100% WORM: Fate-ful Encounters / Chapter 5: It's all comin' together now

章 5: It's all comin' together now

"Oh Yeah. It's all coming together now." The Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX, AE86 / The 86 sat with dust all over it, just left to rot inside an abandoned warehouse. Its windows boarded up with brick and metal. Almost as if the owner never wanted ANYONE that was normal to be able to enter the place after he left. Yet the rooftop window was conveniently left uncovered and unbroken.

"Now, this… is a car shop!" Luckily, it seemed the man who owned the place didn't brick up the car-bay doors. "Ain't no Gaia to break my stride, and it seems Alaya's contract is still in place…" Archer, or Emiya as he preferred to be called now, hummed as he walked through the dust covered place, giddily scratching a Bounded Field into the very walls and floors and activating it.

"Good thing I'm a hero capable of producing miracles… Otherwise, this bounded field would never work!" He laughed as he jumped backwards and landed softly on a moth-eaten couch.

"Ahhhh, man. I'm bored…" His leg bounced up and down as he sat in the silent warehouse, the early morning light shining through the skylight, "Alright, I'm going to clean this place up!"

Emiya rolled off the couch, landing on his back with a soft thud, before he pushed himself up and dusted himself off. He walked over to a cabinet labelled 'Cleaning supplies', pulling out a bucket and mop, he quickly moved to the, luckily, still working sink and popped a glob of soap in the bottom of the bucket, flicking the light switch next to the sink and getting no light. "Note to self, fix lights."

The foam quickly spread across the top of the cold water as his eyes turned to roam the layout, a room with a fixer-upper of a TV upstairs above the car shop section, a bedroom built into the back with a small kitchen and a massive and expensive stereo system.


Turning the water off, he hefted the bucket up with no staring and put to thoroughly cleaning the thick layers of dust off everything, the early morning sun shining through the skylight turning quickly to noon and soon evening.

He had replaced the water around 10 times, right before he ran out of soap he luckily finished his clean-up, the place practically sparkling. "Alright, so… Checklist time."

Emiya quickly rolled a whiteboard out into the main car storage area of the warehouse.

"Let's see. I need to fix the stereo, the TV, the drift car, and… restore electricity." Yet even as he wrote, the dried out marker left no ink. "Also get new markers."

"Now, I could just laze around for a bit orrr.." His head turned to the garage door, and it took all of a second for him to exit his new base. Instantly he was walking down the street, "Makin' my way downtown. Walkin' fast, faces pass." What little people outside that were in the docks at this time steered clear of what appeared to be an insane man as he danced down the street while singing out.

His movements exaggerated as he walked all the way from the Docks to Downtown Brockton Bay. "Get yourself to the Butterfly Lounge, find yourself a big lady" His exaggerated movements and baritone voice made for a pleasant sound to his own ears even as he moved wildly around the sidewalk.

"The fuck is the chink-" A shiny, bald man exclaimed as he made a show of pushing his sleeve up and striding forward. "Big girl, you are beautiful…" right as the song ended, the man reared back for a punch- "Oh, a sword!" Emiya exclaimed as he leaned down and picked up a small knife from the ground.

The bald man stumbled forward, not expecting to be ignored and for his punch to be completely dodged. "Fucking chink ass-" Archer's head turned to the made as he pocketed the knife away. "Whoops, you just said something racist!" He cheekily moved his head just enough to dodge the punch coming for him. His hands rested in his pockets as he easily made a show dodging the man's blows before rushing away from him.

He had noticed the Aryan symbols inked on the man's skin as the man chased after him. "Come closer~ Come Closer~" Stopping suddenly, Archer turned around, and pushed a hand forward as he sang louder. "And I just can't pull myself away."

The man's movements mimicked his own, his eyes glued onto his hand and sensually cupped Archer's own. Fear gripped the Neo-Nazi as he pushed Archer away with the words 'Cape!' stuck on his tongue as he turned to run for his life.

"I just can't stop, I just can't stop~" In the blink of an eye, Emiya was on the other side of the man, dancing as his body involuntarily mimicked Emiya's dancing. "What the fuck did I just walk into?" Emiya suddenly heard from a woman with a French accent, his head turned to see the small white haired form of the five-foot-two lady known by many as Jalter. His movements stopped, freeing the E88 member.

"Well… Aren't you just a shortstacc." He cocked a hip as his eyes roamed around the street, as if he wasn't paying attention to her.

"Damn, dude, at least look at me when you say that. Knew I'd find one of us eventually. Judging by the fact you got a Neo Nazi, you probably know where we are, right?" Jalter asked, folding her arms and glancing at the Empire 88 goon.

But she did note Emiya's posture and body language. She seemed confused how un-Emiya like he seemed. No sass, sarcasm or brooding. His arms came up into a shrug, his eyes staying completely open and focused on her.

