36.5% The Seraphic System / Chapter 23: Camp Half-Blood

章 23: Camp Half-Blood

The Seraphic System

Chapter: 23

Notice: Just to let you guys know most chief gods are super class, Manasa is on this level due to Hindu gods being on a different level plus she's the daughter of Shiva. 

Tiamat is also at the higher end of the Satan/God class. There are actual calculations for the power levels, they aren't random. They are based off stats, meaning each stat has a value which is added up. 

Just felt the need to clarify this.

Pa/ t reon details at the bottom of the chapter if you're interested I'll keep posting regardless.

(Camp half-blood)

I stared down at the unconscious body of a scruffy-looking boy with jet-black hair swept to one side that looked to be a year younger than me. I idly created a construct of light in the shape of an umbrella that cost me more mana than it was worth.

{Name: Percy Jackson}

{Title: Son of Poseidon}

{Race: Demi God}

{Power level: 5000}

My eyes slowly trailed over to the large form of the imposing Minotaur that was slowly turning into dust. Its body sprawled across the ground. I guess this confirms my theory. To think that I would arrive to witness this event was insane.

I had been searching around the large island as the storm continued raging around me, I had found a few monsters but nothing beyond that. Which is why I was drawn to this explosion.

Then in turn stumbling upon this…

A screech caught my attention a minute later, and I kind of stood just staring. Out of the trees what could only be described as an abomination suddenly crawled out. The term crawling is used considering it possessed the legs of a centipede.

With beetle-like eyes and literal fucking pincers. It had the tail of a scorpion and its head looked faintly reminiscent of a woman. A foul energy suddenly washed over the area, seemingly leaking out from it.

The pincers of this amalgamation of creatures clicked a few times.

"O-oh my.. w-what a tasty smell." It moaned.

I felt almost sexually assaulted by the way it stared at me.

{Name: Kayla}

{Title: Stray Devil}

{Race: Devil (Mutated)}

{Power level: 2640}

This was a stray devil? I hadn't seen one before since India had a no-outsider rule. Thinking about it, this was probably my first interaction with something outside of the forest that was a part of the DxD world.

It made sense since I'm pretty sure the Devils had some sort of presence or business in New York. Still, though, no wonder everyone hated the devils. They were letting things like these randomly run amuck.

That foul energy must be demonic energy, or perhaps something else.

"I-in awe? I k-know I'm pretty b-beautiful hehe." The stray devil cackled out with stutters and squeezed a bump on its carapace, moaning.

My nose scrunched in disgust.

"That's fucked up," I muttered.

Its beetle eyes snapped to me and it screeched, opening its mouth it shot a glob of acid I blocked by simply shielding myself with my umbrella.

I'm not sure if it would affect me since a creature gained more magical resistance the more magic it possessed but I really didn't want to touch anything associated with this…

No, seriously that's fucked up.

I felt disgusted at its entire being, not just its looks or the way it acted. It's like the fact it existed was an insult.

A sword of light appeared next to me and shot towards the hideous stray devil, as soon as the light touched the mid-class stray devil it disintegrated.

Huh, I forgot that light was a fatal weakness against all devils.

A red chess piece fell down, cracks cascading through it with yellow energy running through the cracks. I went to appraise it only for it to instantly disappear. Presumably back to its owner.

I clicked my tongue.

That's annoying.

Now, what to do with him? I looked back down to Percy. I don't think leaving him out here was a great idea.

A spear suddenly came sailing past my head and lodged into the tree behind me. A centaur followed by a few kids holding spears came charging out.

{Name: Chiron}

{Title: Trainer Of Heroes}

{Race: Blessed Centaur}

{Power level: 5940}

"Halt." The large centaur commanded.

So this was Chiron?

His upper human half was that of a middle-aged man with an amazing physique. He had a large beard and kind eyes. He was holding a long spear firmly in his hand. The centaur looked between me and the unconscious Percy Jackson.

