40% In Marvel with Gacha / Chapter 4: World Travel Card

章 4: World Travel Card



It's been exactly 3 days since I got suspended from school and during this time, nothing serious happened until now.

The famous billionaire, Tony Stark, just got kidnapped in Afghanistan.

I'm pretty sure how things are probably turning out for him, but this is no joking matter either. This just means that things are about to start.

Today it was Iron man, and tomorrow it could be Thor or Dr. Strange.

"I'M TELLING THIS IS JUST LIKE 9/11!!" Some politicians on TV were shouting at each other.

This was national news, rightfully so because Tony Stark was the weapons manufacturer for the US and all of its allied countries. So the chance that Tony could be tortured to give all the info about the weapons he designed makes the whole country scared.

Tony's lucky that he got kidnapped in Afghanistan where the other superpowers don't have much influence. Because the moment Russia or China gets involved, the US won't hesitate to even rain missiles to kill Stark and seamlessly blame other Arab countries which don't send them oil.

Then again, his uncle was the one who planned all of this. So it could very well be a part of his plan. Sadly he was too stupid to try and kill his golden goose.

Well this doesn't matter much to me anyway. 

Currently I'm at the gym. Trying to push my body as much as I could.

I don't do anything too much but I do use them to a human limit. Currently I'm running on the treadmill at 15 MPH.

Honestly this speed is nothing to me even with the incline set at max. I've been running for nearly 3 hours but I don't think I'm close to getting tired at all.

All to push my assimilation with Omni-man, right now my assimilation progress is.

-In Progress: [Nolan Greyson- 5.8% completed] [Dick Greyson- 83.8% completed]

I'm very strong right now. Though I can't fly, I can jump up to 8-9 stories and land without any injuries. My senses are also being amped up to the maximum. 

Knife no longer pierces my skin, fire burns but it doesn't hurt at all, holding my breath for minutes while running is easy and I can also blow out air at a speed where it lifts itself if. Though that's if I use my full strength though.

If I truly focus I can witness things like a water droplet forming infinite spheres of water when it falls into water. Which in theory happens within 0.2 seconds.

So yeah, I'm busted. Coupled with Dick's knowledge about various skills ranging from lockpicking to hacking. I'm even more busted.

I predict that I will be able to fly within a few weeks if I go at the same pace.

From what I've observed, the higher I assimilate, the faster it is. During the beginning it took a long time for the progress to go up by 0.001%. Now it's very fast.

In fact, I'm sure I'm stronger than almost 90% of heroes and villains. But I'm still going to be cautious.

I'm the kind of guy who grinds on the previous level to the point I one-shot enemies on the next couple of levels no matter how much time I waste. After all, I'm going to live longer anyway.

That reminds me, I have to explain my slow ageing to my parents at one point in time. I can lie and tell that I'm a mutant or something and that this is my power. But what can I explain about everything else?

I'm definitely going to summon people one day after testing how it works, but how will I explain about them to my parents or to other summons? 

Just blaming my non-existent mutant ability for everything is a good excuse, and is also effective since in a few years everyone will probably know how mutant abilities work.

Still this will be a problem that I will encounter in the future if I'm still alive.

"Victor?" As I was lost deep in my thoughts. I heard a familiar voice from behind.


It was Ned Leeds. What's he doing here?

"I didn't expect to see you here." I said while observing him.

He was wearing a tank top and sweatpants while carrying a bottle of water with him. He also wore a headband.

"Can I use the machine next to you?" He asked me.

I looked at the empty treadmill next to me which he was already stepping on. 

Why's he asking me that?

"Yeah." I nodded and continued to read the book in front of me.

-Ned Leeds POV-

Did I ask something wrong? Why did he look at me like that?

I shrugged and turned on the treadmill and started to walk, trying to not bother Victor as much as possible.

He's huge. How did I not notice this before? 

He is the trending news in school, especially because Andre broke 3 ribs from Victor's punch and lost his chance to play in the preliminary league.

It isn't a stretch to say Victor ruined Andre's future with that punch. And just experiencing a week worth of suspension is nothing compared to that.

I think Victor knows that too, otherwise why is he so chill about getting suspended?

After walking for a good few minutes I increased the speed to 5 MPH and started to jog. This is my first day in the gym and I wanna impress Victor.

Seeing him run seamlessly while reading some book is really cool. Why did no one notice this before though? In fact I'm sure most of the school was surprised to find someone like Victor exists.

"What are you reading?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Hm?" He finally looked away from the book and answered me, "'World hidden under our plain sight' by Dr. Hank Pym"

Hank who?

"Ahh, don't have a clue." I shook my head, I had no idea what that book was. "Should I know about it? Is it famous?"

His expression was hard to read, but he turned back to the book and answered, "No. This book only sold about 1000 copies so I don't think many people know about this."

"Do you always read while running?" 

Why are my legs hurting already?

