23.8% Harry Potter: A Twist In Time / Chapter 15: Dumbledore's Corruption

章 15: Dumbledore's Corruption

Harry pretended to be hurt, "Aw Hermione, I didn't even call him 'Fozzie Bear' and I know he hated when you called him that when you were younger." The expressions on the senior Grangers left them wishing for a camera, it was a sweet moment as the waiter cleared the table and brought dessert.

Emma was eating the most delicious cheesecake she had ever tasted so it was left to Dan to ask the question, "So, what happens next?"

"We go to Gringotts and find out what the manipulator has been up to, I'm hoping there will be a property that's liveable where we can spend the weekend getting to know each other again. Sorry, with all Hermione's memories, I know you as well as she does but even that's changed. This fourteen-year-old Hermione is not the same girl, she's lived another two years and they were hard years. So we really all need some time to get to know one another again and do it somewhere Dumbledore doesn't have the address of."

Hermione added, "Professor, you are included in this as well; we need to work out how to get Sirius a fair trial and then both of you can stay with us. James and Lily spoke very highly of you and that recommendation, along with our own experience of you this year, means we definitely want you to be part of our lives."

The three adults agreed they would all go to Gringotts and make a decision after that. Dan was pleased that Harry was giving them an opportunity to get to know the boy who had captured his daughter's heart; Remus was just pleased to be included.


Harry sensed the danger the instant they entered Gringotts, the hairs on the back of his neck were standing up and screaming 'look-out', trouble was coming and its arrival was imminent. "Remus, protect mum and dad." The words had barely passed Harry's lips when a goblin lunged at them with a sword.

His intended target appeared to be Emma and, while the goblin was quick, Harry was lightning. He grabbed the goblins sword wielding wrist before bringing his knee into contact with its elbow, while Harry had retained all his abilities that were honed through hour upon hour of practice, his younger body didn't posses the strength and muscle of his former self. Though the goblin screamed in pain, his elbow was unbroken and he still held onto the sword, fortunately Hermione's sensible shoes made short work of the goblin's left kneecap and Harry was able to hit the arm again, breaking it this time and causing the sword to clatter onto the floor, landing right next to Dan who immediately snatched the weapon.

Dan Granger was standing in the middle of a bank, one arm around his trembling wife while his other held the goblin blade ready to fight anyone or anything that dared attack his family. His rational mind was telling him he wouldn't last thirty seconds against a trained goblin warrior, but that side of his brain was being swamped by an adrenalin-fuelled primitive who was ready to kill every goblin in the bank. His fight or flight response was off the scale and Dan Granger wasn't for running.

Emma was clinging onto Dan for dear life, she was wrapped round his torso while his left arm tried to pull her even closer, her mind was racing but her body wouldn't respond to its commands. The scene had almost seemed to be in slow motion as she watched the creature attack her with a sword, even in slow motion Harry's reactions were a blur as he somehow managed to grab the goblin and deflect his thrust away from her. Hermione and Harry were in perfect synchronisation as they dispatched the bad guy and spun round ready for the next attack.

Remus felt like the proverbial 'spare prick' at a wedding, as he stood there impotently, unable to use his wand. He was just about to call to the dynamic duo and inform them that drawing your wand in Gringotts was a death sentence when a group of six goblins attacked, only to be torn apart by devastating spell work. Shit, they were in real trouble now.

They saw the goblins rush them and Harry mentally flashed 'shoulders and hips' to Hermione before the two teens wandlessly fired Reductos, dropping the six goblins on the floor; they weren't dead but they certainly weren't attacking anymore either. Their aim was deadly and there were at least two freshly detached goblin limbs lying amongst the carnage.

Goblins were flooding into the main floor of the bank before Zutekin screamed, "STOP!" and slowly approached the group with his hands held out showing he carried no weapon. When he was only a couple of paces away, he stopped and got to his knees with his head bent forward as if awaiting the executioner's blade.

"My Lord, I guaranteed your safety while inside this bank and I have failed, my worthless life is yours to do with as you please."

"Could you please tell me what the hell is going on? I may be mistaken, but isn't it rather bad for business to attack customers in the main floor of the bank?" asked Harry calmly.

Ragnok entered and drew gasps from the assembled goblins as he bowed to the young wizard. "Lord Potter, it would appear matters we discussed earlier today came to fruition before we were ready and, for that, on behalf of Gringotts and the goblin nation, I apologise. Could we please all retire to my office while we clean the garbage off the floor?"