"Step away from the boy." He ordered.

The kids behind him which appraisal showed were Greek Demi-Gods looked ready to pounce. All of them were in the lower end of the High Class.

How to go about this.

"I assure you this isn't as bad as it looks." I finally said after a brief stare-down.

Chiron's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing. He seemingly mulled over his words. "Explain yourself, child. What happened here?"

"Honestly, I got a bit lost and found myself stumbling upon a battle between him and some Minotaur-looking thing," I explained, shrugging as if it were just another mundane occurrence in my chaotic life.

Which it was.

I scratched the back of my head. The Demi-Gods all looked at me suspiciously as Chiron took a few moments to think on my words, looking around at the damage. His eyes finally landed on a broken-off Minotaur horn.

He slowly trotted over to it, lowering his spear and leaning down to pick it up. Inspecting it closely.

"I see." He said.

He finally turned back to me, a friendly smile on his face.

"Forgive me, child, we had heard a loud battle take place and had assumed the worst when we saw you close to the unconscious body of one of our own." Chiron apologised.

The Demi-Gods behind him had lowered their weapons, mostly looking placated except for a few larger Demi-Gods who looked like they had taken an unearthly amount of steroids. They all looked disappointed and glared at me like it was my fault for making them feel that way.

A quick appraisal and their titles showed they were all children of Ares.

"Alright, now that's cleared up. I'll be going." I announced and turned around.

"Wait. I think it's best if you come with us for now, this weather will only get worse and you may find yourself accidentally hurt." Chiron said.

I'm assuming he was talking about the increasing amount of divinity pervading the air. The storm was becoming a lot more violent but it really wouldn't affect me since I had my pocket dimension.

Still, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to check out the notorious Camp Half-Blood. My knowledge of Percy Jackson was horrible, even worse than my knowledge of high school DxD but I do remember a few things.

"Are you sure your patrons would be okay with me?" I questioned and he only looked a little surprised at my knowledge.

Chiron smiled.

"They don't pay much attention to camp so I'm sure they wouldn't mind." He assured me and I nodded. I could always just fuck off into my pocket dimension if they had a problem.

Two of the Ares kids picked up Percy and lugged him with us as I followed the Centaur. It was about ten minutes later I found myself walking up a hill only to suddenly be stopped by a golden barrier.

Chiron and the others passed through the barrier without delay.


[Name: Camp Half-Blood Barrier 

Description: The Barrier protects the insides of Camp Half-Blood, making it a secure place. It is powered by a Pine Tree that hosts the soul and essence of Thalia, daughter of Zeus.


Weather Manipulation: The Key Holder can manipulate the weather inside the barrier.

Delusion Grip: Only those whose senses are attuned to the magical can sense the barrier and glimpse into its insides. Others see different things.

Locked Doors: Only those allowed by the Key Holder can enter inside the barrier.]

So this was the Camp Half-Bloods barrier, I could only enter if invited in by one of the camp's staff. It felt very strong, even my limited mana sense could feel the powerful divinity interwoven with an insane amount of magic powering it.

Could I get through though?

I'm not sure.

I only really have raw power and an unfair amount of skills going for me, perhaps it was time to look into an actual fighting style? The Demigods around here seemed to practise a lot judging by the way they expertly handled their respective weapons.

The rest of the Demigods went ahead as Chiron chuckled.

"May I know your name, young friend? I need it to invite you in I'm afraid" He explained.

"Kai," I replied.

"Ah interesting name, it means 'Victorious' in Latin I believe." He mused.

Chiron cleared his throat.

"I permit you to enter Kai." He announced and the barrier shimmered.

My hands slipped through and I entered. The weather immediately changed, the raging storm outside making way for a dark clear sky. It was a bit like the barrier at Namara's mansion.

We walked over the hill where a massive tree stood and I was greeted by a large camp-site. There was barely anyone around since it was nighttime.

