76.92% The Temptation (RWBY) / Chapter 50: Chapter-50

章 50: Chapter-50

Yang, Blake and Ruby told him much the same as Weiss when they visited, full of tears and relief that he was okay. While things did feel a little different, their feelings for him were true and whole. Their attraction for him remained, just as it did before everything. The only difference was now they felt like they could think about things more clearly and weren't overwhelmed by it, lost in a sea of desire and lust.

Hearing it from all of them did a lot to set his mind at ease but he knew he'd still need convincing from time to time.

But then there was the issue of their pregnancies.

They also shared his worry that they might be infected like he was but they were unwilling to give them up, horrified at the thought – and so they were intent on regular tests, through science and more fantastical means. Ruby had taken to activating her silver eyes just to make sure but everything seemed normal. There was no pain, there was no reaction at all. The children growing in their wombs slumbered, unknowing.

It wasn't just Team RWBY, though. If it was, things might have been easier but the fact was that he'd gotten three other women pregnant – and that was something they all needed to confront.

Cerise, Neon and Fiona.

Cerise had visited and their discussion had gone well. Despite the fact that she was a civilian and all the talk of Grimm and infections and everything else that came with it likely went over her head, she was very understanding of the situation.

Much more than he initially realized.

When she placed his hand on her stomach, he was shocked to discover that she was already showing. You couldn't tell at a glance, her clothes covering it up but when he felt her, it was impossible to miss. Her flat stomach held a gentle curve, one that hadn't been there before.

Cerise had already known.

She was the first woman he slept with, so of course she was the one furthest along.

"Why didn't you say anything?" he asked, aghast.

She smiled at him softly, cupping his cheek gently.

"Things were complicated," she said, shrugging. "And... I'm used to being set aside."

Jaune felt sick hearing that.

"I would never," he told her, grabbing her shoulders. While he was still weakened from his ordeal, he had some measure of strength back. "After we had sex, do you remember? You asked me if I was scared of being a father."

She nodded hesitantly.

"At the time, I thought that if you actually were pregnant, that we'd made a life together, I'd take full responsibility," he kept his eyes locked on hers, unwilling to look away. "That hasn't changed, Cerise. I would never abandon a child. Not ever. Surely you know that?"

He saw his words hit their mark, her eyes filling with tears. Then she was hugging him furiously, his arms slipping around her body and holding her tight.

"Do you really mean it?" she asked, voice thick with emotion.

"Every word."

"But... what about the others?"

"I'll be there for them, as well. I won't abandon my children."

That wasn't the sort of thing a woman usually wanted to hear. That the guy that got them pregnant was also supporting a bunch of other women but it only made Cerise hug him even harder.

She'd once said that she wished he'd been the father of her children. Well – now he was; at least, for one of them. Her wish had been granted and now she was stuck with him. Son or daughter, it didn't matter. Jaune would be there for them.

While things had been sorted there, he hadn't spoken with Neon or Fiona, though. Neither one had visited him. Jaune wasn't sure if it was because they were busy or because they were furious with him, at the situation at large, or just scared of confronting the problem. Ozpin had mentioned speaking with them so they couldn't claim ignorance.

All he could do was wait and hope they came, because he wouldn't be getting out of the hospital any time soon. It was up to them to initiate contact.

His days were spent attempting to rebuild his strength. While his aura was doing a great job of healing his body, he just felt drained. A deep seeded exhaustion the likes of which he had never experienced before. Even something as simple as walking to the bathroom left him short of breath, and he needed to sit and recover after the effort.

It was maddening – and humiliating when one of the girls witnessed him in this state, even though he knew he shouldn't feel that way. They didn't think any less of him for it but he couldn't help but get into his own head over it, annoyed that he wasn't recovering faster.

