I Become:The husband of strongest female dragon in another world I Become:The husband of strongest female dragon in another world original

I Become:The husband of strongest female dragon in another world

作者: TruE_GoD

© WebNovel

Summoned to another world, then eaten ?

My parents died in an accident when I was in the second year of junior high school.

After that, I was taken in by my grandparents, but my grandmother passed away when I was in my first year of high school, and then my grandfather, who was my last family member, passed away when I was about to graduate from my third year of high school.

At the time my parents died, I didn't think I was that depressed, but a childhood friend from my neighborhood later told me that I was actually extremely depressed, despite my appearance. .

I'm grateful to my grandparents, who kindly welcomed me and raised me even though I was such a troublesome person.

After graduating from high school, I was accepted into a local university, so I decided that once I graduated from that university, I would work in my hometown and pay back the favor to my grandfather, the last remaining member of my family. I had no plans for my life.

At that time, my grandfather suddenly collapsed at home and I called an ambulance, but he passed away at the hospital...

To be honest, at my age, I had experienced the death of someone so close that I hated it, and to be honest, I had become accustomed to people disappearing.

When my grandmother died, I didn't feel as emotional as I did with my parents, but after that I realized how callous I was, and it seemed like my grandfather was somehow aware of this as well.

After my grandfather was taken away in an ambulance, he regained consciousness only once, turned his weak gaze towards me who was standing by his side, and spoke in a weak voice through his trembling lips.

"Romeo...don't be alone...being alone...is painful...I'm sorry for leaving you...alone..."

He held my hand and apologized.

After my parents suddenly passed away, even in front of my friends at the school I went to, and even when I was living with my grandparents, I tried my best to behave cheerfully, even though I was joking and hating people and slapping there's mouth, and I never showed my weak nature. I was going to.

I thought that I had created a character that was at least a strangely strong and goofy person, but my grandfather might have felt that my actions were somehow unnatural.

I used to think that I was being callous, but when I heard my grandfather's last words of apology, ``I'm sorry,'' my grandfather, my family, understood me and supported me until the very end. I felt sorry for myself for having to apologize to him, and even though I probably wouldn't have cried that much when my parents died, I cried so much that I felt like all the water was draining from my body.

I still don't really understand why I cried so much, but I was surprised that even though my grandfather faced his own death, he was more worried about me than himself until the very end. , and I remember feeling like something had broken inside of me because of the love that he had thought of me that much.

A few days after the person who cared for me until the very end passed away and ascended into the sky in a cloud of smoke, I too was just waiting to graduate from high school, so I went to my grandparents' house. So I lived alone, taking care of housework.

"Ah, soy sauce and rice are about to run out...I'm going to go buy some."

In order to give back in some small way to the way she cared for me, I learned a lot about housework and cooking from my grandmother, so I've become quite good at cooking myself, and my childhood friend even comes over to eat my home-cooked meals from time to time.

Then I suddenly remembered that I was running out of seasonings and rice in the kitchen, so I decided to go to a nearby supermarket.

I put on black jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt, put my wallet in the shoulder bag that was hanging on the chair, put on sneakers, and when I opened the front door and walked out, there was...

"What this?"

At that moment, it was the smell of grass that appealed to my sense of smell.

Next, it was warm, bright sunlight.

And it was a blue sky that spread out forever.

As I stepped out of the front door, I was standing on a small hill of grassland so beautiful that it was so green and waving in the wind that it made me wonder how far it continued.As someone who lived in a comparatively urban area, I was surprised to see this. The sky was a clear blue as never before.

Naturally, when I left my grandparents' house, which lived in a relatively urban area, there were no prairie fields like this in the Alps where a girl could run around.

And, of course, I haven't taken any drugs that make me feel strangely high and have hallucinations... no, seriously.

When I looked behind me and looked back towards the entrance I had just come out of, there was no entrance there either...

I couldn't move a single step, couldn't think of any reason or rationale for what was happening, and just as I felt my heart beating like an early bell, I suddenly realized that I was just looking around at this unknown place. Suddenly, a mass of darkness enveloped my entire body.

I realized after a beat that it was some sort of shadow, and just as I thought I was being enveloped by that shadow, a gust of wind began to rage around me.

Just like in the scene you often see on TV or in movies, when a helicopter is flying and hovering close to people on the ground, a gust of wind hits you, causing you to fall flat on your back. As I bent down and shielded my face from the wind with my arms, I looked up and there it was!