"I will allow you to sleep in the main cabin for now. We shall speak more later for now to get some rest." Chiron said as he led me to a massive cabin.

He showed me to a small room. I was left alone. Flopping onto the bed I kicked my shoes off. I wanted to explore but I felt it would be best to hold off on that desire for now.

I had no real clue what I was doing here, it was more out of curiosity than anything. I had been an avid fan of the Percy Jackson series at one point so seeing it in real life was pretty awesome.

I guess I'll get some rest for now and see what they have to say tomorrow. My angels would be fine hopefully.

It's only one night and they shouldn't worry too much.


Avael paced around. She kept looking outside the window for the arrival of her father. Only to scowl and nervously bite her fingers as he didn't show up.


A lance of fire embedded itself next to her sibling's face.

Avael's eyes widened.

"Oh I'm sorry-" she waved her hands.

"It's fine, I understand, none of us can sleep without father's presence." He replied, the rest of her siblings appearing from behind him.

She went back to pacing around.

"He would have called us if he was in danger." She said mostly to herself.

'Father will be fine' she thought. An attempt to placate the worry and rising anger she felt.

A few seconds later she slammed her hands on the table.

"PREPARE FOR WAR." She announced.


I looked around at the various kids walking around and laughing with each other, if I didn't know any better I would say it looked like a normal summer camp. Ignoring the massive colosseum-looking building and the various weapons on display, mostly wooden swords and leather armour.

I had just stepped outside and Chiron had instantly told me to follow him.

"Come along Kai, we will need to inform the camp director. Mr. D," Chiron informed me, looking at me apologetically.

Otherwise known as Dionysus. The Greek gods of grape harvest, wine, orchards, madness, parties, religious ecstasy and theatre.

That was quite the list of domains.

This would be my second encounter with a God. It would be for the best if I didn't try and antagonise this god as much as I did with Manasa. It would also be interesting to see how strong he was compared to a Hindu God.

Perhaps a show of goodwill could be good. I opened my system shop and searched for wines. A small gift since I think I remember he was banned from acquiring any alcohol inside Camp Half-Blood.

Château Margaux from Bordeaux, France.

This should do.

Doesn't cost too many credits and will buy some goodwill. I purchased it and kept the bottle of wine in my inventory.

We made our way to a large building, Demigods staring at me in interest. On the deck sat a man in a Hawaiian tiger-striped shirt and shorts. He had a chubby face with a scruffy beard and two big blue watery eyes.

I didn't react to his unimpressive appearance, which was especially disappointing compared to Manasa.

{Name: Dionysus}

{Title: Olympian, God of Wine and Madness}

{Race: God}

{Current Power level: 12,300}

{Power level: 48,260}

Interesting, I'm guessing this was his so-called mortal form. I did remember something about that, though how come Manasa didn't have one? It could be due to the fact she was in her temple. It was strange she forced me to come to her.

The God's watery blue eyes lazily looked at me.

"Dionysus." I nodded.

He grinned.

"And who might you be? You certainly aren't one of my 'dear' family's children." He asked in a sarcastic tone of voice.

"He is a boy who saved one of our own. I invited him inside as a thank you." Chiron spoke up for me. I simply stared into the God's eyes, his own staring back at me with interest.

He took a sip from the Diet Coke can on the table in front of him.

"What's your name, boy?" He asked.


He leaned forward.

"Sai, you're an interesting child."

I didn't bother correcting him. I knew he was doing it on purpose. I walked up to him and took a seat beside him, summoning the bottle of wine under the table and slipping it to him.

"I've been told," I replied, his eyes flickering down and lighting up.

The God of Wine grinned.

"I like you. I suppose it would be in bad taste to send away one of Yahweh's children."

My eyes widened a bit at that but I hid it quickly, did they not know that God was dead? It was meant to be some super secret within the three Abrahamic factions. There was also the possibility God was still alive, that was a scary thought.

What would he think if he found an angel he didn't create out there?

