52.17% Princess of Mandalore (Youjo Senki/Star Wars) / Chapter 12: chapter 10 Pt 2

章 12: chapter 10 Pt 2

Mandalore, Sundari, Royal Palaces

Tanya Kryze

On the job training is not a subject I had to entertain very often. I worked my entire life to get to the position I was in my first life and in my second life I'd at least had training before war took over the continent.

Well I guess going from an artillery spotter to Ace over the course of 30 minutes was a bit of on-the-job training that I had not prepared for. That being said, this on the job training was not as dangerous.

Today was my 16th birthday party as well as my going away party. Next week I'd be packed off to the Senate and be far far away from the troubles of Mandalore. I just hoped my little attempts to stem the potential rebellions that were brewing would pay off while I was gone.

As for the party itself, it was fairly similar to my 13th birthday party. A lot of people talking and exchanging pleasantries, a few people asking to dance with other people, it was all so formal and not exactly my forte. Frankly I was still somewhat getting used to the idea of being Royalty. First life had not had such privileges and second life so I had achieved a noble status through hard work and dedication. I've been a little busy dodging bullets most of the time to enjoy all the benefits of that.

If it wasn't a party in my favor I might have looked at ways to duck out but as it was I just simply smiled and waved at the people who smiled and waved at me and acted as princessly as I could. Just had to make it through this day wearing this updated version of the dress I'd worn when I was 13 and I'd be done with this for at least a couple weeks. It's something that I had to work on, most of the time there are going to be too many opportunities for this kind of socialization on Coruscant.

"Good evening Miss Kryze." A voice came from my side causing me to look up. Standing before me was a blonde haired man I kind of recognized but I couldn't place. It was definitely one of the people who worked with Satine higher up in the government but I just don't think we'd ever had a proper meeting before.

"Good evening," I said, doing a little curtsy as I've been trained to do over the years. I now spent twice as many decades as a woman or a girl than I had ever spent as a man so I was no longer feeling a bit of my pride dying every time I had to do something like this. It was simply a requirement of my position in order to maintain my social status, so I could either get worried about that and have nothing I can do about it or ignore it and go on with my life. Best option is to ignore it as I had but better things to do.

Smiling, the man held out his right hand as his left held a goblet of some kind. "Pre Vizsla Governor of Concordia, I don't believe you've ever had the chance to meet before."

Taking the hand for the offered shake I nodded. "Yes I don't believe we've ever actually had the opportunity, well I must say I've been to your world quite often. Your work in rebuilding it is quite lovely."

"Why thank you, the people of Concordia have worked hard to turn that ball of dirt into a green world once again, always good to receive praise for our work." He said, swirling the liquid in his glass before sipping. "It was actually because of your trips to Concordia that I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh?" I asked in an inquiring way, wondering where this was going.

"Well, although Concordia is doing a lot in it's rebuilding process it still has some time to go before it is truly restored. The process could be sped up of course but we would need the Republic to lessen its restrictions on what we could do. Staying true to the letter prevents us from importing animals from other Mandalorian planets that would thrive on Concordia."

"Intriguing, what's the exact restriction?" I asked and I raised my brow, kind of curious about what this is actually about. Was this some sort of long play? Had he allowed the use of the moon for my training in hopes of having me help him deal with some Republic restrictions? If so, my hats off to him as I saw no reason not to at least look into the matter. If I could help him out with making Concordia complete it's terraforming process to a livable moon faster. I saw no reason not to try and help as any resources that would be saved in the long run could be diverted to rebuilding the other planets of the Mandalorian system.

"The Endangered Animals act to be exact, Concordia used to have a large diverse array of carnivorous predators even before Mandalorians brought in packs of animals from other planets to hunt. That was several thousand years ago and the Excision did not help those populations. As far as anyone's aware those carnivorous predators are now all extinct but we are still labeled as a planet that needs its environment protected due to its history. This of course prevents us from bringing in new animals that could threaten the environment of the ones that are now dead.

If you could look into getting us off that list it would help greatly in the rebuilding efforts, as I could bring in resources not just from Mandalorian systems.

"Just from Mandalorian systems?" I asked, confused.

"Right, part of the restrictions prevents us from trading Mandalorian plants that may have had contact before the restrictions were in place, as a way of preventing species from other planets from accidentally being transplanted."

Ah, so this environmental protection was not only preventing the terraforming, it was also clamping down on the trade of the planet as anything would have to basically go through another Mandalorian planet before going to Concordia.