The doctors continued their tests, searching for any remnants of infection but everything came back clear. They drew blood, and wheeled him in to be scanned with x-ray and MRI, but no matter what they did, they found nothing amiss. It took some convincing but he finally talked Ruby into unleashing her eyes in his presence, though to say she was reluctant was an understatement.

"We have to be sure," he told her.

But Jaune had underestimated how much it had affected her, him being here, almost dying because she'd used her silver eyes in the fight against Cinder. It wasn't her fault, he didn't blame her a single bit but she thought differently.

"What if there is something left," Ruby said stubbornly. "You'll be hurt!"

"If there is something, we need to know," he reasoned. "That Grimm was dangerous, Ruby. She did this to me for a reason, one we don't know of yet. We can't let any of those things that were in my body survive. You're the only one I can turn to for this."

Ruby glared at him. "You almost died ," she pointed at him. "And you want me to do that again ?"

"Please, Ruby. There is no one else."

She'd been willing to use them on herself and her teammates, on the off chance something was wrong with their growing children, but doing it to him seemed like a bridge too far. Every visit turned into an argument with Ruby stomping off, annoyed that he wouldn't drop it, while Jaune felt frustrated at the situation.

When she finally agreed, she didn't visit him for a few days afterwards, furious that she'd caved to his demands. Thankfully, when she blasted him with her eyes, nothing happened, meaning that all of the infection had been driven from his body the first time.

Yang needled him about being an insensitive jerk whenever she could, though the blonde understood and even agreed that he did the right thing.

"She'll get over it," she said, placing a new vase of flowers by his bedside. Whenever she visited, she always made sure to bring a new bouquet to liven up the room. Jaune never pegged Yang for the flower type. "It was just... rough, seeing you like that. The way you screamed..." she paused, as if living the moment over again. "It wasn't nice, you know?"

Jaune felt like shit.

"I didn't mean to hurt her."

"I know," Yang smiled, lilac eyes soft. "She knows, as well. You're just worried."

"I..." he struggled to find the words. "I just want to be me, you know?"

She nodded, running her fingers through his short hair. Feeling her nails lightly raking across his scalp was soothing and his eyes slipped closed, relishing the contact. Yang continued this for some time, hand curling around the back of his head and caressing his neck.

"I'd feel the same in your position," Yang said gently and when he opened his eyes, her face was right in front of him. There was so much affection, so much love in her eyes that he was struck breathless at the sight of it. "I know you're worried still but you don't need to be, okay?" she leaned in and pecked him on the lips, a chaste kiss that made his mouth tingle. "We've told you, right? We love you. We love you – because of who you are, and not because of that Grimm."

"I know," he said quietly.

Yang kissed him again, a little more forcefully. She cupped his jaw, slipping her silken tongue into his mouth and tasting him. Jaune moved eagerly in response, meeting her tongue with his, stroking it, sucking on it until Yang was panting hotly into his mouth. Wet smacks sounded as they grew increasingly heated, their lips glossy with saliva, reddened by the delicious friction. He may have been weakened but he felt his cock surge to life, swelling beneath his hospital gown. When Yang pulled away, she immediately saw the massive tent he was pitching.

He saw her pupils widen, eyes dark. A tongue darted out across her bottom lip, a look of hunger etched on her face.

Jaune knew that in this moment, it was all him. Her desire was all him.

"Want me to help you with that?" she asked coyly.

But before he could say yes, a nurse bustled in and ruined the moment. Yang looked peeved, her nipples aggressively poking through her orange tank top, showing that she was just as turned on as he was but there was nothing they could do.

"Guess I'll have to take a rain check," he quipped.

Yang didn't think that was very funny and flicked his erection with a finger, though not hard enough to cause any pain. Jaune hastily pulled a blanket across his lap so the nurse couldn't see it.

"Blue halls it is, then," she said, almost too loud. Thankfully the nurse didn't hear it. She smirked at his disgruntled face. "Maybe next time."

