
Chapter 2: The Mysterious Book

It has been seven years since I arrived in this world.

My days are particularly good. Currently, I go to and from ninja school and have even met some children who will become powerful ninjas in the future.

It has not been long since the extermination of the Uchiha Clan either.

Many of the things that happened were exactly as I saw in the Naruto manga/anime.

Even the fact that Naruto was an orphan in the tragedy seven years ago during the Kyubi attack, among other things.

And, being in the same classroom as children like Naruto was a strange feeling, especially in the beginning. But I have gotten used to it.

Returning home after going to the small market, I stopped when I heard the sound of a bell ringing and then saw a floating book with a cover that seems to reflect light in a way that creates a rainbow effect. There are shades of blue, pink, orange, yellow, and green appearing as soft reflections. The surface of the book is somewhat translucent, with a finish that resembles frosted glass or ice, making the colors seem to be both on the surface and emanating from within the book itself. It's a quite ethereal and magical visual effect.

"What is this?" Of course, it was a book, I knew, but what exactly was this book?

I looked around, but it seemed that I was the only one able to see this floating book in front of me.

When I tried to touch it with my hands, the book seemed to be sucked into my hand and... I fainted.


"You finally woke up!!"

I hear an extremely worried voice.

When I try to focus my vision upon opening my eyes, I realize that everything was black and white. Closing and opening my eyes several times, my eyes begin to gain a bit of focus, and then, I saw my mother.

Her worried and anxious expression left me somewhat disconcerted.

I still did not know what was happening, nor even remembered how I ended up at home, all I could remember is that a strange book appeared and then...

While I was thinking, to my total surprise, that book which possibly was the culprit that led me to faint, appeared before me.

However, there was something different from before, although with the same colors and cover as before, there was my name in prominent gold letters on the cover.

[Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]

"Relationship Book?" I couldn't help but doubt as I read this.

However, I had to reassure my mother, which took quite some time until I understood the reason... I had been unconscious for four days!

Long enough to justify why I was feeling so thirsty and hungry at that moment.

In the next few hours, I had to eat, hydrate, and attend to my basic needs...

After that, I found time to give more attention to the book floating in front of me.

Picking it up in my hand, the first thing I did was open it, and then something like character information from a game became visible.


Name: Aizen Kurama

Weekly Coins: 0


Talent: Medium High

Strength: 33/100

Agility: 51/99

Speed: 52/98

Stamina: 29/79

Mental Strength: 61/100

Skill: 41/80

Aura: 44/82

Chakra: 49/100


Chakra Nature: [Yin Style: 25%], [Yang Style: 25%], [Lightning Style: 20%], [Wind Style: 22%].

Special Characteristics: [Speed Style: 11%], [Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai: 19%]

Jutsus: [Advanced Mental Illusions (Genjutsu of Kurama Clan): 12%], [Transformation: 55%], [Clone: 61%], [Body Replacement: 62%], [Chakra Release: 21%], [Water Walking: 11%], [Tree Walking: 11%].


Seeing this made me unsure how to feel for a few seconds. I mean, it's cool to know about things like chakra nature percentages, etc., but it's also a bit worrying to see that my talents have limitations.

However, these more negative thoughts were soon erased when I thought about the possibility of raising all my attributes to the maximum.

If I can see my attributes like strength, speed, etc., doesn't that mean I would know where to train and see the progress of what I was doing correctly?

Just thinking about it made me excited.

Another thing, when I tried to see my mother's status, I saw that it was not possible; it required 5 weekly coins.

There was no information on how to get these coins, nor was I able to communicate with any entity that might be possessing this book.

'Whatever it is, I must find out in time.'

Getting stressed about it wouldn't get me anywhere.

And, I was still feeling weak and sleepy after eating. Setting that aside for a moment, I ended up falling asleep.


I woke up to a strange sound that seemed to play directly in my head.

[3 Weekly Coins Credited]

Hearing that androgynous, slightly robotic voice in my mind, I tried to conjure the book and succeeded. Opening the page, I saw my information and the addition of 3 coins.

