88.23% Dark Mage's Ascension / Chapter 14: Street Scuffle

章 14: Street Scuffle

Few months later-

In a large community full of mansions, a 12-year-old boy ran into the courtyard of a specific mansion while panting heavily.

"Sir Clovis! Help us, sir Clovis!" The boy shouted as he approached Clovis who was practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard.

"What's the matter Charlie?" Clovis asked, wiping his muscular sweaty body with a towel. Despite his calm response as expected of a knight square, Clovis' eyes revealed concern.

This boy Charlie was one of Ciara's bastard sons. Ciara had mostly birthed girls who had all been given away as sex slaves. The boys remained as servants or pages in the Ironclaw household.

"Diana got into a fight with some mages in the market! She was trying to defend a commoner's rights. She's done for if you don't save her! Please hurry!" Charlie implored frantically.

Clovis immediately donned a golden shirt, skirt & boots, and without any armor he rushed out on his horse with Charlie.


In a wide street in the marketplace, a fight had been going on.

"Wind Needles!" A few mage boys shouted, casting a spell. Transparent wind needles struck towards their target- a short haired blonde girl.

Srrrt! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! The girl rotated her sword rapidly, deflecting the wind needles. She sprinted forth and kicked a boy in the chest, flinging him away and spun to hack at another, but a burst of wind tossed her backwards and she fell with a roll.

Getting up, she panted, making her huge plump breasts heave up and down. This gorgeous girl had short blonde hair, a beautiful roundish face with a decent nose and puffy lips. Her breasts were almost massive! Along with her wide hips, they created an hourglass figure.

Her attire consisted of golden colored metallic shoulder plates, gloves and boots, matching with a golden mini skirt that barely reached below her crotch, revealing her golden panty. Her breasts were barely contained in a golden tunic corset.

Sweat drops trickled down her deep cleavage as she panted. She had been fighting these mage apprentices since a while but to no avail. She had dashingly picked a fight with them when she had seen them manhandling a commoner saleswoman, refusing to pay for her goods; but now unable to defeat them, this girl felt flustered.

"Hiya!" She sprinted again with new courage and hacked at a mage using a qi move. Her sword glistened with red qi.

"Wind barrier!" The mage boy defended himself while his friends spread out, encircling her.

"Wind Slash!" "Unbind!" "Weaken!" Different spells were cast at her from all sides. She dodged some but was struck by others. Her shoulder plates fell down, along with her corset and skirt, leaving her only in her golden underwear. She also felt her qi level dipping down greatly. Defeat was close at hand!

"Cowards! I will not be defeated by you!" She shouted.


Soon Clovis reached the street where the scuffle was going on. He was immediately incensed when he saw Diana bashed up and half-naked!

"Haha! Wimp. How dare you mess with us?" One of the apprentices shouted, slapping Diana's cheek, leaving a handprint.

Sstak! "Ahhn!" Diana screamed. She had apparently been defeated!

"We'll fuck you up real bad hehehe!" A boy groped her large breasts, making her moan.

"Heheh, let's rape her publicly and impregnate her!" These apprentices spouted vile intentions and cackled as they molested the blonde girl Diana.

"There she is! Save her!" Charlie said to Clovis who had been standing frozen at a distance behind a wall.

"Uhh…l-let's wait a while. I must ascertain their prowess. A knight should calculate his enemies' strengths before battling, to beat them quicker." Clovis said.

But in truth he was merely stalling because he was feeling horny! The cock-cage hidden inside his underwear was glowing golden. Clovis slid his hand up his skirt and caressed his caged penis, unable to stroke it. His cuckoldry had obviously increased since the time he got himself a magical cock-cage. He had even begun to wear skirts.

Although many knights sported skirts for the freedom of movement in combat, Clovis wore it subconsciously to add another layer of humiliation to himself when committing cuckoldry.

"Ohh Diana…" Clovis sighed and panted as his heartbeat escalated watching his daughter get molested. This girl Diana was actually his daughter borne off Ciara, and her growth was boosted by a royal mage who fucked Ciara's vagina as payment for his service.

Diana was then given worldly knowledge speedily with the aid of more magic. The payment was again, her mother's body.

As unfortunate as it was, Clovis had become a cuckold over the past few months and had been sharing his woman with other men. He did it to cultivate his qi faster and thus had been getting stronger by leaps and bounds!