Between visits, there wasn't much for him to do. When he wasn't undergoing tests, he was left to his own devices but because of his lackluster stamina, he couldn't even leave his room without some type of assistance. He'd used a wheelchair a couple of times when he'd been feeling the full effects of cabin fever and desperately needed some outdoor time but it wasn't something he was keen on using.

There was a television in his room but daytime tv was a horrible torture that no man should ever undergo. He tried – and then never again, only lasting half an hour before he gave up. Jaune couldn't even remember the last time he'd ever sat down and watched something that wasn't a news report, or something to do with the election when that was in full swing.

Sometime at Beacon, probably.

That was his life.

So Blake brought him books.

"Here you go," she grinned happily, placing a stack on his bedside table. "I picked a wide selection of themes so you wouldn't get bored reading the same thing over and over again. I hope you like them."

Jaune could see that she was excited to be sharing one of her hobbies with him and if he was being truthful, Blake had pretty good taste. At least when it came to regular, run of the mill books. There was everything from crime thrillers to fantasy, sci-fi and more. Variety was the spice of life, as they say.

And then there were those other ones.

Blake's true passion.

Smut. All the smut.

Jaune peered at the stack for a moment, reading through the titles on the spines. At the bottom, one of the books was turned the other way around so he couldn't see what it was called and so naturally, he grabbed that one. Blake flushed prettily as he turned it over and snickered, seeing the familiar title.

"Ninjas of Love, huh," Jaune shot her an amused look. "Giving me the classics now."

Blake fiddled with her fingers. "I thought you might like to read it. It's one of my favorites."

He could tell just by looking at it that it was well worn and read, but this can't have been the same copy she had at Beacon. When Blake had vanished after the fighting had ceased, she'd left all of her possessions behind, taking only what she'd already been wearing and what she'd been carrying. Jaune knew that because he'd helped clear out Team RWBY's dorm room while Yang was coping with the loss of her arm and Ruby was still in her coma. Only Weiss had been able to collect her things when her father flew halfway across the world to force her back into her gilded cage.

So this was a new copy, and yet so worn. She really loved this series, didn't she?

Jaune opened it up to a random page and read, and snickered.

"What?" Blake asked defensively.

Jaune began reading the passage.

"Kimiko's hot sex throbbed in delight at the prospect before her. She knew that Shen was the enemy, the greatest warrior of the Shibuya Clan – and yet she felt no fear, even restrained as she was. She was completely vulnerable, stripped of her weapons, her clothing, arms bound and legs carefully pried apart – and yet her heart thudded not in trepidation but excitement, spread out with nothing to hide, her fit, athletic body on total display. She could not see Shen's face beyond the mask he wore but could feel his eyes on her, raking across her skin like a lover's caress..."

Blake reached forward and snapped the book shut, almost jamming his fingers. "You don't have to read it out loud!"

He laughed and she scowled, prodding him none too gently on the shoulder.

"It seems interesting," he tried to placate her. "Do you like this type of thing?"

She frowned at him. "What do you mean? Of course I do."

"No, no – I mean, like – what is happening to her," he tapped a finger against the book, thinking. "Like... being tied up. Restrained. That sort of thing."

Blake's face morphed into one of surprise and supreme mortification. The cat faunus stuttered, a denial on her lips before he grabbed her hands gently, lacing his fingers with hers.

"Hey," he said, stopping her cold. "There is nothing wrong with that. If you want to... play out a fantasy. We've already done some pretty crazy things already, right?"

Not only had they had a threesome but he'd also taken her in front of her entire team, and vice versa. She'd watched him fuck Ruby, fuck Weiss, fuck Yang in front of her eyes before taking her, cock slick with the essence of three other women. What was a little bondage compared to that?

She nodded hesitantly.

"You don't think it's weird?"

Jaune shook his head. "No. Why would I?"

Blake opened her mouth and then closed it again, struggling.