"Not always, but when the workout isn't too intense." He replied while casually turning the page.

I looked at the treadmill's display to see what setting he had that on.

It was fucking 15 MPH at maximum inclination too! How is that not intense? Is he even human?

"This isn't intense?" I asked in shock. My fatass couldn't even jog for 5 minutes and this guy's here running for who knows how long.

"Well," He thought for a second, "This used to be, but not anymore."

What the fuck? 

"Are you perhaps a Sayan?" I asked in awe.

His eyes sparked in interest and turned towards me, "You watch anime too?"

Too? So he's also a weeb?

"Of course man! I watched them as much as I could!" I replied in excitement. This is the first time I meet a fellow weeb in real life.

Peter tried to watch some anime, but it was too much for him. His feeble mind couldn't find japanese humour funny.

"Well, I didn't expect anime to be that popular" He muttered to himself.

"So… haa… what's your favourite anime?" I asked while stepping on the side rails of the treadmill. I can't run any more. I'm already out of breath.

"Hmm… Evangelion." He answered while still running.

Evangelion huh? Personally not my favourite, but it was good to watch though I forgot most of the story now.

"Nice. Mine is Hunter X Hunter." 

"That was a great anime, sad that the author's on hiatus."

"Yeah… though that is just temporary. I'm sure the author will pump out banger after banger in the future." I sighed, I'm still hoping that the author will come back.

"Yeah… about that.." He started to say something but stopped.


"Nothing" He shook his head and stopped the treadmill, closed the book and took a deep breath, "It's time for me to go."

Ohh.. guess even he gets tired.

"Do you have any tips for me as a veteran? How do I get buff and strong like you?" I asked him his secret for becoming that cool.

"Can I also be as cool as you?"

He stopped and looked back at me with an unreadable expression, "Just stay consistent and don't quit."

He said that and walked away.

And damn how does he make everything he does look cool? Is it genetics?

Or is he just a cool guy?

And he watches anime too? How cooler can someone get before they cause the next ice age?

I thought weebs like me are lazy bums like me. My worldview really needs to change.

Sighing at my own laziness and procrastination, with a newly gained motivation, I used Victor's words as fuel for my motivation and started to work out.

I wanna know if I look hot like him when I get buff. If I don't I can prove it is just genetics and if I do get hot. It's a win for me.

Fuck I forgot to ask him his socials! And I didn't even tell him what was happening in school either!

"Huh?" I stopped and looked around as I smelt something burning.

I looked around and spotted the source of the smell, it was the treadmill Victor was running on. It was literally smoking and his footsteps were imprinted on the belt.

I didn't even know he was running barefooted.

"Ouch!" I immediately pulled my hand away.

Just touching it burns how the hell did he run on it?

"Should I call the owner?" I wondered for a moment but decided to focus on my own grind.

As Victor said, I can't quit.


-3rd Person' POV-

-Victor's room-

"Goodnight Victor! And don't you dare stay awake all night!" Victor's mom said and left his room.

Victor, who was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling, just answered, "Yeah…"

He was fed up with hearing her advice. Unlike his father, his mom was strict so when she found out that he used his bike to go to school from his dad accidentally snitching him.

"She's not wrong you know? Riding a bike-" His father, David who was also scolded, even more than Victor said. David was standing near Victor's desk, looking at the books Victor was reading.

"Says the one who bought me the bike." Victor said while sitting up, "all of this wouldn't have happened if you didn't snitch."

"Hey, it was a genuine accident." David sighed, "Abella and I were having a great night, drinking the fine wine I stored and I got a bit too drunk and ended up.. Saying the truth."

"Exactly." Victor nodded, "Snitching on your own son."

"To his mom! Add it or it'll sound bad." 

"Whatever…" Victor sighed, "Just don't snitch on me when both of you are having a good time, it'll ruin her mood too."

"I know. I won't repeat my mistake." David nodded while fidgeting with Victor's pens, "Speaking of good times, are you still a… you know?"

David wiggled his eyebrows, trying to say something in signals.

"Huh? I don't get it. Just say it." Victor couldn't understand it.

"Are you still a virgin?" 

Hearing his dad's question Victor just closed his eyes and held the bridge of his nose, sighing, "Why is my dad like this?"

"Hey, I was just trying to be open with my son." David justified himself.

"Sometimes, not being too open is good."

"What's wrong in trying to be a cool dad?"

"Just get out before I tell mom what you asked." Victor pointed at the door, "And I'm still a virgin ok? Are you happy now?"

"Hmph, now who's a snitch?" David grunted and walked out, "You bring shame to our bloodline."

"Close the door before I come out. And stop trying to be a cool dad!" Victor said in an angry tone, but was chuckling on the inside.

David grunted loudly again and closed the door.

Victor just laid back on his bed and whispered with a smile, "Cause you already are."

-Victor Bane's POV-


Did I just raise a death flag to my own father?

Fuck now I have to be even more cautious. 

