75% Pokemon: The Continuation of a Dream / Chapter 6: Battles At The Airport [6]

章 6: Battles At The Airport [6]

"My original choices were between Torchic and the starter from Sinnoh, Chimchar. This was due to their fighting type but I have a different Pokemon to fill out that role here. Plus there's a different fire type I'm aiming for." I respond pointing at the second option on my notes.

Originally wanting a fire/fighting type due to me doing Muay Thai.

This could not only help me bond easier with my starter but relieve any issues with compatibility which I clearly ignored picking Mudkip.

My train of thoughts eliminated Emboar due to not having the desired speed for my fighting style. Blaziken and Infernape were a tie theoretically, unless Torchic had [Speed Boost]. That's the problem though as there's no guarantee my guy would have his hidden ability.

Mega Blaziken does exist but with me growing up playing the Sinnoh games it was a simple choice.

My favourite games as a kid were diamond later platinum. Playing hours on end without much restriction from my parents who introduced me to Pokemon.

It's just something about the specimen of a monke Infernape is that activates the neurons in my head.

Although it still cracks my top 5 favourite Pokemon, but taking a Pokemon due to stupidity isn't something I want to do.

Unfortunately had to scrap the fire monkey idea…

But this was for a good reason. The extreme possibilites known to me and myself only with anime and game knowledge was too much.

Due to this I had a replacement right in front of me and when it's fully evolved was a dual type. It was the perfect Pokemon to protect me from dangerous situations. Potentially my hidden card in fights.

Plus it will always stay by my side outside its Pokeball.

"But hey isn't this Pokemon only a fighting type?" He questions looking at it's secondary typing. 

Not willing to answer I give a simple response.

"I suppose so, maybe I'll change that later." I say with a small smile knowing otherwise.


[A few hours later]

'My first battle.' I thought looking at my Mudkip a bit excited. Mudkip who was equally happy was beaming with a wide smile.

Currently, we were at the airport which had its own battlefield. The storms caused by "unknown forces" caused tens of flights to be delayed. So Joshua told me to get some reps in with battling for the first time.

"You're a new trainer eh! A bit late but don't worry I've got a newly caught Pokemon." My opponent who was an old rock climber, warmly said.

"Thank you so much, sir!" I say getting a hearty laugh as a response.

He had a bushy beard, a bit round but it gave him that friendly charm. The man wasn't wearing all of his hiking equipment but had a Pokeball belt.

"This will be a one-on-one, the winner is decided when a Pokemon faints or the trainer forfeits," Joshua says refereeing the match.

Giving him a grateful look the match was now on the way. My father, So, was just off to the side watching intently. Pulling out my notebook I quickly remind myself of Mudkip's moveset. While I had a peek just before this, double-checking never hurt anyone.

Just a little bit later Joshua announces the battle.


Hearing this the rock climber sent out his Pokemon.

"Baltoy…" It robotically said.

"Mudkip!" My starter growled out, running in front of me with a serious look.

The battlefield was the size of a futsal court with the floor being some sort of hard wood. Making the grounds pretty neutral for battles.

'Baltoy is weak to water so keeping my distance is key. While he may have psychic move I can counter with [Mirror Coat].'

Quickly analysing my options, it took just a few second for me to make the first move.

The rock climber seemed to have been waiting.

"Mudkip use [Barrier] on yourself." I specify knowing this Mudkip's inherent quirk. Taking in the command, Mudkip's eyes glowed a little as a pink hue occurred around his body.

My opponent not sitting still made his first move.

Because of the total distance of the battleground it was next to near impossible to know what I said, he could only guess what the glow on Mudkip was. unfortunately this went for both sides though.

"[Rapid Spin] Baltoy! Close the gap."

The clay doll Pokemon not wasting anytime started to float towards Mudkip while spinning at a rapid pace.

"Use [Water Gun] at Baltoy's lower body!"

Mudkip who was relishing in the extra safety he felt, with no hesitation charged up a [Water Gun] and aimed right after.


A strong beam of water directly aimed at Baltoy's body hit the target. With the sheer strength of the attack the Pokemon was sent back

"Well done Mudkip. Now back up a few steps before using [Water Gun] at Baltoy!"

Mudkip making even more space between himself and his enemy, started to charge up a [Water Gun].

"Baltoy dodge the attack and use [Confusion]." The rock climber instructed.


Baltoy who was effectively on the floor, still had energy as it's best stat was special defense. Using the open space due to how far Mudkip was, Baltoy successfully dodged. 

Now on the counter, it was too late as I had no idea what move would be next. An because of a battle like this being reactionary and figuring out your opponent, I could only watch as Mudkip was rag dolled a few steps back by a psychic move.

"Kipp!" He groaned in some sort of pain.

'A special attack huh.' I thought seeing that the opponent would probably use it again. It took only a few seconds but Mudkip thankfully recovered.

"Mudip, use [Mirror Coat] on your body and aim it at Baltoy." I say not too loud.

The Rockclimber having not heard me, intructed another [Confusion] seeing that it worked.

"[Confusion] Baltoy!"

Mudkip who already completed the [Mirror Coat] found himself being jump but an invisble wave of energy. Thankfully he could fully handle it as the move quickly got bounced back.

