dragon wasn't particularly mobile, but it wasn't slow at all, at least compared to Obi-Wan. Its armor was so strong that Luke instantly used Force Speed to zip up to its neck and start trying to hack away at it.

Even with Double Damage and Luke burying shots so hard with his lightsaber he put every ounce of his energy behind them, he didn't really make a dent at all.

The Krayt dragon didn't appreciate the attempts to slice its throat open, so it proceeded to thrash about, attempting to crush Luke underneath its own weight. The beast failed, and while Obi-Wan wasn't too much quicker than the Krayt, rather, extremely strategic with his positioning and timing, Luke was far quicker when moving at full speed.

The Krayt stood back up, and opened its mouth, releasing venom into the air, enough venom that it practically coated a large portion of what passed for sky above the section of the Ancient City where the battle occurred. 

Obi-Wan was able to create the equivalent to a Force Shield, focusing his energy into reflecting the venom away from him with a single push of his hand. The venomous sludge the Krayt released all flew away from Obi-Wan in a single reflective motion, like a rock splitting the water in a rushing river.

Luke however, moved so much faster than the Krayt that he merely dodged laterally again with Force Speed, shocked to see the damage potential the beast had. The venom was melting apart solid rock and stone like it was nothing, leaving holes everywhere in the rooftops of the Ancient city the Kumumgah left behind. 

When the Krayt dragon closed its mouth, its closed its mouth, and dove forward, attempting to crush where Luke stood and swallow it whole. Luke dodged with ease, leaping over the beast while leaving a few quick swipes with his sword across its armored hide for good measure.

Useless ultimately, but Luke was trying to deal as much damage as he could where he could.

The Krayt swallowed the Kumumgah building where Luke stood, tower and all, and burrowed away under ground.

Luke spoke from atop the other abandoned building to the Jedi Master. "Where did it go?"

"Patience Luke," Obi-Wan was trying to use the Force as well to determine where the dragon would appear again. "Trust in your instincts, let go."

It soon became clear what abilities the Krayt Dragon had, and how it could primarily deal damage. 

The Krayt Dragon was less like a dragon at all, and more of a giant half a mile long worm with impenetrable skin and tiny claws in proportion to its size. Luke and Obi-Wan were more than skilled with the Force to defend from the gigantic lunging bites, the burrowing, and the venom launched from its mouth. 

When the Krayt appeared again, debris from the tall Kumumgah building it rose up into were sprayed in all directions. Luke redirected all the boulders away with the Force, as Obi-Wan was farther away and only needed to parry away smaller bits of rock and slated stone with his sword.

As the Krayt Dragon roared and hissed, again spraying venom all over wherever it could, Luke took cover by dashing away and hiding in a small alleyway. Venom splattering harmlessly in several directions well away from where Luke stood.

Obi-Wan soon appeared, speaking wisely. "This is a historic monument to all that's left of the Kumumgah. We can't battle it for a whole lot longer, it'll level the entire city."

"It's a good thing we already found everything valuable in this whole place anyway." Luke had to speak over the Krayt Dragon's roar, even though Obi-Wan was right next to him, practically yelling. "We can't cut through its skin with even our lightsabers!"

Ignoring that to him, that wasn't the point, Obi-Wan explained, showing Luke his fist with his lightsaber free hand. "The knuckles in your hand are strong right?" Obi-Wan made a punching motion. "But underneath, its softer." Obi-Wan gestured towards the under part of his fist and arm. "The weakness of the beast lies inside of it."

"Well that's convenient, how can we get there without being?"

"Follow my lead! I'll get its attention."

Luke didn't need to be told twice as they both broke cover.

Obi-Wan stepped into a decently sized courtyard outside of the alleyway and began to lift a giant stone statue and a pair of well sized boulder with the Force. Luke had no time to be in awe of this incredible feat the old man pulled off, trying to close the distance while avoiding being eaten, crushed, bitten, or dissolved by acidic slime.

