Star Port. Forge-World.
Archmagos Thea Maxind had requested my presence to discuss our latest undertaking and readiness of the fleet that would be going on the expedition to yet another universe, so as to acquire technology and resources that I could sell to the Imperium for massive profits. I also wouldn't object to picking up another wife if possible and maybe a consort or two, along with any other interesting treasures that I could get my greedy hands on.
Thea Maxind and I had been working together ever since we'd met back when she'd been looting tech on the Fallout Earth from those Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts, an event that was now many years behind us. Since then she'd risen up through the ranks, to become the highest ranking tech-priest within the expedition. She commanded her own ship and enjoyed a seat on my small council, meaning that she had a strong voice in advising me when it came to deciding what courses of action we would take.
By the looks of things she'd undergone further augmentations during the refit, and this served as a reminder of how important she'd become within the ranks of the Machine Cult. Her feet and lower legs had been removed before being replaced with many thin metal legs. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that she could now climb up walls like a spider.
As I'd made my way to the briefing room I'd stopped off at a few places to check up on the work being done to restore my beloved space vessel to its former glory as well as the work involved to add a few improvements. My Lunar-class cruiser had served me very well during the few years that we'd been together, hopefully she would for many more. She was a tough old girl.
Alas the conflict with the Reapers had taken its toll on my beloved ship, the vessel known as The Enduring Triumph, and as such the cruiser was undergoing extensive repairs that would have taken years if not for the fact that the Ad-Mech were willing to bend over backwards to help me, a result of our strong alliance.
They'd even offered to enhance what systems they could, but I didn't think that I'd see any huge improvements given the limits of Imperial technology and adding tech from Mass Effect could make things worse if not handled right. Given that the machine lovers seemed confident that they could make some improvements, perhaps it meant they were sharing some of the tech they normally kept for themselves with me.
I couldn't tell simply by looking at the projected hologram of my ship as all I could see was that the weapons had been fully repaired and that there were new weapons as well. In my place some Rogue Traders might have removed the torpedo tubes so as to make room for more cargo, but I'd no need to have weapons removed to make room for materials as I didn't really deal in bulk goods.
Even if I did sometimes supplement my income by acquiring minerals that I transported back to the Imperium, at least when I didn't use them, I'd never run out of room to store the metals. Rather than transport massive amounts of cargo I mostly traded in advanced technology and rare resources, a practice that didn't require a lot of storage room. Although I did have a downsized torpedo inventory which gave me some extra internal space to use at the cost of being more dependent on lances and the marcocannons. Weapons that had so far served me very well.
Should I ever start dealing in bulk then it would help that I could automate more than other Imperial vessels due to having access to robots from the Fallout universe, which meant I didn't need such a large crew. This in turn freed up more space for workers who I planned to have settle a world in the Pegasus galaxy of the Stargate universe and with more people I wouldn't have to wait two whole years to fully set up Thrax III like I had done with Thrax II back in the Mass Effect universe.
I had a world in mind for settlement and due to the Wraith habit of culling human populations my new world would need to be well defended, so I was glad to have such strong ties to the Ad-Mech as they'd be the ones installing all of those defences. Plus it helped that I'd brought back so much Element Zero as the cyborgs were willing to pay handsomely for the resource. As such I'd made more than enough profit to get what I needed from this Forge-World.
Despite the work going on the ship would be ready to leave the space port along with its escorts in a matter of weeks or maybe even days if there were no delays, because the work on the external parts of the ship had already been finished and the work going on inside was mostly superficial stuff such as redesigning some living spaces, equipping proper recreation areas and other stuff that could be completed while the ship was travelling. As an added bonus the crew would be grateful for the better living conditions, Mass Effect tech had helped greatly with that.
"Archmagos, what's the status of the rest of the fleet?" I wished to know.
While my cruiser was a mighty vessel of war it could be overwhelmed by sheer numbers or be stung to death by a fleet of much faster and more nimble spacecraft. Because of this it was important that I take with me a number of escort class ships. They are designed to support heavier warships such as my cruiser, making up for a lack of firepower with greater speed.
Within the Warhammer 40k universe, a place I liked to spend as little time in is as possible, it would be exceptionally rare to see an Imperial battleship or a cruiser, such as my own, without at least two, if not more, frigates by its sides and perhaps destroyers as well. My vessel would be no different when it ventured once more outside of the relative safety of Imperial space.
