
Three Tails Rampage

The siblings reached the harbour of west-most island of Land of Water after travelling for days by boat. There are only few ships around it seems.

The siblings wore a disguise acting as civilian since they are somewhat wanted. Honestly Shou is not sure(?). From the latest BINGO book at least they weren't in them, only Zabuza is. But whether Kirigakure, or the hunter-nin consider them a target - they weren't exactly sure.

While walking, they saw a Kiri Shinobi who are just walking around. The people around him casted a fearful look and quickly move out of their way. Seeing the forehead protector signifying their Shinobi status give the people a sense of discomfort and wants to run away from them. The civilians does not trust shinobi knowing the practice required to become one. Rather than feeling safe, they felt fear instead.

It's been years since they last been here. The country does not change much it seems. Well, the civil wars had stopped long ago and clans with kekkei genkai outside of kirigakure are no longer there out in the open. Shou pondered, the civil wars are pretty much due to unequal hold of power between civilians, regular shinobi, and Shinobi with kekkei genkai.

Shou had suspected that Obito had done something in the background to cause the conflicts. Even the Daimyo of land of water and Kiri had a conflict in interest. The Daimyo does not want the Shinobi village to have too much power and therefore turned a blind eye to the bloodline purges; or maybe he even supports it.

As for why Obito incite all these conflicts, maybe it's to weaken the country for when he initiate the 4th Shinobi war, or that he had a dream to become hokage in the past and so he controlled Yagura to fulfill his childhood dream in a twisted way, and revenge for Rin.

Kirigakure is bloody not only because of its graduation practice, but that it's entire economy is based on their military and violence. Also the culture surrounding shinobis in Kiri cause unease and warriness. To become a Shinobi, you would have to expect killing your own peers - the personality of the person coming out of such practice is predictable. Over the years the culture is ingrained into one's own bone and this give the implications of untrustworthiness among each other, and with that many aren't loyal to Kirigakure to begin with proven by the fact that many defections happens.

Not to mention there's an entire ANBU department specialised in hunting those missing-nin. Just how many defected? Too many.

Zabuza is right to want to change the village. Perhaps, the reason he killed 100 of those students was because he wanted to change the system, or show rebellion. Even if Zabuza didn't kill any of them, 50 of the students would have died due to graduation exam. And if we count for each year the graduation exam takes place, the academy; or the system itself had killed more people than Zabuza did by countless times.

Shou shook his thoughts away. They head to a small desolated fishing village on the island. It used to be a temporary base for them. They searched the small house that they used to live in but there's no sign of anyone coming here.

Where did Zabuza go exactly?


"Shou, should we go to Kirigakure and observe from there?". Haku suggested. Shou had no lead where Zabuza went so it makes sense.

Kilometers away from Kirigakure, Shou is sensing the ninjas patrolling around. It's really difficult to infiltrate.

"Haku... Should we show ourselves and maybe Zabuza would be alerted somehow? Maybe he already meet up and joined others ...".

'Thats reckless...'.

Haku thought of an idea.

'Why not, pretend to have killed Zabuza and act as hunter-nin?'.

Shou thought about it. That makes sense. Shou make ice sculpture of Zabuza's head and add transformation jutsu onto it to make it seems like they beheaded him. Shou notice it's too healthy and makes the skin look bluish and make one eye half opened and the toungue sticked out a bit to make it look dead. Sorry Zabuza-san.

Haku wrapped it in bandages and voila it looks a legit head.

They both wore their masks, and went to approach the patrolling Shinobi.

"Ick!". The plain looking guy was immediately startled seeing the 2 ghostly figures suddenly appearing behind him.

Hunter-nin? Why they always do this...

"We had killed Zabuza. Give this to the Hunter-nin department".

Haku simply passed the wrapped ball thing to him. He had a question mark on his face. What's this?

A part of the bandage fell off and the eye is revealed immediately startling the guy. He almost dropped it!


He immediately carried the head to see the ANBU department.


"What?". Zabuza who is in hiding in a secret basement meeting place in the outskirts of Kirikagure had to blink thrice after Ao told him someone gave them his head - but it turns out to be ice sculpture.

Zabuza frowned. Those two... They must be here.

"Zabuza, it seems to be your kids". Mei Terumi spoke with a joking tone.

'They weren't my kids'. He looks at Mei with annoyance.

Mei look at this tsundere guy. When she ask her about them, he starts bragging about them being this genius or something but ends up saying they are useless and cannot be a shinobi or something. She can see he really cares for them a lot. All those talk are just excuses. Mei eyed his bare muscles a little. Why he doesn't wear proper cloths anyways... Ehem.

'I will meet Yagura the day after tomorrow for a meeting confirm if he is under influence of genjutsu then. I will confirm if your info is true, Zabuza'.