"I dedicated my entire life to breaking the bonds of oppression, fighting for equality between humans and faunus," she finally said. "Isn't it... strange that I want to do something like that... where I'm restrained by you like a – a pet, or a slave, or the spoils of war..."

Jaune blinked. "Er – I never really thought about it like that."

That was... a weird connection to make, if he was being honest with himself.

She also looked oddly excited, a healthy red hue spreading across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Amber eyes glassy, she peered at him in askance, waiting for his response.

"I mean this is this and that is that," he shrugged. "Just because you want to try things like that doesn't mean you actually support this stuff happening in reality. It doesn't make you a hypocrite, Blake. It's just a kink."

She nodded slowly.

"So... maybe when you are out, we could do something like this?" she asked uncertainly.

Jaune imagined her stretched out, arms bound, legs spread and tied so she couldn't close them. Her pretty pussy on display for him, her puffy outer labia swollen with her arousal. Her pink clitoris, begging for attention, her tight hole leaking her syrup all over the bed.

He cleared his throat. His imagination was still as healthy as ever.

"Yeah, if you want," he told her. "I'd be happy to."

She was happy to hear that and for the next hour, they didn't get much talking done. The taste of her lips lingered for the rest of the day as they made-out like a pair of horny teenagers, though they didn't cross the line beyond some enthusiastic touching.

Ruby eventually began visiting again and Jaune made sure to make it up to her. She was still a bit mad at him but she couldn't resist his hugs.

Where Blake gave him books, Ruby gifted him comics.

They'd spend hours just reading the newest editions of whatever she could get her hands on. While Atlas was several months behind because of the embargo that had been in place for so long, keeping unessential trade to the very minimum, Jaune hadn't read anything in a long time. They both had lots of catching up to do so they didn't lack in content to consume.

She also brought him music.

Ruby snuggled against his chest, seated between his legs while he sat against the headboard for his hospital bed. A comic lay spread on her thighs, open to an illustration of a battle while the high tempo beats of an electronic song pounded through the ear buds they both shared. Having her warmth against him, her small, toned body flush with his front was wonderful. With every breath, he inhaled her scent, that mix of strawberry and vanilla, wanting him to chase more.

When his nose tickled the shell of her ear, Ruby squirmed, releasing a giggle as she hunched up.

"What do you think you're doing, buster," she chided him, wiggling her butt. Their position meant it was pressed right against his crotch and Jaune swelled rapidly in response, hard against her rear.

"You smell nice," he told her, leaning down, lips ghosting over her nape. She shivered, her hands falling to his legs.

"Your cock is poking me."

"It's happy to see you."

She giggled again, turning her head to peck him on the jaw. He returned the favor by kissing her cheek, her nose, and then claiming her lips gently.

"We should come up with some names," she said after he pulled away.

Jaune blinked at her. "What?"

Silver eyes rolled playfully. "For our baby, silly. We need a name."


He'd been so caught up in the possibility of being a father several times over that he hadn't even thought about things such as names. But this is what prospective parents did, right? Discuss names and hold baby showers, or what was that new thing everyone was into these days? Gender reveal parties?

Yeah, they didn't have to go that far.

They didn't even know if it was going to be a girl or boy yet – or, Gods blessing, if there was going to be more than one. His family had a penchant for twins. The sisters closest in age to him were twins, and his father had a twin brother that had died young in a freak accident. Even on his mothers side, she had twin cousins who they themselves had twin daughters.

There was a good possibility that Ruby or some of the others were carrying more than one child. Cerise, in particular – she already had twin daughters!

"Have you thought of anything?" he asked and she shrugged.

"A few – but I want to hear your ideas first."

It wasn't an easy thing to do. Picking a name that would go on and be used for the rest of somebody's life. It was important.

Jaune tightened his arms around Ruby's waist as he thought, resting his cheek atop her head. Symbolic names were always nice, something that would remind them of better times, be they in the past or those still to come. Something bright and warm, something hopeful. These were dark times, after all, but they were getting through it. They often said that it was always darkest before the...