He was moving so fast that he built up speed running along the cave walls and up the buildings of the Ancient city, blurring. 

Luke used the Force to summon a vine to his hand swinging forward to reach another one, quickly reaching a spot just behind the Krayt's line of vision over almost the entire Ancient city.

Luke waited as the Krayt dragon seemed to pause, buckling under the weight of the blows Obi-Wan hurled at it.

An entire statue and boulders the size of Luke's landspeeder burst against the Krayt's armor. This only seemed to anger it, and Luke was well out of its blast range for any debris flying about.

Luke chose the perfect moment to strike, having read that the Krayt intelligently kept its jaws closed unless absolutely necessary with enemies in sight.

The Krayt only opened its mouth if it was about to strike or spit venom.

He had a tiny opening, consisting of about a second, but Luke was skilled fast enough to attack.

Luke swung off the vine where he was waiting patiently, did a double jump, and used a spinning Dash Strike while blurring through the Krayt's mouth. The whole time, his lightsaber shredded any flesh within the dragon's jaws, venom sacs along with them.

As Luke landed without any damage from the Force, he looked up to see the Krayt shrieking in pain.

It waved in the air for a bit, clearly hurt.

According to the Gamer, Luke had cut so cleanly within the Krayt's jaw he had reduced about a fifth of its HP.

The Krayt dragon could see that both Obi-Wan and Luke were out of range, Obi-Wan looking for new rocks to fire at him and Luke unable to slash into its jaw.

It opened its maw, likely wanting to spit more sludge at the Jedi. However, it now had to rely solely on the venom glands within its throat, its firepower severely limited.

Luke split apart rocks into harmless chunks when the Krayt dragon dove back underground again from the rooftop where he stood, trying to see the beast's next move.

Now Obi-Wan and Luke had to rely on trust in the Force, reflexes, and good timing to avoid being eaten.

Obi-Wan felt a rumbling beneath his feet just a split second before it happened, the aging Jedi Master moving more than nimbly enough to avoid the Krayt's maw.

It swallowed the entire courtyard whole, as Luke watched the dragon fly upwards into the air of the cave snapping its jaws shut, failing to eat Obi-Wan. It quickly dove back under as soon as it appeared.

However, the number and size of the rocks split Obi-Wan's expert guard, and he took a sizable blow to the shoulder. Luke sensed he was hurt through the Force, but too far away to do anything.

Learning from his time with the bats, Luke didn't run to protect his mentor, instead knowing it would be best to move around as much as he could so as to avoid meeting the damage Obi-Wan had to take.

The strategy worked, the Krayt missed Luke far and away from where he actually was.

It now stood its ground, roaring at Luke.

Assuming he'd be safe to attack, Luke doubled jumped off the roof of the building and summoned a vine towards him. He used the Force when the Krayt picked up a giant boulder near where it upon several Ancient city buildings and hurled it at Luke with its jaw.

As Luke dodged, he tried to jump directly into the Krayt's mouth.

Despite being a destructive beast, it recognized Luke possessed the ability to damage its own body from inside itself. Not wanting to make the same mistake twice, the Krayt roared at the top of its lungs.

The roar alone produced enough force through the air that Luke went flying backwards like a bug flicked away by a particularly strong gust of wind. 

Luke restablized himself mid-air, and summoned a vine to his hand. The momentum from being blown away from the Krayt was enough so that he still smacked against the cave wall behind him, swinging backward in an outward arc from his initial path. 

Groaning slightly, Luke didn't feel any broken bones. He then remembered Gamer's Body protected him from severe damage until he was low on HP, quickly checking his Status while standing behind a structure on another Ancient city rooftop.




Luke didn't feel winded at all, but he started putting as much effort as he could into harassing the Krayt as much as he could.