"Child of Yahweh?" Chiron suddenly questioned.

Dionysus snorted.

"The boy is an Angel Chiron." He said much to Chiron's shock.

Yeah, I think I remembered something about how only a few knew about the existence of other pantheons. He probably knew of God but had never met an Angel which was fair, since the Angels were indeed reclusive.

Ignoring Chiron's shock at the reveal of my race, he continued.

"Chiron, give Sai a tour of the camp," Dionysus ordered and Chiron nodded.

I gave him a nod and left with Chiron.

"Luke!" Chiron shouted towards a handsome blonde-haired boy walking past them.

The teenager was tall and athletic, he had short-cropped sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. A sharp nose and an aura of mischief. He smiled in a friendly manner and walked over to us.

Luke Castellan

"Hey Chiron, need someone to show the new Demigod around?" He questioned.

"Not exactly a Demigod but yes, I would like for you to show young Kai around," Chiron replied.

Luke was around the higher end of the high class in terms of power, which was just a bit higher than Chiron. He looked a bit confused but smiled nonetheless.

I observed the sandy blonde-haired older boy, who was guiding me through the bustling camp. Demigods waved as we passed by, indicating Luke's apparent popularity as the Council leader for the Hermes Cabin.

"Sorry for all the attention, I'm normally the guy Chiron calls to give a camp tour to the newcomers. So I pretty much know everyone," Luke apologized with a grin, leading the way with confidence.

I smirked, tucking my hands into my pockets as we strolled past various cabins, eleven in total.

"It's fine," I replied, casting a curious glance around as we approached a cabin with the number one emblazoned on it.

The first cabin appeared designed to impress, boasting polished white marble walls and grand white columns at the front entrance, leading to a shiny golden gate. Two imposing bronze doors stood as a testament to its significance. It was evident which cabin this belonged to.

'Zeus,' I thought as my gaze landed on the lightning bolt symbols adorning the door. It wasn't hard to deduce the owner of the cabin.

"Impressive, right? That's the cabin belonging to Lord Zeus," Luke remarked, catching my attention as I studied the cabin. I couldn't help but notice the undertone of bitterness in his tone.

I mentally filed away this observation as useful information. I was aware of Luke's future status as a traitor with plans to betray the Greek Gods, but I found myself feeling indifferent to his intentions. It wasn't my problem.

Deciding it would be advantageous to maintain a cordial relationship with him for gathering information, I snorted and pretended to be unimpressed.

"A bit pompous," I muttered under my breath, ensuring Luke could hear me. His lips twitched into the beginning of a smirk for a fleeting moment.

A moment later, he regained his passive look. I mentally pat myself on the back for a job well done. As we approached a second cabin with the number two emblazoned on it, I observed its construction with interest.

Crafted from smooth marble, the cabin presented itself as a simple box, yet its design exuded elegance. I noted how its aesthetic seemed to surpass even that of Zeus's Cabin, with slender white columns adorned with garlands of pomegranates and flowers. Carvings of peacocks adorned the structure.

Similar to the first cabin, it appeared empty inside. 'This must be Hera's Cabin,' I thought, my suspicion confirmed a moment later when Luke spoke up.

"This is Lady Hera's Cabin, though it's never been used and is more of an honorary Cabin," Luke explained, to which I nodded passively, absorbing the information.

As Luke and I continued our stroll, we passed numerous cabins, but only a few stood out. Notably, the fifth cabin caught my attention—it belonged to the children of Ares.

Number five stood out with its bright red exterior, adorned with a messy paint job that seemed haphazardly applied. Barbed wire lined the roof, adding to its intimidating appearance. A stuffed wild boar's head hung over the doorway, its eyes seemingly tracking my every move.

Peering inside, I observed a group of tough-looking kids, both boys and girls, engaged in arm wrestling and heated arguments amidst the blaring rock music. The most vocal among them was a sixteen-year-old girl with dirty blonde hair.

