
章 7: Chapter 6

Advanced chapters:


100 Stones extra chapter.

Enjoy reading.


Anna took Leon to the building of the main office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Empire, from where all law enforcement agencies were controlled. It was a large three story building with stone statues of dragons (not earth dragons) by the wide staircase of the front porch with and columns along the front.

After checking in at the guard post, Anna led the young man to the first floor. As Leon walked down the long corridor, he had a sense of deja vu - it felt as if he were in the Reich Chancellery. The building's architecture reflected the Empire's dominance and was astonishing in its size.

- Here we are. - said the girl, stopping in front of the door.

Entering the office, Anna sat down on a chair and, placing her hands on the desk, began to glare at Leon, who stood at attention in the centre of the office. The girl took out a form from her pocket and began to reread the data written by Leon. She looked at the form and at the young man for about a minute, thinking about something to herself.

- Ask. - said the girl.

- Hm?

- I see that you have questions for me. So I will repeat: I give you permission to ask.

- Why do you need me?

Leon was more interested in this question than anything else. He literally arrived in the Capital yesterday and only today came to sign up for service. Couldn't the colonel, after seeing the guy once, just take a moment to declare that Leon was joining the army under her leadership even before he officially joined.

- To put it as simply as possible... You're strong. - Anna replied, continuing to look at the form.

- With all due respect, you can't say that so easily about someone you're seeing for the first time.

- You're wrong, Leon... I can. - Anna got up from her chair and approached the young man. - You see, from a person can emanate a certain aura, and by it you can determine what kind of person stands in front of you. Not everyone can feel another's aura. But I can feel it... And do you want to know what kind of aura you have?

Leon nodded, as he was really curious. The girl possessed an extremely useful skill. The ability to learn about a person's aura, if not everything about him, then a lot - in the Gestapo for such an ability would sell their souls!

- Your aura is... if I may say so... almost tangible. Just so you know, it's very rare. And I have to ask you... how many people have you killed? - With that question, Anna began to look at Leon with a colder, more piercing gaze.

- Forgive me, but I don't remember the exact numbers. However, I can say with certainty that it is dozens, if not hundreds of times more than an ordinary fighter. - Leon answered honestly; he didn't keep count of the dead, and he wasn't sure how many people he had killed.

- You're not lying. - The girl stopped glaring at him and settled back in her chair. - If there's one thing I value most in people, it's honesty. But I suggest we get back to business. Do you agree to serve the Empire under my command? - Anna asked.

- What can I expect if I do?

- If you haven't lied about your military experience... and I can tell from your aura that you haven't... then I can pull some strings and get you promoted to officer. If you don't agree... well~ you'll serve like everyone else, from the rank of private. - the girl smirked.

- Okay... I agree. - replied the young man.

- Good. - Anna said quite contentedly. - I'll be counting on you, Leon. - said the girl, holding out her hand to him.

- And I will count on you, Anna. - said Leon, shaking hands with his new commander.


As Anna said, she pulled a lot of strings, and Leon was put before the military commission of the Empire for promotion from the rank of private to officer. However, in order to be promoted, one must pass a strength test as well as a special exam.

The strength test is a duel with a current officer of the Empire. There wasn't much to say about the duel - the officer didn't last even fifteen seconds against Leon. So he passed the test with flying colours.

In the case of the examination on disciplines - there were problems only with the humanities, but the commission turned a blind eye to it, given the fact that Leon was from the northern islands (so he wrote in the form). According to the commission, it was not strange that he did not know some things related to humanities. But in the natural and military disciplines the boy had surpassed all the expectations of the committee, scoring 100 out of 100 on the point system, which was extremely rare.

Now Leon was standing in a vast hall, and behind a table covered with a green tablecloth sat the committee that checked the results of the exam. They were making a judgement on what officer rank to give the young man. Since he had passed the examination and the disciplines (except for some) with honours and had a recommendation from Colonel Anna, he was aiming for a higher rank than senior lieutenant, as had been suggested at first.

- Leon Könich. The commission has checked all your test results and has come to a conclusion as to what rank to give you. But before that, you must take the military oath to the Empire. - addressed to the boy a man in the epaulettes of a colonel.

