11.42% I am Rimuru Tempest (Rewrite Version) / Chapter 4: The Princess.

章 4: The Princess.

(I am very intentional in not using names unless they have been given out, but that's only going to be something for the first few chaps while he still can't go on a naming spree for stronger characters. So, for example, rather than saying Shuna, I will say princess or pink-haired ogre.)

— — —

Upon entering his temporary home, Rimuru set about crafting a semblance of comfort amidst the foreign environment. With a practiced flick, he expelled a small tub constructed of wooden boards, a creation facilitated by Great Sage's precise calculations. Next, he poured a quantity of stored water, filling the tub before reverting to his slime form and immersing himself with a content splash.

"Ahh… Sage, what a day, eh?" Rimuru sighed, settling into the lukewarm water. His temperature resistance skills negated the need for heating, a minor convenience that he appreciated, given his current lack of fire abilities.

[Confirmed. The goal of recruiting the ogres has been achieved.] The voice of Great Sage echoed in his mind, precise and devoid of emotion.

"You know, Sage, you don't have to be so cold all the time. Relax a little," Rimuru chuckled, his voice echoing with a hint of playfulness, as he swirled leisurely in the tub.

[Understood.] Despite the attempt at lightening the mood, Sage's tone remained unchanged.

"Just you and I, Sage. We have a lot of work in the future. But once we get the wheels rolling, we should be able to lay back and watch it all play out smoothly, right?" Rimuru mused aloud, already dreaming of a leisurely reign in which he got to spend his time with some girls.

[Negative.] Sage began, then paused, as if recalibrating its response. 

[No.] It corrected itself, adding, [From the information gathered in your memories, there is still a lot of progress to be made.]

Rimuru's gelatinous form slowed slightly in the water. The reality of Sage's words settled over him, a reminder that his aspirations for a calm rule would require more groundwork and strategy than perhaps he had hoped.

"Right, then," Rimuru acknowledged, mixing resignation with renewed determination in his tone. "Since it looks like things are going to be quite busy soon, I might as well enjoy today."

With a fluid motion, he leapt from the tub, landing firmly on the ground in his ogre form. Running a hand along the spiky tips of his horns, he chuckled. 

"Not gonna lie, I kind of like the horns." He caught his reflection in a nearby mirror, giving his appearance a critical once-over. With a joking smirk, he said, "At this rate, I'm going to have all the ogre girls on an FBI watchlist."

Attempting to transform into an older, more mature version of the ogre around their early twenties, Rimuru felt his magicules straining to accommodate the change. The reflection that stared back at him was that of a ruggedly handsome ogre with darker skin and a fierce demeanor, well-defined muscles, and small fangs protruding slightly from his mouth. The resemblance to Souei was unmistakable, given that he had used his DNA as a basis for the transformation.

"Well, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to use the better-looking Kijin," Rimuru muttered to himself, shrugging off the slight inconvenience as he selected a larger robe from the assortment provided in the house before stepping out.

The village at night was quiet, shrouded in shadows that stretched long across the dirt paths. Rimuru walked with an unhurried pace, his new form drawing curious glances from the ogres he passed. Though his face was unfamiliar, his ogre appearance helped lower any initial suspicions, allowing him to observe the villagers without attracting too much attention..

As he wandered, Rimuru eventually came upon an ogre with striking pink hair, the future Shuna. She sat alone under the soft glow of a lantern, her focus entirely on the spells she attempted to cast. 

Two pure white horns curved gracefully from her head, and crimson marks like teardrops adorned her cheeks, adding to her distinct appearance. Dressed in a white and red kimono, she seemed a blend of concentration and solitude, her efforts at magic continuously failing to produce the desired electric skill.

[Alert. The use of magic has been detected. Would you like to analyze the spell?] Sage's clinical voice interrupted his observations.

"Aye," Rimuru responded quietly, his interest piqued as he started approaching her.

[Analysis complete. Illusory Thunder has been replicated. Adding this skill to the magic reservoir.] Sage continued, [Analysis… The structure of Illusory Thunder has been successfully deconstructed. New magic, Illusion has been created… new magic, Illusory Fire has been created… new magic, Illusory Ice has been created…]

[Process complete. Ogre's elemental illusion magic has been acquired.]

Approaching her with a friendly smile, Rimuru greeted her. 

"Hello there!"

Shuna, startled by the unexpected presence, jumped back slightly, her eyes wide as she took in the unfamiliar ogre.

"Hello?" Her voice wavered a bit, mingling curiosity with caution. "Are you new here?"

Rimuru's smile widened slightly as he heard her.

"Yes, I've just arrived. I couldn't help but notice your practice. You have quite the talent for magic," Rimuru complimented, taking a seat beside Shuna, whose initial wariness shifted into a curious and slightly amused expression.

"I was just experimenting a bit. I am good at using my family's Illusory skills and Fire, but anything beyond that isn't as easy," Shuna admitted, a touch of humility in her voice.

"Do you want me to teach you how? It just so happens that I am something of an expert myself," Rimuru offered casually, settling comfortably next to her. His relaxed demeanor seemed to put her at ease.

"You really aren't from around here," she giggled, clearly enjoying the break from the usual reverence she received as the chief's daughter. "The other people usually don't speak to me so casually, but it's nice. You said you could teach me about magic?"

'Sage…' Rimuru silently called upon his aide.

[Generating information… Generation complete… The knowledge "How to Use Illusory Ogre Magic for Dummies" has been completed. Transferring information…. Transfer complete.]

Holding back the urge to chuckle slightly at Sage's unconventional naming scheme, he simply gave the skill a mental thanks before clearing his throat.