Even so this did minimal damage as the most Baltoy did was a speedy turn.

The battle already being limiting as it was to Baltoy didn't favour it anymore due to its limited moveset. Taking this information to my advantage I quickly wittled down the clay doll Pokemon as it tried to close the distance with [Rapid Spin].

"Winner, Sunny and Mudkip!" Joshua happily announced as more than a couple claps could be heard.

Looking around in confusion the battle must of attracted a few people to watch as this was a public area.

"Lets go Mudkip!" I warmly say, jogging up to the good boy. Mudkip right after winning was already running in pursuit of me as he jumps into my hug.

Feeling the weight hit my chest I'm forced to spin to redirect the momentum.

"Kip kip! Mudkip!" Snuggling into my chest I gave him lots of pats.

"Well played young man there wasn't much I could do!" The cheerful rock climber said walking up to me as Baltoy was already returned to its Pokeball. Turning around and laying Mudkip down, I do a quick bow which my starter cutely imitated.

"Thanks a lot for the battle experience, it was a nice match." 

Saying our goodbyes we made our separate ways.

Even with that though my little train of friendly battles just begun as I could challenge people to my hearts content. With the Pokemon Center being just a minute away my Mudkip and started to challenge any trainer we could.

If they had stage 1-2 Pokemon of course.

No final evolutions or Pokemon without an evolution. I'm trying to train not torture my boy.

Even with how much of a peak specimen Mudkip was, there as some limits until it's just not training anymore and full beat down.

My second battle did end with a loss to a Nuzleaf though but without giving up we made up for those losses against a Wurmple and Tailow from separate trainers. This tirade of battles went on until I had a win and loss ratio of 5-3.

It was at the end did I lose to a Staryu as Mudkip had finally lost all its initial fire for Pokemon battles due to fatigue. Now retrieving my mudfish from the Pokemon Center, I took a seat while letting my starter sit on my lap.

"Here Sunny, this is some of the Pokemon food your mother bought with you a few days ago." My dad says pulling out a container from his bag.

Despite the bag getting soaked, the food was in a container thankfully.

"Thanks dad!"

Taking the food I quickly opened it up as the smell came right out which Mudkip immediately smelt. Seeing this I smirk knowing it was food time.


Putting my hand inside and taking a few pallets which resembled kibble a little, I put my hand in front of the tired mudfish.

"Kip? aaa!" Looking at the stuff in front confused, it didn't take long before he went to town with the food.

No mercy as he chomps down!


"That tickles a little." I sort of giggle out which made Mudkip who saw this even happier.

Taking out more food as he literally licked the food clean off my hand, I spent some more time playing with the little goober.

As he rolled around in my lap the time started to pass by faster.

[A few days later (Outskirts of Route 5)]

"This was your favourite place to visit Sunny, you would explore the old befriending lots of Pokemon."

Taking all of my mothers words in I just stay silent.

The reason?

In front of me in the middle of the front was Mudkip constantly getting pats from Sue. The absolute traitor was enjoying the free food and pats.

Squinting my eyes I stare at the peak specimen.

I wasn't mad from jealously…

But the fact it ruins his diet.

'I have to count all the extra food she gives him.' I grumble.

"Mudd~" Watching his adorable face, my heart could melt from how cute he was.

Brother is lucky he will evolve into the even PEAKER SPECIMEN.


His job is to be able to handle what ever the opponent throws his way. No matter the ace my opponent has or strategies laid in front of him.

"When we get there can I head out for a bit." I ask to which both parents nodded with hidden smiles.

"Sure but don't take too long, I'm gonna make sandwiches." She replies while snuggling with my Mudkip making me a little salty. So/father, who was driving was probably gonna paint using nature around for some inspiration.

"What are you writing down right now Sunny?" Sue curiously asks seeing me drowned into my notes again.

"Just some information about keeping Mudkip outside his Pokeball. It's better for stamina for him to walk everywhere with me."

I thought using logic and the reasoning, Ash's Pikachu.

"Kipp!" Mudkip soon after agrees.

More time outside = more hugs and treats

Taking ultra care of my boy is top priority right now. As much as I wanted a Infernape or Blaziken as my ace this is the best decision for me.

They have too many weaknesses.

While someone could argue "This isn't a game", isn't it better to have one obvious weakness and improve on it. Rather than multiple and needing other Pokemon to cover for him.

The point of having an Ace Pokemon is to build a team around him as pillars of support.

But what if I don't need to?

If I just get the strongest specimens I could get my hands on, what then?

A Hydreigon has three heads. Imagine two using protect while the main head spams moves, the creativity for attacks is limitless.

The sky is also the limit for my team choices making me even more versatile.

While hypocritical as I'm trying to counter every type.

Every competent mixed Pokemon team needs to have a flying type, countering grass anyways. So instead of picking members out of necessity, my choice of power houses are valid as there are no downsides.

'Theoretically right now, I could add three pseudo-legendary Pokemon without overlapping any types.'

The difference between the other two Pokemon and Swampert is that I can focus immediately on his strength and counter attack training. 85% of the region is forests, training against grass types wouldn't be the craziest idea in the world.

Plus my friend new team member is waiting for me…

'Just you wait…'

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