When I opened the next page, I couldn't believe it, there was a mission available.


[Help Hinata Hyuga]

[Details: Hinata will be insulted by a group of three bullies because of her Byakugan]

[Reward: Depends on the degree of impact caused by your intervention]


Seeing this, honestly, didn't help me much.

However, it was informative enough.

Besides, today was the first day of the new academic year at ninja school.

The day was cold, and it was snowing heavily outside.

"Don't forget to bundle up well, Aizen." My mother said as she approached with a brown scarf that matched the color of my hair.

"Thank you." I said.

Rubbing my hair, she bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said with a smile: "Go on, don't be late."

"I know." I said as I opened the door to leave.

"Good morning, Aizen."

Along the way, people from the Kurama Clan greeted me with a smile.

I waved as I moved away.

As I had decided to accept the mission to help Hinata, I ran deliberately faster than usual near the ninja school and, finally, the scenario described in the book was unfolding right before my eyes.

"Scary, how can your eyes be like that?" One of the boys said and laughed loudly at the end.

"It's disgusting." Said another.

From afar, I saw Naruto approaching.

My eyes sharpened, and with quick movements, using my speed to my advantage, I appeared in front of them.

Although I'm not terrifyingly fast, my speed for my age was rated as the fastest among children my age.

"Who are you now?" one of them said in his childish voice, roughly.

I looked coldly at him, making him step back.


When my name was murmured, the other two broke out in a cold sweat.

The reason was simple: once a boy dared to speak ill of my little sister Yakumo for having a weak body, and because of that, I beat him so hard that I ended up breaking an arm and nearly disfiguring his face with punches.

Although young, I was, after all, someone with the memories of someone who had lived for 19 years; there was no way I could lose to someone 6 years old, even if it was someone being trained to be a ninja. I too was, and, by the way, I was among the five strongest of my age.

"Her eyes are beautiful, how can you say they are scary?" I said. "What's scary here is your ugly faces. Seriously, have you ever looked at yourselves in the mirror?"

Perhaps I acted too well when I expressed disbelief in saying the last part, because their faces twisted and got even uglier.

"Wow, and to think they could become even uglier..." I said, looking surprised.

Hinata, who was right behind me, seemed unable to hold back her laughter.

Hearing that even the girl they had been teasing until now started laughing at them, anger was evident on their faces.

On the other hand, I said as I raised my fist: "What's that look for, you want to face me?"

My eyes sharpened, I knew how to act to appear intimidating. It wasn't something children of 7-8 years old could normally compare with.

"You'll pay for this, Aizen!"

With those words thrown into the air, they ran off with their tails between their legs, one of them even tripping and falling face-first into the ground.

"Hahaha! What fools!"

Laughter echoed.

That's when I noticed that Naruto had already approached close enough to us.

I didn't bother to look at him much, turning my gaze back to Hinata.

As if sensing my gaze, the blush on her cheeks intensified. It was amazing how red her cheeks could get, almost burning on such a cold day.

Looking up to meet my eyes, she quickly looked down again and murmured: "Thank you, Aizen..."

"It was nothing." I said. "I just can't stand people who talk nonsense, saying untruths out of envy. It's clear they didn't really think that; your eyes are not ugly or scary at all, they are just envious because of your clan."

"Really?" She looked up at me again.

"Don't you trust me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She lowered her head again and, with her fingers touching each other, said: "I-I... Thank you."

In the end, she seemed to give up on refuting or saying anything else and decided to thank me again.

I simply smiled in response and said: "Mm, let's go, or we'll end up being late."

"Mm." She nodded with a whisper.

Naruto, with his hands behind his head, stood beside me with an expression that conveyed his confusion, but he didn't seem to think deeply.

As I walked toward the school, the book suddenly appeared and opened by itself. Soon the page with the mission was highlighted saying the mission had been completed and asked me to claim my reward.

WizardKiki WizardKiki

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


