56.66% I'm a Quincy, Are you kidding me!? / Chapter 13: Chapter 9: departure x supplies x bestowing schift

章 13: Chapter 9: departure x supplies x bestowing schift

Dwelling of Spirits

One month later

Riku POV

I have worked hard the past month to develope my skills and abilities, I feel that I may reach enlighentment soon. I heard that its an evolution for humans, elves, dwarves, high humans and other similar races; they obtain this evolution through training and breaking a mental barrier but thats different for everyone.

Me:'[Spirit Sage] I would like to se my current list of skills using [archive].'


After hering that, a screen popped up that shows the list of my current skills.


Unique skills:[Creater], [spirit sage], [archive], [divide], [reflect], [soul distribution], [emperor]

Intrinsic skills: [blut], [universal sense], [material creation]

Extra skills: [spacial manipulation], [hirenkyaku], [magic absorption], [apply poison], [multilayer barrier], [body double], [light manipulation], [darkness manipulation]

Resistance skills: [pain resistance], [spiritual attack resistance], [magic resistance], [poison resistance], [paralysis resistance]


Thanks to the spirit of dawn I was able to learn how to acquire the skills [light manipulation] and [darkness manipulation]. I was also able to evolve [spacial movement] into [spacial manipulation]. By combining [spacial manipulation] and [darkness manipulation] it became easier to create a (corridor to darkness).

I was able to recreate magics from multiple animes that I've always liked like from fairy tail, overlord, by the grace of the gods, wisemans grandson, realist hero, and other such anime.

I think it's time to continue my journey through this world to gather allies that I could trust when the time comes. However the first thing I need to do is gather more supplies to be prepared for whatever comes my way.

Me:"Well it is time I get going. I'll see you later Ramiris."

Ramiris:"Yeah I'll see you later." she said with a reluctant sad face.

Can't say I blame her, we did spend a month together; between me getting use to my new abillities and me introducing her to manga we grew as friends.

Me:"Don't give me that look Ramiris, its not like we'll never see each other again you know."

Ramiris:"I know that but I'll still miss the fun we've had this last month."

Me:"I'll miss the those times too, but don't forget that I can easily teleport here with [spacial manipulation]. I also gave you enough manga to keep you entertained unless other people enter the labyrinth."

Ramiris:"Your right. I'll see you later." She said with a reassured look on her face.

After I nod my head in response, I open a (corridor of darkness) to sarrion so I can pick up more supplies for my journey. I walk through the portal to end up in an ally at sarrion close to Elroys store. Before I left the dwelling of spirits, I changed into my organization XIII coat so I could hide my strength, I don't want attention to myself just yet.

I put up my hood and head to Elroys store, luckily without anything happening I got to elroys store. I walk into the store to find that there a few poeple there including the employees, I also see Elroy working at the counter so ill go ask for the supplies I need.

Me:"Hey Elroy, hows your business treating you?" I say as I pull down my hood.

Elroy:"Riku my boy its been about a month since I last say you. Its been business as usual. So how was your trip to ulgrassia?"

Me:"It was a fruitful trip, saw some sites, fought a couple of monsters. Most of the time I trained my skills and magic. Turns out I can use all the elements but have the strongest affinity for light and darkness attribute and my second strongest affinity was space."

Elroy:"I see, that is interesting. So I take it that you are here to gather more supplies for your journey?" he asked me.

Me:"Yes I came to get more supplies for my journey, cant be too preparedd right?"

Elroy:"Too true." he said while nodding before he continues. "So what is it that you need?"

Me:"Just basics like food, camping gear, same stuff as last time."

Elroy:"Very well, just wait a moment so we can get what we need. In the meantime, where do you plan to go next?"

Me:"I am not sure. Maybe I'll go to Dwargon, or Blumond. Who knows, I might find some companions there."

I was thinking of going to the dragons den near Dwargon so I wasn't lying, and if I'm llucky I might get a dragon subordinate. But I don't know if its too early to get a dragon subordinate, baby steps.

Elroy:"You know Riku, Dwargon is a good place to go to if your looking for a destination. I've been there before and have a couple of friends there including a well known blacksmith Kaijin. If you want I could right you a letter of introduction and maybe he can make you a weapon."