Hurling boulders at it whenever it appeared, zipping out of range when it tried to appear from underground, using Force Speed to fly back into it before it could fall back underground and burrow. And slashing downward with his lightsaber across the entirety of the Krayt dragon's side.

"Luke!" Obi-Wan called from a nearby end of the now decently destroyed Ancient City.


"Aim for its belly! And strike with everything you have! Everything!"


"And stop moving for a moment, you have to let the beast attack! Then, avoid, and counter!"

Having found his rhythm as the Krayt was now increasingly desperate to eat both of them, Luke heeded Obi-Wan's advice, standing directly on the ground.

The Force warned him, and Luke had about two seconds before the Krayt dragon blasted apart the entire building he was standing upon.

As Luke flew backwards, he summoned another vine hanging from the ceiling of the cavern to his hand. He turned around mid air, and used Force Speed, releasing a Force Blast to build up momentum, and release himself from the vine, Luke spun like a tornado.

He became a blonde haired blur, his blue lightsaber appearing to create a ball of Force energy as Luke used all of his Force and Stamina points into one attack.

Obi-Wan attacked in the opposite direction, using a similar move of striking with Force Speed and dragging his blade as hard as he could.

Two blue lightsabers cut cleanly across the Krayt Dragon's weak spot, splitting its belly completely open.

Fluid, blood, and Krayt organs began to spill out everywhere, when a massive roar of pain, even louder than the last upon Luke's cutting of its venom in its jaws.

Obi-Wan stumbled, unable to recover from releasing the blow and tumbled after landing hard against the wall of a Kumumgah building.

Luke landed easily on both feet, using the last bits of remaining Force energy to disperse his fall.

Again worried, but not breaking his focus from the battle to check on Obi-Wan, Luke turned, and felt the ground shake when the Krayt dragon landed on its back, wailing in pain as it crushed the Ancient City beneath it.

Luke panted, wiping some sweat off his brow. Judging from its state, it was going to bleed out, weakened to the point of rolling around, unable to burrow again.

The battle was over, the beast wasn't going anywhere.

He sheathed his sword, needing a second to recover his energy.

Luke ran towards Obi-Wan.

He held the man who gasped. "I'm fine."

"Doesn't look like it."

Luke could sense that a bone in Obi-Wan's shoulder was fractured a little. 

He wondered, with all he'd done with the Force so far, he should be able to help right?

Luke focused, trying to transfer his life energy into Obi-Wan's, hovering his hand over Obi-Wan's shoulder. Within seconds, the bone mended, and the man was fine.

"Thank you." 

[You've unlocked Force Healing LV 5 (16.01% to LV 6)]

[You've gained +500 EXP from using a new Force ability!]

Luke heard the bits of shock in his voice and the level of gratitude he had.

"What? It's doable through the Force, right? I felt like it was." said Luke.

"No, it is, it's just a decently rare ability." Obi-Wan rolled his shoulder, surprised at how easily Luke fixed his injury. 

They could hear the Krayt dragon wailing slightly in the distance.

"Come on, I suppose it's time to put the beast out of its misery."

The Krayt dragon was in enough pain to ignore Luke and Obi-Wan as they approached, or rather, too unable to do anything to defend itself. 

Its belly was split open, its venom cut from inside its mouth. It still had its jaws, but couldn't use them at all from lack of energy.

Luke began to walk along the length of the Krayt's as it laid atop the crushed buildings, wheezing quietly, for its size, in pain for its size. And Luke ignited his lightsaber, and dug it straight through the Krayt Dragon's eye.

[You have gained +20 LVs from defeating a Legendary Beast!]

[You have gained The Beast Hunter perk for defeating an Elder Krayt!]

Luke drove it out and Obi-Wan spoke as he stood nearby. "A fine accomplishment, great job Luke. You did it."

"Thank you Ben, but we did it."

Obi-Wan smiled widely at this.

It took about an hour, but Luke and Obi-Wan harvested as much as they could from the Krayt Dragon's body.