"Dawn," he whispered. "How about Dawn?"

Ruby hummed. "I like it."

If it was a girl, then Dawn would be her name.

"Now what if it's a boy?"

If Jaune was anything like his father, that meant the chances of having a boy were about 1 in 8. He snickered, just thinking about it. What if he had all daughters? That was a daunting prospect.

"How about you pick that one?"

Ruby thought about it, playing with his hands. Her small, dexterous fingers twined with his own, her thumb stroking his knuckles lovingly. Turning his head, he rested his forehead against the back of her neck.

"How about Sun?" she finally asked.

Sun and Dawn. It was a nice combination.

Jaune grinned. "I think we have a friend who would be very pleased to hear that."

"Well – he should!" Ruby exclaimed. "He should feel honored and – and things . It isn't every person who shares a name with our child, after all."

She was trying to sound haughty, sound all Weiss-y as she liked to put it. She wasn't very good at it. Ruby didn't have a haughty bone in her body.

"I like it," he said, kissing her neck.

He would have to have this conversation with the others. There were... a lot of names to pick out, weren' t there?

Whenever Weiss visited him, she had taken to mothering him. Ordinarily, it would have been a tad annoying to have someone treat him like a cripple but Jaune knew that she was overcompensating in her worry. It was also amazing, watching Weiss fuss over him relentlessly.

If only their past selves could see them now. They'd be speechless.

She did have a tendency to take it overboard, though.

"I can wash myself, you know?" he told her, thoroughly amused as she followed him into the adjoining bathroom. There was a toilet, a sink with a full wall mirror and a very large open shower, equipped with hand rails for those that struggled to stand, a seat to sit on, and a fully adjustable shower head.

"Rubbish," Weiss chided him at once. "You can barely stand for more than a handful of minutes. Now get out of that gown and sit down."

He wasn't complaining.

Truth be told, bossy Weiss was a bit of a turn on.

While Jaune had been doing this himself just fine in recent days, he was more than willing to allow Weiss to lend a hand. Reaching back to undo his gown, he removed it and hung it by the door. His body was no longer bandaged on account of his wounds having sealed closed due to his aura, leaving him in pristine condition – at least, in appearance.

He still couldn't move around a lot without feeling like he wanted to sleep for a week afterwards.

Weiss followed him with her eyes as he lowered himself down onto the seat, positioned in the middle of the shower. When he caught her looking, he shot her a smile – one she returned with an arched eyebrow.

"Don't get any ideas," she told him seriously. "I'm just washing you."

Jaune smirked. "I wouldn't dream of it."

She sniffed. "Good."

And then she began undressing herself.

As the toned, pale plains of her svelte body were revealed to his eyes, he couldn't help his reaction to such a beautiful, breathtaking sight. His cock twitched as she peeled her sweatpants down her legs, her pert ass stretching as she bent over in front of him. Nestled between those delectable cheeks was her panty-clad mound, her plump lips bulging against the material, a stipe of white cotton all that shielded her modesty. When she pulled off her top, Jaune devoured her muscular back and was quickly at half-mast when she turned to face him, her little breasts cupped by a cute white bra.

Weiss spotted his new problem immediately.

"Tsk," she clucked her tongue. "Already? It appears you are quite pent up."

What he would give for the energy to stand up and scoop her small body into his arms, and power fuck her against the wall until his hips gave out. Jaune doubted he'd get more than a few thrusts in before collapsing.

"What can I say? This is what you do to me."

Weiss stared at his half-erection before slowly reaching back and unhooking her bra. It slid down, her perky tits greeting him with upturned, pink nipples.

"There it goes," she said, watching as his dick throbbed and grew. "Mm – I don't care how big it gets, we're here for me to wash you. That's it."

Why were her panties so sticky, then?