I now had three warships acting as escorts within my fleet. These were the modified Firestorm frigate (that had a long code as a name) which was under the command of the Ad-Mech, that ship had once been a pirate vessel that the cyborgs had captured, and then refitted to suit their needs. The frigate had more than proven its worth in the past.
Also going with me to yet another distant universe was a cobra-class raider vessel called The Silver-Swift that was crewed by Imperium backed privateers who'd joined up with me in order to make profit. It used to be a cobra-class destroyer only it had been refitted to be a pirate hunter, it was just that serving as escort in my small fleet was a more profitable venture than chasing brigands.
Last but not at all least was a very old Sword-class frigate known as The Blade of Redemption that had been until recently in the service of another Rogue Trader House. The frigate had served the dynasty for many centuries (after a successful career with the Imperial Navy) until the noble house had fallen on hard times. The ship's captain had sought service with House Thrax wanting to attach his vessel to a rising star and he made no secret about it.
It has been explained to me that the Sword-class is a very old design, which has seen service since the earliest days of the Imperium. A staple class upon which many other variants of Imperial Escort have been based, such as the Firestorm. All its components have been tried, tested, refined and if necessary redesigned over innumerable engagements, resulting in a surprisingly efficient warship.
The Tempest-class Strike Frigate such as Blade of Redemption traded long-ranged firepower for heavy, short-ranged broadsides designed to devastate enemies at 'knife-fight' distances. To get to those distances, Tempests have triple-armoured prows and boosted plasma drives, and often carry Assault Boats as well as large complements of ratings for participation in boarding actions. This would be useful as while Wraith Hives tend to engage at range, other Stargate factions have a habit of getting in close during a space battle.
"The escorts are ready to go" I was informed "As are the other vessels".
On this trip we'd also be taking along a few small colony ships. Ones packed with people like sardines in a can, and those shops were meant to be taken apart in stages as a world was colonised. While this ship was supposed to settle on one of the worlds I'd already claimed for the IOM I intended to take it along with me to the Pegasus galaxy so that its people could be put to work on my behalf. The High Lords would not care what happened to the people onboard that vessel and they'd only paid me to take them to a habitable world, setting up a colony was the point of the mission not to settle a precise world as the people were only refugees.
Also I'd managed to link up with a few more ramshackle Squat vessels. They didn't contain anywhere near enough of their kind to re-start their civilization in another universe, but it should be possible to set them up in a universe I'd already taken their kin to so that they could link up. It wasn't as if either solar system that I'd helped the space dwarfs settle was lacking in lifeless worlds for them to go dig underground on.
Since there were so few of them in seemed likely that they were last Squats in this part of the Warhammer galaxy that access to their own space ships which meant they were unlikely to be any more refugees for me to transport in the future, at least not outside of small groups that somehow managed to hitch a ride here on someone else's ship, which had happened already. Not that I minded as I must have saved their race by now.
"I think it wise to revisit some of my holding before venturing to a new universe" I said to the Archmagos, something I'd already mentioned at a meeting of my small council "I meant to do that before, but we had to return here quickly for repairs".
None of my children were yet mature enough to take over running my holdings on those worlds, but they were old enough to go see them and it would prepare them for their futures.
I would first travel to the world of Fallout and drop off the squats first since their vessels would not survive more than a single warp jump. The forge-world my old alley, Archmagos Del Arx, was building on the Mars of the Fallout universe could not yet service a cruiser, but one day that would no longer be the case. Then I would be able to repair and refit out of the Imperium. This was important as the IOM would on day fall and might do so in my life time.
The Eldar seed ship, which may or may not be coming along with the fleet, I simply didn't know because the pointy eared twats are stealthy buggers, could have two seed ships in that galaxy or follow me to the next. I didn't care which and I wouldn't let them affect my choices.
While visiting that universe's version of Earth I could ensure that the NCR (The Californian Republic) was behaving itself and that the Imperials whom I'd left behind were still working towards restoring proper civilization for the people of that poor planet while trying to make some kind of profit. Plus there was the chance that some unknown cool tech had been uncovered and that would make my allies in the Ad-Mech very happy little cyborgs.
After a few weeks spent in that system, I might take my new fleet to smash those aliens who had interfered with the development of that version of Earth if they had dared to enter the solar system under my control. I'd been able to take on two of their motherships back when I commanded only a light cruiser with no trouble at all and now that I had a proper fleet it was tempting to go cleanse their home world. Assuming that I could find it and they actually proved to be a threat.