Luckily for Luke, Krayt dragon parts were extremely valuable, and because almost the entire beast was still intact, they were still completely usable.

The Gamer estimated Luke had gained about one hundred and fifty thousand credits worth of Krayt bone, venom, meat, organs, and blood when he placed it all into his Inventory.

All that remained of the Krayt was a lifeless husk and a spine half a mile long connected to sixteen stubby arms.

Luke could sense something extremely unique and powerful in the Force within the Krayt's corpse. He walked forward and pulled the stone from the Krayt's stomach, able to hold it within his hands.

"An impressive find, extremely valuable." murmured Obi-Wan with deep approval.

Luke felt a deep amount of Force within the green pearl, incredibly impressed.

[Elder Krayt Dragon Pearl - Legendary item. Far greater potency in lightsaber powering than Common or Great Krayt pearls. Perks: +25% EXP, credit, and damage output. +30 LUK and DEX passive. Average credit value: 160,000]

Luke handled the pearl with both palms, able to see how such an item could power a lightsaber, not only from its size and weight, but also from its intense connection to the Force.

He also found something else buried within the Krayt's stomach he found odd.

It was a very strange gem, less of a gem, but a four pointed star shaped item carved out of some sort of bone.

[??? - A strange item made of Sarlacc material. Holding enormous religious and spiritual significance to the Kumumgah.]

Luke then realized that all that remained of the Sarlacc miles large, was this small piece of bone that had stood the test of time, and possibly thousands of years inside the stomach of likely the greatest beast in all of Tatooine.

Obi-Wan spoke quietly seeing what Luke said in his hand. "Let's hope that is not all that remains of this lost civilization," he muttered with a sad look at the state of the Ancient city around them.

Luke agreed. "Yeah."

The two walked away from the Krayt's remains and towards the cave the beast was guarding.

Luke instantly could feel the heat in the room rise as they approached the cavern.

Amidst a huge amount of lava in far corners of the cave, lighting up the otherwise completely dark catacomb, Luke and Obi-Wan sheathed their lightsabers.

A huge vault door in the shape of a massive circle stood seated at the end of the cave.

Obi-Wan and Luke soon began to study the vault door.

Luke drew his lightsaber and struck it with absolutely no result.

The Jedi in training passed his hand over the burn mark, surprised that it didn't damage the door in the slightest. There was a tiny keyhole placed near the bottom of the radius of the vault, he spotted it, and recognized the shape.

"Luke, use what you found in the beast's body."

"Right," said Luke quickly, drawing the star shaped key made out of bone and putting it into the key hole.

There was a massive sound, as if the entire cave began to shake, and the entirety of the Force Luke felt in the room responded.

With a gigantic noise as it began to wheel aside, the vault door moved aside, and the room the beast was guarding appeared.

Almost expecting it to be empty, Luke was jaw dropped.

He stepped inside, and the only sources of light in the room were glowing gemstones, all sorts of rare crystals and others strewn around the room. Along with cups, statues, and Kumumgah scriptures, a weapon or two, and coins.

All of them made of gold or the rarest of metals Luke knew existed in the galaxy.

There were several boxes, or chests really, the size of a good table. 

Using the Force, Luke flipped the lid off the treasure chest.

It was completely filled with golden coins, the likeness of which included Kumumgah figures and other important society members from tens of thousands of years ago.

Luke was certain this wasn't just enough money to rebuild the Kumumgah civilization back on Tatooine's surface. But if they were planning to strike back against this Infinite Empire, their hopes were here as well.

"There," Luke gasped, laughing in complete surprise. "There has to be millions of credits worth of loot in here."

"Tens of millions." Obi-Wan corrected, with far less awe than the boy. "Maybe even a hundred or two."

He looked around, there were at least a dozen of these treasure chests, and each of them had to contain enough gold and valuables to at least be worth millions.

"What are we-" Luke blinked, standing back from all the gold and gems to think. "What are we going to do with all of it?"

