
章 21: Revival

A little earlier than intended, but my little sister wont stop pestering me...if only i had the daggers. Just joking but here you go.

The rays of sun were coming peaking through the curtains as Klaus woke up in his bed. He looked at his phone to see the time, it was still 7 AM so he thought of getting up to freshen up but as he did he felt a little weight on his arm so he turned around to find his little wolf and he looked at her as the things from last night started to sync in.

After Klaus had consoled her and they shared a kiss, Hayley didn't want to leave Klaus's side so they decided to sleep together in Klaus's bed. Klaus moved the hair that was covering Hayley's face and just looked at her with all smiles.

Haley was always someone he had a crush on in his original life. She was beautiful and stunning and he enjoyed her fierce, brave and loyal personality witch she constantly showcased.

As Klaus was looking at her several thought went through his mind and had to clench the side of the bed not to just jump her. He had memories of the original Klaus who shared imitate moments with Haley, witch led to pregnancy but watching his memories play along was like watching bad porn. He wanted her for himself but had to bite the urge knowing that there was bigger play at hand.

Haley was now pregnant with his child and while he already had her loyalty, he also needed her love. He could not have her mind or feelings split between the wolfs and the Mikaelson so he needed to be patient.

Hayley started to slowly open her eyes and saw Klaus's face staring back at her and a smile lit up on her face. "Good morning." said the she wolf.

"Good morning, little wolf." replied Klaus. They both just stayed in bed for an hour talking about stuff they should do together and also how they should be decorating their daughter's nursery.

After that they got up and Hayley got up to got to her room to freshen up but before she left she placed a gentle kiss on Klaus's lips which made him happy.

"See you in a bit." said Hayley.

"See you love."


Klaus got to the kitchen to find a note from his brother: will be back to by evening to help with the wolves. - Elijah.

Klaus was actually sad that his brother wasn't gonna be around. Among everyone here Elijah was the one whose company he enjoyed the most, beside Haley. But he was also glad his brother was getting on with his own life, but he still noticed him giving him strange looks from time to time.

He also noticed during their conversations how he would often mix up some details or say something wrong having Klaus often remind him by his own recollection. He knew he was being tested realized it would not be long before their brotherly talk. 

While Klaus was confident on how to handle the situation he also knew Elijah was not to be underestimated. He just hoped it would not end up with a dagger or worse a stake.

Klaus has also been keeping contact with Tyler and the vampires he turned during his trip to Mystic falls. It was not long before the school was to start up again and so far they have all been doing their part, the difficulty was on his side, convincing Kol to help him with his plan as he had novene else he could trust.

(Outside Rousseau's)

Elijah was nervous which was unlike him, with him being a 1000 year old vampire and all. Things like going out with a girl should seem normal to him but he felt a bit different about this, about Camille. She was very kind and understood him in a way most people wouldn't.

He also knew that this wasn't exactly a date since she had only asked him to come along as she wanted to know about her brother's death.

Elijah looked at his watch to see the time and was thinking if he had arrived too early, his mind continuously going back to his once cruel, wicked, vindictive brother who now seemed to have returned to the young boy who cherished and always sought to protect his family.

For 1000 years this was all Elijah ever wanted to help his brother guide him back to the light for him to find the redemption and peace but it just didn't sit well with him. No matter how much he tried to think to justify nothing explained the sudden change.

Ever since his return to New Orleans his actions have been nothing as expected. While it was true he retained his merciless and manipulative side when it came to his enemies and while he always deeply cared for his family...in his own way, he would rather face a stake than admit it. 

The way he has been acting with Davina, treating her with kindness and love like he did with Rebekah when they were still innocent, how he been interacting with Marcel like he was his son and the fact he was willing to share the throne of this city was what baffled him the most.

He wanted to believe the child carried by Haley may have been what brought the light to outshine the darkness, he wanted to believe this, he prayed for it but what terrified him was if rather the dankness having been extinguished he was just concealing it. 

Because if it was the case and considering the steps he has taken and still are, making the witches believe they had him on leach, forgiving Marcel, curing the wolfes , playing his part, he was truly terrified what his brother may be up to.

