
Chapter 26: Who Says The Hidden Mist Has No Future?

Biwa Juzo returns.

He appears quite disheveled, with numerous injuries as if he has been through a fierce battle, and in this battle, he mostly seemed to be on the losing side.

However, Biwa Juzo's eyes are shining brightly, filled with excitement.


"Soma, thank you."

Biwa Juzo thanks Uehara Soma once again.

"Juzo-senpai, the Blue Rose Sword, is it still serving you well?"

"It's not just serving me well, it's exceptional."

Biwa Juzo glances at the Blue Rose Sword hanging from his waist.

"It's far superior."

"It's not that I don't respect the Great Blacksmith from back then, or that I don't respect the Executioner's Blade, but the Blue Rose Sword is indeed much stronger than the Executioner's Blade."

"Surely, your forging technique, Soma, has surpassed that of the Great Blacksmith from back then."

Biwa Juzo continues, "Mizukage-sama said my strength has increased by more than thirty percent compared to before, and if I become more skilled with the Blue Rose Sword, there's still room for improvement."

"Among elite Jonin, I can now consider myself among the top."

"I have returned the Executioner's Blade to Mizukage-sama. From today onwards, I only have one companion, and that is the Blue Rose Sword. There won't be a second."

"Oh, by the way, Soma, have you decided on a name for your Ninjato?"

"It's too unfair to simply classify Kiriichimonji and the Blue Rose Sword under the category of Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords. They deserve exclusive names."

Uehara Soma nods.

He has thought about this as well.

In the future, he will forge more and possibly stronger ninja tools.

After all, his Forging Technique will improve.

The difference between ordinary and good quality is significant.

And beyond good, there's more.

Compared to the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords, they're truly not strong enough. Even an ordinary Kiriichimonji is better than many in the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords.

The Blue Rose Sword, likewise.

"I need to think about it."

"Juzo-senpai, what's the deal with Kaguya Hikari?"

Uehara Soma asks.

Biwa Juzo is silent for a moment.

"The Kaguya Clan is a very troublesome ninja family. They're eccentric, radical, greedy, and extremely aggressive. They enjoy fighting, and if possible, no one wants to have any dealings with them."

"It's not an exaggeration to say they're inherently evil."

"Perhaps they heard some information about Kiriichimonji and want to investigate."

"But since Mizukage-sama spoke, people from the Kaguya Clan shouldn't cause trouble here on Forging Island."

"But if you, Soma, need to leave Forging Island for any reason, make sure to take me with you. Otherwise, who knows what those lunatics might do."

"No one can figure out what's going on in their heads."

Uehara Soma digests Biwa Juzo's words.

These evaluations, as Uehara Soma listens, feel familiar.

Especially the phrase "inherently evil."

Originally, Uehara Soma had some sympathy for the Kaguya Clan because, in the original storyline, the Kaguya Clan's fate was tragic, almost the entire family disappeared.

During the civil war with the Hidden Mist Village, they were nearly wiped out.

Just like Konoha's Uchiha clan.

But Uehara Soma can tell that Kaguya Hikari brings ill intentions.

Uehara Soma can understand the pursuit of the ninjato he crafted by the people of the Hidden Mist Village.

Hoshigaki Kisame dreams of owning a ninjato of this caliber.

Zabuza feels the same.

And Biwa Juzo's attitude towards the Blue Rose Sword is also similar.

But Uehara Soma cannot accept Kaguya Hikari's approach.

The whole situation with the Kaguya Clan is something Uehara Soma doesn't fully understand, but when Biwa Juzo mentions that there's something wrong with the Kaguya Clan's minds, Uehara Soma feels it's entirely fitting when applied to Kaguya Hikari.

Uehara Soma ponders deeply.

"It's likely that in the original storyline, there was a reason why the Kaguya Clan was almost wiped out," he thinks.

"It's not just a problem with the Hidden Mist Village."

"The Kaguya Clan itself has significant issues."

Biwa Juzo continues, "On Forging Island, the Kaguya Clan definitely won't dare to cause trouble. If we go outside, with me accompanying you, Soma, you don't need to worry too much about your safety."

"But, Soma, you still need to quickly improve your strength."

"With your talent in Water Release, it's actually not difficult."

Uehara Soma nods.

"I understand, Juzo-senpai," he says.

Biwa Juzo proposed, "Shall we continue our special training tomorrow?"



Mizukage's Building.

Third Mizukage stands behind the window, looking towards Forging Island, with a hint of joy on his face.

"Well done, well done."

"The ability of Kiriichimonji is indeed special. Its Unhealable ability can play a huge role in battle, and it takes effect upon impact, even stronger than the lower four swords among the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords."

"And this Blue Rose Sword is akin to an external Ice Release Kekkei Genkai, directly enhancing Biwa Juzo's strength by nearly thirty percent, and that's not its limit."

"Biwa Juzo, once he fully masters the Blue Rose Sword, will be much stronger than before."

"More importantly, within just half a month's interval, Soma has forged his second ninjato."

"This is truly surprising."

The appearance of Kiriichimonji has already astonished Third Mizukage.

Third Mizukage didn't expect that the Hidden Mist Village could still produce individuals with Forging Technique reaching the level of the Great Blacksmith from back then.

He didn't expect that Forging Island could produce Ninjato of Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords caliber.

But what Third Mizukage had hoped for previously was that as long as Uehara Soma could forge three Ninjato like Kiriichimonji, even if the other two were slightly inferior, he would be satisfied.

But now, Third Mizukage realizes he has underestimated Uehara Soma far too much.

"Uehara Soma's Forging Technique is probably surpassing that of the Great Blacksmith from back then."

"The number of Ninjato he can forge in the future will definitely exceed three..."

"If he can maintain this efficiency, it will be at least dozens, or even more."

"Even if the efficiency decreases in the future, this number will surely not decrease."

With that thought, Third Mizukage's breathing suddenly became rapid.

"In that case, what kind of improvement will it be for my Hidden Mist Village?"

"Perhaps, in the future, my Hidden Mist Village could also take a seat at the top position among the world's ninja villages."

"This is not an impossible thing."

"Who says my Hidden Mist Village has no future?"


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C26
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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