
章 4: 4.Loss

After the Cliffjumper rescue team left across the GroundBridge, Raphael inquired about the technology and what it was. Grumbling, old Ratchet explained to the kids nonetheless.

GroundBridge is a weaker version of SpaceBridge. The team didn't have enough resources or power for space travel, so Ratchet designed the GroundBridge, which allows the team to travel all over Earth via teleportation.

But here's the annoyance - after this explanation, an error notification appeared on the main screen. This caused Ratchet to curse weak human technology. Raphael offered his help, however, pointing out that Ratchet was using rather outdated technology, even by human standards.

Rafael took out his laptop and connected it to the processor. With a few quick keystrokes, he managed to resolve the errors on the main screen. The computer hummed back to life, fully operational once more. Ratchet looked at the boy in surprise, clearly not expecting such competence from someone so young.

"Not bad," he remarked, impressed by the boy's skill. "For someone your age, that's quite impressive. You're just a youngling." (A/N: Cybertronian term for a child).

Rafael adjusted his glasses, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "Thank you. This was actually pretty easy. The tasks that Uncle Andre's friend gives me are much harder."

And it was true. Besides spending time at Thomas's place, Rafael was also honing his skills. He had a knack for coding, so Andre had asked a "friend" to provide Rafael with lessons. These lessons broke down complex concepts and included tasks for Rafael to practice. Though Rafael had never met this mysterious friend, he was intrigued by his work. The friend's codes and inventions were fascinating, and Rafael often wondered if this person was wealthy, given the advanced technology he often found in his uncle's garage.

Andre's house, located on Jack Street at the town's edge, was unlike any other. It was a large, two-story house with white walls and a standard roof, but the interior was where it truly stood out. The decor and arrangement were futuristic, filled with high-tech gadgets and innovations. Every visit revealed something new and cutting-edge.

"How long have you known this Shape Shifter?" Ratchet asked, looking away from his monitor with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, how long, and why haven't I heard about him?" Miko chimed in, equally disgruntled.

Ah yes, Thomas was not a simple man.

It turns out he was some kind of alien. They noticed right away—after all, it's hard to miss someone who's nearly three meters tall. But there are tall people on Earth, too.

"A month," Jack replied, glancing briefly at Ratchet. "And you've already seen him, Miko."

"I do? Hmmm..." Miko tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Now that you mention it, isn't he the one who's always scowling and never smiling?"

"Yes, Miko. With his huge stature, it's surprising you didn't remember him right away," Jack said sarcastically as he walked over to Rafael and sat down on the nearest chair. It was still hard for him to accept that he had spent a month with an alien without realizing it. They had become close; Thomas had become a very good friend to his mother, almost like a brother. Andre had helped their family more than anyone else. Thanks to him, his mom now had enough money to buy a mansion. Jack was truly grateful for everything Thomas had done. In the time they had known each other, Thomas had taught him many things, becoming more of a father figure than Jack's own absent father.

But Jack couldn't help but wonder about Thomas's motives. He had questioned it before, but now that he knew "Thomas Andre" was also an alien—or a "shape-shifter," as the Autobots called him—his curiosity was piqued. Jack wanted to ask him a few questions, driven by an insatiable need to understand why Thomas had helped them and what his ultimate goal was.

"And so? Did he show his true form? I've never liked shape-shifters; they're so hard to deal with," Ratchet pondered aloud.

"Ooh, could this be some giant eldritch horror?" Miko suggested with wide eyes.

"No, no, he didn't say anything, and he didn't show it!" Rafael shook his head. "Despite his intimidating appearance, he's very kind. He often talked about his homeland and childhood. He told me that because of problems he couldn't name, he could no longer return home."

"Ugh, another emotional fleshling, but giant this time..." Ratchet muttered, turning back to his device, eager to resume monitoring the life signals.

"I wouldn't say that, Ratchet. He's more of a man of action than words. He's rough, but there's a reason for that, and I'd like to know what it is," Jack explained, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Whatever it is, I'd like to turn into something like that too, but not into the talking lizard he's become—..." began Miko, but Rafael interrupted her.

"Merlinisapien, Miko."

"Never mind. Better a dinosaur than a lizard

Or better yet, an Autobot!"

As if insulted to his core, Ratchet twitched. "Oh please, skin and bone isn't metal. That kind of shape-shifter doesn't exist—"

"Ratchet, open the Groundbridge at the present coordinates, now," came Optimus Prime's voice over the speakers.

Ratchet twitched instantly, tearing at the lever of the GroundBridge. The coordinates were already set, and he hadn't changed them.

The kids looked back at each other, sensing the urgency in Ratchet's movements.

Ratchet pulled the lever. The GroundBridge sprang to life, flooding the gray base with bright, swirling colors. The yellow car, Bumblebee, was the first to emerge, followed by the green car, Bulkhead, and then Optimus Prime.

A moment later, in robot form, Arcee and one very large robot ran through the portal.

Ratchet's eyes locked onto the dark Cybertronian. He braced himself, ready for whatever might come next.

But seeing the calm demeanor of the team, he waited quietly for them to transform back.

"Whoa, it's a giant bot! It looks like a knight. Cool!" Miko exclaimed.

Ratchet ignored her, his attention focused on the team. He noticed the absence of Cliffjumper. "Guest aside, what about Cliff?" he asked seriously.

The mood plummeted instantly. The Autobots lowered their heads, their arms weakening. The weight of their silence was most evident on Arcee, whose expression mirrored profound sorrow. The dark Cybertronian beside her remained silent, his shield deactivating in his hands.