Nodding my head I said "Well I'm unaware if I will have any way to help with this situation but I will definitely look into it. That's the best I can offer."

Pre smiled, "At least someone will be looking into it. I've been trying to get Tal Merrik to look into it for some time now but he's always been busy trying to get trade deals for Kalevala."

That raised my eyebrow, interplanetary rivalry and was not a good look and could cause problems down the line. I need to keep an eye on Senator Merrik if he was abusing his position to favor Kalevala over the other planets of the Mandalorian system, let alone the sector.

Of course this might be a biased opinion so I would give Senator Merrik the benefit of the doubt to prove it wrong with his deeds.

Smiling, I simply nodded and said "Well I'm sure he's got a good reason but I will keep this matter on the table in our conversations. Getting this wildlife reserve status removed from Concordia seems like a reasonable stance to take if the planet has already had all of the original species population wiped out."

"Thank you Miss Tanya, looks like there's a bit of a line forming behind me so I'll be seeing you around." He said with a nod before taking a few steps away clearing the way for another man who was waiting in the wings.

Said man was in his early 50s by my guess, balding and carrying a box. As soon as Governor Vizsla cleared the way he stepped forward, "Drioz Shuur of Mandel Technologies, at your service Miss Kryze."

"Tanya Kryze, pleasure to meet you." I said, in greeting.

"Miss Tanya, would you be willing to help a Mandalorian Corporation out?"

That raised my eyebrow with a smile, nothing like honesty to improve my mood. "Well as a nobleI I'm a servant of the people, if the corporation's goals align with improving the people's lives I would not be against helping out a corporation. Assuming your proposition is beneficial to the people?

"Oh yes, this will be beneficial to everyone involved. As a soon-to-be representative of our people, you will be invited to plenty of events while you are away. Not only that you will be seen on cameras across the sector, you will be a representation of our people, a trendsetter."

'Oh this could go badly.' I thought, my eyebrow thoroughly reaching the top of my hairline at this point. "You are not wrong, though I don't see how this will-." He cut me off and held up the box to me.

"Why this gift will be how you help our corporation, as we plan to help many others." Curious, I took the box and opened it with my left hand only to see two mandalorian bracers laying inside, elegantly designed for style if I had to guess with several screens currently off.

I was actually in a market for Mandalorian vambraces but I was planning to go through Zum for that. He was working on getting the materials together so I was intrigued at what I was seeing. An opportunity is here but I thought I better ask more questions about what I was dealing with.

"Mandalorian vambraces, aren't these a bit too militaristic for a gift?" I asked carefully.

"Oh heavens no, this is a new model we have created based on the ever growing popularity of the Silver Codex. It only have defensive systems such as a small energy shield, in case of assassination attempts, a communicator with a powerful enough transmitter to reach orbit on some of the lesser atmospheric worlds, and the most popular feature that we have been working on a small computer allowing you to access the galactic net. All well designed and hidden inside these elegantly built plasteel casing."

It was a smartphone, he was giving me a smartphone in the form of a vambrace that also has an energy shield, this is a very useful item. No, I did not miss the last thing, "Did you say plasteel?

"Yes, these are designed exclusively for export and we're hoping that when you are seen outside of the Mandalore sector the people will see you as a trendsetter amongst the youth and will put in orders for as many of these vambraces as we can sell."

I nodded my head and I said, "I appreciate your honesty," as I closed the box, "and I will do my best to set a trend as it were but I will make no guarantees that it will take off."

"Nothing's ever guaranteed in the galaxy except war and taxes." that got to chuckle out of me. I have not expected to hear a version of death and taxes but there was and it wasn't exactly wrong for their culture.

"Isn't that the truth, hopefully though the war part will become less guaranteed. Peace is always preferable in a good economy."

"Agreed my lady, thank you for hearing me out and enjoy the vambraces."

"Will do and if you have anything else like this, don't be afraid to ring me up. As far as I'm aware trend setting is not illegal behavior for the Senate."

"Noted." the man said with a smile, before walking away.

Well then this party was turning out to be more exciting then I had expected. Well I'd officially made a contact in an industry that could always come in handy in the future. Plus, I could always let Zum upgrade the vambraces with beskar plating in the future.