"What? Did you expect me to be fatalistic and shouting shit about ideals?" He raised a brow to the Avenger, "My ego is more powerful, might just be the bit of ADHD and some of dat Tisim!" He yelled, launching forward, sword ready to strike.

As a response, Jalter immediately summoned her own weapons, her sword and her flagstaff/spear, ready to fight, "What? You wanna fight? Guess all sorts of nut jobs coulda been chosen to be a servant…" Yet he ducked under her swings and brought the flat side of his Kanshou up, a distinct 'Ping' sound of a bullet being deflected sounding out as the previously running goon had turned around and pulled out his gun.

"Woah! Calm down Jamal, don't pull out the 9!" He gave a bellyful laugh at his reference only the Avenger would understand, yet got the man to squawk in outrage of the archer calling him by his actual name. "Easy, Jalter, I know that bullet wouldn't do shit to us, but I would rather neither of us have to deal with it."

Seeing that she misunderstood and that the goon got upset made Jalter smirk as she lowered her weapons, "JAMAL? What a name for a racist white guy! But alright. You wanna go plan for all this shit somewhere?"

Emiya's swords disapeared in a small shower of light blue motes as he rolled his shoulder, "Yeah, I got a secured place," He turned and gave her a big toothy smile and a thumbs up, "Being a hero capable of producing miracles has a couple perks, too bad I need a while to recharge that." He titled on his foot to face as he started walking backwards.

"Sweet. I get to save on a hotel. Lemme guess, you're a big fan of swords and chucking them at shit?" Jalter began to follow him, beginning to banter with him, while Jamal simply stood there staring dumbly.

"There I am, barbecue sauce on my titties- Nah, I'm fuckin' with ya, anyway… Yeah, I like to chuck swords at shit, hell I had one chucked into my heart!" He jumped a little, hopping over a small rock in his path.

"How Lancer of you! I got blown up. Still never pulled sexy spear teacher. Lord knows I'd spend more quartz to pull…" Jalter huffed in annoyance, as even dying, she hadn't been able to pull Scathach.

"Ga shinda indeed." He nodded, arms crossed as he slowed and twirled again, falling in step beside her, "Question, Smash or Pass? Scathach, Irisviel, Saber and Beast Medusa." He leaned down so he was more on her level.

"That even a question? I'd smash more than half of the servants in FGO. Unquestioningly." Jalter easily answered.

"Damn, I see ya." He nodded, his eyes flicked over his shoulder for a quick second, seeing someone with dark blonde hair and mildly above average looks slowly trailing behind them. "I hope we don't meet Barghest, if we do, I might just ask for uppies… Also, we should probably astralize."

His jovial tone leaving his voice as he turned to look forward, his hands now resting in his pockets as he straightened up.

"You and a metric ton of other guys. Yeah, I got you. I'll follow after you. Shouldn't be able to touch us." Jalter replied, looking behind her with a slight smirk. Emiya nodded and jumped, his form disappearing to normal eyes as he started to sprint in the direction of the docks, the wind wasn't felt on his face, but he enjoyed being able to run like a wild free dog.

Jalter turned around, spreading her arms cockily before disappearing in front of the dirty blonde, following after the Archer, leaping from building to building on the way to the waterfront of Brockton Bay.

Emiya Jumped over what appeared to be a destroyed lot to Jalter, before phasing through the rubble. The previously destroyed building, being replaced for a moment with a grimy looking building.Jalter landed in the destroyed lot, giving a meaningful glance at the dilapidated building Emiya had led her to. Humming in thought, she walked in and appraised the interior before turning to Archer.

"You know who that was? I have somewhat of an idea." Jalter asked, her form reappearing to those who aren't servants. "If you're thinking it's Tattletale, then I agree about that. She somewhat matched the description of her I read on the wiki. Fanfic's I've read about Worm, not the actual story, at least not past the night Taylor first went out." His hands opened up a cabinet in the corner, reaching up he retrieved an old pack of cigarettes, tapping one out he offered it to the French woman.

Jalter took it, lighting the end with an offered custom knife lighter and taking a drag of it while leaning on a nearby wall, her face scrunching up from the funkiness of the cigarette smoke.

"Thanks. Though I doubt this'll even do anything now. She's the… Thinker right? The one working under Coil?" Jalter asked, still glancing over the place Emiya made home.

"Welcome to the place I claimed as my own. Surprisingly, no salty air damage to be seen." He shrugged, getting himself a cig, "I don't think this would affect any normal person well either, considering they're a couple of years outta date… But yeah, I made a checklist for this place." He pointed with his thumb to the empty white-board.

"You're quick. Alright, what are your plans? I got some, kinda. Need to get in contact with Taylor before canon first and foremost. Then we can figure out the Capes, Kaijus and, most dangerously, other Servants." Jalter stated, putting out her cigarette and taking a seat on an old couch.