"The idea was to find enough money to save your family's farm from the Hutts. But now, now well." 

Obi-Wan smiled, looking at the carpets and metallic carvings the Kumumgah had placed on the ground of the treasure room.

"The choice is completely yours. Do as your feelings guide you, trust yourself. Remember, the Jedi pride themselves not on their abilities. But of what we do with them."

Luke looked around the treasure room, and then began to think.

For years he had always felt there was a destiny for him beyond Tatooine. He never would've guessed that he and this old hermit could reach a treasure of this kind, giving them the ability to go wherever, and do whatever they wanted the entire time.

He owed Owen and Beru for the years they spent raising him.

But the planet of Tatooine? As empty and desolate as it was.

The treasure in the room was proof that Tatooine was not always this poor, it was only a healthy planet far too long ago for anyone to remember. Families like the Hutts couldn't just come along and turn it into their kingdom for lack of a better word, and enslave the planet.

Luke nodded. "I know what I want to do."

"You do?"

"I'm going to free Tatooine from Jabba. There's enough money in here to raise an entire army if we're clever enough about it."

Obi-Wan nodded. "You must do what you think is right of course."

The fact that there was any disapproval from Obi-Wan, any at all, and that Luke could sense he still was holding the full truth about his family. Told Luke that Obi-Wan was right.

The choice was his.

As Obi-Wan rested that night back at their campsite underground, Luke began to pile the shiploads of loot all into his inventory. Obi-Wan, again, was right.

The Gamer listed Luke's inventory after his adventure through the caves at 120,013,607 Credits.

He also had gained a substantial amount of ability and experience so much so that his status page was almost unrecognizable to where it was just a few months ago when he first got the Gamer.

[Name: Luke Skywalker

Class: The Gamer

Level: 93 (Next Level: 74.56%)

Title: Jedi Padawan

Age: 15

HP: 9100/9100

FP: 8800/8800

SP: 9200/9200

STR: 113

STA: 95

DEX: 143

INT: 110

WIS: 115

LUK: 154

Status: N/A

Perks: -Force Potential (There are only a few beings ever born with your potential in the force. All Force skills are learned +10% faster and are +10% more effective)

-Excellent Farmer (Years working on your uncle's farm has made you highly skilled in managing moisture vaporators, and bartering and collecting moisture to survive on Tatooine. Farming skills are learned +15% faster.)

-Skilled Adventurer (+15% effectiveness at wall climbing, vine swinging, looting abandoned buildings, chests, and +15% EXP gain from all skill level ups from adventuring and exploring.)

-Beast Hunter (Able to defeat Zillo Beasts, Krayts, and other of the greatest monsters in the Galaxy, you are 1.5x as sensitive to the Force than you would be otherwise. 1.5x Force sensitivity, speed with using Force techniques, and effectiveness and learning speed with Jedi and Force abilities.)

-Inventory Passive: Krayt Pearl (+30 to LUK and DEX)

Flaws: N/A

Skill Points: 0]

Luke also checked the fifty or so attribute points he'd spent, and he felt capable enough on his own now.

But he remembered that he didn't just kill the Krayt on his own. It was a monumental task that he and Obi-Wan accomplished together, the effort had destroyed what remained of the Kumumgah city and all of Luke's Force and Stamina points to defeat the beast.

Even though Luke trusted all that Obi-Wan had taught him, he could feel through the Force how much Obi-Wan was holding back in terms of the truth about him. Maybe the man had his reasons for doing so, Luke, despite being fifteen, and an orphan, understood Obi-Wan should be allowed to keep the truth from him.

But he couldn't expect him to blindly follow him everywhere and do everything he asked of him while doing so.

But Luke felt like he deserved the truth. He wasn't entirely sure yet, but if he had to seach for it on his own, then so be it.

Sighing quietly, Luke gripped his pack, and began to walk back towards the surface.