Jaune groaned as she pulled them off, a very visible strand of her essence stretching between her smooth, hairless cunt and the crotch of her underwear. She folded all her clothes neatly and set them aside, bending at the waist once again and now giving him a perfect, unobstructed view of her plump vulva squashed between her shapely thighs and ass, the cutest slice of pink running down the middle.

He was very quickly at full mast after that.

His cock stood up against his belly, flexing. Weiss saw it and bit her lip, her pale cheeks becoming rosy.

"You cut that out, right now," she told him. "Don't think that just because you wave that thing around, I'm going to give in."

Weiss might have been pregnant with his child but she wasn't at the point that she was showing. Unlike Cerise whose belly was curved, her stomach was still flat and toned. Jaune watched as she approached, eyes roaming up and down her magnificent body. She placed a hand on his shoulder as she walked around him until she was out of sight, and then Jaune heard the sound of water spraying from the adjustable shower head.

"Ack!" Jaune tensed as cold water sprayed his back, almost jerking out of the chair. "Too cold!"

Weiss giggled.

"Don't be a baby."

She was being very playful, wasn't she? The next time she sprayed him, he jumped in reflex but the water was now warm. Water poured over his shoulders and neck, and down his front. Soon steam filled the room as she held it over his head, making sure he was completely soaked and ready for what was to come.

The shampoo and body wash was very generic, all brandless and probably cheap, the hospital purchasing in bulk. They both had a mild peachy scent but it did the job. When Weiss began lathering shampoo through his hair, Jaune tilted his head back slightly and let her get to work. It felt really good, having her fingers massaging his scalp, threading through his hair as she worked up a good froth. It wasn't the first time they'd showered together but the situation felt even more intimate than that time.

Maybe because she was looking after him? As a wife might look after a husband.

Once that thought lodged itself in his brain, it refused to leave.

After rinsing his hair until no more suds remained, she began on his body. Wielding a sponge, she lathered him from head to toe, starting at his neck and working her way across his shoulders, down his arms and under his pits, along his back and around his chest and stomach. She was incredibly thorough, caressing him with both hand and sponge, her small, perky breasts occasionally touching his skin.

She then moved around in front of him and his breath caught, seeing her pale, blemish free skin shimmering wetly. Weiss knelt in front of him and his cock pulsed in excitement, but it was ignored in favor of his thighs and the rest of his legs, her hands curling around the backs of his knees and scrubbing carefully.

Her expression was one of love, those icy eyes inflamed.

"Stand up," she said and he did as he was told. His length jutted out lewdly but still she didn't touch it, reaching behind to scrub his butt before finally lathering his balls.

"Mm, these look fit to burst," she commented cheekily, peering up at through wet lashes. His cock jumped at the sight and a thick bead of pre-cum oozed from the tip. "Look! They're already leaking."

She placed a hand on his belly and made him sit before giving his shaft her entire, undivided attention.

"I suppose I better clean this big thing," she said as if it was a bother. Reaching for the bottle of body wash, she didn't bother with the sponge any longer, squirting it directly onto her hands and rubbing it together. "If I don't, it'll just make a mess of itself, right? Honestly."

She rolled her eyes cutely before wrapping one slick hand around the base of him. Jaune couldn't remember the last time he was quite this hard just from a little bit of teasing alone and Weiss certainly noticed, arching an eyebrow in amusement.

"You really are pent up," she cooed, her other hand grabbing higher, encircling his cock just below his glans. His length trembled in her loose hold, relishing the contact, looking positively enormous against her dainty hands. "It's been a while, hasn't it? A week? A little more? The nurses haven't been taking care of this, have they?"

A hint of possessiveness entered her voice.

"Of course not," he told her.

"They better not have," Weiss slowly began to stoke it up and down, the lubrication thick. Her hands glided up and down effortlessly, the body wash lathering up on his turgid erection. Whenever she squeezed him, the veins along his shaft bulged. "What about the others? Blake? Yang? Ruby?"