Me:"I see, I would appreciate that thanks Elroy."

Elroy:"No problem my friend. I'm sure he'll like you and you could be friends."

Me:"We could be."

That's interesting, I did not know Elroy would be firends with Kaijin. Well he is a merchant so he is bound to have a few connections in other countries. Having a weapon made by Kaijin does sound appealing, especially if the weapon is made of magisteel that evolves with the user.

After talking for a bit all of the supplies I asked for are on the counter.

Me:"How much do I owe you for the supplies?"

Elroy:"That would be 4 gold coins."

Me:"Ok here you go. Thanks for the spplies." I said while taking the money out and give to Elroy before I place the supplies in my storage space that I was able to create with [spacial manipulation].

Elroy:"And thank you for your business Riku. I'll see you later."

Me:"I'll see you later Elroy." I said as I left his store.

I went to the closest ally so I could use teleportaion to move to the place I was when I first came to this world.

SOD:'So that's the merchent you met before going to dwelling of spirits. He seems like a good guy.'

Me:'yeah he does.'

From there I can go trough the Forest of Jura and then to Dwargon. I then activated a teleportation circle under my feet and leave Sarion.


plains near the Kusha mountains

After I teleported and found that i was definitely at the same plain that I was when I came to the cardinal world. I start to walk in the direction of the ogre village while remaining vigilant so I don't get hit by a sneak attack.

After about 10 minutes of walking, I encountered a slime. It looked to be light blue in color and you can almost see right through it. I wonder what kind of slime it is.

<Answer. The subject in front of you is an ordinary slime with no unique skills.>

I see. this may be my chance to test a couple of things. Lets start by using my sub-skill [imperial haki] to see if I could get the slime to submit to me.

SOD:'So you want to try to make this slime your subordinate?'

Me:'Yes, and I want to test my [soul distribution] skill to try to bestow a schrift on this slime. If it works then it would be good for strengthening my allies.'

SOD:'So how much [imperial haki] will you use on the slime?'

Me:'Since I don't want to kill it I'll use only about 2%.'

SOD:'Makes sense. if you go any further you might kill the thing.'

<Notice. A ordinary slime can withstand about 5% of the sub-skill [imperial haki]. Anything more then that would kill the slime from the pressure.>

Me:'I see, but ill start with 2% just in case. lets begin, [imperial haki] 2%'

I unleash my haki toward the slime that seems to be shaking under the pressure I am giving off. So I deactivate by haki and walked toward the slime before speaking.

Me:"Will you become my subordinate? Bounce for yes, shake your body for no."

After I finished speaking, the slime started bouncing to indicate that it chose to become my subordinate. Seems like using the [emperor] skill was a success but this is only a slime to I need to use it on more powerful individuals to see its affectiveness.

I should give this slime a name and think about the schrift i want to grant it as my subordinate. As a regular slime its has [Dissolve] and [Absorb] as intrinsic skills. Hmmmm... I got it.

Me:"Let's begin." I said as I create a small cup with [material creation] and take out a knife from my [spacial storage].

<Question. Would you like to use the skill [soul distribution]?>

After confirming yes, I cut my hand and let the blood flow out into the cup unril it was about 3/4 fill. Then I use magic to heal the cut.

Me:"Alright slime come here please." after saying that the slime came close before continuing. "I will grant you a name and a schrift. To recieve the schrift you need to consume this cup of my blood."

After I placed the cup infront of it, the slime enveloped the cup with its body disolveing and absorbing the cup and the blood into its body.

Me:"That completes the ritual, your schrift will begin with the letter [M] and your name will be Nacha."

After I gave the slime a name, its body began to shine and I feel the magicules leave my body. I decided it the schrift M for mimic and the name nacha from nachamen which is german for mimic; seems perfect to me.

Since the slime was a weak monster, giving it a name did not drain a lot of magicules. I could also feel its total magicules rising when i gave it a name and a schrift. It also seems to have stopped moving completely.

<Notice. The slime known now as Nacha is experiencing an evolutionary sleep.>

So Nacha is evolving after gaining a name and a schrift, is that right?