When I revisited Planetos, or Thrax I as it was called in Imperial records, I could renew old alliances with some lavish gifts, that would actually cost me next to nothing to make, and I would collect the tithes which should have been sent to my fortress/palace on Bloodstone. The tribute would need to be paid to the Imperium later on and at the same time I would take possession of what was owed to House Thrax.
Also I could dump off the colonists, if their ship couldn't make another warp jump, on that world's version of Australia, which was a landmass on the southern half of the planet that might not be a safe place to live, but I was being paid to get them to a place they could settle, not to babysit anyone.
"I wish to bring to your attention the completed modifications" said the follower of the Deus Mechanicus.
The Adeptus Mechanicus was indeed a strange organisation. They believed that all knowledge can be found somewhere in the universe, you just have to go looking for it, as such they don't invent new tech or really try to understand what they already had using what would be considered proper scientific methods like we had back in my home universe and time period. They see the STCs, which come from mankind's Golden Age of Tech, as perfect so they don't try to improve upon them, at least beyond some simple modifications.
However they are not a totally uniform organisation, nor are they as totally rigid as they sometimes appeared, and since the technology that I'd gather for them wasn't STC based there was a decent amount of wiggle room in their doctrine when it came to making use of that tech. Besides they tended to give Rogue Traders some extra leeway when it came to retrofitting our vessels as long as they could benefit from it. Say by getting access to rare bits of technology that the Rogue Trader might discover during his or her future adventures.
Because of my favoured status they'd been willing to incorporate both Fallout and Mass Effect into The Enduring Triumph, with most of the work taking place while I'd been getting the implants required for the use of biotics woven into my body.
This was different than simply adding kinetic barriers to suits of Fallout power armour or sticking a mass effect drive into an Imperial starfighter. What they'd done here could be considered tech-heresy had they done it to one of their own ships. I was fairly certain if not for the fact that so many considered me to be a physical conduit of the Emperor's divine will and therefore also connected to the machine god in some way, that I never would have gotten these modifications at all, never mind gotten them done so quickly.
"The mass accelerator weapons have already been tested," the cybernetic woman informed me.
My cruiser was actually rather poorly armed compared to some of its sister ships as it lacked a Nova Cannon, and I wasn't sure I wanted one since there were stories about them being less than dependable, so I had extra power and that could be channelled to my ship's new weapons. If installed correctly they wouldn't compromise the other systems.
None of the new weapon turrets had firepower greater than low-yield nuclear weapons, such as those used at the end of War World 2, however they did have a very high of fire and they were accurate enough to target the more nimble vessels that would be out of range of my point defences and too fast to hit with the big guns. Also they should allow for precise planetary bombardment as my big guns weren't suitable for taking out small targets that my bombers might have trouble reaching due to defence systems.
The usefulness of these weapons in this galaxy was debatable and so the tech was being tested by me, someone who spent most of his time outside of this universe, and would be evaluated by the Ad-Mech during the expedition which would be in a different dimension than this one. If it all worked out well then it would be easier to have more technology from other universes incorporated into my ship in the future. I might even upgrade again if the Mass Effect tech, which could alter a vessel's mass, somehow made it possible to use the advanced warp drive on a vessel larger than a Lunar-Class cruiser.
"And the last of the new cogitators will soon be installed" I was informed.
The cogitators, or computers as I would call them in the privacy of my own head, came from both the Fallout and Mass Effect universes. The more simple Fallout computers would be found in the parts of the ship inhabited by the lower ranking crew members who didn't need control over any important systems or to access any normally classified information. The Mass Effect computers were being used alongside their Imperial counterparts so as to see if they made the crew more effective when at their stations.
As for my escorts I didn't know what was going on with the Ad-Mech vessel, as they kept their cards close to their chest, but I did know that the two Imperial vessels which would travel with me had some new guns as well. They could come in handy should we find ourselves facing many smaller enemy spacecraft that could fly rings around vessels from this universe.
"Soon we will test the mass effect drives installed on each ship" the robed machine lover told me. "The drives when active will lower the mass of the ships allowing them to move more swiftly than their size would normally allow".
I knew that Element Zero could increase or decrease the mass of a volume of space-time when subjected to an electrical current. With a positive current, mass is increased and with a negative current, mass is decreased.