Tanya Kryze

I looked out the window of the Coronet and smiled at the space outside as it zoomed by. This is probably the fastest I had ever traveled and it was in comfort and style. The Coronet was the personal yacht of Duchess Satine, though it served mainly as the transport for those of upper class from Mandalore to the one Core World Mandalore cared about, Coruscant. The economic and diplomatic capital of the Republic.

A massive city that encrusted an entire planet. I was fairly curious to finally see the planet I've been told about for most of this life. What I managed to find didn't exactly give me the most glorious picture. It sounded like a cyberpunk dystopia in a few places but I was going towards the better parts of the city so I would at least be safe, I assumed.

"Mistress, please stop staring out the window, you'll get hyper space sickness." came the mechanical voice of my Droid.

"Apologies X4, I will keep my eyes on the internals of the ship." I said turning to face the silver and green Droid.

I had many options to choose from when it came to droids, more than I really expected, really. Which shows that there is a healthy free market going on when it comes to droids and their technology. The expected choice, the one that I think most diplomats would have gone with, was the 3PO model. They were the industry standard for a century when it came to dealing with multiple species translations and etiquette. They are also fairly expensive yet are the cheapest option on the market, while also being capable enough that in some ways could replace me.

When a droid could function as a diplomat for you, there was really no reason for you to exist. Thus I searched the Droid market for something that would not be a danger to my position and would instead improve my capabilities. My quest for such a droid resulted in the 3D-4X Administration Droid. It had many of the same abilities as a 3PO model and instead of a lifeless human-like head, it had a silver one too, but coming out of the neck with one eye at the top. What was more interesting to me about this Droid than having something that could replace me was its abilities for administration. Not only was it good at translating, albeit with a fraction of the language library available to 3PO models, it could also handle my finances. While I am no slouch when it comes to administration, I was a member of an HR department, thus my specialties lie in managing the workers and smoothing relations with other companies or suppliers than managing spreadsheets filled with numbers and timetables.

Having a mechanical underling who could quickly figure out the most financially beneficial way to do something was far more appealing than a droid that could just speak a lot of languages.It was a bit more expensive but having the capabilities of someone who could handle all financial situations I would find myself in, would pay for itself quickly. And since droids could live up to 100 or more years no doubt my next of Kin would be thanking me for my forethought.

X4 for his part is rather professional and diligent. Didn't talk much unless prompted and was rather cool about everything he said. "I brought your tea, mistress."

"Didn't I ask for caf?" I questioned.

"Duchess Satine has ordered me to not offer you caf until your 18th birthday, as it would stunt your growth."

I collapsed a bit into my chair with a groan. While I had managed to sneak one final cup of caf from the Sleepy Strill last week, some cups of caf a month is not enough caf in your honest opinion. The moment I thought I had the freedom to have as much caf as I want, two more years have been added to it.

"I've already reached my maximum height of 5'6 last year. I don't think I'm going to get any taller than that."

"Satine's orders are the administration's orders, if you have a problem with the administration please contact your Duchess Satine."

I tried not to let my annoyance show, who would have thought droids had parental controls. Then again what is a Droid but a computer? Why wouldn't you give a kid control over a computer without putting some sort of parental locks on it?

"Alright, alright no need to get snippy." I said, reaching out to grab the glass of tea and sipped it. I took a moment to relax as X4 came to stand next to my seat waiting for whatever my next order would be. This really was The Life™ , a proper retirement when you really thought about it. Yes, there was the threat of rebellion and chaos but this little moment of peace of being an aristocrat was almost worth ticking off Being X and all of the crap I had to deal with in my 2nd life.

Before I could get too sentimental though, someone opened the door to Coronet's lounge of Coronet.

"Oh, there you are." came the voice of my generous host as he walked into the room with his own 3PO model Droid following behind him. Another reason I had sprung for the more business minded option, my employer already has a 3PO model.

"Senator Tal Merrik," I said, straightening up, "or is it Prince? I'm not sure which title comes first in this situation." I have tried to look it up in my current understanding with the senator but it was always best to ask.

"Senator," he said with an offhanded look before taking a seat across from me signaling his 3PO model to get a drink from a nearby locked bar, "only when I'm on Kalevala does the prince title take precedence."

I nodded my understanding and made note of it in case I ever came up. "In any case, I thought I should have a little meeting with you before we reach Coruscant, I wanted to make sure you understand the political situation that's been brewing that we are under strict orders to not get involved in."