<Answer. that conclusion is half right and half wrong.>


<Granting a ordinary slime a name is not enough to cause an evolution for that slime.It is highly possible that depending on the monster or majin that you grant a schrift to, it may cause them to evolve and become unique monsters.>

Me:'what are the odds of the Nacha turning into a unique monster?'

<Answer. the odds that the slime known as Nacha becoming a unigue monster is at 99%.>

I see... Well you could say thats to be expected; I've seen a lot of anime, novels and manga where a slime can become strong and/or evolve based on enviroment or meeting certain conditions.

How long would it be before Nacha completes its evolution?

<Answer. the slime known as Nacha will complete its evolution in 30 minutes.>

Okay then, I can wait for Nacha to finish its evolution before continuing to the ogre village. I'll just meditate until Nacha is finished evolving.


30 minutes of meditation later.

While I was meditating I sensed that Nacha was starting to move around again which meant that it must have finished its evolution. So I opened my eyes to see the slime bouncing toward me.

Me:"I see that your doing well after evolving. Can you show me what you can do?"

Nacha was then surrounded by a black cloud of magicules that came from its body. After a couple of seconds, what emerged was a figure that looked exactlly like me, even down to my clothes. The figure then got on one knee and bowed its head before speaking.

Nacha:"My lord, I am forever grateful that you gave me the name Nacha and for granting me the unique skill [mimic]."

Me:"Your welcome Nacha. your free to stand and please explain what your skill does."

Nacha:"Yes sir." it said boefore standing up and continuing. "My unique skill [mimic] allows me to copy the appearance and abilities of a person or creature if I have enough information about that creature."

Me:"I see. So you were able to mimic my appearance because you consumed my blood before evolving. Are there limits to your [mimic] skill?"

Nacha:"Correct sir. Thanks to you I evolved into a mimic slime. However my unique skill does have some limits. For example, the larger the creature I mimic the more magicules I require to transform. Also, it seems I can copy a persons intrinsic skills, extra skills and common skills but I can't seem to copy unique skills and resistances."

Me:"Are you sure?"

Nacha:"Yes sir. I can use the same magic you do and i can use [spacial manipulation] and your quincy abilities but I can't use any of your unique skills and I can feel my own resistances but not yours."

When Nacha realized that, it looked a bit sad; maybe it is worried that it felt useless because it can't completely copy a person. But Nacha's [mimic] skill can still become strong if used the right way.

Me:"Hmmm, perhaps thats to be expected. After all, unique skills are part of the persons soul but will be lost if they died and resistances are obtained when your body experiences something. So don't let it get you down, your not useless and your not a tool either."

Nacha:"Thank you for your kind words my lord." it said while bowing its head.

Me:"Alright, now lets continue with what else you can...wait I just felt something strange."

Nacha:"I felt it to my lord."

<Notice, a spacial portal is opening about south from your position.>

So thats what I felt, but south? Isn't that is close to the spot where I woke up in this world. Is that a prime spot for otherworlders or something?

Me:"Nacha, I just felt a rift in space close to us. I think we should see whats going on. Also revert to your slime form and hop on my shoulder."

Nacha:"Understood sir." it said then reverted to its slime form and hopped on my shoulder.

Me:'Can you hear me Nacha?' I said using [thought communication].

Nacha:'Yes my lord I hear you.' It replied with a rather young voice. must be its original voice since it used my voice when it copied my apppearance.

Me:'Good well talk like this so no one can hear us. let's go.'

After finishing my sentence, Nacha replied with 'yes sir' and I used [hirenkyaku] to head to where I felt the portal opening. I say what appeared to me five girls wearing what seemed to be a uniform with slight variations. They look familiar to me for some reason.

Nacha:'Sir those five have a similar magical pressence that you do.'

SOD:'I can sense it too, though their power feels different it feels similar to yours.'

That was when it hit me like an bolt of lightning. I remembered exactly who they are.

Me:'I remember now, they're Quincies but not ordinary Quincies. They're sternritters from the wandenreich under the command of Yhwach.'

A/n: what do you think of the story so far? And who from the quincies should become his allies?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


