89.47% Kingdom: A New Era / Chapter 34: Chapter -34 Liu Zhang

章 34: Chapter -34 Liu Zhang

Lin and Karna's group left the village and began marching towards the next town to restock their supplies. As they moved through the dense jungle, nearing the town under the cover of night, chaos erupted within their camp. A woman with a ponytail adorned with flowers suddenly launched an attack on the group.

Lin swiftly emerged from his tent, witnessing several of his men sprawled on the ground, overcome by an unseen force. Meanwhile, the woman directed her aggression towards Xin, engaging him in a fierce confrontation. Just as she was about to strike, Karna intercepted her with his spear, pushing her back.

In a daring maneuver, the woman retaliated by striking a precise point on Xin's neck, causing him to instantly fall into a deep sleep. With Xin slung over her shoulder, the mysterious woman disappeared into the night, leaving behind a cryptic message: "You can find your friend in Ryun town."

Lin, Jun, and Karna entered the town, and Karna expressed concern about entering unknown territory without any support. Jun reassured him, explaining that the strong woman who had visited them the day before had not harmed anyone and seemed to want them in town for a specific reason. Karna nodded, accepting Jun's explanation.

As they ventured deeper into the town, a man suddenly collided with them. He glared at them and exclaimed, "Hey, you damn brats! Do you have eyes in the back of your heads?"

Karna met the man's gaze and quickly apologized, taking responsibility for the mishap. The man was taken aback by this unexpected response, then sighed and looked at the group more closely. "You seem like newcomers. Do you need anything?" he asked.

Lin responded by asking if the man knew where to find a violet flower garment worn by ladies in their hair. The man nodded knowingly. "Ah, I know exactly where that is. It's located west of town. Head in that direction, and after you pass the brothel, you'll come across a flower shop that sells those types of flowers," he explained.

The group thanked the man for his directions and set off in the direction he indicated. As they walked away, the man observed them with a thoughtful expression, his gaze carrying a deeper meaning.

As they passed through the bustling streets near the brothel, the enticing calls of the ladies working there fell upon deaf ears. Despite some of the ladies grabbing their hands in attempts to lure them in, Lin, Jun, and Karna remained focused and pressed on towards the flower shop they sought. Upon arriving, they found an elderly woman seated inside.

Politely, they greeted her and inquired about the violet flower garment. The old lady agreed to reveal the information but posed a task in return. Curious, the group asked what the task entailed. The old lady requested that they fetch lunch from a nearby restaurant and directed them to its location.

Following her instructions, they entered the restaurant and overheard a conversation about Leylin of the Storm Eagles.

"Do you know Leylin of the Storm Eagles?"

"Leylin? He's a coward. Instead of facing battle directly, he resorts to underhanded tactics. He's nothing compared to generals like Ouki."

The mocking laughter filled the air as Leylin calmly listened, a faint smile playing on his lips. Ignoring the remarks, Leylin collected the food for the old lady and left. Following her directions, the group finally arrived at the specified address.

As he opened the door, the woman who had attacked them the previous night greeted them and invited them inside. "He is waiting for you on the upper floor. Please come this way," she said, leading them to a boy of similar age to Lin.

The boy looked at Lin and spoke, "Leylin of the Storm Eagles, welcome to my house. I invited you here because I want to join your unit."

Lin was somewhat taken aback by the unexpected request. He had anticipated a meeting arranged by someone else, not a request for recruitment.

Before Lin could respond, the boy continued, "I see you're wondering why I want to join your unit, right? Well, listen to my story."

"My name is Liu Zhang. I was born to a prostitute in this town and grew up with a somewhat unconventional upbringing. I spent my childhood around this brothel, where many politicians and influential figures frequented. From a young age, I observed their behaviors and learned how they think.

As I grew older, I began manipulating people's thoughts and actions, starting with simple pranks like spraying perfume on a visiting minister, which led to chaos in his household. I also swapped items between ministers, causing conflicts among them. These were just small tricks, though.

What I truly desired was something bigger.

I wanted to manipulate wars, to have a hand in shaping the course of history. However, a chain held me back—my mother. Despite her profession, she cared for me deeply and provided me with all the love she had.

Recently, she passed away, and with her gone, I feel the chains that bound me to her love have been broken. Now I am free in this world, ready to pursue my ambitions without restraint."

"They are three individuals whom I consider worthy of my admiration and envisioning a great future alongside: Ri Boku of Zhao, Kan Ki of Qin, and Ley Lin of Storm Eagles. Ri Boku, renowned for his intelligence and strategic mindset, is someone you are surely familiar with. Kan Ki, my role model, exemplifies the mastery of psychological warfare that I aspire to control in warfare.

As for you, Ley Lin, your prediction of Ri Boku's hidden move in the Battle of Bayou showcased a remarkable solution. You outsmarted Ri Boku in that instance, and you possess something my ideal Kan Ki does not—a clear goal. This is why I am eager to join and follow you."

Jun looked at him and asked, "Where is—" before he could finish, Zhang opened the side door of the room where Xin was enjoying a meal. Xin glanced up, greeted them with a casual "hey guys," and resumed his eating. Jun was both shocked and relieved at Xin's presence.

Jun looked at Liu Zhang, intrigued and slightly skeptical. "You said you can read minds. Can you read mine?" he asked, eager to test Liu Zhang's abilities.

Liu Zhang nodded confidently. "Count any number in your mind," he instructed Jun.

As Jun silently counted a number in his mind, Liu Zhang began to show his fingers one by one, mimicking the count. After a moment, Zhang looked directly at Jun and confidently stated, "35."

Jun was astonished at Zhang's accuracy. Meanwhile, Lin observed silently, realizing the potential Liu Zhang possessed. 'He's definitely a mentalist, adept at manipulating thoughts and reading minds,' Lin thought to himself. ' 'A psychologist and a mentalist—he will undoubtedly be invaluable in psychological warfare.'

Zhang looked directly at Lin. "And you passed my test," he declared.

"Test?" Jun interjected, clearly intrigued by Zhang's words.

Zhang continued, explaining his assessment. "The test of anger. In the market square, the man who swindles newcomers relies on their anger. But you maintained control, resulting in your gaining the old lady's shop.

Your wisdom was evident in how you tracked down your friend from a simple clue that many others would have overlooked.

You also demonstrated control over lust by not succumbing to the temptations of the brothel. Lastly, in the restaurant, you showed resilience against envy and insults, refusing to engage in pointless conflict with others. This displays your mastery over desires—a trait that many lack, rendering them useless in my eyes."

Lin was taken aback by Zhang's method of assessment but was clearly impressed by the depth of analysis. Zhang concluded, "You are hereby a member of Storm Eagle."

Lin nodded in acceptance, grateful for the opportunity. Zhang then addressed Lin directly, acknowledging his perceived weakness compared to others. "I know you may not be as physically strong as some, but I have a training method that will make you stronger than them."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C34
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


