
Chapter 7 Hagrid template

Cedric didn't have time to check the reward.

Hagrid over there sobbed, and actually covered his face and started sobbing:


"You are such a good man, Cedric, and you want to be my friend!"

"I thought that with such a big age difference between us and I was just a gamekeeper, you would look down on me, woohoo!!"

Hagrid pulled out his handkerchief.

The sound of blowing your nose is like blowing a trumpet!

"Of course, we have been friends forever! It is a friendship that can transcend the age gap!"

Cedric comforted him hurriedly.

This is still a child!

He feels that he and Hagrid are the complete opposite.

Although he has the appearance of a child, he already has the firm mind of an adult.

Hagrid is tall though.

But in fact, he is very gentle and sensitive at heart.

Even though he was covering his face with his right hand and crying, his left hand still held Cedric's [Standard Spell, Elementary] firmly in the palm of his hand without moving at all.

A child with a sensitive heart.

He will always consider the other person's feelings more, and the sadness will go away as quickly as it comes.

A word from Cedric.

Immediately, Hagrid's tall voice began to tremble again.

"Woo, ha, ha ha ha!"

"Friendship transcends age, I like this sentence so much."

Hagrid laughed for a while, completely relieved.

He quickly wiped his palms clean, then leaned down and solemnly stretched out his little finger:

"Then we have an agreement, my friend!"

"Good friend!"

Cedric and Hagrid finished pulling the hook, and then officially started learning.

"Well, first, the ignition spell!"

Hagrid's voice is still so loud.

It was so loud that even if you were standing at the gate of Hogwarts, you could still faintly hear his voice.

There was a figure just leaning against the door.

He stared at the two of them blankly for a long, long time!

The other side.

Faced with these elementary spells, Cedric learned very quickly.

Just two hours in the morning and four hours in the afternoon.

He has successfully added two spells to his spell list:

Fire-making spell LV1 (40/100).

Levitation Spell LV1 (35/100).

Hagrid not only taught earnestly, but also thoughtfully prepared five fires. Every time Cedric lit one, he could move to the next one to continue practicing.

And he was bent over.

He took the trouble to extinguish the fires he lit one by one so that he could maintain the practice speed more quickly.

This moved Cedric very much.

Night falls.

Cedric bid farewell to Hagrid:

"Thank you very much, my friend, but I need to dine with Professor McGonagall tonight!"

"I'll come again tomorrow."

"I'll bring you a classic dish which I love very much "

As a fan of the original novel.

He learned the ropes of the kitchen early on.

Thanks to Hagrid.

He decided to ask the house elves to prepare an oriental dish to reward Hagrid tomorrow.

"See you tomorrow, my friend. There is still a month left for summer vacation. I'm looking forward to your dish!"

Hagrid reluctantly bid farewell to Cedric.

He watched him leave until the other party entered the castle, and then he took Yaya to start patrolling the forest every day.

Cedric also opened the spell book on his way back.

By looking at the book, he opened the task template card prompted by the system.

Template card: Rubeus Hagrid

Talent: Half-Giant Bloodline (magic resistance increased to 30, strength increased to 3, constitution increased to 2, lifespan increased by 100 years, appearance does not undergo additional changes.)

(Explanation, the average strength, agility, constitution, and magic resistance attributes of an ordinary adult male wizard are all 1.)

Life wish list:

The first item: Pass the O.W.L. (Ordinary Wizard Level Examination) and become a qualified wizard.

Completing this wish list will increase the bonus of this template card by 50%.

Item 2: Get married.

Completing this wish list will prevent this template card from occupying the slot of the template card.

(Note: The template card slot is initially 1 and can be increased to 2 at most. Your template card slot has been opened.)

Cedric cheered in his heart.

This template card is so powerful.

The improvement in magic resistance at least greatly increases the probability of surviving a sneak attack.

Increase in strength and fitness.

It can give him a physical fitness comparable to that of a monster.

With a punch of 3 points of strength, not to mention knocking you unconscious, the sequelae will be felt.

With 2 points of constitution, even ordinary blows can't knock him down!

This is a comprehensive improvement of physical fitness, including resistance to toxins and drugs. In fact, it can also improve magic resistance and so on.

Not to mention it has a lifespan of 100 years! ! !

This is an ability that many people dream of.

As long as the wizard profession is strong enough, it can become stronger with age.

Just look at Dumbledore.

This new feature of the system is simply too powerful.

It seems like this.

Several professors in the school, and even Dumbledore, are all mobile treasure troves.

And just complete their bucket list.

Not only can bonuses be enhanced, but the number of template card slots can even be ignored.

Don't say anything else.

If he took down the templates of all the professors at Hogwarts, his data would definitely be incredible!

Install seven or eight template cards, and you should salute Merlin, the God of Dharma, when he comes!

It's so exciting!

But everyone's life aspirations are not simple.

Both of Hagrid's difficulties are very high.

After passing the O.W.L. (Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination), he must first learn this knowledge himself before he can teach him.

Secondly, Hagrid's learning ability is also very poor.

He don't know how long it will take him to pass the exam!

The second one is even harder.

Originally, in the Goblet of Fire plot, Hagrid met his true love, Madame Maxime.

But they didn't end up together.

They once danced together at the Yule Ball, but they quarreled over the words "half-giant". Although they reconciled later when they went to persuade the giant together.

But in the end Hagrid ended up living in his cabin.

It means they have other problems.

"This is really a headache!"

Cedric shut down the system and put away his books, but was startled by the figure in front of him!


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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
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