He had often thought of confronting him, to directly question him but was afraid of what he may learn. If he was honest and truly changed, embraced the light he once held then maybe questioning him may cause him to return to the darkness.

However if he learned it was all an act, what would he face then. Even if its only for a short time he wanted to see more of this brother, but he also knew the dangers that followed it if he waited to long.

As he was pondering over this, he saw the very woman he was waiting for walking towards him. A smile was brought to Elijah's face.

"Hey, hope you didn't wait for long?" asked Camille.

"Not at all, I just got here." replied Elijah. "So where are we going first?"

"I was thinking of visiting St. Ann's Church, that's where my brother used to work and it seemed like a good place to start."

"Lead the way." replied the man in suit as they headed to their destination.


Marcel, Rebekah, Davina and Klaus were in the middle of the compound and going over the plan again. They were getting ready to head out but were waiting for Hayley.

"Oh good you're finally here." said Rebekah as Hayley made her way down the stairs. "You seem well rested."

"Yeah I had a great sleep." replied Hayley as she blushed remembering the events from last night and her eyes met Klaus's who just smiled back at her.

Rebekah could see that there had been some development between the two and wanted to know more but before she could ask, "Okay let's review the plan again." spoke Marcel.

Rebekah was frustrated due to the interruption but knew she could interrogate Hayley later. They had the plan set and everyone left to prepare for it.

Hayley and Rebekah were in the study getting ready as Klaus walked in. "Rebekah, a moment." spoke Klaus leading Rebekah to corner of the room while Hlaey was getting prepeared.

"I know I don't need to say this but could you make sure you look after Hayley." started Klaus as his eyes went towards her. While he would not be present as he wanted to know how she would react without his influence.

Rebekah could see the look in her brother's eyes, the eyes she hadn't seen in centuries and she was happy about it. She put a hand on his arm. "Don't worry I will protect her."

Klaus smiled at his sister as he saw the sincerity in her eyes. Knowing he had her.


Davina was alone in the compound with everyone busy with their tasks, she was busy reading the spell to make sure everything was in order when she heard the compound door opening.

Klaus and Marcel had come back with the body of Kaleb Westphall.

"Is this him?" asked Davina.

"No D, this is someone else of course its him." replied Marcel sarcastically which Klaus found amusing as he smirked.

"Okay no need to be mock me. I was just making sure."

"Alright if you ladies are done with your little banter can we get to it?" spoke Klaus. The two nodded in unison while slight annoyed on the remark as Davina went towards the spell and Marcel grabbed the Diamond.

"Okay all that's left is that I put this diamond over the body. I don't want either of you to talk during this part because if I make a mistake the wrong soul will enter this body."

"Understood." "Okay." replied the 2 immortals.

Davina started to chant and she was feeling a little drained but she pulled through and finished the spell.

They waited in anticipation for the boy before them to be revived. It was taking longer than anticipated and they were all getting a little worried.

"Did you cast the spell correctly?" asked Klaus.

"Yes I am sure of it." replied Davina as she went through the papers of the spell book.

"Let me see." said Marcel as he went beside Davina.

Then they heard a gasp from the boy who was supposed to sleep. They turned around to loom as he started to get up.

"Water..." whispered the boy which could only be heard by Klaus and Marcel. Klaus rushed into the kitchen to get a glass of water and handed it to him.

As the boy finished the water he looked at Klaus. "So has the world gone to hell that you sorry lots had to bring me back."

Klaus could tell it was him, it was Kol with all his sarcasm. He hugged his little brother which surprised Kol a little. "Just about, little brother."

The celebration was short lived as they heard a thud and everyone turned towards it.

"Davina?!?!" shouted Marcel.


Rebekah and Hayley were headed into the middle of the bayou and as they did they heard a noise coming from the bushes.

"Who's there!?" shouted Rebekah.

When there was no reply the 2 women looked at each other with concern.

Rebekah kept her bag down. "I will go check it out you stay here." Hayley nodded.

Rebekah went towards the bushes and then there was no noise. Hayley started to get worried.

"Rebekah?" spoke the she wolf.

Then as a response Rebekah popped back into Hayley's sight which relieved her. "I think you would want to talk with this person." replied the blonde.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C21
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