"Where are you going?" said Obi-Wan, now awake.

He turned, it was still nighttime in the ruins of the Ancient City.

"To Mos Eisley." said Luke, exhaling quietly. "I can get word out to all the towns and cities in Tatooine. Maybe even get the entire Outer Rim involved. Hopefully, with some luck, we can get rid of the Hutts for good."

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. "So, a rebellion of sorts?"

"The money we found can be used to buy tanks, ships, weapons, provisions. Everything we'd need."

"Where is all this treasure?"

"Still in the room we found it in." He decided to explain how he planned to keep so much money safe without revealing the power of the Gamer. "I've locked up the vault with the Sarlacc bone key, it'll be safe while we're gone."

"And this will fund your rebellion?"

"You're experienced in war." pointed out Luke. "You fought in the Clone Wars right? You can help."

Everything we'd need. You're experienced in war." pointed out Luke. "You fought in the Clone Wars right? You can help."

"Yes, I'm experienced. But are you?"

"What do you mean?" Luke was caught off guard, standing in the empty street.

"In war, it's smartest to put your resources where they can best be used. I'm not sure the Hutts are the greatest threat right now."

"They aren't? What about Tatooine? All the people who suffered under Jabba during the Great Drought? My uncle told me all about it."

Obi-Wan spoke up calmly. "If you really want to fight, which I suggest you can do. Your efforts can best be put to fighting against the Empire."

"The Empire never did anything to me. Other than Biggs, I've never even seen a glimpse of the Empire."

Obi-Wan seemed to look off, as if to think:

If only you knew.

"Then you're quite lucky I'm afraid. Luke, the man who helped murder your father and mother, who helped destroy the Jedi and plunge the galaxy into darkness, Darth Vader. He's still alive."

Luke froze, staring directly at Obi-Wan.

He leaned off the doorway to the abandoned Kumumgah home, walking towards Luke.

"He's not only still alive, he leads the Empire's forces. Now, as a Jedi, we do not seek revenge. But Darth Vader still helps keep the galaxy subjugated, entirely subjugated. In complete fear and darkness."

Luke was silent for a moment. "But, what about my friends? What about my aunt and uncle?"

"With the amount of money you have, Beru and Owen can be relocated, I suggest on Alderaan. I'm sure their debt to Jabba can be squared away by putting droids in charge of the farm having one of your friends do what little a human would need to run them every now and then."

Luke liked the sound of leaving Tatooine as soon as possible.

"And so we just leave everything behind? The Hutts are slavers, smugglers, some have it worse outside the Empire, all because of them."

Obi-Wan nodded. "When you're a fully realized Jedi, I recommend you return to Tatooine to fully settle that debt."

"Ben, Er-" Luke stopped himself. "Obi-Wan. We have the money to decide the fate of the Outer Rim. That's what the Kumumgah intended right? That's why they left that much treasure here before they went extinct."

"And look what happened. They were all killed by whatever haunted these caves, they focused on revenge against those that destroyed them. On power. And they disappeared from history. That's not you Luke, at least, I don't believe it is."

Luke was about to retort but Obi-Wan interrupted him.

"Is that truly what you want? To become the new power in the Outer Rim territories? Even if you became a better ruler than the Hutts, which admittedly, I'm sure you would be. If you wish to be a Jedi, like your father was, Jedi aren't rulers." Obi-Wan then shrugged. "That, is all I have to say."

Luke looked pensive and Obi-Wan continued to speak.

"Beware the Dark Side. A lust for power, greed, desire, these are natural things. Avoidable, but natural. But the Force is what binds the entire galaxy together, it is the single most truth that gives the meaning behind our very existence. Your path is yours alone Luke, but that is all I wish to remind you of."

Luke was curious. "You really wouldn't help me? I wouldn't know how to figure out a government or an army without you."

Sure Luke could read on how to do that and with the Gamer he'd learn very fast, but Obi-Wan's advice was invaluable.

