
Chapter 2 The first life simulation

When I used to watch One Piece as a bystander, all I saw was the passionate battles and the touching companionship.

But only through personal experience did Wood truly understand how vicious the so-called "pirates" were.

There are always very few pirates like Luffy and others in this sea.

There is no problem in saying that the "Straw Hats" are more like adventurers than pirates.

It is undeniable that among pirates, there are those who protect one side like Whitebeard and Shanks.

But more pirates actually go to sea for profit and reputation. They are not good men and women; otherwise, how could they be called "pirates"?

Today's Red Leaf Island residents, after the arrival of the "Great Pirate Age," the population has dropped by more than a quarter.

Some people died tragically at the hands of pirates, while others could not bear the pirates' visits every three days and never chose to leave the island.

However, Wood knew that the "Great Pirate Age" had begun, and now no place in the entire sea was safe in the strict sense.

Even after leaving Red Leaf Island, who can guarantee that we will not encounter other pirates on the sea?

The vast sea is full of hope, but it is also extremely dangerous. Inexperienced people who go to sea almost always end up with a narrow escape.

In addition to the possibility of encountering vicious pirates, there are too many unpredictable factors such as tsunamis and Sea Kings.

If you want to live in this world, gain safety in the strict sense, and improve your strength, this is the real hard truth.

Wood is now fifteen years old, and his height has reached 1.8 meters. Judging from his appearance, he should be able to grow in the next two years.

He used to be quite complacent. After all, his height and good looks far above the average level directly gave Wood a sense of belonging. Who would mind being reborn as a long-legged Oppa?

However, when Wood later learned that the world he was in was a pirate world, he suddenly felt that his height was simply not up to the standard of "long legs" in this world.

The average height per person in the pirate world is ridiculous, and everyone is generally overgrown, leaving aside special races such as the giants.

Ordinary humans, such as the three great naval admirals, have an average height of about three meters. Even the pirate empress Hancock, the wife of many sea fans, is 191 centimeters tall.

Looking at it this way, Wood, who is 1.8 meters tall at the age of 15, would not look like a dwarf at best in this world, and he is really not tall...

Closer to home, the above is just Wood's experience on the island during this period. His first priority at present is to make himself stronger.

After the mission was completed, Wood got a chance to simulate life. There is no need to say more about the system's related abilities. Wood had played a lot in his previous life.

So after putting down the axe, Wood slumped directly to the ground and started his first life simulation.

"At the age of 15, because Red Leaf Island where you lived was burned, killed, and plundered by pirates many times, you were filled with righteous indignation and determined to become stronger, and started physical training day and night.

At the age of 16, the Navy Headquarters realized the strategic value of Red Leaf Island and dispatched warships, but they just missed you leaving Red Leaf Island...

At the age of 17, you left Red Leaf Island. After two years of sea experience, you acquired certain navigation skills and wiped out a small pirate group.

At the age of 18, young and energetic, in order to chase down a notorious pirate group, he eventually strayed into the Windless Zone.

At the age of 19, you accidentally entered the Windless Zone. After persisting for a period of time, you experienced a lack of food and perished in the sea together with your boat...

Because you are dead, this simulation ends."

Unlike the simulator Wood played before, which could easily simulate hundreds of years of age and survive the tribulation, Wood was speechless when he looked at the few messages that only appeared on the screen.

How should I put it? Unexpected, but it seems reasonable.

This sea is full of dangers, and I am not a guy like Luffy who has the whole sea as a relative and has the aura of the protagonist around him.

The moment you decide to go to sea, there is already a huge risk of death.

It would be better to say that a newcomer like Wood was able to go to sea alone and live on the sea for several years. During this period, he seemed to have killed many pirates. This was somewhat beyond Wood's own expectations.

"At the end of this simulation, you can choose the following rewards to receive.

1. Results of physical training before leaving Red Leaf Island.

2.Relevant navigation knowledge from several years at sea.

3.The belongings on the ship before being buried in the sea.

4.A combat skill used during random battles with pirates.

Looking at the four options that popped up, Wood directly selected the fourth option after a brief hesitation.

The first option seems good, but in the next year, Wood can also improve his physical fitness as long as he exercises step by step.

As for the second and third, they are too useless for the current Wood.

Although the navigation knowledge and treasures are good, after seeing the results of his simulated life, it is obvious that Wood will no longer choose to go to sea alone, or in other words, he will never go to sea easily until his strength reaches the standard!

The fourth option is actually quite risky. If you choose the first option, it will directly save Wood a year of training time. If you choose the fourth option, no one knows whether he will get something worthless. ability.

But even so, after weighing the gains and losses, Wood finally chose the fourth reward.

The reason is also very simple, that is, Wood believes that physical exercise can be done at any time, but the experience and skills of fighting with the enemy are more valuable.

As the saying goes, talking about war on paper will never be as good as real fighting on the field!

After turning 18, Wood has been able to defeat unknown small-scale pirate groups, which means he already has a certain level of strength.

Even if he could acquire some of his fighting skills at that time, it would definitely be much better than staying on the island and practicing hard by himself.

"Ding, congratulations on extracting a piece of swordsmanship experience."

Seeing the rewards popping up on the system interface, Wood showed an overjoyed expression, and a large amount of memories were directly instilled into Wood's head.

Before, Wood knew nothing about swords, but now if he had a sword in his hand, he felt that he could control it like an arm.

Wood in The Sims, before he was buried in the sea, had mastered the "iron-cutting" level swordsmanship that breathes all things, but now these things have all become Wood's.

"Iron cutting" and "external slashing" are the two symbols of a swordsman. Although the 18-year-old Wood in The Sims is not yet able to use external slashing, he has obviously reached the threshold of "swordsman"!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