In space, low-mass fields allow for FTL travel and inexpensive surface-to-orbit transit. Hence why nearly every ship in my fleet, from my mighty cruiser to the shuttles either had or were getting a mass effect drive. The smaller vessels would even be able to go faster than light, although they would not stray from the fleet since they wouldn't have the supplies for a long journey, but it would make things easier when moving around a solar system.
This wasn't anything new, the Thrax variants, called that in my honour, of the Fury fighter and Starhawk bombers in my cruiser's hanger bay already had mass effect drives in them allowing them to travel much faster than their unmodified counterparts. This had been acceptable to the tech-priest at the time since they were used to battle the hated geth and to combat the threat of the Reapers, and they played a role in getting more tech from other universes installed onto my ship.
The big ships wouldn't be getting too close to the speed of light, but instead of taking days or even weeks to move around a solar system it would take mere hours, and that wouldn't just save time it could make a big difference in a space battle. It was a shame that this technology was unlikely to ever see widespread use within the Imperium.
Without the comm buoys that can be found all over the Mass Effect galaxy we couldn't use ME comms that had been installed in our ships to talk across lightyears, but we could fire tight beam communication lasers through a corridor of low-mass space to keep ships within a solar system in contact with each other with no signal delay even if they scattered around a solar system. Even at light speed a solar system is not a small area of space.
I had no doubt that a few Ad-Mech Exploratory fleets would be using this tech soon even if they didn't have enough Element Zero to make the tech widespread. Since they wouldn't be using it for faster than light communications we didn't need to worry about upsetting the astropaths. Even with the amount of Element Zero I'd brought back with me there was only a limited amount to go around as such the Ad-Mech would not be deploying comm buoys of their own.
The captains of each ship had access to QEC technology, which aside from being extremely expensive and difficult to produce, would upset the balance of power within the Imperium if its existence became public knowledge, so it would be used by only the highest ranking members of the Ad-Mech and the Inquisition.
My fleet only had because the technology was being tested on my ships. I had QEC devices linking me directly to the other ships in my fleet, but they wouldn't be able to use it with each other due to us not having many of the devices. I felt sure that if another Inquisitor arrived then his or her private ship would soon have the means to contact me securely.
I liked having the ability to confer with the captains of the other ships in my fleet with this technology because it offers two enormous advantages. First, it allows instantaneous communication over any distance. Second, quantum communications cannot be intercepted between sources so there was no chance of any eavesdroppers as long both of the QEC devices involved were secured on their ends.
"Ah the Inquisitor is here" said Thea Maxid.
I assumed that Maxid had been informed electronically since she mentioned the arrival before the newcomer entered the room. My bodyguards, who'd been stationed outside of the room since this meeting was private, did nothing to prevent the visitor from entering as an Inquisitor's authority actually surpassed my own when we were in Imperial space and even outside they'd not try to limit the movements of one unless I ordered them to.
As I turned I saw an attractive older woman who wore an outfit that looked like a more plain version of what an Imperial Navy officer in my service would wear, as I only ever hired proper navy people. She had blonde hair, with a few streaks of grey in it, and rather pretty eyes I thought.
"Amberly Vail, Ordo Xenos" she greeted.
I knew this woman, or the fictional character any way, Amberley Veil was indeed an Inquisitor, but far from the average in that in the Ciaphas Cain books, which I adored, she didn't seem to go around torturing and killing people for whatever reason she felt justified such actions. Although she could kick ass when she wanted to.
In addition to her labours on behalf of the Imperium, she worked many times with the famous Commissar Ciaphas Cain, and edited Cain's private memoirs, which the fictional books from Black Library (the company) present to the reader. She also was, or had been, a romantic interest of the famous Commissar who by now might have retired given that I knew that that the 13th crusade was only a matter of decades away and I didn't know for how many years Cain spent teaching.
Cain and Vail first met all the way back in 931.M41 on a world called Gravalax, where the Valhallan 597th Imperial Guard regiment had been deployed to deal with civil unrest and to deal with the risk of the planet seceding to the Tau Empire. On Gravalax, Vail disguised herself as a traveling singer hired as entertainment for the Governor's party. After escaping the tunnels of the planet during a more in-depth investigation, she enlisted Cain to dig further into the planet's tunnels along with some of the troops of his regiment. The troops found a genestealer cult and eliminated its Patriarch which prevented the Stealers from calling down the Hive Fleet on the planet.