[GUAAAAAAAAA---! ! ! ]

It had a huge black body, huge flapping wings, and a huge jaw with fangs the size of a human that spread wide toward me, and I thought it let out a roar that seemed to burst my eardrums. ...The dirt around me was blown up by that big mouth, and my consciousness reached its limit and I flew away...


where am i...?

I'm standing alone in a pitch-black empty space with no one around.

Even though I looked around briefly, I couldn't see anything that could be a landmark, and for some reason I was the only one standing in the darkness.When I looked at my feet, there was no ground, and the only way I could describe it was to say that I was standing on ``Black.'' In this situation, my consciousness is only vague.

Soon, a white humanoid-like mist appears in that black space.

Is that my grandmother?

And my grandfather?

Also, that's my childhood friend...

In a blink of an eye, the figures in the white mist take on the shapes of people I know well and gather around me.

But why does everyone look so sad?


What did you say?


No, please say it louder.

"...Come on! --- Wake up!!!"

He raised his upper body with a force that surprised even himself.

As soon as I woke up, I looked around and saw that my surroundings were full of rocks, rocks, and really rocks.Where did the beautiful alpine-like grassland from earlier go?I saw a landscape of rugged rocks and sand, with green branches and leaves scattered here and there. The scenery was so desolate that you could even see the trees growing there, and the sky was a pink color that I had never seen before in my life... so where was this place? ! What happened to the blue sky earlier? ? Or rather, what's going on with me! ?

My thoughts have already started to panic as I experience paranormal phenomena one after another, to the point where I start to doubt that I've actually gone crazy.

From behind me, the woman's voice that I heard in my dream earlier reaches my ears again.

"Have you finally woken up? You really have the nerve to keep me waiting."

In this place where there is nothing but rocks and sand, and under the pink sky, I slowly turn my head and look back towards the voice.

When I turned around, I saw a black-haired woman wearing what I knew to be a ``cosplay'' outfit, sitting on a rock that was about as high as my waist, holding her right knee with her right arm. There is.

She was a woman with long, straight black hair, slightly pointed ears, a beautiful, doll-like face and black eyes, and a tan complexion that could almost be called brown.

"What? You can't speak, can you?"

What kind of reaction should I give to the doll-like beauty who slowly tilted her head and said, ``I have a doubt?''

"Ah, I understand what you're saying, but...um...what about here? Why am I here?"

I asked her the very obvious question that came to mind first.

"Huh? Don't you remember? You were eaten by me."

Did you get eaten? what? Is something like this popular lately?

"Um, you got eaten?"


The way you tilt your head as if you don't know why! It's really cute when a beautiful woman does it, hey! Is that enough? You might think so! Well, I didn't have the luxury of thinking about that kind of foolish thought in my head.

"So, what does it mean that I was eaten by you now?"

"Ah, that's right. As soon as I happened to find you, I opened my mouth and ate you."

She opened her mouth wide, but my body wasn't small enough to fit into her cute mouth...

It was that big black shadow that devoured me――

"That's right! Suddenly, I was bitten by a large black shadow monster..."

"――Ah, that big shadow is me."

"Huh? No, no matter how you look at it, it's not human."

"The big black dragon you saw, my true body, the great Black Divine Dragon (Midnight Dragon), has eaten you."

Black god Dragon? Dragon? Her body?

The only thing I can understand is that everything she says and does seems like a child of a chuuni who has crossed the world line, and that my confusion accelerates due to her cosplay-like appearance.

The whole body is highly exposed, from the suit that looks like a sleeveless, tight jet black swimsuit that a race queen would wear, to the chest that emphasizes the bell-shaped woman's beautiful curves that look like they are about to spill, and the left and right sides of the waist. Is there a frilly lace skirt in the back that is black and transparent and reaches just above the knee? And since her lower abdomen is not covered in the front, the high leg of the suit is poisonous to her eyes, and when I'm sitting on a rock and holding one of her legs, it's hard to look anywhere. I don't know.

"Ah, I'm sorry but...um...could you please explain it to me in order from the beginning? You..."

"That's why! A dragon whose territory is in the western part of the Everlast continent! It's the great Black Divine Dragon( Midnight Dragon!)"

Is it really Chuunibyou? What world line is that? Are you going to the hospital?

Or rather, if it's a dream, please wake up soon...the crunchy feel of the sand beneath my feet is so real that it keeps telling me it's not a dream.

"Ah, Miss Dragon. What I want to know is where this place is and why I'm here. You know that, right?"

