8.69% I Am The Flash / Chapter 4: "Time to suit up"

章 4: "Time to suit up"


**CCPD Station**

Barry stood in his office at the CCPD, staring intently at the board filled with notes, photos, and evidence about his mother's case. This board had been his constant companion, a symbol of his relentless pursuit of justice. Each piece of evidence was meticulously placed, every connection carefully drawn. It represented years of work, sleepless nights, and unwavering determination.

But now, everything had changed.

He took a deep breath and began to remove the pieces from the board. Photos of his mother, newspaper clippings about the night she was murdered, and documents detailing his father's wrongful imprisonment—all were methodically taken down and placed in a box.

As he worked, he spoke softly to himself, the words almost a mantra. "There's no need for this anymore. I know who killed my mother. I know who destroyed my family. And I'm going to make him pay."

Barry paused, his hand resting on a photo of his mother. He stared at it, memories flooding back—her smile, her laugh, the warmth of her embrace. The pain of losing her felt as fresh as it did the night it happened. But now, it was mingled with a burning resolve.

He looked across his office, his gaze hardening. "I'm going to bring you to justice, Wells. You won't get away with what you've done."

Barry finished clearing the board, the once cluttered space now bare. It was a symbolic act, clearing away the past to make room for the future. He knew the path ahead would be fraught with danger and challenges, but he was ready. With his newfound abilities and the support of his friends, he had the tools he needed to confront the man responsible for his mother's death.

His phone buzzed, pulling him out of his thoughts. It was a message from Joe.

**Joe:** "Barry, we need you right now. There's been a robbery. This time, it's at a jewelry store. The footage shows a strange fog."

Barry's jaw tightened. Another meta-human. It must be Mardon; he clearly remembered that he was the first meta-human to appear, which made the Barry Allen from the TV series don the red suit, and it seemed it was going to be the same for him.

**Barry:** "On my way."

He grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, determination etched on his face. He was ready to embrace his destiny, protect Central City, and seek justice for his mother. The road ahead was uncertain, but Barry Allen was no longer just a forensic scientist. He was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.


**S.T.A.R. Labs - Time Vault**

Dr. Harrison Wells stood in the time vault, surrounded by advanced technology and shrouded in secrecy. He gazed at the screens displaying various future events, a mixture of concern and curiosity on his face. He turned to the AI system that had been his confidant for years.

"Gideon," Wells began, his voice echoing slightly in the confined space, "has there been any change in the future?"

The holographic figure of Gideon appeared, her serene and calm demeanor ever-present. "Accessing future records, Dr. Wells."

Wells drummed his fingers on the armrest of his wheelchair, a sign of his growing impatience. After a moment, Gideon responded.

"There have been minor deviations in the timeline, but nothing significant enough to alter the major events we have monitored. However, there are notable differences in Barry Allen's behavior and actions."

Wells narrowed his eyes, intrigued. "Explain."

Gideon continued, "The current Barry Allen appears to have a heightened sense of determination and a more immediate drive for justice. His acceptance of his powers and his willingness to embrace his destiny have accelerated compared to the Barry Allen from the original timeline."

Wells leaned forward slightly. "What could be the cause of these changes?"

Gideon paused, processing the question. "The deviations could be due to a variety of factors. One possible explanation is Barry Allen's awareness of the identity of his mother's killer. In the original timeline, this realization came much later, which influenced his development and approach to his powers."

Wells' expression darkened as he contemplated this. "Is there any indication that Barry suspects me?"

Gideon responded, "There is no direct evidence to suggest that Barry Allen suspects your true identity at this time. However, his actions are increasingly unpredictable, which could pose a threat to your plans."

Wells sighed, a mixture of frustration and determination crossing his features. "This Barry Allen is proving to be more formidable than anticipated. We must ensure that he continues down the path we've set for him without becoming aware of our true objectives."

Gideon acknowledged, "Understood, Dr. Wells. I will continue to monitor Barry Allen's actions and any further deviations in the timeline."

As the holographic figure of Gideon faded, Wells turned his gaze to the darkened screens in the vault. The game was evolving, and he needed to stay several steps ahead. The speedster was growing stronger, and the stakes were higher than ever.



**Central City - Jewelry Store**

Barry arrived at the jewelry store, the aftermath of the robbery evident from the broken glass and the panicked expressions of the store employees. Joe was already there, directing officers and securing the scene. He spotted Barry and motioned him over.

"Barry, glad you're here. This is worse than we thought," Joe said, his voice filled with urgency.

Barry nodded, glancing around. "What do we know?"

Joe handed him a tablet with the security footage. "Take a look at this."

Barry watched as the footage played, showing the store becoming enveloped in a thick, unnatural fog. Shapes moved within the fog, indistinct but clearly taking advantage of the cover to commit the robbery.

"It's Mardon," Barry said, his voice tense. "He's back and he's using his powers more brazenly."

Joe shook his head in disbelief. "Barry, that's impossible. I saw Mardon die. Both he and his brother went down in that plane crash after they killed my partner. They can't be alive."

Barry glanced at Joe, understanding his skepticism. "I know it sounds crazy, Joe. But the evidence is right here. This fog, it's not natural. It has to be him, or at least someone with similar abilities."

Joe stared at the footage again, the fog swirling on the screen. "If it is Mardon, then how is he doing this? How did he survive, and more importantly, how did he get these powers?"

Barry took a deep breath, weighing his words carefully. He couldn't reveal his own abilities just yet. "I don't have all the answers, but I think the particle accelerator explosion might have something to do with it. We've seen some strange things since that night."

Joe's disbelief was palpable. "Barry, I can't entertain these wild theories. We need evidence, not speculation."

Barry sighed, frustration simmering beneath the surface. He understood Joe's skepticism; after all, the idea of meta-humans was difficult to grasp. But he couldn't ignore what he knew to be true.

"I'm telling you, Joe. Mardon is out there, and he's a threat to the city," Barry insisted.

Before Joe could respond, they received a call over the radio about a disturbance at an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Barry's senses tingled with anticipation; this could be their chance to apprehend Mardon and put an end to his crimes.

"Time to suit up"

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