"I'm Lord-Captain Maximinus Augustus Thrax" I said as we shook hands.
I really didn't like the Augustus part, but when the High Lords of Terra grant you a fancy middle name as a way of honouring your work you just have to put up with it. I couldn't complain too much since the leaders of the Imperium had granted me the right to found my Lesser Order Militant of Battle Sisters, something the Canoness was very happy to hear about as it had long been her dream to lead her own Order Militant
As a minor saint of the Emperor, known as the Far Flung Explorer (I was a saint associated with bringing the Emperor's light beyond the borders of the Imperium) I command the Sister through Brigica and as such I could get them to do almost anything I wanted as long as it didn't violate their oaths. Which meant I had access to hundreds of gene-enhanced, power armour wearing, bolter firing, sexy female fanatics, who thought I was the living emissary of their god. As long as I kept things strictly non-sexual with them they'd happily kill or even die on my name.
I preferred the more rational Sisterhood of Steel, the gene-enhanced, power armour wearing, plasma rifle firing, sexy female warriors, who were under the command of my second wife Sarah Lyons-Thrax, as they didn't mind looting battlefields and finding cool tech for me. They also weren't nuns so that had more fun at parties.
During the time spent waiting for the refit to finish I'd ordered the cloning lab to finish work on creating my household guard. My family was expanding so I felt that the twenty superhuman bodyguards (actually 19 and one Imperial Assassin playing the role) that I'd been gifted with when I started my career weren't enough to protect my household.
Miranda Thrax, my third wife, had been heavily involved in that project, using a lot of what she'd learned while leading Project Lazarus for Cerberus. This had led to both genetic engineering and cybernetics playing a role in the creation of my new Household Guard.
The all female Household guard, known as the Black Cloaks because Daenerys had black cloaks with golden clasps, made to look like the symbol of House Thrax, presented to each of them once they started their duties (much like her brother's Kingsguard were given a white cloak) they numbered only one hundred for now and their numbers would increase as my household did.
Each of the Black Cloaks had grown in the lab using DNA samples from the finest women from a few different universes. They used Miranda's genes when making my news warriors as well as DNA from expert pilots, skilled markswomen, hand to hand combat specialists and intelligent navy officers. No two Black Cloaks were exactly like and they considered themselves to all be sisters in blood as well as in purpose.
After getting their cloaks they took up their signature weapons. They were armed with a version of the Power Lance, also known as a Power Spear, which as the name suggests is a special type of power weapon, basically a blade mounted on the end of a long shaft. Like most power weapons, it can tear through all manners of material with ease thanks to its disruptive energy field generated around the blade.
The versions used by the all female Black Cloaks were lighter than those by other Imperial armed forces, and they'd been very expensive to produce due to the cost of producing so many power weapons. I could have armed an entire Imperial guard regiment for less and it was only possible to make this many Power Spears because the forge-world I did business with was one of the few forge-worlds that housed Tech-Priests who still knew how to make Power Spears.
Aside from the special lances the Black Cloaks were armed and armoured with technology from the Mass Effect universe. Since they were not meant to be a frontline unit they didn't wear power armour or carry heavy weapons, if I needed warriors like that I had two Sisterhoods to call upon, they wore lighter armour and carried weapons such as pistols, shotguns and SMGs. A few carried Imperial or Fallout laser weapons, I assumed out of a desire to appear somewhat different than their sisters.
If they weren't enough I also had the Thrax 2nd regiment under the command of Colonel Ionael whose numbers had been boosted by taking in elements from other regiments that had gotten separated from their fellows in battle zones nearby or just ended up at the Star Port due to some clerical error or star ship misadventure during the time I was docked here. The regiment was an impressive force made up of many fighting men and women from different worlds, a fair few tanks and they were supported by decent logistics.
"Please secure the room, Magos" requested the Inquisitor.
While the cyborg did that remotely, Lady Veil went over to a holographic projector which had become more common item on my ship due to them having gathered quite a few projectors from the Mass Effect universe and as such. She used this one to display an image of a Necron only this was no normal looking Necron.
"This is Trazyn the Infinite, known to be an ancient Necron Overlord of the Nihilakh Dynasty, noted amongst his kind as a keeper of history and a preserver of artefacts. He likes to set up recreations of historic events on the Tomb World of Solemnace" Vail told us "Trazyn see himself, if it can be considered a he, to be a preserver of histories, artefacts and events, and often 'liberates' what he wants from other alien races or even his fellow Necrons so that the treasures may be preserved in his galleries. He also happens to have a collection of geneseed some of which we've already been able to trade with in exchange for interesting items from other universes".