Warrior class, Ratchet thought grimly.

Miko abruptly cut in, completely oblivious to their moods. "What was that about? Was there a fight? What did you do? Can I come with you?"

Ratchet clenched his hand into a fist, his irritation reaching its limit, just like Arcee's. Backing away sharply from the dark bot, she bellowed, "Look—"

But she was interrupted by a very low and velvety voice. "Do not interrupt, Miko Nakadai," said the large dark bot. His dark paint synergized well with the base's shadows as he laid his shield on his back and crossed his arms over his chest.

The bot knew the girl's name and addressed her with a familiarity that caught Jack's attention. He noticed a dark green dial on its large chest plate. "Mister Andre?" Jack said a little loudly, drawing enough attention to himself. Ratchet looked at Jack, then at the bot. The bot nodded.

Amazing, Ratchet thought. It is Shap Shifted. So called "Mister Andre" continued when he realized everyone was looking at him. "Please continue, Autobot Arcee," he addressed her, jerking his head in her direction to give her the floor. He then took a step away from the GroundBridge, under the peculiar stares of the children.

"That... That wasn't Cliff... at least not anymore," she said with difficulty, her voice heavy with emotions.

As she spoke, the dark bot moved a little farther away from the GroundBridge, positioning himself closer to the children and where Arcee was standing. "He was mutated... butchered... like in those Decepticon experiments during the war..." Her voice wavered, and the emotional toll became too much for her to bear.

"Arcee!" Bumblebee called out as she swayed, on the verge of collapsing backward.

But she never hit the ground. Andre caught her effortlessly with one hand, his grip gentle yet firm. He looked at her intently, his eyes unwavering. Recognizing her weakness, he supported her with a steady arm. Arcee glanced up at him, her expression a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability.

She silently thanked him.

Andre nodded, understanding the depth of her gratitude without words. He slowly moved her to sit on one of the crates, ensuring she was comfortable before stepping back. The children watched in awe.

"Ratchet! "

At Optimus' command, Ratchet rushed to Arcee and began to scan her, his blue sensor sweeping over her several times. His sensor turned red repeatedly in the arm area. He stopped there, reaching out to take her hand and focusing his optics. There was a purple slurry on the surface of the armor near her hand.

"What is that?" he asked cautiously.

"I don't know. Cliff was covered in it... leaking it...!" she mumbled weakly.

That was enough for Ratchet. He pulled out a scalpel and slowly scraped the purple slurry from her hand. He scrutinized the substance closely, his expression growing more concerned. The air around scalpel was tinged with purple miasmas, a dangerous sign.

"Go take a decontamination bath, now!" he commanded urgently.

Andre let Bumblebee take Arcee to the decontamination bath, since he didn't know where it was. He was eager to help his friend, so he willingly gave the task to Bumblebee.

As Arcee was led away, Optimus Prime finally took the time to address Thomas. He stood to his full height and said:

"Thank you sincerely for your help, Mr. Andre."

"Yes, worked like Wreckers!" - Supported Bulkhead, smiling slightly.

Thomas lowered his head to look at Optimus. His battle visor retracted and he replied confidently:

"You're welcome, Optimus Prime."

"Just call me Optimus, Mr. Andre," Optimus said.

"If so, you are free to call me by my name as well, Optimus," Thomas replied.

Miko turned to the large Thomas with determination: "Mr. A, you're like werewolf, right? Can you be that dinosaur again?"

Thomas raised a metallic eyebrow. How did she know about his Vaxasaurian form? She didn't seem to have been there when he... Ah, the boys must have told her. Yes, this girl would be a problem for him in the future. Right now, he wasn't in the mood to indulge the child. Jack came to the rescue. "Optimus, I think it's time for us to go. It's 10 pm, we're have people worried about us."

"Earth customs, I hadn't thought of them. Good, you will be escorted. Bulkhead, you're with Miko."


"Bumblebee will drive Rafe, and Jack.... Ratchet?" he turned to the medic.

"Busy," he replied without turning around, and an airlock opened next to him, from which Arcee stepped out.

"Arcee, you take Jack."

"Uh..." she grudgingly accepted the errand.

Arcee cast one last glance at Thomas and then transformed, inviting Jack to take the wheel. When all three had left and he was left with Optimus and Ratchet, Thomas turned to them:

"You deserve a rest, Optimus. I will return here shortly. I have one question, however."

"What is it?" - Optimus asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be an elevator to the roof. Can you tell me where it is?"

"Sure," replied Optimus and pointed Thomas in the direction of the elevator.


Thomas Andre, already in his standard uniform, was walking down the path to Jack's house. He had successfully returned from the Autobot base by air, thanks to an abundance of DNA that allowed him to fly through undetected. His ability to mimic Merlinsapien helped him avoid unnecessary observers. He had been using this method for almost a month now, giving himself invisibility, which was very useful in his case.

Now he was on his way to Jack's place to talk to him and help him in his time of need. He knew what it was like to lose someone and felt he could support his friend in a time of need.

As he approached their house, he noticed the open garage, a light on and heard Jack's voice.

Stepping closer, Thomas turned to the boy: "Jack."

"Mr. Andre!" the guy remarked to him.

After addressing Arcee, who took the form of a motorcycle, he said: "Autobot Arcee." When there was no response, he continued: "I am sorry for your loss."

Arcee responded emotionally, "What could you possibly know about loss?"

The question struck him as stupid and incredibly obtuse. After all, the loss was very close to him.

He had lost his family.

Lost his home.

Lost himself.

"You have no fuckin idea."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


