
Chapter 18 The white snake's evolution

The knight and the group continued on their journey. During the first day they encountered the 15 unknown green hooded figures and several beasts on the way. Aside from the 15 unknown figures, the adventurers dealt the wild beasts with ease. After a while the sun goes down and a full moon arises to the sky.

They set up a fire camp and twp extra tent for two of the adventurer since only one person can sleep in each carriage without damaging the goods. The merchant slept inside the first carriage and the silver haired swordman slept inside the second carriage while the mage and the elf would sleep in the temporary tent. As for the knight.. he will have to guard for the half of the night while for the other half,Light will guard the night.

After they gatherer the soft grass for the horses to rest,the group went to sleep for the first night after the journey.


Energy level:62.88%

Current armor:Deceased knight's armor]

The knight sat down on the fallen tree trunk and just stayed still after looking at the surroundings.

Two hours have passed.. and the full moon shines above the sky. It's already midnight according to the system hour. Suddenly...

[Evita:There's movements within your body. It must be the white snake.]

[Evita:Is it waking up?]

The snake inside the knight's mechanical body twisted and moved violently. It squeezed the knight's torso. If it was the oridinay human,they would be suffocated and be dead by now with a few broken bones. However the knight's internal endoskeleton is made up of High Steel and able to endure the snake's tangle strength. After the snake twitched for a while, visible transformation can be seen from the knight's visual system interface.

[Changes detected within the snake]

[Rapid decrease in temperature detected from the snake]

The snake's body grew black scales and some of it's whitish skin turned plae blue creating a spectacular pattern. After a while, the upper skin of the snake was covered in hard black scales that blends inside the skin making it looks like a normal black skinned snake. However these scales are more like lizard providing the snake with extra defense.

The white snake have evolved. After it stayed still for a moment after the transformation,a freezing aura came out from the snake's body. The snake opened its eye and immediately got out of the knight's body. It bolts away from the camp. The knight prepares to follow it however.

[Evita:I don't think you need to follow it. The snake is obviously looking for another place for the aftermatch of its transformation. I don't know what will happen to it but you have to watch over the camp you know?]

Recieving Evita's advice,the knight decided to just stay at the camp.

[Evita:It will either come back to us or will just go back to the wild naturally. Don't get attached to the monsters too much.. wait do you even feel attachments at all?]

[RT001: ...]

A few hour later the snake doesn't seem to come back and his night duty is about to end. *footsteps* *footsteps*

[Evita:It's Light the swordman]

''You can rest now. I'll take guard till morning.''

''You're Renoir right? That archer told me about you. Let me reintroduce myself again. I'm Light from a city called Revonia. It's a pleasure to meet you'' Light said and hold his hand forward for a handshake.

The knight nodded and accepted the handshake. ''Hmm.. I sense some mana from you.. but the elf said that you have no mana. Did you encounter some monsters?'' Light asked. The knight as usual,nodded as his vocal core is still not repaired.

''Well be careful. Prolonged exposure to monster's mana can seriously impact the human's body and the same goes to other races as elves,dwarves,etc. Even the half beast race is included. Do you know why?''

The knight shook his head.

''You did not study well don't you?''

[Evita:Of course💢 We woke up after a thousand year.].

''Many people believe that monster,beast and beast people are similar but they are not. Monsters and Beasts have mana cores while beast people don't have one. But in rare cases, some beast people tends to have one but their mana core is fragile and cannot absorb the impure mana as much as monsters do.''

[Evita:Well that's ineresting. I'd like to ask more if not for the damaged vocal core. But still a good information.]

Light looked at the knight for a while before saying ''You listened to me very well. Most people would argue and leave immediately. You're a decent guy Renoir.''

''Alright now go to sleep. We'll have to move once the sun is up.'' Light then goes a bit further away from the knight and sat on the branch on top of the tree.

The knight also went to the carriage Light slept. He laid down and went into dormant mode.


[System hour: 2:38]

Somewhere in the nearby cave..

*Screechh* A white snake wails in pain. It continued for hours now. The whole cave is covered in ice and on some wall.. there's multiple ice spikes. Clearly it's the doing of the snake. It have evolved after spending time with the knight.

*Ssss...* The pain have faded away. The evolution is completed the former white snake.. is now covered in black scales like an armor along with the pale blue patterns on its white skin. (I have achieved an evolution no other snakes can achieve all thanks to the night. I am now free however.. it will be better if I stick with that golem longer. Who knows what surprise it'll bring to me) the snake thought. After a while it went out of the cave and returns to the camp.


[Archive updating..]

[New beast people information recorded.]

[Updating white snake's archive...]

[White snake: A white snake which has been accompanying the knight since the day after ge defeated the wolf pack. It is now currently ongoing a process of evolution.

More information is needed.


[Evita:Wow It's my first time seeing a rapid evolution process. It would take years back in our era. This new world is truly amazing!]

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