While I'd known that this exchange would happen, and I'd even helped the last Inquisitor I'd worked with to gather some relics, I'd not know that Maxind knew about Trazyn until now, although it made sense that she would never have discussed it with me. People in the Imperium were very good at keeping secrets even from each other.
From what I knew of Trazyn, which wasn't much, I figured that his obsessive hoarding nature meant that he wasn't likely to try to hitch a ride with us as that would take him from his collection for too long, but his intense desire to gather exquisite artefacts to catalogue could force him into a trade he'd have to honour in order to get more of what he wanted later on.
"The Necron Lord has more gene-seed, something which he has informed a collage of mine, that he claims comes from different successor chapters that took part in many famous battles along with a few other relics that he's willing to give up if we supply him with more interesting trinkets" the Inquisitor let us know.
This didn't surprise me as Trazyn offered a lost gene-seed tithe of the Emperor's Children that was part of his collection. Sometime in the past a Chaos Space Marine called Eidolon dispatched Fabius Bile to Solemnace to retrieve it so that it could be used to restore the Legion. Also part of the bargain was Fabius Bile himself, who Trazyn desired to add to his collection. However on Solemnace Bile was able to bargain his freedom and acquire the gene-seed tithe for himself by offering his clone of Fulgrim along with some of the Emperor's Children in trade.
"A few of my peers have been scouring the archives of the different Ordos for years trying to find items we don't mind giving up for much more valuable gene-seed that Trayzen would want for his collection" we were told "As for me I was mostly keeping myself behind a desk, until I was asked by a friend of mine to work with a Death Watch fireteam, the same one that came with you on your latest expedition. The Necron Lord values items from other universes far more than anything from this one since he can collect items from this galaxy without our help".
While Amberly Vail was rather laid back for a member of the Inquisition it would still be a bad idea to refuse her a place in the fleet.
"So you're taking the place of the last Inquisitor I had tagging along" I said.
No real surprise and I since I had no real interest in acquiring xeno tech for myself and I could resist the urge to bang alien babes. Having a member of the Ordo Xenos alone wouldn't be much of a burden. In fact having a kill team of DeathWatch marines had come in handy in the past.
"Yes" said Lady Vail "However I'm not one for the frontlines any more so I'll mostly be spending the kill team off where they need to go and working through agents. If this expedition is anything like the others we won't have any trouble finding trinkets that we can trade with Trayzen who has hinted that he has many other treasures we'd be interested in".
If he'd been collecting gene-seed then he could live space marines in his galleries of suits of Terminator armour or even a Dreadnought all of which had no real cash price tag because of just how rare and important they were. He might even have important relics that he was willing to give up if the Inquisitors could trade something the Necron would consider to be of equal or greater value. Something I was willing to help with.
So overall she was unlikely to do stuff like order me, or at least encourage me, to bombard any colonies just to make some aliens behave. That was good as a Rogue Trader should not be commanded by anyone when on his own vessel.
Despite her words I would assume that she'd be keeping an eye on me and monitoring what I got up to, because what sort of Inquisitor would she be if she didn't. Like before I'd have to balance being a successful Rogue Trader with being a good Imperial citizen, but by now I'd mastered that rather well so it wouldn't be a challenge.
"I'll be seeing you both later" promised Vail as she reached inside her jacket "but before I go there's something I want to give you, my lord".
Soon I saw that she was carrying the rank badge of an Imperial Commodore. Also sometimes called a group commander, the rank of commodore was originally only a temporary one given to a senior captain placed in charge of a squadron of Imperial starships. Over time the rank of commodore has found its way into permanent usage as what were once temporary squadrons stabilised into regular patrol routes and areas of responsibility. The badge of a commodore was of a skull pressed on a star and surrounded by laurels which symbolised victory.
"While your not a navy officer I've been authorised by superiors and Imperial Command in this sector to granted you the rank of honorary Commodore in thanks for leading the cleansing of the abominable intelligences, acquiring so much technology, and for clearing out many nest of dangerous aliens during your expedition into the Terminus Systems" Vail explained "The Imperium thanks you for your service Lord-Commodore".
I couldn't help smiling when I heard this. It's always nice to know that your work is appreciated.