Now watching his daughter get molested gave him a sexual rush. Although Diana was his child, Carl had little parental feelings towards her. Diana too took to calling him by his name and treating as a friend, as otherwise would be awkward, given their similar ages.

Diana was trained by Ironclaw, same as Clovis, and Astra, but she was weak. Her qi was of a lesser quality and her talent in combat was average. But Ironclaw entertained her because of her sexual appeal as she had inherited her mother Ciara's curves. No doubt Ironclaw intended to use her body at a later date.

"Ahhnn…ahnnn! Let me go, you wretches!" Diana moaned as the boys began groping her breasts, hips and kissing her neck and cleavage. A boy ran his hand speedily over her pussy, making it wet!

"Sir Clovis, they are going to rape her!" Charlie reminded Clovis in frustration.

"J-just a minute!" Clovis gulped.

"I know you're a cuckold but this is no time for it!" Charlie shouted, hurting his ego at once.

Swoosh! Clovis dashed ahead immediately and landed in front of the young mages.

"Halt! Unhand her at once!" He demanded.

"Oh? Who are you? Her brother?" A mage apprentice asked. "Judging from the symbol on your sleeve, you must be a knight squire." A mage apprentice said looking at Clovis up and down. This boy seemed to be the leader of this little gang.

"Clovis!" Diana exclaimed. "These boys were picking on a commoner saleswoman and not paying for her goods. They even molested her! We must give them a taste of justice!" Diana shouted.

"Hah? Little slut sure has guts! Mages are the top class of the society. How dare a knight runt like you slander us?" The gangleader groped Diana's breast hard.

"Ahhnn…!" Diana screamed erotically and Clovis almost burst his load.

In Urukna, there had always been a power struggle between knights and mages. These two classes often clashed, harmed and insulted each other. Ever since the Priestess' fall, mages had suffered a huge dip in reputation. This made them salty and volatile. The fights between the two classes had thus since escalated.

Clovis hadn't expected his daughter to initiate one such conflict, but it was actually only a matter of time. She took after him, having a deep sense of justice. Naturally she would not sit back when injustice prevailed.

Clovis gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, summoning his anger. He glared at this mage apprentice.

"You look like you wanna start something. Do you want to fight us, knight squire? Rescue this girl?" A mage apprentice jeered.

"Come on, let's see how strong you are. Your swordsmanship versus our magic!" Another one challenged.

Clovis took a deep breath and sighed. "You're not worthy of facing my sword. Lowly bullies such as you deserve to be slapped instead!" Clovis leapt forward!

"Incinerate!" The gangleader shouted, aiming his staff towards Clovis and shot flames at him, but Clovis jumped away agilely and sprinted, flanking his other opponents.

They all started hurling all sorts of magic spells towards him but Clovis was quick-footed and easily dodged them. He often left a yellow light trail behind him as he moved by exuding yellow qi. It was quite a nice scene to behold for the spectators who had been drawn to this scuffle.

Soon Clovis was right in the middle of this little gang. They would no longer casually cast magic spells to avoid crossfire. And so, they were forced to use their magic staffs as sticks to fight Clovis physically.

Foolishness. Profound foolishness!

Bam! Bam! Thwok! Clovis used his forearms to block & parry their attacks & kicked the minions away before approaching the leader and raising his hand up.

Staak!! A loud slap echoed and the boy was flung away from. He fell and skidded several meters before stopping in an awkward pose.

"....." At once silence befell the street.

A knight had sent a mage flying with just a slap! This would initiate a wildfire of gossip! It would become an example for the knights to taunt mages with!

"Justice…doesn't distinguish between classes and titles. You mess with justice; it will slap you down!" Clovis said coolly.

"Clovis! You're amazing!" Diana leapt at him and hugged him tightly.

Clovis smiled and stroked her back smilingly. At this point he felt a sexual attraction towards her, now that she was basically naked and clinging to him. Quickly, he restrained himself and said, "Go to the mansion with Charlie and wait for me there."

"No, I won't leave you behind." Diana shook her head.

At this moment, Clovis suddenly felt goosebumps. His intuition kicked in and he quickly thrust Diana away while drawing large amounts of his qi to defend himself.

Bwooosh! An intense flame of yellow fire attacked Clovis and engulfed him entirely.