"Well, Do you want my personal plans or game plan first?" Emiya gave himself a long drag before speaking up, the smoke not leaving his lungs as he talked.

"Gimme the game plan" Jalter replied.

"Alright, while I was out, I noticed it's October 2010. First and foremost, we are before the start of the story. And we have a couple options here." He let out a ring of smoke, "First plan, we let things play out and try to keep to as best of a canon as we can. Not the greatest and, the most likely to fail plan, what with servants running around and shit."

He paused, putting out his own as he walked over to the car, sitting on the closed hood. "Second plan, go to the PRT, try and help them clear house and all that. Not something I want to do. And last but not least, Plan 3. I like this the most, I call it Solid Killer. We go after Coil and usurp his shit." He let his words hang in the air, waiting for Jalter to process his words and comeback with her own valuable feedback.

"Well, one is the boring way. The hell's the point if we just stay out of everything and let shit happen? There's bound to be more Servants coming over once they realize what world we're in. Two is… Basically shackling ourselves. I agree with the third option. We can work to prevent some truly vile shit from happening. Save a kid, kill a joker rip-off, clean up the gangs. We should start fast, though, no telling when the others are coming." Jalter replied after a few seconds of thinking the options over.

"Solid Killer it is. Tattle doesn't want to be under his thumb and we have a couple options there. Option A, we have her help us with usurping his shit, considering we might be able to use his resources to create us legitimate identities. We could claim I'm his Nehpew or cousin, or some shit."

Archer proceeded to stand up and start pacing as he started to rattle off some options, "Option B, we just go the coil method and threaten her life and shit, losing us one of the most powerful Thinkers we could get on our side. Option C, we just do it ourselves. And while I might be tech-savvy, I think we should go with Option A?" He turned back to Jalter, a hand reaching out for a shake.

"We can revise some things about 'Option A' but that's our best bet if we're going to be gaining anything outta this. Like how we'll put Coil in the dirt. She knows us. Maybe thinks us pretty capable Capes. Mix that in with her resentment for Coil and we can work out a way to kill him, even with his 'Looking into other timeline' crap." Jalter agreed, shaking his hand.

"Alright, but I think we should clear up how we think some powers work. As far as I know, Coil's power is just him simulating an alternate timelines that he goes through in vivid detail, and then his power predicts which one he'll choose to stay in and autopilots him through that day."

Stepping back, he walked back to his car and popped the hood, rummaging into the car and actually checking it physically this time as he spoke. "While Lisa's power works on data she has, and extrapolates with great accuracy, right now she knows nothing except that we are capes."

"Still, that power of his makes an attack he sees coming, one he'll likely escape alive from. So when we do decide to kill him, we need at least two options we'll execute in tandem. But that can wait until after we get Tattle to need us." Jalter said, bringing her hand up to her chin to look especially thoughtful.

"I don't know if it's true or not but in some of the Fics I read he checks in on her regularly to get more info, and simulates timelines where he tortures her for the info… Meaning that if we do try to get Tattle on our side first, there is a chance he'll see us coming. I know that he should have a defunct end bringer shelter under the city, I'm fine with checking for that." Archer closed the trunk with a firm push.

"But I think for a two prong attack, one of us needs to follow him in his civilian and one in his villain personas."

"Recon, huh? My specialty. I'll stalk him in his Civvy time. I wanna see PRT facilities anyway. Then, after we get his frequent locations, we plan the hit. Cool?" Jalter asked.

"I don't think you have the Clairvoyance skill like I do, but if it's your specialty I'll let you trail him, I think the best we could do to find him first is to check for that underground base and go from there." The moonlight started to barely shine through his skylight as he walked over to one of the bay doors.

"Hm? You dunno who he is? He's in PRT. Thomas Calvert. Finding him should be easy. You have the harder task of keeping with his paranoid ass when he's in Villain mode." Jalter stood up, her clothes changing into her signature black armour and cape.

"I know who he is, but his paranoid ass has this whole plan to take over the bay the long way. He probably has plans in place for if his civilian persona gets caught." Emiya crossed his arms in front of his chest, taking a deep breath he slashed forward, his outfit changing to his signature 'Stay Night' set.

"But yeah, I get the harder one. Good enough for me, let's watch him for a day, and then kill him at midnight where ever he will be the day after."

"Bitch won't get the chance to have his civilian identity ousted. Let's fuck his shit up. We'll meet back here at one AM tomorrow." Jalter stated, beginning to move out of the dilapidated building.

"Alright, LET US START THE GAME!" Archer shouted as he astralized and dashed out the building, leaving Jalter to her own devices as he had one single thought before rushing to find the shelter.

'Oh Yeah, It's all coming together now.'

[A/N: Co-Authored by Geokit. Show some love in the comments]

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  • 世界の背景

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