One of the kids shot me a glare, prompting me to casually return the gesture with a middle finger when Luke wasn't looking. Surprisingly, the kid regarded me with a hint of respect

The second cabin that caught my interest was Cabin Ten, the cabin belonging to Aphrodite. I observed Aphrodite's cabin, its painted roof standing out against the sky.

Supported by pillars, the structure led to a blue-and-white checkerboard deck with steps, while grey walls served as a neutral backdrop.

Inside the cabin there were beautiful older girls dressed in designer clothing and handsome boys who now eyed me with curiosity, prompting the girls to start closely inspecting my appearance moments later.

I inwardly thanked myself for heavily dulling my allure with a small light manipulation illusion over my body.

The cabin resembled a pink 'Barbie house,' complete with a pink door, delicate lace curtains, and potted carnations adorning the window sill. Even from our distance, the heavy scent of perfume permeated the air.

Finally, we arrived at the last cabin, the Hermes Cabin, bustling with more demigods than I had seen since arriving. Luke regarded me with sympathy and a hint of shame.

"This is my cabin, and it's where you'll be staying for the duration of your stay," he said, wincing at my flat stare.

The Hermes Cabin appeared dull and worn down, with plain black wood that was chipped in many places. It was also hilariously overcrowded and chaotic, silently I resolved that I'd rather sleep in a tree than in that cabin.

"Uh, moving on," Luke muttered, starting to walk briskly towards the large coliseum. I followed at a much slower pace.

I appraised the large, classic coliseum, its appearance reminiscent of an old Roman city. Crafted from sandy-coloured stone, the grand archway served as its main entrance. Inside, multiple raised platforms hosted demigods engaged in combat.

Around the centre of the coliseum, numerous raised seats accommodated spectators. I estimated that a few hundred people could comfortably sit around the arena.

"This is the training area. As demigods, we unfortunately have a knack for running into monsters, which means we have to train to fight against said monsters. Since fate doesn't want to give us a break," Luke muttered, his voice tinged with resignation.

I nearly snorted. 'Tell me about it,' I thought, empathizing with Luke's sentiment.

"Hey, new guy," Luke said, his growing smirk evident.

I raised an eyebrow in response.

"Are you any good at fighting?" Luke asked, pulling a wooden sword from a stack of weapons.

I smiled back. "I've had my fair share of experiences."

Luke tossed a sword toward me, and I nodded in acknowledgement.

'I guess this is as good a time as any to see how someone wielding a sword properly fights. ' I thought, giving it a few experimental swings.

I made sure to lower my use of pure strength and speed as we both ascended a raised platform, drawing the attention of some demigods who paused their own fights to watch.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," Luke promised.

I stretched my back, swinging the wooden sword a few times to get a feel for it.

"No need, Sandy. Let's see if you are more skilled than your awful attempts at shit-talking are," I replied, suddenly shooting towards Luke.

Luke blocked, and I spun, delivering a punch to his stomach that sent him skidding back. He coughed and glared at me.

"Bit of a low blow," Luke said, and I nodded in agreement.

"My bad, I've made a habit of fighting a bit dirty," I apologized before darting off again.

Luke exploded forward too, swinging his sword expertly towards my opening. I tried to hold back my strength and speed, adjusting to match what Luke was displaying.

I blocked and my eyes widened as Luke's blade slid past me, narrowly avoiding a hit as I twisted my body.

Luke definitely had skill; I could tell from that brief collision alone. However, I had more experience fighting stronger enemies, giving me an edge. Plus, there was the fact that I was holding back.

I jumped back as Luke struck again, executing a perfect crescent slash. I aimed my sword down at the side of Luke's torso, only to have it blocked as he spun, nudging his sword so it pushed mine back an inch.

This allowed Luke to spin around again, sending his sword arcing towards my neck. I grinned, genuinely enjoying a battle that wasn't threatening my life. I was pushed back as I barely raised my blade to stop the attack.