After saying that, then she jumped down from the rock and slowly approached me.

"That's true. Okay, first of all, let me explain to you. I'm a big believer in taking classroom lessons seriously. However... you have black hair, black eyes, and a very manly face---that's right! What's your name? What do you say?"

She stares at people as if judging them, then smiles..

"... Rom... Romeo is the name..."

--That's what I answered.

"Romeo... Hmm, then Romeo! For now, let's move to my home!"

Having said that, miss dragon led me along the narrow path between the rocks.

The narrow road sloped a little, and as I continued to climb the gentle slope, I finally saw what appeared to be the top.

Normally, if you were forced to walk such a distance without saying a word, it would be natural for people to complain, but after being thrown into a strange place like this, or even being eaten by a dragon like she said, this... If I were to be thrown into a place I don't understand, the right thing to do would be to follow the girl who knows the situation to some extent as much as possible.

As I was thinking about this and that, I looked at her back and saw that the lace queen-like suit she was wearing had her back fully open, and the lace skirt that was transparent around her waist was swaying from side to side every time she walked, and she had curves. My eyes were glued to her beautiful buttocks.

To be clear, he's not lustful person.

Rather, he is the type of person who is open-minded and says clearly what he wants to do.

That's why---

"----You have a nice ass."

"Hmm? Ass?"

At the words I murmured in a clear, audible voice, miss Dragon, who was walking in front of me, suddenly turned to me.

"Oh, my bad. Miss dragon's style was so beautiful that I couldn't help but say it out loud."

"Hmph, so you lusting for my ass? Kukkukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk so so whatever, after this..."

"Huh? Did you say something?"

I felt a little shiver run down my spine when I saw miss dragon grinning at me while narrowing her eyes, but for now, I'll prioritize securing the status quo and protecting myself.

The gentle slope continues.

The feel of gritty sand on the bottom of your sneakers.

The surrounding landscape is filled with rocky mountains on both sides.

It's an uninteresting scenery, but for some reason it doesn't bother me that much.

In front of you is a beautiful curved butt that sways from side to side that makes your heart flutter.

And then, we finally arrive at a place that looks like the top of a hill.

When she reached the top, she turned around.

"Look! That's my castle. What do you think? It's a splendid !"

What I see as she points at me with a childlike smile on her face is a vast castle covered in huge walls... or rather, more like a fortress?

That castle that formed a beautiful square with black walls? Furthermore, a black castle wall is formed into a square inside, and buildings of various heights are lined up inside it, and a particularly large building can be seen in the center.

The one in the center resembled a European castle in the West during the Middle Ages, and of course it had pitch black walls.

"It's amazingly pitch black…"

"I see! That's right! It's a beautiful castle!"

It seems that miss dragon misunderstood my somewhat timid state as being amazed at that ``proud castle,'' but since she seemed happy, I'll just praise her appropriately.

"It certainly looks solid. You can tell from the appearance that it's difficult to attack. Above all, the height and thickness of that outer wall is amazing. It looks like it won't budge even with a cannon. Also, the lookout tower can be used in all directions. There are multiple locations where possible, and there are double walls with outer and inner walls, and the important buildings are inside the inner castle wall, so you can siege them...Oh, there's also a moat between the outer and inner walls. What! If we raise the suspension bridge, it will be effective in delaying the attack."

Unfortunately, I only intended to praise her randomly, but instead I ended up praising every good thing that I saw.

I've always been a fan of simulation games, and I know the joy of raising a country, strengthening a castle, and building something through games..

Also, I'm an unparalleled castle fan, and I often travel to see famous castles in Japan, so I end up praising them even more.


Miss dragon must have been deeply touched by my compliments on the castle, as she looked deeply moved, folded her hands in front of her breast, and turned her sparkling eyes to me as if she were worshiping me.

"Romeo! You know that! That's right! My castle is easy to defend and difficult to attack! I built it with that in mind!"

"Huh? You built it? By yourself?"

"Isn't it natural for me to build my own home?"

"No, I understand what you're saying, but what you're doing is beyond human common sense. It's seriously amazing."

"Oh no♪ Not that much~♪ Ehehe♪"

Even though she says it's not that bad, he can clearly see that her's overflowing with emotion.

"Then let's head to my castle!"

After saying that, miss dragon started walking down a gentle downhill slope with light steps, and I followed along, staring at her happy back and swaying butt underneath her.....

TruE_GoD TruE_GoD

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