I don't think I could raise my eyebrow any higher after that statement but I took it in with the calmness a princess was supposed to have. "And what is this situation we must remain diligent to not step in?"

"To put it simply, a former Jedi is dropping the non-political stance they've been playing at for the last thousand years. He is gathering several systems unsatisfied with the Republic under his banner. Personally I believe he's simply trying to use the systems to get himself elected as Chancellor, like the Jedi Chancellors of old but I haven't had a chance to talk to him yet."

I felt the cold grip of fear tug at my heart. A former military leader was gathering planets to position himself into politics. That could go badly and why was he gathering discontents? I was going to need to do research on this just to make sure I understood the situation but I would honor the prince's request.

"Understood, I will stay far away from this situation. Frankly I'm more interested in trade deals and ways of improving the Mandalore system over any petty politics of 'who should be the leader in the Senate'."

"Good," he said as his Droid brought him his drink he smiled before sipping it then continued. "Also, stay far away from the Jedi. On a good day they're the Chancellor's dogs. On a bad day, well what happened to Mandalore during the Excision was a bad day."

"Not a fan of the space wizards?" I mused as I listened to him.

"Nope, I've seen enough of their so-called peacekeeping to know that when a situation goes south they usually make it worse."

I nodded my head but I would withhold my judgment for now on that one that sounded like ancient bias to me. Mandalorians and Jedi have been going at it for nearly 4,000 years, maybe more so I could see why bad blood existed between them. How bad the blood was I wasn't sure yet though that was not my problem. It wasn't like I was trying to integrate Jedi into Mandalorian society, that sounded like a recipe for disaster.

But I just simply said "I'll keep my distance from them if I see their brown robes." I've seen one or two holo videos with supposed Jedi actors and they always wore brown robes so I assumed that was some sort of sign of their cult.

"Exactly, if you see brown robes walk the other way." He said matter of factly before sipping his drink.


Jango Fett

I chuckled as I read the last few lines on the document before me. I just returned from a hunt, a simple and easy job too. Get in, bash a head, drop off the unfortunate soul that the person who wanted him, and get out. Most of my bills were paid by my contract with the cloners but I still enjoyed the hunt every once in a while. Plus being cooped up in the city for too long can get a bit too much for me sometimes.

And as I always did when I went on a trip out, I picked up a few things on my way home. I had swung by the edges of the Mandalorian sector and picked up a rather unique little trinket, the Silver Codex, what a bunch of malarkey.

"What's so funny?" came the voice of one of the members of my Cuy'val Dar, Kal Skirata. Not to be surprised I hadn't made it all the way back to my room before opening this particular document, things like this I usually left in the common area for them just so they could keep aware of what the Galaxy was up to.

Shrugging I tossed him the datapad, "Someone's decided they like the SuperCommando Codex enough to use it in their own document. Hell, not a big fan of their redefining of what a mandalorian should be."

"Really now?" Skirata said, sounding like he was already suspicious of the document before he opened it, taking the seat across from me at the lunch table. "Anything I should know ahead of reading this?"

"Author is unknown and White Silver sounds like a goddamn holo star name." I said relaxing a bit.

Skirata did a quick read of the document nodding his head along. "I've already said hogwash, but hey at least this is better than the New Mand doctrine of hiding in your holes and hope no one comes knocking, at least they'd fight in this."

"That's a point, can't see it being very successful though. In the long run, New Mandos are always a bit of a stickler for their whole pacifism stick and the Traditionalists aren't exactly going to jump for joy just because they are allowed to wear their armor again. They lost political power the moment the New Mandalorians took it so if they see a chance to take it back they will, that's how the Mandalorian sector works." I said thinking about, well a lot of things, there wasn't a good code of honor left in the Mandalorian sector in my opinion.

"True, but then again this Silver Codex does offer a continuation of the main idea of what it means to be a Mandalorian but I can see it sticking around for a while, at least as well as the SuperCommando Codex is doing. Who knows when this army finally goes into action and does its duty? Maybe it'll go back to Mandalore and be welcomed there because of something like this."

"You think the cloners are going to let the army go?" I asked, not really thinking this army has a chance at freedom. They do their duty and whatever happens after that, I wasn't sure.

"Don't know, but I'd like to think that they have a chance in Mandalore. If they ever do build this self defense force, well these boys would more than willing sign up for that. Which is a bit of a better future prospect than becoming a mercenary or a bounty hunter."

"On that, I can agree." I said with a smile.

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