That reminds me, I may be strong but my family definitely isn't. In fact they could die very easily.

If becoming this strong has taught me something, it is how feeble a human body could be and how easily one could receive a permanent life altering injury by just tripping down on a stone. 

And I could probably kill someone by sneezing at my full power. Or at least rip their skin off, which in my opinion is probably more painful than death.

At the same time, I can't go around underestimating people like a Manhua MC. That's just asking to be kicked in my ass.

Though now with mimicry I can copy powers, I haven't had a chance to try any of them.

Mimicry is a weird skill, on the basic level. It alters my body to host the power.

But my body needs to experience the power being used on it for Mimicry to alter my body for that. At the beginning I could only store one power in my body. Or I need to be in physical contact with the one who has the power when he uses it.

But after using the power upgrade card on it, I can now store a maximum of 100 powers in my body before it permanently alters my body beyond human to something which is suitable with hosting the powers

On the basic level, this power has no limitation or weakness except me wanting to still look human. If I go over the limit, I risk the chance of evolving into some kind of creature.

The count is also messed up, for example some skills like laser vision could take 1 slot in my body while stuff like reality warping could very well take up all 100 slots.

So by '100 powers'. I mean it as a term of measurement.

Still this power is indeed busted. Currently I have no power that I copied.

But I know I could copy something with just a thought when it's being used on me or I touch the one who uses it. And like any smart man, my thoughts went to the group of people with the most busted power sets.


But approaching them now is just simply stupid, I have no mental defence as far as now. I could potentially just get out of the range of minor telepaths, but when facing someone like Jean Grey or Emma Frost who could potentially mind control entire countries while making breakfast.

I don't think I'm ready to face them.

Charls Xavier is also a cause of concern, but he's mostly seen to be a coward so I think approaching him diplomatically would be nice.

Though I don't think even he would just agree when I went to him and asked everyone in his school to use their power on me.

In cases like this, it's better to ask forgiveness than permission.

But I need to be alive at the end to ask for forgiveness.

For all I know, the omega-levels can level the whole world and X-men has like 10 of them doing their homework.

I'm confident enough that I'll survive, but I won't risk it. 

I'll wait till I learn to fly or till I reach 50% assimilation with Omni-man.

That reminds me, I still have that world travelling card don't I?

I opened my Gacha inventory and read the summary of the selected item.

[World Travelling Card(24 Hours)- Travel to any world you desire for a day. You will appear back on your current reality where the card is being used at the exact time you disappear.]

Interesting… just how many laws of physics does this thing break?

Then again, I shouldn't ask it in a world where death and life can literally talk.

Any world I wish to huh? That means I can go back to my original world? But staying there just for 24 hours will do more damage to me than good.

What if I go there and time in that universe already passed so much to the point that Earth is no longer even a planet?

Or what if everyone is using Musk coins and shoving Jeff Bezos dildo up their ass? That's someone even worse.

And I'll lose my chance to get powerful, if I use this card right in combination with Mimicry, I could potentially become the strongest I've ever been.

Wait a minute, don't I always become the strongest version I've ever been each passing moment? 

God I sound like an 'Alpha-male' brain rot bald influencer.

Hmm… the worlds with many busted powers that come to mind are OPM verse and DBZ verse, but the people in those verses will literally one shot me if I end up pissing the wrong god. 

Though Saitama would use his power on me if I asked, I'd probably die from that. So no.

Bleach has a lot of variety of powers, but those guys are literally souls. And I could end up not even seeing them.

Tensura? I'll die.

Harry Potter? Too damn weak to waste a card.

One Piece? It Would be perfect if I had a quick means of travel. What if I end up on an island from which it takes a day to reach the nearest island in a ship? I could also risk it and go there, as there is a chance that I could end up in places like Sabaody or Black Beard's island which is filled with devil fruit users.

Sadly I'm not powerful enough yet to risk it.

Naruto will be god, as I'll really be god there, but if I end up in the wrong timeline where the strongest thing is just city-level, the card will go to waste and Chakra is overrated.

JJK or Mob Psycho would really be nice.

In fact Mob Psycho would be the best, especially since Mob will be ready to use his powers on me if I just ask him. That kid is the best boi after all.

But his power beyond being unstable, reacts to emotions. And his world isn't weak either, if I ended up meeting someone like Keiji or Toichiro I'm donezo. 

And entering an anime world full of espers with zero mental defence sounds like a recipe for disaster. And I can't even remember much of it and there's no wiki here for me to research.

"Wait… what's stopping me from going to the X-men cinematic universe? Or even MCU?"

I got off my bed in excitement and happiness at my discovery, I can go to the MCU! I know about it very well and it has its own set of world destroyers! And the best part of it is, the only one I should be careful about is Scarlet Witch.

X-men is also an option but let's keep it for another day when I'm stronger.

So will I come back as a god? 

Well only one way to find that out.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


