5.47% One punch man:Traveling between worlds / Chapter 3: I finally have a last name

章 3: I finally have a last name

After I was embarrassed to beg the protagonist, who in this case is Izuku, to let me stay at his house.Izuku, being the protagonist, everyone's friend, took me to his house where he said what happened to him, well he just didn't say what happened about him having Ali Might's powers, before Inko could say anything I was on my knees knees in front of Deku's mother.

Saito:Please Mrs. Midoriya, allow me to stay at your house!!!!


Inko had the same reaction as her son after hearing what I said, Isuku seeing me on my knees in front of his mother tried to alleviate the situation.

Izuku:Ahhh Saito-san, you don't need to be on your knees.

Inko:Y-Yes! My son is right, you don't need to-

Saito: Really?

Inko nodded and I got up from the floor and the conversation continued.

Inko:I'm glad you saved my baby from a villain, so you have my thanks for that.

Saito: I only did it because it's my job.

Inko:But are you a pro hero?

💭Well technically I am, but not in this world.

Saito:Well.....I'm not.

Izuku:That's what surprises me, you acted like one! I remember now! Saito-san what is your quirk?

Izuku being Izuku started bombarding me with questions about my powers with his notebook already in his hands.

Inko:Son asks these questions later.

Izuku:Yes mom.

Inko:Continuing. You said you wanted to stay at our house, why is that?

Saito: I don't have a home.....


Saito: I have nowhere to live...

Izuku:Wait a minute, that's impossible!

Saito:I'm not lying Izuku! I really don't have a roof over my head, that's why I'm asking your mother for this! In compensation, I help with homework, I will become your employee if necessary!

Deku's mother was shocked to see me so eager to live in their house. After a few seconds she responded.

Inko:Okay, you can stay with us.

I'm not kidding when I heard those words, I could have sworn I saw Deku's mother looking like an angel, I'm not kidding she really looks like one!

Saito: Thank you very much, thank you very much.....

That's how I joined and started living with the Midoriya family.

As I promised, I started helping Inko with her homework, like cleaning, cooking, etc. Isuku is now training with All Might, I'm helping and keeping Inko company.


*Months later*

After a few months, Deku's mother started to see me as if I were an older son to her and Deku now treats me as if we were twin brothers and you know the best part of all this? I finally have a last name!

Now you can call me Saito Midoriya from now on, I never thought that having a last name would make me so happy.

Returning to the subject of Izuku, after months of finishing his training to have One for all, I was covering for his mother not to suspect his daily training.

Now is the day of the U.A academy initiation test exam, where Izuku will begin his journey to be a number 1 hero.

So you're thinking about me? Well, I ended up writing to participate in the exam as well, it wasn't my intention but Izuku begged me to go along, since my quirk is very impressive, besides I have the strength of All Might before he was narfed by All for one, well that's the theories Izuku has about my strength.

Now my brother Izuku and I are in front of U.A and Izuku is much more nervous.

Izuku:Brother am I dreaming?

Saito: No Izuku, you're not dreaming, this is real.

Izuku:Thanks for remembering. I still can't believe I had to eat his hair, do I really have his power?

Saito:Of course you haver, do you just need to wait a few hours later if you forgot.


Bakugou:Get out of the way, Deku!

💭Vegeta from Boku no Hero has arrived.

Me and Deku look at Bakugou and as usual he has that angry dog look on his face.


Bakugou: If you get in my way, I'll kill you!

💭Bro, why do you call him that? Sounds like a feminine nickname! It's no wonder that there are crazy people who pair up with the two of you. If you want to give it a nickname, call it barbecue skewer.

Bakugou noticed my presence and looked at me with a confused expression.

Bakugou:W-What? You look just like Deku! I don't remember him having a twin brother.

Saito:And you need to know?

I don't even need to say his reaction.

Bakugou:What the hell did you say?! Do you want me to kill you too?

Unfortunately Izuku was in the middle and stopped Bakugou's possible death.

Izuku:P-Please don't fight,w-we have an exam to take, don't we?

Bakugou:Tch! Hmph!

Bakugou scowled at me and moved on and Deku let out a sigh of relief.

Saito:"Damn Izuku! I was about to send him into space if you hadn't gotten in the way"

Izuku:"I would appreciate it if you didn't send anyone into space".

I made a psychic connection between me and Deku so we can talk when in emergencies.

After a few seconds what happened in the anime happened which is Deku meeting his future girlfriend Ochako for the first time, what happened in the anime happened I didn't talk to her after all she was in a hurry and Deku was like a statue after interacting with her , so I was forced to levitate him to U.A.

At the gymnasium we entered a room where we received instructions about the exam and Present mic gave the instructions, normally I would talk about what happened but I slept the whole hour, so I didn't hear anything.


*Hours later*

We arrive at battlefield B and I'm wearing the same clothes that Deku is wearing, the only difference is that mine is green.

I look at Deku and see him shaking a lot, at which point I give him a small slap on the cheeks making him wake up.

Saito:Focus Izuku! You're about to start your dream, don't turn into a chicken now!


Seeing that Deku is more focused I remove my hands from his cheeks.

Izuku:But I'm surprised, I don't see anyone nervous like I was.

Saito: That's because they're disguising it with confidence.

At that moment Ida put his hand on Izuku's shoulder and what happened in the anime Ida is assuming that Deku is taking this exam to get in the way, the others are talking bad about Izuku and what I did left Ida and Isuku surprised.

Saito:Shut up.


Saito: If one of you continues to speak ill of my brother, you will be punched. We are taking an exam to become pro heroes, if you really want that then act like it.

I said this looking at Ida and the others who immediately took a step back, after I released some of my aura, I also made the bus next to us start to slowly levitate.