"Hahaha! Die, you bastard!" The gangleader shouted. He had a vicious ugly smile on his swollen face. His round cheek had a red handprint on it.

"Clovis! Hang on!" Diana exclaimed and leapt to aid him but the other mage apprentices surrounded her and started hurling spells at her. She was barely able to protect herself with her remaining qi.

Meanwhile the leader frowned as even under the continuous flare, Clovis stood up and jumped, sprinting left and right & coming towards him!

But other mage apprentices were not going to watch on the sidelines. Some of them separated from Diana to help their leader, and attacked Clovis with different spells.

Fire crackled, magic whips lashed, vines grew on the ground to grab Clovis' feet but he used his sword to cut down what he could and used his qi as an armor to defend himself against the other spells. Meanwhile Diana was able to hold her ground barely better with lesser opponents.

Swoosh! Swish! Bam! Clovis moved quickly and attacked many mage apprentices but others retreated and fired spells from a distance. Clovis' qi armor had already thinned by now.

"Just one hit! I'll knock out the leader at least!" Clovis shouted in his mind and rushed at his target.

"Freeze!" A minion coincidently managed to hit Clovis with a spell, freezing his feet in thick ice. Clovis fell face first on the ground and was immediately attacked by fire.

"Incinerate!" The gangleader shouted.

"Damn it! It's my defeat…!" Clovis winced inwardly as his qi dissipated and his clothes caught fire and then his skin began to burn, causing an agonizing pain that Clovis endured with steely determination!

"Noo!" Diana shouted, rushing towards Clovis and was immediately bombarded with wind spells that cut deep scars on her body and even ripped her panty and bra to shreds, rendering her fully naked!

A boy grabbed her from behind, locking her arms, another boy hit her with a spell that made her utterly weak.

"Hehe, watch your friend get burnt to ashes, bitch! And then we'll have fun with you." A said in Diana's ear while humping her big hips.

"Ugh…please do what you want with me but spare Clovis!" Diana begged.

"You are in no position to make demands. We will do whatever we want with you and him hehehe!" The boys chuckled.

Suddenly multicolored lights struck Clovis, and the melting ice on his feet solidified again and even rapidly spread, covering up his body entirely, snuffing out the flames and melting off in the process, leaving Clovis released of both spells.

Clovis's burns weren't too bad. He would heal after some treatment. He blinked in surprise and so did his opponents, looking for the mage who had saved Clovis.

A teenage boy walked into everyone's sight. He was wearing rich merchant-type attire. He had black messy hairs, a strong nose and he looked dashingly handsome with a dangerous set of deep black eyes.

"Do you need a boost in qi, knight?" This boy asked Clovis.

"Yes, I could use some." Clovis admitted as he realized that this person was on his side despite being a mage.

"Boost!" The black-haired boy shot a beam of multicolored lights at Clovis.

Bwoosh! Clovis' qi flared up and a thick yellow layer of it stacked upon his body as an armor. This was a huge boost! Clovis felt three times stronger than before!

"Round two…" Clovis snarled at the gangleader.

"Fuck! Incinerate!" The villain hurled his spell at Clovis but the intense flames could not get past the qi armor.

Swooosh! Clovis leapt and kicked him in the sternum, flinging him several feet away again where he lost consciousness after retching and choking a few times. His friends followed in his footsteps as Clovis made quick-work of them all, but the last one was tricky.

"Stay back! Or I'll kill this girl!" The last mage apprentice said, gripping Diana's throat from behind. Clovis took several steps intimidatingly as a bluff and it worked. The cowardly boy gulped and thought of a different threat rapidly.

"I-I will deflower her! Heheh, look at her sweet virgin pussy!" The boy spread open Diana's vagina, showing her intact hymen. Diana whimpered in embarrassment. She then felt a throbbing penis sliding against it and her eyes widened with shock.

"No…!" She uttered.

"…" Clovis hesitated. He didn't want Diana to be deflowered by a jackass. But then his penis turned erect and began to hurt, confined by the cock-cage. The cuckoldry in him activated, granting him sexual pleasure as he watched his daughter get molested.

Slish-slish-slish… The penis moved back and forth against Diana's vagina, turning her on.

"Ahhn…mmmh…S-stop, please!" She begged. This was not how she had imagined her first-time to be. Out in the marketplace, witnessed by numerous people!

