
Chapter 04

The man smiled, "don't worry, if you don't become ninjas there plenty of other things you can do! Konoha takes care of it's own! That's our way!" The kids all smile, infatuated with the hope the man oozed out.

I could understand why, a bunch of hopeless kids like this being told they will be taken care off? It's like giving a thirsty man a water can.

We followed Iruka into a class which was already filled with a few other students. I immediately recognized a few of them, Shino, Kiba, Hinata and a grumpy looking Sasuke. The clan kids were already here.

"This is your classroom for the year," Iruke turned back to us and smile, "go on, take a seat," he motioned around.

Immediately everyone seeped into the rows of seats, a few of the braver kids talking to the clan kids and the other civilian kids.

I found one seat in the back near the window free so I took it. I was only a few seats above Sasuke and few seats away from Shikamaru, who was asleep, lazy Nara.

"Alright kids get settled in, we'll begin momentarily," Iruka said with a smile as he walked out leaving us alone.

I took this chance to look at the other kids. They all were...so young. Nothing like the monster I knew they would grow up to be. Especially Sasuke over there, he kept glaring at his own reflection, looking kind of...kiddish.

Each of the clan kids were at least level 10, Sasuke being 14. Guess he really was a prodigy. But that didn't change facts, they were all incredibly strong. Which begged the question...just what the hell am I doing here?!

This path lead to a life of killing and murdering. Yes, throwing fireballs and all will be an adventure but...god damnit I wish I knew what was going on?! Why am I here?! Who am I?!

Was this just a game?! It felt too real to be a game! Was this the fucking Matrix?! I would think so! So what….what am I?!

All I know is this, I need answers, and something told me if I followed the main story line I might get the answers. For example, the sage of six-paths might have the answer I need, he is a being that exists beyond time and space after all.

So until then I need to stay alive, and in this world that means getting stronger. Damn it, I'm shit scared but also so excited!

I opened up my menu and looked at it. I had four points to spend, but what should I spend it on?

STR- 2

VIT- 2

DEX- 2

INT- 6

CHA- 4

CC- 3

LUC- 1

I knew two things, one, my intelligence was my best angle, so I need to be smart about this, go with what I'm good at. And two, chakra was everything, but so was control, I need a balance.

I'm guessing since I got an extra point in INT by thinking clearly I can improve the stats by doing other things, like weight lifting for strength, running for vitality and gymnastics for dexterity. Maybe if I read books that can also help with my intelligence.

So maybe...maybe I should hold off on spending my points. I don't know what my limits are just et, not need to rush into things.


For thinking things through you have gained +1 INT!

I smiled, this might actually be fun. I tapped my title box and found my title box still empty. Curious I tapped it opening a list of available titles. Eagerly I attached my 'Little Professor' title on, smiling, this would give me an edge over everyone else.

Just then Iruka walked in with a cardboard box filled with red bound notebooks and placed them before us.

He took one book out along with a pencil and eraser, "this is your notebook, those of you who don't have any writing instrument and the such please come down here and collect them." Ah I was wondering how they expected us to learn without any books.

I grabbed a copy for myself, it was a black book with nothing written inside, I guess this was going to be like college then, taking down lecture notes and then learning them for a later dates.

Iruka took out an older looking book and placed it on the podium, turning to face the class, "alright, let's begin."

"Wait!" came a cry as suddenly the doors were thrown open as a boy dressed in orange pants and a white shirt came crashing in. He rolled into the podium knocking it aside before jumping to his feet, "I made it in time!"


Iruka's fist came crashing down on his head, "no you didn't!"

I couldn't help a chuckle escaping my mouth as I looked at him. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a goofy smile. I didn't need to look at his name or title to know who he was;

Naruto Uzumaki, Jinchuuriki

Lv- 5

REP- 0

During lunch:

For the first day Iruka gave us a little speech on what ninja were. It highlights the difficult parts of a ninja's life, something an innocent kid might not know. He then gave a lecture about the village itself and why it was so important. Obviously Naruto was asleep the whole time.

We were served lunch in a cafeteria down the hall. All the kids from my year sat together in four benches chatting with each other. I found most of the attention was on the three benches, with the fourth taken up my Sasuke who sat in one corner choosing to be alone and Naruto sitting on the other side, who had no choice but to sit alone.

I walked towards the table with my lunch tray in hand and looked curiously, I had a chance...meh, what the hell. I put the tray down next to Naruto's startling the boy. I smiled as I sat down, "hey."

Naruto blinked, "h-hey," he blinked.

I began to eat my lunch with him looking at me curiously. I raised an eyebrow, "what?"

"N-nothing," Naruto shook his head, "it's just...it's nothing," he said with a big smile, "I'm Naruto! Nice to meet you!"

"Yami," I extended his hand shaking it, "nice to meet you Naruto. How's it going?"

"Ha ha, can't complain," he smirked scratching his head. Just then his stomach gave a loud growl. I groaned and turned to his meal seeing his tray half of what I had.

I sighed, "they didn't give you enough food huh?"

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