Izuku:Brother, brother! You're scaring them!

Saito:That's the intention!


Narrator's view


For all the people except Deku who felt a taste of Saito's threatening aura, only one thought passed through them.



(Saito's vision)

Present mic spoke in the tower and told everyone to go to the battlefield as the exam has already started.

Izuku stayed behind and I separated from him on purpose. The reason I do this is so I don't hinder his progress, while I'm floating around and ending up with some robots in my path.

Saito: Hmmm I must only have 14 points now, well it doesn't matter to me anyway.

I flew around helping people who beat the robots to get points, I rarely received thanks but I didn't care about it.

In the middle of all this I see a familiar girl dealing with 5 robots at the same time.

💭Hmmmm...I've seen her somewhere.

I immediately make the 5 robots stand still and the girl looked at me with a surprised expression and I continued.

Saito: Now you can defeat them. Try now.


The moment I see her using her quirk I immediately recognize her. The girl had pink colors all over her body, two yellow alien antennae, black eyes with golden pupils and a well-shaped body. I think you already know who the girl I'm talking about is.

Mina:Thanks for the help, I was almost going to lose it.

💭Who would have thought I would see Mina Ashido here, small world.

Saito:No problem, oh there's one more behind you.

I said this, stopping another robot that was going to attack her from behind, she looks at me with a shocked expression to see that I saved her once again.

Mina: You won't....

Saito:Get the points? No, I won't, I don't see the need.

Mina: What do you mean you don't see the need? You can fail the exam!

Saito: And I don't care about that. If you want, you can get the points and I'll even help you.

Mine:W-why are you doing this?

Saito: Because I don't need points to be a hero, if I see someone in trouble I'll help anyway, it doesn't matter if I study at U.A or not.

Mina ashido seems surprised to hear what I said and she even looked at me for a few seconds until I was waving my hand close to her.

Saito: Hello? Pink girl? Come back to land.

Mine:What? Oh sorry about that *Red face*

Saito: Well I have to go. Good luck.


I didn't wait and flew away from her. I continued to help people get points and I see Izuku defeating the giant robot with one punch, it makes me proud to see him defeat something with one punch.

I pick up Izuku in my arms, not letting him fall to the ground.


Saito:Congratulations on your victory Izuku.

Deku gave a weak smile but when he heard the signal that the exam was over, he fainted from shock.

Saito: *sigh*

After the alarm, some people were impressed by what Izuku did, some doubted him, others didn't, when I was about to scold them, Recovery Girl appeared.

💭Lucky ones.

Recovery Girl: Is that your brother?

Saito: Yes, he lost consciousness.

Recovert Girl:Well, let me help him, please bring him closer to me.

Saito:Yes ma'am.

Recovery girl kissed Deku's head and his injuries began to recover and U.A's exam was over.


*days later*

A few days have passed and Izuku and I are waiting for the letter from U.A to arrive at our house saying if we passed.

During these days Deku was sometimes in the moon world, leaving Inko worried a lot, thankfully I'm nearby and I calmed her down.

When the letter arrived Izuku was already expecting the worst and Inko was very nervous to know the results.

Now Izuku and I are in the room looking at the letter.





Izuku:Brother, can you open the letter?


I tear the letter apart using my psychic ability and a small black disc came out from inside.


At the same moment All Might appears in the projection.

All Might:I am here here in projection form!

Izuku: All Might!

All Might began to explain that he hasn't spoken to us directly since he's doing the paperwork since he's going to work at U.A. Before he could say more he was rushed to get to the point since he has to message the others.

All Might *clearing his throat*: Even though you two passed the theoretical test, in the practical test you Izuku got zero and Saito got 14 points. Of course, you didn't pass.

I have a neutral expression and Izuku looks like he's going to cry, but before that happens, All Might continued.

All Might:If only it were that. I'm an entertainer! So look at this video.

All Might showed the video where it would show Ochako going to talk to Present mic, but my surprise was to see Mina Ashido along.

💭I don't remember seeing Mina in the middle of this?

All Might: They came to negotiate in person after class! What did they want to negotiate about? Go on and see!

Ochako:Well....a person with dark green wavy hair, he also has spots.

Mine:Yes! I also wanted to talk to someone who has the same discretion as she said, the only difference is that his hair is light green and has no spots.

Ochako said what she said in the anime about how she heard that Izuku didn't pass the practical test, and she blames herself for him having zero points and that she wants to give some of her points so Deku can pass the test. After she said that, Mina said her reason.

Mine: This boy told me that he didn't need points to pass, at first I thought he was being arrogant, but after hearing why, I felt like I don't deserve to have the points I have! He helped me pass this test even though he had the risk of failing, he still helped me without asking for anything in return, I can't accept that I pass this test and he is left behind so.....

Mine/Ochako:Please use our points for them to pass!!!!

At that same moment, Izuku and I were shocked by what we heard.

All Might: How can a hero course reject two people who save people and are doing the right thing? Do you call that lip service? Bring it on! This is a job that requires risking your life to practice this trick! Redemption Points!

💭Wow, I forgot about that.

All Might:They come from the judges. It's a basic skill, which we at U.A consider!

Now is the moment that All Might said the results.

All Might:Midoriya Isuku,60 points! Uraraka Ochako, 45 points! Mina Ashido,50 points! And Saito Midoriya, 140 points!

💭What?!?!! I was at zero and went to 140?!

All Might:The four passed.

Izuku/Saito:This is too crazy!

All Might:Come, Midoriya brothers. This is your hero academy!

Izuku, unable to bear so much emotion, started crying and I'm still registering the fact that I have 140 points.

💭It seems that my presence will change some things from now on....

To be continued....

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