"You're pretty good. Your blade work is novice, but your instincts are killer. You've experienced fighting enemies stronger than you, I'm assuming," Luke remarked as we both slid back.

'I already knew that. Namara had said I needed to actually work on my weapon skills,' I thought, nodding.

"You could say I've been a bit busy lately and haven't had the time to find a teacher," I replied.

Luke grinned in response.

"You've come to the right place. I'm pretty well-trained with a sword. I would be willing to assist you," Luke said, and I thought about it.

My main weapons weren't exactly swords, but I supposed it would be better to get some training instead of none. Even if I knew Luke was a traitor, I didn't exactly care.

"I would appreciate the help," I replied.

Luke lowered the wooden sword.

"We should probably continue this later. For now, let me show you the rest of the camp," Luke replied.

We both put the wooden swords away and continued the little tour of camp-half blood.


Gabriel stared down at the simple-looking church below as she hovered with a disillusionment spell cast around her so no human would see her, a storm raged around her as she floated unaffected by it.

A soft frown could be seen on her beautiful facial features. Two unfathomably soft full pouty lips pulled back into a frown. Gabriel's two beautiful green emerald-coloured eyes were dazed as she thought.

The Hindu faction had firmly rejected her from finding the young angel but by the looks of things, they would no longer be needed. They had tried to subtly question her during their last few exchanges and she had activated her tracker ability on a whim.

Sure enough, the child had left India but when? She didn't know but she knew whatever had happened left the Hindu faction a little upset. Naturally, without restriction, she had quickly started flying towards him only for the signal to cut off.

After a few days of waiting and going to the nearest land in that direction to search the signal had come alive again. Gabriel had practically torn through the air as she had assumed that the youngling was in trouble.

That had led her here. The signal had cut off again. Gabriel was confused but decided she should try to investigate. Unfortunately from what she believed, the priest of this church wasn't as well-informed as most of the other churches.

She gently lowered to the ground, her beautiful blonde curly hair somehow still shining despite the dark atmosphere. She knocked gently on the church door despite the fact a tree just shot past and nearly hit her.

The door opened and she was quickly ushered in. She looked at the quiet church, lit up by candles since the electricity wasn't working. The priest who had let her in suddenly froze upon seeing her before quickly going to the altar and praying.

Gabriel blinked.

There were a few Nuns praying in the assorted row of seats in front of the altar. She smiled softly at the statue of Christ. Gabriel decided to take a seat next to a young woman who was praying as if her life depended on it.

Through her supernatural sense of hearing, she could pick up what the nun was desperately whispering.

"O Heavenly Father, thank you for sending one of your children to protect me." The nun muttered.

Gabriel instantly paid the Nun her full attention.

"Excuse me?" Gabriel softly called, her voice causing the priest behind them to start praying even more intensely.

The nun snapped out of her trance and jumped at the sight of Gabriel beside her.

"Oh my, I'm sorry." She apologised and Gabriel merely smiled kindly.

"Sorry for disturbing you, I just wanted to ask if you've perhaps seen a young boy or female recently," Gabriel asked as she was pretty sure the angel had to be under fifteen years old.

The Nun's eyes widened and stared at Gabriel apprehensively.

"Are you an angel too?" She whispered and Gabriel paused.

The blonde-haired beauty giggled softly. Neither confirming nor denying her question.

"I see, so I'm assuming you have seen someone?" Gabriel asked and the Nun nodded. A look of reverence as her entire belief was further solidified into actuality.

"It was a boy, I had found him sitting here and staring at our beloved Christ. I thought maybe he had been interested but when a few of the local men started harassing me he protected me." She muttered softly and her answer made Gabriel smile.

In both pure excitement at her search finally bearing fruit and the fact an angel so young who hadn't been taught their ways had still decided to help a stranger.

She was finally close to finding the young angel.


if you wish to read up to nine chapters in advance among other things please visit pa/t reon * / Snipez818, I appreciate all the support!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