Ao is still cautious with him. Although Zabuza is wanted, his cause for rebellion is morally right for his standard that's why he gave him the chance to meet. The info he got surprised him, and it makes him more firm on the idea that Yagura is controlled somehow.

Mei Terumi and Zabuza had a common goal in mind, although their approach is different. Mei had gathered her own supporters amongs fellow Kirigakure ninjas within the village and does not show their rebellion outwardly. They are waiting for the right chance.

Zabuza's attempt on Yagura's life had ignited the fire of many people to overthrow him and give them courage to refuse his reign in their heart. Mei simply lead everyone that had that desire in their heart in secret. Mei look up to the junior of hers; if not for his loud action she wouldn't have gathered the courage to rebel. When she heard of Zabuza killing 100 of students back then she thought he was a demon. But the next year the practice stopped and she realised something. Zabuza did it to change the village. Although she can't agree with the method, but calculating the number of people saved since Zabuza graduated to now (15 years since then), he saved more people than he killed technically. She can't say he's evil, but rather extreme.

With Zabuza having a whole mercenary group made up of Kiri missing-nin working for him and Mei's owns people, the rebellion is moving in the right direction.

Ao tells them to be ready for tomorrow because if Yagura is really under genjutsu; there might be resistance and a fight would break out.

"If it's true, I will support your movement".

Mei and Zabuza has no qualm on this. Zabuza had already discussed with Mei in case Yagura wasn't under genjutsu and he really is just a pure piece of s*** they are ready to rebel regardless. Not that he does not trust Shou, but he can't set aside the possibility that Shou could misunderstood or Ao cannot confirm it.

"Zabuza, won't you take a look at your kids?".

He glared at Mei, annoyed. 'I am going to'.

He's also annoyed at those two who came crawling back to him without his consent.


Shou and Haku are lurking around. Shou is accustomed to Zabuza's chakra signature so he is scanning here and there to find him. He's been with him for years so it would be easy to identify.

'Haku... He's here!'.

Shou lead Haku while going to Zabuza's location. Zabuza appeared like a random Shinobi using transformation jutsu it seems.

'Zabuza-san...'. Haku felt a bit heartfelt seeing him.

"What are you guys doing here". He glared at them with the same cold eyes as always.

'Zabuza-san. We want to help you. Also, it's our own decision. It's what WE wanted to do'. Shou defended themselves with conviction.

Zabuza let out a heavy breath. He can't really refuse nor command them not to because they aren't his tools anymore.

"It's up to you then".

Zabuza act annoyed, but in secret he felt touched that they two willingly come back to help him.

He lead them both to a secret basement inside the forest in the outskirts of Kirigakure.

Mei Terumi is curious about those two.

"Ho. They both look cold wearing those masks. Let me see your faces".

Haku is warry of her, while Shou look surprised that Mei looks more pretty in real life.

'She's my senior, Mei Terumi. She also had Kekkei Genkai like you two. Don't worry, she's an ally'.

Zabuza had talked to Mei because he's curious why Shou knows her. But turns out she does not know Shou nor had she ever met him either. He can only assumes Shou figured out her secret group and that she's the leader.

Haku nods and took of his mask. Shou took off his aswell.

'So pretty! Zabuza are you sure they are boys?'. Zabuza have no comment.

Mei walked close to the siblings, eyeing them carefully. Her eyes look melancholic; seemingly remembering the past.

It's because her parents were prosecuted because of their kekkei genkai as well. Her parents manage to run away from the people and went to seek refuge within Kirigakure. It's a mystery who started the bloodline purges, since Yagura himself does not prosecute the ones within Kirigakure personally. But he does not care about the ones outside being killed either.

Her parents were forced into becoming Shinobi and went through the academy as part of the agreement to seek refuge with them; and died shortly after as they were sent into a dangerous mission after they graduated.

Mei, being an orphan with no one left pave her own way to become a Shinobi.

She had a dream; only when she becomes the Mizukage can she change everything. And to be one she needs strength. She trained endlessly, honing the two kekkei genkai she had inherited from both her parents and become an elite Jonin well respected and feared among others. However she noticed Yagura always give her missions that are highly dangerous and she almost lose her life multiple times if not for her kekkei genkai abilities.

She's not an idiot and know Yagura felt threatened by her presence. She even suspects Yagura already knows she had many supporters behind her.

'You two, the plan is like this'.

She also tells them that if Zabuza's information that Yagura is under genjutsu is false, or Ao cannot detect it, they would still proceed with overthrowing Yagura, killing him.

'Can you tell me about your abilities?'. Mei wanted to know the specifics since they are on the same boat now.