"I'm sorry Luke. But it's against my better judgment, one day we can return to Tatooine when you're older. I promise."

Luke weighed his options, but he did remember why he started this journey into the caves.

Not only to find whatever treasure laid at the end, but to help learn more in the ways of the Force. What did he want? What was his fear?

The idea behind the journey to Luke, was that he feared nothing. Not even a cave powerful with the Dark Side. 

And suddenly, something reminded Luke very strongly. Something as real as the Force to him, or the entire room filled with treasure.

"Yeah well, what does any of it matter? Following in the footsteps of my father? I never knew him, you did, and you still refuse to tell me who he really was. Even though I'm doing all of this to be a Jedi like him." Luke sighed. "I'm not doing any of this to get revenge on the Hutts. I want to make the Outer Rim, everywhere for that matter, a better place, that's all. And you don't even want to help me with that."

Luke waved a hand, turning around and starting to walk off again.

"What about your sister?"

Luke stopped in his tracks.

Author's Note:

So, I've taken feedback from a lot of folks and I've settled on where the story will go next now that the Tatooine arc has pretty much come to a close.

A skilled tactician and diplomat like Obi-Wan could probably help Luke make his own Empire out of Tatooine and the Outer Rim in a matter of weeks. Caciqxe0110

and Amun565 have correctly pointed out that given the ludicrous amount of money Luke was able to find that he can pretty much do everything and anything he ever wanted.

I however, am also trying to take into consideration Luke's character from canon, and Obi-Wan's. Luke could've done anything he wanted after Owen and Beru died, and he joined the Rebellion.

I also tried to keep Obi-Wan in character here. He never seemed particularly attached to physical things, even a fortune as large as the one Luke uncovered. The Jedi were all but extinct, and out of loyalty he still kept watch over Anakin's son.

When writing a character like Luke, I don't just have to think of him as a fifteen year old kid with more money and power anyone in the galaxy could ever dream of despite how early in his journey he is. I have to consider very important aspects of his character:

His choices during canon. The paths he sought when he learned the truth about his father, about what he did when Obi-Wan died, when his aunt and uncle died. These are defining choices that outlined exactly who Luke is as a person.

The level of selflessness and heroism he showed throughout Star Wars defines Luke Skywalker.

Now circumstances are much much different here of course, this entire story is a massive AU from the Original Trilogy. However, I don't think Obi-Wan would let Luke try to create his own kingdom, at least not yet. Why?

Because he's fifteen, not only fifteen, but he has no experience running a state, being a Jedi, or even in general. He has no idea who his family is, nor does he have the maturity, capacity, and experience to properly register the truth about it.

Does he deserve the truth? Does he deserve a kingdom of his own? I think so.

That all being said, I can break down Luke, yes, even the Luke I'm planning to write into three phases. New Hope phase, Empire Strikes back phase, and Return of the Jedi phase. Arcs 1, 2, and 3, respectively of this fanfic, and I think I've barely entered the first parts of the first arc.

Creating his own kingdom and running his own government, seems like something Return of the Jedi phase Luke would do, or at least, be fully capable of doing. I am writing this fanfiction with the structure and somewhat similar plot beats of canon, just far more stretched out and shifted four years prior.

I have a lot of things planned for this fanfiction, it's just they will take a moment to realize them.

I'd like to thank every single one of you all soon, and with the Alderaan plotline soon and other things I have planned, I yes, will be including as many suggestions as I can.

Either way, I agree with Caciqxe's suggestion. It could be time for Obi-Wan to help Luke become a better diplomat. Again, I think Luke could more than run the Outer Rim really really well, just far later in the story. And I also agree about what Caciqxe said about the Jedi.

A large part of Jedi training isn't just about fighting, but avoiding fighting where necessary, diplomacy could and should be a huge part of that.

Thank you all very much for reading. And I'll see you all next time. Peace!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


