


I have to become stronger.

More, i need more power.

"What am I even training for....?" Porter RS suddenly stopped in its tracks and froze like It hadn't moved for a long time.

Getting out from the Heavy Warframe, I begun to thought of my existence. What am I even doing here?, what should've I have been doing? Am I doing alright?

"If Han Sen's gonna get it all, then why I'm even training so hard?" Saddened, I sat on a chair.

Just when I was thinking of all of that, my comlink started to ring, it was a call from someone that I had in my contact list.

Answering the call, a sudden holographic image appeared in front of me. It was Qin Xuan.

"So, what do you want to say?" Qin Xuan asked without even looking at me.

The holographic image was the projection of her comlink, likewise I would've been projected there in her comlink.

"Miss busy, it's just isn't something that can be described in a call like this. It's better if we meet in the shelter, and if you have a bit of trust in me, then please bring a S-class licence with you." I said without rushing anything.

"I don't get it, explain here. Like you've said, I'm busy all the time, so you as well as explain it here." Qin Xuan answered rolling her eyes.

"Ok, if you don't care about this matter getting leaked, then I'm saying it." I said and and quickly got in my dormitory, entering my room I sat on my bed and said, "it's about a sacred-blood Devil Soul that I've gotten just now and the sacred-blood meat of the creature, I want to sell it, interested?"

Qin Xuan suddenly pauses for a second, then she said, "although the beast soul isn't something I would need now, I can consider it after seeing it's type and the meat would've have rotten by now if you were gonna sell it to me two days ago, so forget about the meat."

Even though Qin Xuan was almost about to evolve, she still needed some sacred-blood Geno points to max her sacred Geno points tally.

"Let's meet in the shelter, I will be there tomorrow at 12.30." Qin Xuan said and hunged up the call.

"Seriously? Who will tell her that the meat isn't rotten, well I need it too for myself but selling it would be more productive" I let out a big sigh.

On the next day, I decided to use my time more freely instead of training all the time. Just when I was strolling in the campus, a sudden message appeared in my head.

Special Quest - Max out your sacred Geno points tally.

Time limit - infinite.

Quest reward - item package 54.

"What's this reward? There's no description of it, and I'm far from maxing out my sacred Geno points. Well, there's no time limit though." I thought looking at the system panel.

Few hours later, I teleported into the god's sanctuary, going onto the second floor, I saw Qin Xuan handling some paperwork. Frankly speaking, Qin Xuan herself is a hottie compared to Ji Yanran and Yang Manli.

But I wasn't a pickup artist in my past life or neither I was a Playboy. So I don't have any ideas how to please a girl at all.

Sitting on a the chair in front of her, I saw her gaze felling upon me.

"I have bought two S-class Saint hall license with me." Qin Xuan said and revealed two golden cards from her sleeves.

"Two for the beast soul." I said in a neutral tone. Qin Xuan just stared at me for some time and then she said, "not happening, one for the beast soul. You must surely know that how hard is it to get a S-class Saint hall license, don't you?" Qin Xuan said with a serious gaze.

"See the beast Soul first." I neglected the deal as fast as Qin Xuan stated her price.

Summoning the fox king Beast Soul behind me, I blabbered about it as much as I can, "it's a sacred-blood mount which is even fast than the speed of sound, once you'll ride it, you'll definitely won't be able to forget the comfort of riding it."

"It's Just a mount though." Qin Xuan said with a not so happy expression.

"Then how about this and one more mutant mount? Two for both of them." I quickly said, not wanting to lose the customer.

But I can't just go back on my own words, and I don't actually need those mount beast souls at all.

"Two? Hm... Ok." Qin Xuan stated the price at last.

"Deal, I certainly don't need them so... You know...." I said and transferred her both the fox king and the mutant for beast Soul.

"Did you hunt it yourself?" Qin Xuan asked, surprised by the fact that it was a king beast soul.

Usually, the 'king' beast Souls stay in a group always. So it was almost impossible for a single person to hunt a king beast soul.

"I just got lucky to hit an already injured beast with my bow, and so with the mutant one." I said in a hushed tone which Qin Xuan wasn't able to hear clearly.

"You said something"? Asked Qin Xuan.

"Anyways, if you hunt another sacred-blood creature, quickly call me then." Qin Xuan said and gave me two S-class licence.

"You were the one to say that you are busy." I said with an annoyed face, to which Qin Xuan instantly said, "it was really an important meeting and It got out of my mind that you called me, so..."

"Yeah yeah, when I call you next time, please at least hear me out then." I said and got off from the Bullseye HQ.

"Yoohoo, here I come, my Sparticle." I was overjoyed by this deal but didn't dared to show it off in front of Qin Xuan.

On my was to my apartment, a thought appeared in my mind, "now that I think about it, what am I even hiding for? It's not like I married son of Heaven's wife so that he will hold a life long grudge against me, and we haven't even seen each other in a long time."

"Should I just reveal my identity to Han Sen? It can't even be called an identity anymore though because only Han Sen has seen void in this area."

With some thought, I decided to not use my second identity anymore and use all of my strength.

Searching for the official Saint hall website, I quickly logged in in it by using the code that was written on the card.

Browsing the selection, the first thing I ordered was Sparticle, "My agility will increase greatly if I somehow pass the first level in this Geno art. And if I use it with my reflexes, my dodging ability would increase too.

Without further ado, I quickly started to think some good hyper Geno art that I needed too much for the time being.

The only good hyper Geno arts I was able to remember was those that I can't buy at Saint hall, not even with a S-class licence.

"Falsify-Sky sutra is almost a SS-class, while donxuan sutra is something that I can get now, other than these two, JadeSkin and all Qi Gong of the prominent families are out of my reach unless I get in bed with one of their female successor." I thought still scrolling to see any good hyper Geno art.

But all there was a tutorial and a description of it, it's impossible for me to decide like this.

"Holy Angel and Atomic Fission are good but they need years to make progress in them, especially atomic fission, although I will get a supply of almost endless stamina, It will take me years to make progress in it."

In the end, I wasn't able to think of any good hyper Geno arts, although I can steal donxuan sutra, it's a legacy of a great master and I can't break time and space like them, so it's useless for me unless I ask Han Sen to teleport me out of the Sanctuaries.

I also wanted a few martial techniques like Seven Twists, Heavenly Go, Yin-Yang Blast and a few more. I can't actually but them even with money so the least I wanted to do was to steal them from their respective owners.

"Well, I should focus on learning Sparticle first." I thought and slept in my dorm room.

My roommates don't usually talk much with me, not just me but we all don't talk with each other, so if they don't take the initiative then I shouldn't butt in too.

Because I was on Blackhawk, it taken a whole day for the package to be delivered. After the package arrived, I quickly unwrapped what it seemed like a box.

Inside it was a bottle of Geno fluid and a memory chip, putting the memory chip inside a smart device, a tutorial was played in front of me.

It was a middle aged man who had his mouth covered with a mask, he was doing some strange movements which almost seemed slow to me.

After drinking the Geno fluid, a coldness flowed through me, without further ado, I started to grasp the basics of the movement. After four tries, I was somewhat able to perform the movements myself.


Note - this book will go on a hiatus till 30 June 2024. Thanks.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