Haku and Shou just explained briefly about Ice Release. They can think of Ice Release as Water Release with more substance mostly; but some jutsu does have unique properties.

But that's not the main point. It's their main technique, Demonic Ice Mirroring Crystal that have pseudo-spatial ability that makes them fast as lighting moving between mirrors.

Shou said it's pseudo-spatial, but in truth the siblings had already trained the technique to the extent of unlocking true spatial technique - they are able to connect the space between 2 mirrors; forming a spatial tunnel between them!

It's just that they never had the need to use it. It takes too much concentration and chakra to make a spatial connection between two ice mirrors.

It would be slower compared to just moving between them physically because they need to focus to carve a tunnel or 'wormhole' between space; and that consumes a lot of chakra unnecessarily.

It's a neat ability but not so usable in most situation.

'Amazing... To think you two master such a strong jutsu'.

"They never neglect training since they are kids. At their age, they both can be considered a genius and has already surpassed me with their abilities". Zabuza suddenly make comments.

Mei look at him, then at the siblings. He really likes them a lot don't he. Although Zabuza does not seem to want to admit it. It's quite funny and makes him a little cute. Ehem...

They dispersed and waited for news in the next 2 days, ready for it at any time.


"To think they gathered so many people". In the shadows, a figure with a spiral mask speak to himself.

Just as he was about to leave Land of Water, he noticed the peculiarity.

With his ability to move unobstructed, he spies on few ninjas with weird movements and figured out what's going on.

'Heh. Well I couldn't care less anymore about this land. I already had enough fun being the Kage for awhile'. He thought to himself.

'I guess I will have one last fun then'.

The masked figure disappears as his body seemingly sucked on into his right eye.


Ao and few other hunter-nins had a meeting with Yagura. Yagura is hearing reports about the missing nins and asked about the current progress in searching for the missing 6 tails jinchuriki.

Ao secretly activates his Bakugan while Yagura was looking in another direction.

Upon observation, he can confirm the chakra is disturbed! He's really under a genjutsu... And this chakra seems familiar.

He remembered clearly when he sees Shisui chakra signature during the third Shinobi war.

Uchiha genjutsu!?

Ao deactivated his Bakugan in a hurry. To think the information is accurate. Damn it. Just how long has Yagura been controlled? But who did it? Uchiha from Konoha? When? It's impossible because Konoha couldn't simply send an Uchiha, trespass this land unnoticed, and approach Yagura close enough to cast their genjutsu up close...

As the meeting adjourned, a fellow hunter-nin had to ask Ao why he activates his Bakugan earlier. Since he sat next to him the veins are clear.

"Yagura-sama is controlled by a genjutsu...".

The fellow nin opened his mouth wide and looked around in case anyone heard him. This is too much of a shocking news.

"We have to dispel it. I need your strength as well. Lets gather and tell others".

Ao went to lead the hunter-nin and some ANBU to launch a secret assault to detain Yagura and undo the genjutsu as peacefully as they could.

The power of 3-tails is too great and it would harm the village if Yagura decides to turn against them. Therefore he hopes for a quiet solution.

Ao send a letter through a bird for the rebel group about his plans. Only if they failed to resolves the genjutsu; or anything else happen would they come to intervene.

Shou thought that perhaps in original timeline nothing big happens and the genjutsu is simply lifted just like that and Yagura reign ended.

In any case, everyone is ready if it goes wrong.



'Come in'. Yagura spoke.

He sees Ao coming in with a few other hunter-nins next to him.

'Whats the matter. Any news to report?'.

"Yagura-sama. I have something important to report... I have confirmed that, an enemy had casted a genjutsu onto you".

Yagura slammed the table with anger.

"Are you mocking me!? How dare you say I, your Mizukage is under a genjutsu!?".

"Yagura-sama. Please calm down. I have confirmed it with my Byakugan. Please co-operate with us".

Yagura's heart faltered. He felt so angry and disrespected. Red chakra flowed and surrounds his body.

"Please calm down. Haven't you noticed you started to change years ago...?". Ao calmly said again.

Yagura chakra stopped flowing and recedes. He frowned.

Have I... Changed...?

He does not think so. But... Somehow it felt like he did at some point but everyone changes at some point in their life, how dare they say he's under someone's control? They are clearly dissatisfied with him and saying this nonsense to overthrow him!

"Yagura-sama. We will use Mind Recovering Formation Technique. If you are not under genjutsu, it will do no harm to you. It is our will to help you Yagura-sama". The other hunter-nin explained.

Yagura felt agitated that his own men had the audacity to think he's under genjutsu. Did he think he's some lame nobody that he easily could be genjutsu-ed without even him noticing?! And the fact that his Mizukage Protection Squad simply stood by watching means they are in it as well.

