
章 9: Chapter 9: Go-Karting

Jason stands hunched over a cluttered workbench, his focus unwavering despite the hours that have already slipped by. Today's project, a concept dubbed "Particle Hardening," is not just ambitious but crucial—a prototype for an energy shielding technology that could one day protect him... and Angel.

"Alright, if I'm going to be jumping between hostile dimensions, I need more than just a good offense... I need a solid defense," Jason mutters to himself as he reviews his design sketches.

 The idea was to create a shield made of energy, capable of hardening at a molecular level to deflect or absorb both physical and energy-based attacks.

Jason's "workbench" is strewn with papers filled with equations and diagrams as he delves into the physics behind his idea. "Let's see... if we ionize the air to create plasma and then manipulate it with a magnetic field, I could theoretically mold it into any defensive shape we need. Classic magnetohydrodynamics," he explains to himself, piecing together the principles of electromagnetic force fields and plasma physics.

Particle Hardening is based on the principles of electromagnetic force fields and plasma physics. Jason theorized that by ionizing air or another medium around a device, he could create a plasma field.

By then applying a magnetic field to this plasma, he could control its shape and density, effectively creating a barrier.

To achieve this, Jason turned to magnetohydrodynamics, the study of the dynamics of electrically conducting fluids. By understanding how these fluids, which in this case would be ionized gases, behave under the influence of magnetic and electric fields, he could manipulate them to form a robust defensive shield.

The core of the Particle Hardening device consists of:

Ionization Chamber: A component that ionizes the surrounding air, turning it into plasma. Jason opted for a compact design using a high-frequency electromagnetic field to strip electrons from air molecules, thereby creating plasma efficiently.

Magnetic Field Generators: Small, powerful electromagnets arranged in a spherical formation around the ionization chamber. These magnets are controlled by a sophisticated algorithm that adjusts the magnetic field in real-time, based on the desired shape and density of the shield.

Control Unit: A miniaturized computer system that integrates with Jason's existing AI models. This unit is responsible for sensing impacts and dynamically adjusting the shield's properties to either absorb or deflect energy, depending on the threat level.

"I think this would work, just need to actually - y'know, construct i-" suddenly, Jason hears a familiar voice behind him, "Don't forget we're hanging out today.".

Its Angel, who leans against the doorframe to the room, holding a cup of coffee, in an unbuttoned oversized shirt, and a bra.

"Huh? Oh shi- I mean yeah. Totally remembered. Totally." Jason says, smiling while pushing his glasses back onto his face properly. "Mhm... I'ma go make breakfast." Angel responds, squinting her eyes before leaving.



"My money..." Jason mutters, getting dragged along by his girlfriend. His pockets hurting from the ticket price of the venue. He may have quite a bit of money, but that 100$ each for the entire day truly hurt his soul.

"Thats what you get for choosing to date me, now get in the fucking kart... and get ready to eat my mother fucking dust!" Angel shouts at the top of her lungs, hopping over the railing and into her go-kart.

Sighing, Jason gets into his kart, along with the other lot of people there, and waits for the race to start. Soon enough, they are given teh green light, and everyone is off.

Well, except Jason, he stays still and watches as nearly everyone crashes into a wall, creating a block up, before starting and getting past the blockade, just behind Angel.

He hits the gas and speeds up, as they approach a corner, Jason quickly pulls in, placing just a bit of pressure on the break and twisting the steering wheel to the left, before releasing the break immediately, sending the kart into a drift against the walls.

He quickly straightens out, before drifting once again in the opposite direction for the next turn, managing to pull ahead of Angel, who wastes no time mimicking him, and attempting to stay against the wall.

Jason doesn't allow that, doing his best to block her from passing him, but his reactions fail him, as Angel is able to swerve around him, into the next turn and pass him once again.

She quickly taunts him by flipping him the bird, before focusing on the road again. 

'I'm so gonna put dish soap in her coffee tomorrow...' Jason promises to himself, before once again focusing on the road. The two, tail to bumper, finish the first lap of 10 and continue on.

When out of nowhere, another person comes speeding past them, taking the lead. Which Angel and Jason do not take lying down. They too speed up, using everything they can to catch up and once they do, Angel blocks him off, while Jason drives right next to him, wheels nearly touching.

In panic, the guy moves too close to the wall, and his wheel nicks a small gap, sending his kart hay-wire, Jason swerves away and so does Angel as the guy goes spinning.

"Fuck you!" Jason shouts, his voice muffled by his helmet. He fist bumps Angel before they get back to their racing, swerving past the people they are currently lapping and eventually they come up to the finish line.

Right around 3 turns in a row, which really tests their skill. Jason takes the far out, initiating a drift, the back of his kart nearly touching the borders of the track, while Angel takes the inner.

Her mistake.

Jason quickly spins his steering wheel as fast as he can, his entire cart doing a 180 while drifting, aligning him straight on the next turn, which then allows him to drift into the next and last turn, just ahead of Angel.

He crosses the finish line in first, following by Angel just a few feet behind.

He takes off his helmet, gets out his kart and smirks at Angel, who is doing the same. "Who was eating who's dust?" he gloats, throwing his helmet into the kart as Angel grumbles to herself.

"Shut up. Beginners luck."

"Sounds like something a sore loser would say." Jason fires back, shaking his head in mock disappointment. Angel squints her eyes before saying words that knock the ego out of him.

"You're sleeping on the coach today."

"W-wha-? That's not fair!" But before he can argue about it, the person they sabotaged together crosses the finish line and jumps out dancing. 

"Fuck you guys! I win!"

Turns out they miscounted the laps, only going for 9 laps instead of 10, so they technically didnt win. He did, by actually going for 10 laps.

""Fuck you!""

They both then tearing into the guy.

"Like seriously, he thinks he's all the shit." Angel shakes her head, and Jason agrees, "Right? That puke green is doing no one any favors."

"That hair too, dyed blue? He looks 12 with the fatal 8th grader syndrome." they both laugh at that one as the guy flips them off, walking away.

"Those shoes too, green, orange, blue, red and yellow? He's dressed for pride month early."

"Did you see the height insoles in his shoes? He was wearing like 4 of them, practically on his tip-toes!" that one gets chuckles out of the people nearby.

They continue like that for a solid 10 minutes before, finally going for another race.


Hope you enjoyed. Do all that Webnovel stuff, y'know, power stones, library, comment and leave a review.

Completely forgot I had to update this shit lmao, thought I put it to auto publish for some reason.

Cya bitches.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