Leon nodded and stood at attention, one hand tucked behind his back, the other clenched into a fist and put it to his heart.

- I, Leon Könich, swear by the honour of an officer and promise before my conscience to be faithful and unfailingly loyal to the Empire as my homeland. I swear to serve it to the last drop of blood, contributing in every way to the glory and prosperity of the Empire.

A second man, wearing the epaulettes of a general, approached him. He stood in front of Leon and examined him carefully before making the announcement:

- Leon Koenich, in view of the examination you passed by the military commission, it has been decided to give you the position of captain. I hope that you will faithfully defend the Empire.


Leon was back in Anna's office. The girl was pouring champagne into glasses to congratulate her subordinate on becoming a captain.

- Congratulations on passing the exam. Captain Leon. - Anna congratulated him, handing him a glass of champagne.

- Thank you for the congratulations, but still... I got this rank thanks to you. - said Leon, accepting the glass.

- Don't be modest. Initially I thought you would pass the exam for senior lieutenant at most. But you managed to pass for captain, it's amazing!

- When you have all the right knowledge, the road gets a little but easier.

- Well said... By the way, that uniform suits you. It's like you were born in it.

Leon decided to continue to wear his SS uniform, only with the epaulettes of a captain of the Empire sewn onto it. Initially, he was offered to wear the special uniform of an Imperial officer, but the guy refused, as his uniform was closer to him.

- In a way, that's true....

- Well, I propose a toast to your future, Leon.

Leon and Anna clinked their glasses and drained them.

- I have one question, Madam Colonel... What's next?

- There's a lot of work ahead of us, Leon. You can see for yourself. - said Anna, handing the young man a folder with documents.

Leon accepted the folder and began to study the contents.

- A decree for the creation of a special military unit?

- That's right. You probably already know that a revolution is coming to the Empire.

- And the purpose of this unit is to search for and eliminate revolutionaries and their associates....

- as well as to maintain order in the Capital and its environs. - she added.

- Who ordered the creation of the unit?

- Army General Alexander Volkov. - replied Anna.

- Volkov? - Leon noticed the general's surname.

- My father. - explained the girl. - The initiative to create a special unit was mine. My father simply supported it, giving permission and a decree to establish this unit. - Anna went to the door, looking at Leon; he immediately realised that she wanted to take him somewhere again, and without any further questions the boy followed her.

After going up the stairs, Leon and Anna went to the roof, where they had a view of the city at night. The girl came to the very edge, leaning on the railing. The young man stood opposite and looked at the Capital, which at night was beautifully illuminated by the lights of lanterns and the light from the windows of the houses.

- Leon... Do you want to know what I see when I look at this city? - Anna asked seriously.

Leaning on the railing as Anna did, the boy nodded and prepared to listen.

- I see a city that is rotten to the core, Leon. I see criminals killing, robbing and raping with impunity because they gave money to the guards, who do the same. I see revolutionaries killing anyone they see as an obstacle to the fucking revolution. - Anna turned her head and looked at Leon with a stern look. - The Volkov family has served the Empire since its founding, and we are sworn to protect its peace. And I'm not just going to watch this country crumble. I'm going to wipe out all the rot and filth, no matter who gets in my way. Revolutionaries, bandits, rotten aristocrats... I'm going to destroy them all!!!! - Having firmly said these words, Anna confidently clenched her hand into a fist and looked towards the Capital. There was a sense of determination and toughness in her words, she was the kind of person who, once she had set a goal, would achieve it at any cost.

- Then I'll help you with that. - Leon said, stopping leaning on the railing.

- And you won't say anything about my goal?

- Colonel Anna, to me the oath... it's not just pretty words. I swore an oath that I would serve the Empire to the last drop of my blood and do everything for its defence and prosperity. I also gave my word that I would serve the Empire under your command. So... all I ask is that you give me my orders, Colonel Anna.

Leon stood at attention and waited for his commander's response. Anna, smiling, stood to her full height in front of the young man. She was pleased to hear these words from her subordinate, or rather adjutant, and she was glad that she had not made a mistake when she took Leon under her command.

- Follow me! Those are my orders... Captain Leon.

- That's right... Colonel Anna. - Leon replied, saluting with a smile.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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