"Fine". Yagura is sceptical and felt so disrespected. But he had to calm down. Too many are against him. Even if he had Sanbi, he cannot resist everyone.

Are they trying to kill him? He thought while observing.

He looked at the formation drawn on the floor in front of him. It really is Mind Recovering Formation. At least he knows they really believed he is under a genjutsu. After this is over he would definitely punish them severely!

But before they could finish, suddenly a figure appears right behind Yagura out of nowhere.

"I can't have that now, can I?".

Yagura stood stiff, feeling himself lose all control of his own body.

Ao take out his Kunai and use his Byakugan to see the figure. This chakra signature... It must be him who controls Yagura!


He can feel how dangerous that man is. The man with spiral mask cast a glance at him, quite interested seeing Byakugan on a ninja of Kiri; it makes him remember Konoha and the time Hyuga and Uchiha are competing with each other, oh well, he does not care much afterwards.

"That's the Sharingan...".

"Who are you!".

Ao wracked his brain. From his knowledge all of Uchiha had been massacred except a little kid and Itachi Uchiha. Is it Itachi?!

Obito just smirked behind the mask hearing that questioning.

'You don't deserve to know my name, fools'.

'All along, I AM your Mizukage who have been controlling him for years. Shouldn't you listen to me now since I am your kage?'.

Everyone remained silent.

'For years I have incited hatred, this land is my own playground-', Obito keep blabbing about what he had done all those years as the Kage in the shadow.

He wants others to recognise his deeds and fears him, that's why he yaps about his deeds.

'Well. I had enough fun now'.

Obito channels his chakra on his 5 fingertips and slammed it onto Yagura's stomach.

With a hand seal, he muttered,


'Stop him!'. All the ninjas rushed to stop Obito but they are too late!

Red chakra explodes out of Yagura, sending everyone flying backward.

"I will enjoy this show...". Obito retreated as he absorb himself using Kamui.

The red chakra grows and overwhelm Yagura. The seal on his stomach eventually breaks open completely.


Boom! The whole building cracks and starts to fall apart in an instant. A gargantuan grey turtle appears right in the middle of Kirigakure, unleashing it's wrath!

Sanbi is released!



The rebel group are alerted instantly.

"What is that?". Mei asked everyone hearing the loud roaring and a loud explosion distances away.

As soon as she asked, a ninja with mask on quickly flickered to her side. She was scouting and is waiting for the news from Ao but all of a sudden she sees with her own eyes a large greyish turtle creature come out of nowhere and is running rampant in the distant, destroying buildings as he steps on them.

"The Tailed beast is released!".

Shou took a big gulp of saliva. A tailed beast is released? It must be Sanbi from inside Yagura.

He felt his heart shaking, but fear is not the reason. It's the excitement of confronting a bijuu. The adrenaline rush it's giving him; he wonders if he had gone crazy thinking it's exciting. He shook that thought away.

He firmed his spirit. He can't be careless.

Still, he felt reassured with Zabuza and Mei fighting alongside him. Mei is a kage tier character and had confidence in her charavter. While him and Haku had a their own Ice Release to deal with a bijuu - but they had to combine their chakra to use it.

"We need to stop 3-tails from destroying the village and prioritise saving the people first!". Mei took a deep breath in.

"I will go stall three tails. I can seal it's movement for awhile...". Mei touched her chin, thinking of a plan within her abilities as fast as she could.

Zabuza look a bit surprised at her bravery to volunteer stopping a tailed beast.

Shou look at Haku, who's also looking at him. Their Ice Release has good control effect due to its hard structure and freezing effect so it's natural they too would help to stall the tailed beast.

"Mei-san, we would like to help you too". Haku said to her.

For him, knowing people out there are dying, his will firmed. He will use his abilities to save the people instead of harming them this time!

She felt hesitant at first since they are just teenagers. Rather, Shou still look like a kid some more. Can they really stop a bijuu?

'I am coming with you'. Zabuza walked forward.

'Also, don't underestimate them. Their kekkei genkai is strong'.

Seeing Zabuza is confident in them, she began to trust them a little.

Few others also wants to join her, while others would save the people first.

Although they are rebels, ultimately they are fighting for Kirigakure and for the betterment of Land of Water. This is the time when their heart unite.

Mei felt the fear in her heart recedes, and completely dissappear. Seeing the people who are fighting alongside her, she felt reassured and confident. She had honed her bloodline limit, and perhaps it is for this moment.

She feels the vibration reaching the walls and her feet due to Sanbi rampage, and it's urgent they move as soon as possible.

She looks directly at everyone, seeing the fire in their eyes wanting to save their homeland.

"Let's go everyone!".

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