"Well, you see… it's actually pretty simple. All you have to do is…"

As he explained, he watched Shuna's expression transform from casual interest to intense focus, her eyes alight with the thrill of learning. She absorbed every word, her earlier attempts at magic now evolving into more controlled, beautiful displays of Illusory Lightning forming at her fingertips.

"This... This is amazing," Shuna breathed out, her voice filled with wonder. "I had never seen my family's magic like this. To see someone using Illusory elements like you do… how?"

"I can't tell you all my secrets yet, now can I? Then what would we have to talk about next time?" Rimuru teased with a playful wink, enjoying the light blush that colored her cheeks.

Just as Rimuru was about to suggest another spell, he sensed another presence approaching. Turning toward the newcomer, he saw an ogre approaching with respectful haste, bowing slightly as he reached them.

"Lord Rimuru… Princess… I have been sent to bring you to your father. He wishes to speak with you. If you don't mind, Lord Rimuru, I will take the princess now." The ogre's tone made it clear that there was no room for debate, at least for the pink-haired ogre signaling the urgency of the matter.

"Lord… Rimuru? You have a name?" the pink-haired asked with a mixture of surprise and curiosity as she stood, ready to leave.

"Ah, there goes one of my secrets," Rimuru responded with a nonchalant grin, watching her reaction with amusement. "Go on then, princess. I'm sure we'll see each other again tomorrow," Rimuru finished, giving her a charming smile. 

He would give her a name right here and now to watch her shocked expression, but he wanted to wait until he had analyzed Shizu.

Souei's main skills were threads and shadow movement. Though he couldn't multiply yet, he was sure it could be taught/obtained later. As for Hakuro, he mainly needed a strengthened body to utilize his skills fully. If memory served him right, he obtained a downgraded Sage that boosted his mind. Those were the main reasons he was so casual about naming them.

Once the princess was out of sight, Rimuru returned to his temporary residence, shifting back into his comfortable slime form as he eased into a tub. The solitude allowed him to reflect on the day's events.

"Well, that was nice, wasn't it, Sage? I finally got to hang out with a cute girl. I have nothing against the Goblinas, but… well… you get me, Sage. It's a nice break before I have to deal with the whole moving thing tomorrow."

[Acknowledged. Adding this information to the database.] Sage's voice echoed in his mind, its usual monotone breaking slightly, perhaps in response to Rimuru's casual tone.

[Processing…. Processing complete.]

[Would you like to hear good news now, or would you prefer to be surprised tomorrow?] 

Rimuru paused, considering the implications of both choices. After a brief moment, curiosity won out. 

"What is it?"

[The pink-haired ogre is about to be offered to you as a wife.]

— — —

As the two ogres arrived at the chieftain's residence, the escorting ogre took up a protective stance next to the door, allowing the pink-haired princess to enter first. The somber mood of the room was palpable as she stepped inside, her father's grave expression greeting her. Her brother stood to his left, his stance rigid and serious, while her uncle sat to the right, equally stern.

"Daughter, there is something you must know," her father began, his voice heavy with importance. "Our village has received an offer to join the chosen prophet of the storm dragon, Veldora." The weight of his words visibly shook the princess, her eyes widening as she absorbed the sudden news.

She had been busy when Rimuru arrived, so she hadn't heard any of the news until now. As she processed the information, she nodded.

"That explains why Rimuru could wield our ogre magic so adeptly. He is Veldora's chosen prophet," she said, piecing together her earlier interaction with him, a hint of admiration in her voice. "He was so kind to me, even from such a position of power," she added, a gentle smile crossing her lips as she reminisced.

"That is not all," her father continued, drawing her attention back to the urgency of the moment. "He has named your uncle and one of our guards—Hakuro and Souei. He has promised to bestow names upon all our people."

Her smile broadened at the prospect, the room momentarily brightened by her enthusiasm until her father's solemn tone reclaimed the somber atmosphere. 

"There's more, isn't there?" she inquired, sensing the gravity behind his pause.

"Yes. Our village faces imminent destruction; Veldora's prophet has foreseen it. But within this dire prophecy, he offers us a new hope." Her father laid out Rimuru's vision for their future within his burgeoning empire, detailing the safety and prosperity it promised.

Overwhelmed by the cascade of revelations, the princess listened intently, her excitement mingling with a sense of duty. 

"That's incredible…" she whispered, her eyes alight with possibilities.

"It's for this reason," her father continued, his voice laden with a mix of reluctance and resolve, "I must ask you something significant. I promised your mother I would never force you into marriage, but for the survival of our people, I must consider all options, so I will now ask you. My dear daughter, would you consider marrying Lord Rimuru?"

"Huh?" The princess's voice was tinged with shock, her eyes widening as the full weight of her father's words settled upon her.

"In order to truly unite our two communities," her father continued, his voice firm yet carrying a trace of empathy for the burden he placed upon her, "I want to extend this offer to him. Hakuro has assessed his character. While Lord Rimuru's intentions were not completely transparent, Hakuro assures us he possesses the capability to save our village. Given his status, it is to be expected that he will receive similar offers from other races; thus, you won't be his only wife, but you will indeed be his first."

Her mind raced, replaying their brief interactions—his charming smile, the easy confidence as he taught her magic, his playful winks that had caught her off guard. It was all overwhelming, yet there was a part of her that felt drawn to the mysterious Rimuru.

After a moment of introspective silence, she looked up, her expression resolute. 

"I will offer myself to Lord Rimuru… If he accepts me, I will do my best to be the best wife I can," she declared, bowing her head in a show of respect and acceptance.

Inside, she wasn't entirely opposed to the idea. The hours spent under Rimuru's tutelage had subtly shifted her perceptions of him; his charm and knowledge had indeed made an impression. Despite the suddenness of the proposal, she found herself curious and somewhat hopeful about what her future with him might bring.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