They made their way along the corridor with Emma still wrapped round Dan though the sword was now in a scabbard on his hip. When a goblin had asked for the sword Dan had politely but very firmly replied that he was keeping the weapon, he was provided with the scabbard as it was against goblin law to have an unsheathed blade in the presence of their leader. He held his wife tightly, realisation beginning to sink in that he could have lost her.

Hermione watched her parents knowing exactly how they were feeling, after being reunited with Harry after the battle at the ministry she was ready to drag Harry onto one of the couches in that room and ravish him. If Lily and James had appeared even ten minutes later then they would have seen quite a show. They were now sitting in Ragnok's office waiting on an explanation for the attack on their lives that was just attempted and her mother still hadn't released dad.

Ragnok began, "I am awaiting confirmation, but it would appear the goblins who attacked you are all of the same family, or clan if that would explain it clearer, they have aligned themselves with one particular wizard against the goblin nation. This treason will cost every member of the clan their life."

Harry and Hermione spoke with one voice, "Dumbledore?" Ragnok's nod of agreement had Hermione thinking.

"Wouldn't it be better to leave some of these traitors alive to testify against Dumbledore?"

"My Lady," answered Ragnok, "the word of fifty goblins would not be believed against a wizard in your world, what chance then of goblins being triumphant over the word of Albus Dumbledore?"

"What we need is some undeniable evidence that we can use to cast doubt on his character, we both know that he's a lying, manipulative bastard but proving that to the rest of the world will be quite a challenge," said Harry.

"Ah, but remember we don't have to prove it, we just give whatever facts we've got, present them to show Dumbledore in the worse possible light, then play the boy-who-lived card. You being the innocent saviour of the wizarding world controlled by the evil headmaster for reasons we don't know. Harry Potter leaving Hogwarts and, more importantly, wizarding Britain will be front page news and citing Dumbledore as the reason behind that decision will turn people against him and sow doubt in his strongest believers," answered Hermione.

"Brilliant and beautiful, how could I possibly resist," Harry said while kissing his betrothed.

"Excuse me," said Dan, "leaving Britain must have slipped your mind when we were discussing what to do next. We do have a say in this you know."

Ragnok coughed, "Actually Mr. Granger, as the betrothed of Lord Potter she is under his protection and, in the magical world at least, he is responsible for her wellbeing and safety." Dan and Emma were shocked into silence so the goblin continued, "We can prove that Dumbledore broke the law by placing you with the Dursleys against the express wishes of your parents will; we can also prove that he has paid himself five thousand galleons a month for your upkeep."

"You mean to tell me that while my Harry was getting bread and water passed through a cat flap in his door at Privet Prison, that old bastard was pocketing fifty thousand pounds a month to keep his wrinkly old arse covered in those hideous robes he wears. That's over seven million pounds he's stole and we want it back- with interest!" raged Hermione

Dan was beginning to get some idea what she meant by 'incredibly wealthy,' seven mil was a big number whatever way you looked at it.

Harry made the decision, "I want any charges we are able to bring perused vigorously, all moneys to be recovered and any fines levied, in short we hit the old bastard with every legal option available to us. Meanwhile, Hermione and I will attack him publicly, if we can have him fighting on multiple fronts, he will have less time to notice us disappearing. Hopefully we can do him some permanent damage but at the very least have people questioning his decisions."

Remus just sat there in awe of this young couple, he had thought James and Lily complimented each other but these two took that to a whole different level. They were physically still teenagers but he couldn't help but think this is the couple that his friends would have eventually become. Harry and Hermione both had what was once called 'old souls' in that they acted more mature than their years. Hermione's comment about Privet Prison was not forgotten either but filed away for when he and Sirius could pay the muggles a visit, preferably at night with a full moon.

Ragnok's features contorted into a scary grin, "Dumbledore hailed himself as 'leader of the light,' but throughout history that title has usually been held by a Potter. The restaurant you had lunch in is normally packed and reservations almost impossible to get, the owner closed when he heard Lord Potter wanted to eat lunch there and talk to his betrothed's family. Your grandfather gave his father the gold to start the business and wouldn't take it back when they were successful, the table you sat at today was last used by your parents on their wedding anniversary before going into hiding, only Potter's and their guests are allowed to use it".

"This is the kind of dedication Dumbledore can only dream about because the Potter's have been respected in the wizarding world for centuries and, if I may say so, the latest Lord Potter looks well on the way to continuing that tradition. When Lord Potter speaks, the wizarding world will listen and there's nothing that Dumbledore or his lapdog Fudge can do about it, though they will try."

"What we need is a bolt-hole that we can live out of the gaze of Dumbledore and the ministry, somewhere secure but with room to train," said Harry.


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