He shook his head.

"Kisses," he told her breathlessly. "Touching. Nothing else."

"I'm the first, then," she said happily, curling her hand over the tip and giving his head a twist. Pleasure shivered down his cock and settled in his balls, his testicles tightening wonderfully as heat unfurled in his belly. Slender fingers plucked at his crown, tickling the underside of the ridge. "I'll make sure to take real good care of you. You will be the cleanest patient here at the hospital."

Weiss looked extremely cute, her eyes focused on his dick as she leisurely jerked him off under the guise of cleaning. Her bottom hand was tight around his shaft, her small thumb pressing insistently on the thick root on the underside while her other hand was light and fast, swirling around his glans, pumping up and down in quick jerks. Her little tits shook with her movements, her nipples hard and pointed. He wanted to reach out and touch her, and so he did.

One of his hands settled on her head, threading through her wet hair. Weiss shot him a scorching hot look and preened, tilting her head back slightly so he could cup and stroke her cheek. When she turned her head slightly and kissed his palm, his dick throbbed mightily.

"Wow, it's getting bigger," she marveled, tickling his frenulum with focused attention. The sharp sensation caused his cock head to flare, pleasure pooling in his stomach as his loins tightened much faster than usual, his climax building fast. "Are you going to cum already ? I'm just washing you, you cad. Why are you going to shoot your hot, thick load? Honestly, can't you control yourself?"

"No," he said, voice thick with lust. "Not with you, I can't."

Weiss bit her lip. "You poor thing. You went from fucking four beautiful, young pussies whenever you wanted to having nothing for a whole week. Fiiine. I suppose you can cum if you want."

Her hands quickened, twisting in opposite directions. Jaune groaned as he felt himself drawing closer, cock straining against her grip as she pointed it directly at her face.

"Come on, then," she panted excitedly, pumping him furiously. The hand curled around the lower half slipped lower and grabbed his aching balls, squeezing them firmly. "Give it to me. Show me how much you love me."

His cum churned at her words and it took only a few more firm pumps of her hand, strangling his glans in pleasure before he felt that tight knot unravel. He sighed in bliss as his length jerked, flexing powerfully as the first rope of semen blasted from the tip in a heavy, sudden blast. Weiss flinched and let out a startled moan as it struck her cheek, painting her face in a long stripe. Two, three, four, five, six – it kept coming, an endless stream of cum firing from his heaving shaft. Thick streams of potent sperm shot from the tip, coating her face as she closed her eyes and took it across her lips, her nose and even higher, his ejaculation so strong that it carried up over her forehead, into her hair and even beyond, clearing her face entirely.

"Oh," Weiss said breathlessly every time his dick throbbed in her grasp. "Oh, oh~! Oh~!"

On and on it went, his balls pumping his pent up load, the pleasure rendering him senseless. He could feel how much thicker it was after a week or more of no activity, the sensation of it rocketing up his shaft mind numbing. Weiss continued to jerk him off, keeping his orgasm rolling with skilled hands until finally the last few shots ended up gushing across her neck and chest.

Jaune blinked rapidly, his vision slightly blurred from such a healthy, powerful nut. He felt winded – and yet strangely, he felt stronger. Invigorated.

It was a familiar feeling – and one he never expected to feel again.

"It's so hot ," Weiss groaned, releasing his cock. It continued to pulse and dribble between his legs, a long, sticky strand dangling from the end and when he looked down at her, he saw that her face was entirely covered in his cum, drenched from hair to chin. Her fingers played with it, her eyes still closed in protection, swirling it around. "Mmm – it feels even thicker than normal. You really were desperate to cum, weren't you?"

Her tongue darted out and tasted it, her petite body shivering.

Then she pouted. "I can't open my eyes or it'll get in them."

Jaune smirked. "I guess I can wash you. If you ask nicely."

Turnabout was fair play, right?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C50
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