Clovis gulped and watched on. Part of him, at that moment, wanted Diana to get fucked! The idea of being forced to watch his sexy daughter's rape excited him!

"Damn it, get a grip!" Clovis scolded himself inwardly.

"That indeed is the sweetest pussy I've ever seen." The Black-haired boy smirked. "And the most beautiful girl I've laid my eyes upon. It'd be a pity for her to be ravished by scum like you. She deserves better. She deserves to be fucked like a queen."

"Hmph! She can be the queen of prostitutes! I'll deflower her right now!" The mage apprentice adjusted his penis on Diana's vagina and pushed!

"AHH!!" He screamed immediately as a terrible pain assaulted his balls!

Caw! Caw! There was a black crow chewing his balls with its harsh beak, flapping between the legs.

"Ahh! Ahh! Fuck!" The boy retreated.

Swoosh! Clovis appeared before him and punched his nose in, knocking him out. The crow disappeared. It was apparently a familiar summoned by the black-haired boy.

Diana fell forward as her strength had seeped out due to the spells. The black-haired boy caught her gently and smiled.

"Looking up close, a girl as beautiful as you is made for loving, not fucking." He whispered. Diana blushed at her benefactor's words. "But I'd love to do both to you." The boy's hands caressed Diana's naked body, soothing her scars and eventually squeezing her big hips. She panted against his chest, overcome by this sudden burst of lust and passion in her.

Clovis watched silently. His penis was still oozing with sexual power, giving him great pleasure! He allowed their benefactors to take full advantage of his daughter!

Diana's heart was beating wildly. She had never felt this way before. "This…what is this feeling?" She wondered, gazing at the handsome boy who had rescued her. His touch felt great, soothing, lusty.

"Ehem, thank you for helping us." Clovis finally intervened and thanked this stranger.

"Don't mention it. I hate bullies." The boy said smilingly, supporting Diana by the waist. He cared not to cover her, and kept caressing her hip as if she were his woman. Diana blushed, letting him take advantage of her and Clovis allowed it silently. They were all feeling horny!

"I'm Clovis. Squire of the renowned knight- Sir Ironclaw," Clovis introduced himself.

"I'm Riner." Carl said.

Yes, this boy was none other than Carl!

He still sported black messy hairs but his face had been transformed by magic! As to what he was doing there in the capital with a new identity…

"Halt! What are you doing?!" Suddenly a voice roared. A middle-aged mage flew down on a broom from the sky while glaring at Clovis and Carl/Riner.

This mage was thin and tall with long black beard and hairs. He wore a black cloak and had a cruel gaze.

"How dare you harm my apprentices! You'll pay dearly for it!" This mage growled.

"Your apprentices were bullying a commoner. Then they harassed my friend, tried to rape her, and attempted to kill me as well." Clovis said.

"And so? Mages are a higher class than yours!" The mage barked. He was apparently a knight-hater callous villain. "We can do whatever we want. You have some guts going against the societal order. How dare you raise your sword against mages!? You, mere squire! You and your mentor will pay-"

"Oye, geezer, shut the fuck up!" Carl suddenly shouted and the mage froze up in anger, staring daggers at him.

"Your dumb apprentices tried to rape this beauty. I must punish you for that." Carl said.

"Such impudence! Who are you? I can sense your mixed-element magic. A lowly support-class mage dares insult a teacher of the Magic Academy? I will rip you to shreds!" The mage shrieked.

"Bring it on!" Carl shouted and his mixed element magic burst forth in bright multi-colored lights. Diana looked at his handsome profile and her heart beat faster.

"He's willing to fight it out with a powerful mage for me?" Diana thought while blushing. She was smitten by his handsome powerful young mage who was so forthright with his emotions and thoughts, and acted in such manly ways.

"Er...I think he'll prove to be stronger than us." Clovis said to Carl in a low voice. "He's a teacher from the Magic Academy- a hub of strong mages. They'll seek retribution for even the harm of reputation."

"I'm not sparing anyone involved in harming this fair maiden." Carl said seriously and then glanced at him. "You don't strike me as the type to cower. Cast away your logic and join forces with me. Long as we kill this mage and his apprentices, we'll be fine." Carl said.

"Hah! I hear you! Such guts, brat! Let's see you try me!" The mage snarled; winds billowing around him making his cloak float.

"Sure." Carl showed no fear and stepped forth. Clovis groaned and stepped forward too. There was no backing out from this fight.

