40% Harry Potter Veela's Embrace / Chapter 12: The Veela's Gift

章 12: The Veela's Gift

At the same time Gabrielle's eyes widened when she realized what Fleur was about to do. "Non Fleur, 'e's mine!"

Neither heard the other or if they did, it didn't stop them, their voices said the same words at the same time "With all that I am and with all of my love, I name you my bondmate," Fleur's lips touched a shocked Harry's while Gabrielle desperately grabbed for Harry's hand and kissed it.

Harry felt a rush of power overwhelm his senses. He sensed warmth, a brilliant light, he saw two beautiful birds flying into the air surround by fire, and then he succumbed to the darkness as he lost consciousness.

When Harry awoke he found himself in a very familiar spot, Hogwarts hospital wing. Harry had spent many nights in this room over the last three and a half years. He tried to remember what had happened this time.

After a few moments of silent contemplation, the events started to unfold in his mind. Harry remembered the lake; he remembered helping Fleur and saving Ron and then saving Fleur and Gabrielle.

He blushed as he remembered being kissed by Fleur and Gabrielle but then he remembered the birds blazing in fire and that's where his memory ended. He searched for more, but nothing else came. He tried to sit up and was surprised that for being as sore as he was, he felt incredibly well.

"Oh Mr. Potter I'm so glad you are awake," Madame Pomfrey said as she came over to his bed. She immediately started waving her wand and uttering spell after spell. Her wand would glow with various colors until finally, "All looks well Mr. Potter. Here take this," She handed over a bottle of greenish liquid with flakes of blue floating in it.

Harry didn't bother to ask what it was; he just downed the contents in a gulp.

"Now the Headmaster asked to be notified upon your awakening. I shall return soon," With that she hastened out of the hospital wing leaving Harry looking around still very much confused.

Harry found his glasses lying were they normally were when he awoke in the hospital wing. Once he'd put them on, he noticed that Fleur and Gabrielle were lying in beds on either side of him. He looked at Fleur first as he remembered her giving him a kiss to thank him for saving her.

"She's very beautiful," He admitted as he saw her silvery-blonde hair splayed across the white pillow, her skin aglow, and her lips curved in a smile. Harry then looked over at Gabrielle, and could see the same silvery hair, though not quite as long. Her skin also was aglow and she also seemed to be smiling in her sleep. "What happened to her?" He wondered. "She changed from a small child into this young lady in front of my eyes."

Harry looked around the Hospital ward and was surprised to find no one else in the beds. Normally Madam Pomfrey would separate the girls from the boys if there was room. "Maybe they're not injured, maybe they were just waiting to say thanks again and fell asleep."

Harry's musing ended a few minutes later when Professor Dumbledore walked into the wing, "Good afternoon Harry, I hope you are feeling better."

"Yes professor, but I'm still trying to figure out what happened," Harry replied. "I mean I remember getting out of the lake and a few other things...but then nothing."

"Ah yes, make yourself comfortable Harry for we have much to discuss. We have a," Dumbledore looked out a window and then back at Harry, "unique problem and we must figure out what you want to do."

Harry propped himself up on his pillows and waited. He knew Dumbledore explained things at his own pace. He could see from Dumbledore's blue eyes that something was troubling him greatly. "Do about what sir?" He finally asked.

"Harry, do you know what a Veela is?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes sir. I saw them at the World Cup," Harry responded.

"And you saw their magic?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry remembered how he was ready to jump out of the top box at the World Cup when they were dancing. "Sort of sir, they can make men well uh do things and they can turn into bird form and throw fireballs."

"Mostly correct Harry. Did you know Miss Delacour was part Veela?"

"She mentioned at the wands thing that her grandmother was Veela," Harry replied.

"Yes she did. I remember her doing so. Yes, she is quarter Veela and obviously so is her sister Gabrielle," Said Dumbledore and with a nod he gestured at the girl in the other bed.

"Sir, what happened to Gabrielle? When we first got to the hostages, she looked like...like a child, but as we were swimming to the surface, she started to glow and...and...well she grew up," Harry asked.

"Well Harry," Dumbledore started. "That is part of the Veela in her. A Veela will stop growing at a young age until her mind and body is ready for the stress of, shall we say womanhood."

"Why?" Harry asked in obvious confusion.

"One of the, hmm, many virtues of Veela is their tempers."

Harry remembered the World Cup and how the Veela acted when things didn't go their team's way and he just nodded.

"Having the power of the Veela in a young woman who is going through the, umm, changes a woman undergoes as she grows," Dumbledore eyes were now focused on the wall above Harry's bed, "Well nature has decided that would be unwise. So they stop growing while their minds and body undergo those changes and then transform when the time is right."

Harry didn't quite understand what Dumbledore meant but left it at that. "But sir what does Fleur and Gabrielle being Veela have to do with me?"

"Ah, now that is the difficult part Harry. Let me ask you, what happened in the lake and please I need every detail when it comes to you and Miss Delacour."

Harry started with his story, how after taking the gillyweed, he had swum toward the center of the lake and how he had come across Fleur struggling with the Grindylows. He explained how he had assisted her and at that he stopped and asked. "Professor, they were simple spells, why wasn't Fleur able to do them? She's a lot older and..." Harry's question disappeared into nothing as the Headmaster nodded his head.

"Fleur's magic is a combination of Veela and wizarding power Harry," Dumbledore started, "What do you remember most vividly about the Veela?" Then with a small chuckle at the look on Harry's face. "Besides their beauty?"

Harry thought of the Veela at the World Cup, "The fire."


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