Bwooosh! The mage struck first, without any warning. A powerful gust of wind struck Carl, Clovis, and Diana, introducing them to the great might of a proper mage.

"Qi Barrier!" Clovis shouted and exhausted his entire chi to create a strong yellow qi barrier around them.

"Boost!" Carl cast his spell at the barrier, boosting its durability.

Boom!! A wind explosion occurred. The street was largely destroyed and debris fell around. The people were flung away like ragdolls, and dust blew everywhere. Screams of the startled and injured public echoed and they all scurried away as fast as they could.

As the dust began to settle, the mage was found staring incredulously at the yellow qi barrier which was still intact without a single crack on it!

"W-what! What?! How can a mere boost spell withstand my high-grade assault spell? This is impossible!" He shouted in his mind.

"Halt!" A shout echoed as several soldiers approached the area and surrounded the belligerents. A bulky knight in red and black armor stood in front of Clovis and others.

"Sir Ironclaw!" Clovis exclaimed, absorbing the qi barrier.

"I see, you're still as shallow as always, Kyro." The knight Ironclaw said to the tall mage, ignoring Clovis for now.

"Hmph! You're one to talk, beloved-killer." Kyro snarled.

"Trying to harm my apprentice; your days must be numbered. I dare you to try another spell on these children." Ironclaw snarled.

"Hmph, if you leash your puppy properly, he won't get flattened by elephants." Kyro said. "I'll spare your pathetic squire but that mage boy needs to die. He insulted me."

Kyro apparently didn't want to fight it out with Ironclaw for just a minor scuffle between apprentices and squires; but he assumed that Ironclaw possibly won't defend a mage, thus Kyro chose Carl as his target.

"The only person that's going to die here is you, dumbass." Carl said as multicolored lights enveloped him. Diana's sword that he had picked up from the road, glowed brightly in his hand.

Swoosh! He hurled it like a spear at Kyro before boosting his own strength.

BOOM! Like a rocket, the sword struck, causing an explosion of magic and wind.

Dust billowed everywhere again. Kyro could be seen inside a cracked barrier that he had conjured at the last moment. He seemed livid and in shock.

Carl's guts and prowess startled everyone else too.

"Tch! Couldn't kill him." Carl sighed. "And now I've spent all of my magic too." He muttered before looking at Ironclaw. "Yo. I saved your squire. You'll defend me and spare me from investigation too, right?"

"We knights admire strength and courage, boy. You have them both. You shall have my backing as a thanks for helping my squire." Ironclaw said. "I'm intrigued about who you are though. Who's your mentor?"

"I'm Riner. My mentor is the Merchant Guild's leader- Mr. Lucas." Carl answered.

"Ah, that makes sense. Lucas used to be quite a popular support-class mage back in his youth before he became a merchant." Ironclaw remembered. Then he looked at Kyro who was glaring daggers at Carl.

"Kyro. I'm arresting you & your apprentices for causing discord in a public place." Ironclaw said.

"Ah? You dare?" Kyro was ready for blows.

"Stop this quarrel immediately!" Suddenly a new voice resounded and a few purple cloaked mages were seen flying over on brooms & carpets.

"Ah great! Ken & his bitches, just fucking great!" Kyro cussed and rolled up his wide sleeves for another fight.

"I saw through my crystal ball what transpired here." Ken said as he landed in the ruined street. "Kyro, do you have no shame? Trying to kill two righteous younglings despite your own apprentices being in the wrong? No wonder your apprentices are just as evil as you."

"Hey, watch your tongue! These two brats are the real criminals here!" Kyro spouted.

"Hey, fuck you, old man! Do you wanna have another fight?" Carl challenged boldly. At once everyone was amazed at his guts.

Clovis, who was standing beside Carl, didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But he was also equally amazed. "Such guts! Such a vile mouth! He's just like Carl!" Clovis thought.

Little did he know that Riner really was Carl!

"Hehe, what an interesting young man." Ken mused and smiled. "Kyro, take your wretched apprentices and go back to the academy. The principal wants to have a word with you." He said and Kyro grumpily followed the command, muttering something inaudible as he picked up his unconscious little twerps.

"And I apologize to you for this blunder, Sir Ironclaw. Magic Academy has harmed your squire. We're willing to compensate you." Ken said. He was actually a partner in crime with Ironclaw regarding Anastasia, and they had become good friends quickly. This was why he rushed over to aid him against his Council member. A mage wouldn't aid a knight otherwise.

"Could you compensate for someone's life?" Carl butted in again. "Those rascals could have killed Clovis. They almost raped this girl." He showed off Diana who was buck naked. She blushed, covering her large breasts and crotch with her hands. Ken and others eyed her lustfully.

"I was already on the move when the fight broke out. I would have stopped any deaths from occurring." Ken lied & smiled. "You have a righteous heart, young lad, & your magic talent is quite amazing. Why haven't you joined the Magic Academy yet? We'd love to have you as a student."

"Fuck you and your academy. I'm out. And keep your dogs leashed. Next time they won't make it back to your kennel alive." Carl threatened brazenly, leaving everyone tongue-tied as he left the place. No one stopped him.

"Umm…hey, why are you taking Diana with you?" Clovis called out.

"Hmm?" Carl smirked, looking back and squeezed Diana's big butt. "I'm taking her as my guest to the Merchant Guild. She'll be taken care of, don't worry. Or do you want to join?"

"Kuh…" Clovis flustered. It was obvious that Riner was going to fuck Diana! And Clovis would totally join as a cuckold, but Diana was his daughter! He needed to protect her.

"C-Clovis, I'm old enough!" Diana spoke at this point while flustering. "Please don't embarrass me."

"Diana…" Clovis uttered sadly as he realized his daughter was indeed old enough to pick a partner.

"Hahaha! Ah the youth..." Ken chuckled and then stole a glance at Ironclaw. This glance carried a different question.

"Merchant Guild. Lucas." Ironclaw shared his intel and Ken nodded.

"We shall meet again." Ken said to Ironclaw and flew away with his apprentices. Clovis and Ironclaw left the place too, & only some soldiers and two of Ken's apprentices stayed behind to fix the devastated street and assuage the public.


Carl walked on, thinking, "Everything turned out just fine. I should be able to enter the Magic Academy soon! Gosh, acting is a difficult occupation!

"Glad I chose to not constrict my nature." He smiled. "But still, to think that I'd finally stumble upon my best friend! All my attempts to locate him had been futile, and the moon temple is heavily fortified with magic to find Eva.

"Not that it matters now, sigh. I can no longer reveal my identity to them. But I'm glad I got to see at least Clovis in good health. May your strength continue to rise, my friend. I wonder if I'll get to see Eva again anytime sooner?"

"Umm…I'm Diana." Diana said, blushing and disturbing Carl's thoughts. "C-could you lend me a shirt?"

"Hmm? What for? You should not be ashamed of your beauty. Let everyone see your sexy body." Carl smirked, squeezing Diana's ass. A trace of magic flowed from his palm into Diana's body. It was the 'Persuasion' spell that persuaded the targeted person to adhere to the caster's demand. The more gullible the target, the better the effect.

"O-okay…" Diana blushed submissively.

Carl and Diana were walking on the main road and people were watching incredulously at them. Diana's large breasts were utterly delicious, and her big butt twerked side to side with each step she took. People couldn't help but stare and some men even chose to follow her!

"Hey, nice slut you got there. How much for her?" A burly commoner man asked, approaching them with a gang.

"Join our brothel, girl." Another man said. Apparently, they all worked for a brothel and collected pretty girls.

"Nonsense. She is mine." Carl snorted, slapping Diana's butt. She blushed submissively. "But let us rent a room in your brothel. I can't wait any longer hehe."

Diana gulped. "A b-brothel…?"

"Would you rather parade through the entire city to find a tavern? And my place is at the farthest corner of the city." Carl said.

"N-no. Brothel is fine." Diana exhaled nervously. Carl kissed her cheek and then winked at the brothel's handymen who smiled in understanding.

Apparently, Carl's character had also changed over months like his two friends. While Eva became a slut, Clovis became a cuckold; and Carl became a pimp!

Although if Carl knew the relationship between Diana and Clovis, he might have let her go, but he simply thought she was some gullible knight girl acquainted with Clovis. He didn't know that he was about to screw up Clovis' daughter! Not that Cucklovis would mind.

"Sure, come with us. We offer cheap rooms, good prostitutes, and strong aphrodisiacs." The men surrounded the two, and Diana was led inside a pink colored brothel building.

Inkyug Inkyug

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